one hundred and three

24 1 7

It snowed again on New Years Day, James and I making snow angels in the backyard of our new house. The few days between Christmas and New Years were spent meeting with the team to discuss strategies, train, and then moving our stuff into the new house. Natasha, Steve, and Wanda ended up going to Singapore to take down that Hydra facility, leaving Moscow as the last one standing...that we know of. Well, that Danika knows of because I read her mind often.

Tony's been busy making upgrades to our suits, and I even visited Shuri in Wakanda to request some upgrades of mine. It was nice getting to see her again, and even T'Challa and Okoye. Bucky came with us, eager to show me his favorite parts of Wakanda.

But now we're back in the compound, preparing for the day we stop Hydra. If not forever, then for a while. I look around to find Nat and Wanda suiting up, myself putting a dry fit long sleeve and leggings on to help keep me warm before activating my suit.

Instead of upgrading my suit, Shuri made a completely new one. It's essentially the same as my old one, just with a few upgrades. The shoes absorb energy when I land from high heights, along with still being soundproof. The suit's also thicker and insulated, having the ability to sense my body's need for heat or cooling. It's all black with gold accents running up my sides and bands around my wrists and ankles.

I start to braid back my hair as I turn to admire Wanda's upgrades. Her suit is a deep maroon and wine color, high necked with long sleeves and retractable gloves. Her boots absorb sound like mine and go up to right below her knees. On her thighs are slits for knives, should she need to fight hand to hand, along with a holster, in case for a gun. Her finishing touch is a headband that somewhat resembles a crown, made to push back her hair to keep it out of her face, as she likes it down when she fights.

Natasha on the other hand has a new catsuit, this one white instead of black, having grey accents along her sides and limbs. She has holsters and such to hold knives and guns, even her tasers. It's insulated as well, able to project heat or coolness when needed. The redhead starts to pull her hair into a high ponytail, throwing in some braids as well.

When I finish my own, I grab some knives from storage and tuck them into the slits along my thighs, then taking a gun and sliding it into my holster. I head out of our locker room, finding Sylvie coming down the stairs. She wears a black and gold catsuit with a dark green vest overtop with black accents. She has a black belt around her waist holding daggers and knives, along with a thick hooded cape around her shoulders, black on the outside and green on the inside. The final touch is the gold headband pushing back her short hair.

"Ready?" I ask her, to which she replies with a nod.

"It must be weird..." I start, drawing her attention as we walk towards the kitchen. "Being around all these people I mean."

"It's definitely different," she responds in that accent. "A lot more people than I'm used to."

As we make it to the kitchen, we find Steve in his suit, a darker blue, almost black, made to keep him warm as well. His shield leans against a cabinet as he talks to Sam in his Falcon suit. Bruce and Tony are staying in the jet, keeping us updated on everything happening.

Bucky comes into the room in his black vest, his arm gleaming in the light, guns strapped to his back and to his holsters. I give him a smile while walking over to kiss his cheek. He wraps an arm around me as we wait for everyone else to join us.


A half hour later we're buckled up and on our way to Moscow. Bruce and Tony driving the jet, everyone else seated. Myself next to Bucky and Wanda.

I hold Bucky's hand as music flows through my earbuds until we land in a snowy forest. Luckily the ride wasn't too long.

"Alrighty, everyone knows the plan?" Steve asks us.

"Yep." Sam says.

"And everyone knows our covers?"

"Yes." I reply.

In case Hydra has those guns ready early and renders our enhanced abilities useless, we have partners to help keep us covered. Steve's with Wanda, myself with Natasha, James with Sam, and then Sylvie, Loki and Thor together. Hopefully, it doesn't come to that and this fight is over before it truly begins.

"Okay then. Stay close, stay strong, this should be easy and quick. Let's be home for dinner tonight to celebrate."

"Yes, sir." I salute Steve, earning myself a grin.

"Good luck out there! Don't die." Tony calls out while opening the door.

I pat Bucky's shoulder before following everyone out into the snow. Over the horizon, a building can be seen. From here only the roof and possibly the top floor shows through the snowy trees.

"It's about a mile walk before we'll start to see signs of the place." Steve says as we trudge through the snow, slightly shivering from the cold.

"Then let's get cracking." Sam calls out.

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