eighty one

41 1 5

My mouth pops open slightly as I stare at the old and short doctor in front of me. The doctor that experimented and tortured me and kept me in captivity during my time with Hydra.

He's alive. Very much not blown to pieces.

"Andrews! Good, good. I needed your assistance with something, come on. Then I'll let you and your buds go off to training."

Steve shoves me forward slightly, and I come back to myself. Forcing my body to move and walk to him. I look around and find myself in a...lab. Level 6 opens up into an extensive laboratory. There are doctors in white coats in the distance, looking into tubes and typing into computers.

James, Steve and the lady exit after me and we follow the doctor into another room, a much smaller scaled lab.

"What do you need my help with doctor?" I make myself ask, glancing over at the boys and the woman.

"Well," he gestures to the woman. "Sera and I have been working on breaking down the DNA strand so that we could start injecting the serum into some of your soldiers."

Right. Andrews was one of the lieutenants in charge of training Hydra field agents.

"Okay. Any updates?"

"Yes!" The doctor clasps his hands and looks...giddy. "Because parts of it are not known to Earth," I realize he's talking about my DNA. Somehow he must have gotten my blood out of the facility in Florida before I blew it up. "we can use what we already have. A small part decreases healing time, so Sera and I were thinking that we could try to improve that part and maximize it."

That's the part from Peter.

"Maximize it...?" I say.

"Make it stronger. Faster healing, it can be added to the serum and can benefit the agents."

"That would be effective and efficient on the field." I choke out.

"Yes, yes."

"We also found a good portion that shows increased strength." The woman called Sera speaks up and steps forward, heading over to a microscope on one of the tables in the room.

I quickly reach out to Bucky's thoughts.

Are there any cameras in here?

Top left corner.

I look up and find a small camera embedded into the wall.

"I'm thinking that if we can find a way to break down the strands, we can pull out the parts we need and include them into the serum. We wanted your opinion on this." Sera says while bringing a sheet of paper over to me.

Looking down at it, I see a strand of DNA. My DNA, but with labels and little annotations on the side, it's not detailed at all. But it has the main idea of what my DNA is composed of.

"Is there more? Where's the rest of the DNA? I'm not sure if we should continue unless we have enough. We want the serum to improve all our agents, not just a few."

Dr M smiles at me and heads over to the counter top pushed back against the wall, next to a desk with a computer. He squats down and opens one of the cabinets, exposing a...mini fridge.

My head cocks to the side as I analyze this.

He opens it though, and my eyes widen slightly. The whole fridge is filled with vials of blood.

"There shouldn't be a problem. I was able to gather majority of the blood that I took from the witch in Florida. Transported it out in a briefcase of all things." He reaches down, Sera looking at him and I react quickly.

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