twenty six

95 2 1

He was quiet for the rest of the wait, which I was thankful for. Normally I push out those treacherous and horrible things I've done, but seeing James...he needed to know that he's not the only one that's done bad things.

Our Uber got us, and the ride wasn't too bad. He didn't let us pay, just said it was an honor or something to help the Avengers. We took a picture with him instead.

We went up to the Tower and found Nat and Sam putting the food in the kitchen. I wordlessly started helping them, not really feeling like talking at the moment.

Scott came back in his new clothes, Bucky was helping us too.

"Okay," Nat says as finish. "We have to head to the Compound for clean up."

"Yay." I deadpanned.


I broke into one of the SUV's in the garage, refusing to ride in a small car. I was comfortable, sitting shotgun with the boys in the back.

Scott sat by himself in the third row, meaning that we didn't even have to hear them bicker.

As we pull up, I start to feel a weight in my chest. The Compound is absolutely demolished, everything's in ruin. Smoke still rises in the distance and I can see Wanda's red hue, signaling that she's helping to move large structures.

There's numerous large metal garbage containers, along with a crane.

I hop out and start to make my way over, pausing as I see a familiar brunette in the distance.

Pete's here.

I take a deep breath and steer in a different direction. Yes I am an adult. Yes I'm a whole powerful witch or whatever. But I'm not quite ready to face him.

I climb over the rubble and make my way to the general area where my room used to be. I glance down and see half burnt pictures on the ground, Steve's face peeking out of a few. There's one of Peter and I to the left and I look up.


I whirl around, a large smile forming on my face as I look at Wanda. I immediately pull her into a hug, probably crushing her body. I pull back and hold her at arms length, taking in her light orange-y hair color.

"I've missed you so much." I say.

"It's been too long." She mutters.

"I...I'm so sorry, about Vis." Her smile falters and morphs into a sad one. "When everything calms down a little, we can have a funeral?"

"That would be great."

I look out over the destruction, spying my dad and Steve talking, Peter working next to Nat as they lift rocks and such and throw them into the metal containers.

"So, what are we doing?"

She leads me over to the area which used to be the library, I frown heavily as I see burnt and ruined pages. Cracked spines and the shelves broken.

Together Wanda and I use our powers to move the large broken pieces of wood and cement over to the nearest container. Our telekinesis mixes together, a purple hue spreading across the rubble as we move debris.

We keep up this routine for what seems like forever. I know I've broken a sweat by now, the sun is high over our heads.

"Hey! Lunch!" We turn and see Tony waving us over.

As we walk, I see a little make shift sitting area, chunks of cement laid out, everyone sitting. Countless pizza boxes are located on a nearby "table".

I go over and grab a slice, and then I look at everyone sitting. A few people chat, exchanging conversation.

Instead, I walk over to the edge of the water and sit down on a rock. I kick my sneakers off and stick my feet in the water.

I let my mind wander as I start to eat, pondering over the previous and only fight I've had with Peter.

I feel myself start to get frustrated, so I sigh and set down my pizza. Wiping my hands on a napkin. I rest my elbows on my knees, forehead in my palms as I try to sort through my emotions.

I turn around quickly as I hear someone coming, relaxing as I see Tony. He sits down next to me, glancing at my unfinished slice of pizza.

"You gonna eat that?"

"Take it." I hand it over to him.

"What's wrong? I thought you'd be happy. We won."

I bite my lip. "It's stupid. Immature."

"You've been mature your whole life, take this one time to be a kid."

"Pete and I got in a fight." I half whisper it.

"About what?" He turns to me, but I keep my gaze on the tree line.

"He's mad that I moved on. And that I said we can't be together...and um, cause I slept with Steve."

"You did what?" I grimace as he pauses eating.


"How many times?"

"Tony...this isn't really the convo I wanted to have. Especially with you."

"Tell me."

"I don't know...multiple times. Sorry...he was the only one here."

"Jesus..." he rubs his temple. "Okay well, besides that why can't you guys be together?"

"I'm 23, dude."

"He'll be 18 in a few months."

I just shake my head. "No dad. I'm just not the same, and that's okay. And he has to go back to wouldn't work."

"So you're giving up?"

"God! No, I moved on dad. I let him go. It was back in the past, he'll understand it eventually."

He sighs from next to me. "I get that. But I think you broke his heart."

"Mine broke when he died."

I look over my shoulder to see Peter on the phone with someone.

"Alright, well I support you. Always. It'll work out. Just...try to find some happiness?"

"I'll try. So...we're gonna be SHIELD agents now?"

"Ah...maybe. Fury's working on getting the people who dusted to go back. But to them, they never really left. Technically SHIELD's still around, already good to go. They're a little understaffed but...operational."

"So, how do we fit in?"

"Not sure yet."

I sigh and just look back out over the sparkling water, wondering what the fuck we're gonna do now.

the strongest avenger (2)Where stories live. Discover now