thirty one

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The next few days were quite bland, my books came, along with my new clothes. So I spent most of my time reading. James and I had our second session which was extremely boring, as we talked about our feelings and what we do during the day.

She told us that we should be more active, workout or some shit. Wanda and I scheduled Vision's dinner to be on Saturday night, giving us about three days to get all the ingredients and such.

I'm currently reading one of my new books outside on a chaise lounge. This outdoor patio/balcony looks over the city, the sun beating down on me. Hopefully I'll get some color.

Steve wanted us all to meet in the small training room on the level below us in about an hour, so that's what I'll do. Tony's already started to plan a new compound, but it won't be ready for at least another month or two.

I turn my page, and continue to read, escaping off to the world of Sarah J Maas.


"Why are we here?" Nat asks as we enter the old training facility, it's just as I remember.

"If we're going to be working with SHIELD, then we need to get in shape." Steve crosses his arms, his dry-fit tee straining against his muscles.

"I'm pretty sure we're all in shape, Blondie." Tony says.

I glance around, seeing the whole team here—even Peter. Luckily, he isn't in school, but he'll be going back to repeat his junior year this fall.

"Well, some of us have been away for five years." He claps his hands together, the loud noise causing me to jump slightly. "There are outfits in the locker rooms."

I roll my eyes and turn to Nat. "This is so extra." I glance down at my leggings and t-shirt, what I'm wearing is literally fine.

"Come on." I follow the redhead towards the familiar locker room, Wanda following us.

Inside there are three "lockers", more like spaces for us where our training uniforms are located. I find my name and assess the uniform.

It's a dry-fit looking tank top, all black with a small Avengers logo on the left breast area in white. The bottoms are made of the same material, also in all black, in a capri style. And then we have matching black sneakers, where Tony got them, I have no idea.

I quickly strip and tug on the pants and my shoes, my tank top last. The material is surprisingly thin and flexible, not like how I thought it would be. The capris are high waisted, thank god, but the tank top is a little low cut.

I look over and see that Nat and Wanda have the same issue as me.

"We need to have a talk with Tony about making high cut tanks." I say as I walk over to the mirror.

I start braiding my hair, the all white a stark contrast against the black attire. When I finish I turn and nod my head at my curves that are shown off in the outfit.

"At least our asses look good." Nat says, causing Wanda and I to chuckle.

I pull up my tank a little, trying to cover majority of my cleavage.

Wanda ties her hair back into a ponytail, while Nat leaves hers down.


"Yeah let's get this over with."

We head out and I pause as all the boys turn to look at us, I skip over Peter's gaze as we finish walking.

"The hell were you guys doing in there? Getting ready for a party?" Tony crosses his arms. For an old man, he sure does have a lot of sass.

I look at him and take in their outfit, loose shorts that end just above their knees and fitted black shirts to match ours.

"You didn't have to put on spandex pants okay? This shit takes some maneuvering." I respond.

"You should also think about high cut shirts too," Nat starts with a cheeky grin. "we don't want to give you all a heart attack when we end up flashing you."

I smirk as Tony's cheeks turn a nice shade of red. "I will make adjustments."

"Thank you very much."

We all turn to Steve, waiting for instructions. His gaze is locked on Nat, and then it swivels to me. I wiggle my brows at him and watch as he slightly blushes and shakes his head.

"Stretch first, then we start."

The girls and I go over to the corner of the mat and begin to stretch our limbs. Nat and I are pretty limber, as we've kept up with training over the years. Wanda though, looks a little tight.

"Sore?" I ask her.

She sighs and nods. "It felt like I was gone for a second, but my body feels otherwise."

We finish and look over at the boys, who are grimacing with each movement. Bruce and Thor are absent, the green giant is holed up in the labs as he doesn't really need to train. Thor is actually in New Asgard right now, overseeing some leadership changes. I also think he's trying to revert himself back to his Banner body.

We stand and lean against the nearest post, waiting for these old men to finish.

Eventually they do, and they all stand and glance at us.

I meet gazes with Peter, and I can see his internal struggle. I'm not sure what exactly it is, but I can tell he's holding something back. I look away first over to Steve.

"Five laps, go."

Wanda groans from next to me, I understand the struggle a hundred percent. We take off, keeping a nice neutral pace.

"What happened with you and Peter?" Wanda asks as we finish our first lap.

I turn to her, my eyes narrowed, but then I remember that she was partnered with him for our counseling. My gaze trains on his form, running far in front of us, he shouldn't be able to hear us from back here.

"We broke up. We can't be together."

"He's 18 in two months."

"Yeah, but I'm different Wanda. He's used to fun and nice Tal, and I'm just not her anymore. Plus he's still in school, and I don't want to be a distraction."

"He's in love with you, it wouldn't be a distraction."

We finish our second lap as I try to come up with an answer. "I can't, Wanda. I loved him too, so much. And I still do, but it wouldn't be the same."

"I think you should give it a go."


"Alright alright. I'll stop."

We finish our laps with everyone else, Wanda slightly out of breath with Tony. We walk over towards Steve as he prepares to give us the next objective.

"Now, we do hand to hand combat."

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