fifty three

47 2 1

Today's the day.

I'm getting out.

I'm not doing anymore tests, no more shocking, or fire or water, none of it.

The following couple of days consisted of more testing, they did fire, which was extremely painful because they injected it into my body. Or something that felt like fire.

And then water was awful.

I refuse to even think about it.

They put me in a room with these...things. It was not good, and I hope to never be a part of that again.

My friends came for me, but their intel had to be bad, because Kam said that they went to the wrong facility. Apparently, this one is the most secure.


But I'm ready. I've eaten all of the food they give me, which isn't much, and I've kept quiet. Saving my energy.

I know the rotations, the hallways, the cameras, I can do this.

Kaminsky comes at his normal time and I get up, and follow him. I take deep breaths as we near the ammunition closet, lucky for me the door is propped open and as it's morning, staff is low.

I stop and lean against the doorway to the closet, the guns just there along with the rope. I take big gulps and let my eyes close. My heart pounds in my chest as I hope this works.


The man stops a few feet in front of me and looks me up and down.

"I'm not feeling too good. I think I'm gonna be sick." I gag and go further into the closet, grinning as Kam curses and follows me inside.

I grab the rope and run as soon as he comes inside. I push off the wall and jump onto his back, wrapping the rope around his neck. He slams back into the door, closing it, and somewhat crushing me between the wall, but I tighten my hold and pull the rope tighter around his neck, smiling as he chokes.

Kam jerks back against the door, but I can feel his grip loosen on the rope and his body start to give out.

"Yes, go to sleep. Go to sleep, la la laaa la la laaaaa. Whatever the song is, go to sleep."

Kam's body goes slack and we slide down the wall. I move out from under him and quickly lock the closet door.

I drag his body towards a shelf all the way in the back and I start to tie him up to it. I grab a roll of tape on the shelf and wrap that around him along with the rope, and then I put a couple pieces over his mouth.

Satisfied, I go over to the other shelves and let out a relieved sigh as I find uniforms. I strip out of my disgusting clothes and quickly pull on some black pants, boots, and then a matching long sleeve tee. The pants and boots are a little big, but it will do.

I find a hat and quickly tie up my hair so that it's hidden under the cap. I grab a jacket and zip it up, pulling the collar all the way up to hide my own collar around the base of my neck.

I get a holster and tuck two guns in the sides, keeping the key card in the little pocket. I slide some knives into the pockets in the pants and then go to another shelf.

I take Kam's comm device, quickly cleaning it, and tuck it in my ear with his walkie talkie in my back pocket.

Taking a deep breath, I open the door to the supply closet, lock it again, and then walk down the hallway towards the elevator. I keep my head tilted towards the floor as I pass the camera in the corner. My stomach clenches as an agent walks in my direction, but I keep my gaze straight forward and hold my breath as the man walks right past me, no issues.

I reach the elevator and quickly swipe the key card, trying to keep my body's shaking to a minimum. The door opens and I slide in, body tense as a woman is next to me. I briefly acknowledge the camera in the top left corner and just take slow, deep breaths.

She's probably the only woman that I've seen here. But she wears heels, a pencil skirt, and a white blouse. Her black hair pulled back from her face into a bun.

She's going to sub level one, but I reach over and press sub level three, the bottom level.

I hold my breath as the elevator takes us down, and she reaches her level, getting off without a word.

I let out a relieved sigh as the elevator continues to go down. There's a buzzing in my comm and I hold my breath as the doctor's voice comes through.

Kaminsky, where are you and the girl?

I take a breath and do my best to mimic his voice. "She got sick, sir. So, I took her back to the cell."

Sick? Alrighty then. I'll go over in an hour or so to take more blood, we shall resume testing tomorrow.

"Yes, sir."

I click the comm off and put a hand to my chest, my heart beating rapidly. There's a small ding as I reach the bottom floor and step out.

When James gave me directions, he said that it would be pretty empty and straightforward.

He was right. It was almost too easy.

I step out and briefly look around. It's a large rectangular room with several shelves lining the walls, a storage area. I then head towards the giant generator in the center of the room. I circle it and find the small keypad near the bottom that James told me about.

"What are you doing?"

I jerk around as a deep voice filters through the air.

"I'm supposed to check on the generator." I say, gulping.

The man cocks his head to the side. "That's weird, no one said anything about maintenance."

I inwardly curse and surrender to plan B. Faster than one would think, I pull out my gun and shoot the man in the center of his chest, thankfully the silencer was on.

"Sorry." I mutter.

I turn away as blood starts to pool from him and kneel down to the ground. I flip the small switch next to the keypad, and then type in the five number code given by James; 49372 or Hydra. What a bunch of arrogant idiots. I tap my finger on the metal as I wait a few seconds.

An alarm blares overhead, with a female automated voice yelling 'Evacuate' over and over.

There's a second elevator around the corner and I head to that one, so it's not as suspicious. I tap my foot as the elevator goes up to the ground level.

It stops on the floor right below and I resist the urge to groan. The door opens and a woman and a man enter, both in uniform.

Maybe Hydra does hire females.

The man eyes me for a second and then slides his hand towards his holster.

"Who are you?"

I'm frozen for a second. "Uh—"

He lifts up his gun and points in at me. "Wrong answer."

I curse and quickly kick out my leg, seeing the woman fall to the floor with an oomf and then I duck as the man starts shooting at me. The girl's on the floor, scrambling to get up so I kick her in the face, inwardly cringing as I hear a crack and then I turn and grab the barrel of the man's gun, moving it so that the bullets don't hit me. I bring up my knee and hit him in a very sensitive place, smirking as he groans and doubles over. I yank the gun from him and turn it around, shooting the woman and then quickly shooting the man in the torso.

I watch him slump to the ground, glaring at me.

"No hard feelings."

The elevator door opens and I step out, blending in easily with the crowds of Hydra workers trying to get out of the building.

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