sixty two

38 1 0

Peter spent the night in my room yesterday, and we watched old reruns of Top Model on the TV. Just like old times.

Obviously we talked, he's a little nervous for junior year, but excited because they're going to Europe in the spring.

Why didn't I get to go to Europe? Kind of unfair if you ask me.

Now I'm braiding my hair as I get ready for my meeting with Fury and then my talk with James. Metal man doesn't know we're having a talk, but it's on my agenda.

I glance over at my empty bed when I finish, Peter had left earlier, May wanted him home.

I quickly change into jeans and a black tank top, throwing on some shoes and then I head out to the kitchen. A small smile breaks out on my face as I see Thor sitting at the counter.

I miss him.

We haven't really talked in a long time, so I go over and plop down next to him.

"Lady Tal!"

"Hey." My voice is still scratchy and hoarse, and it still hurts to speak, but I figured if I don't use it, it won't heal right.

"How are you doing? Especially after..." His gaze goes distant as he thinks of a word. "your trip? Not the best word, but..."

"I'm okay. Getting better. How's New Asgard?" I quickly get up and get a glass of water.

"On the way to being better. I handed my mantle of King to Valkyrie."

"Sounds badass." I walk back over, taking a sip and placing my glass on the table.

"We need to catch up, yeah? Have you and the man of metal made up?" He turns and flashes me a smile.

"Uh, no. We still kind of don't like each other."

"I see. What about the issue with the Man of Spiders?"

"Well," I cough a few times and take a sip of water. "We're kinda...together? Again." My throat starts to hurt again and I decide to just telepathically catch him up.

We're gonna try being together again.

"Good for you, Lady Tal."

We spent the next ten-ish minutes just catching up with each other, which was nice because it's been way too long. He's started to lose weight, due to our training requirements, and has been cleaning himself regularly.

Eventually, I bid him goodbye and head down to the garage, picking out a car for the ride to SHIELD headquarters. There wasn't much traffic, so I made it to the building within twenty minutes and went up to Fury's office which is now where I stare at him across from me.

"So," he looks away from me and sorts out a few papers on his desks. "how are you feeling?"

"Do you actually care or is that a required question?" His eye narrows at the sound of my voice, and I don't miss the way his eyes flick down towards my still healing neck.

"I do care. Our employees are supposed to be in tip-top shape, Miss James."

"Yeah, right. Well, I'm good."

"Good. Disregarding the fact that you all failed to follow my directions—"

"I wasn't aware there were directions."

He just waves a hand in the air, dismissing the statement. "Were you able to gather any intel?"

I sit up a little straighter. "Yes. They have connections with the trains, that's how they transported me to the facility." Fury nods across from me, I assume that I'm on video or being recorded. "Then they have these collars that are similar—" I hold up a finger as I'm hit with a coughing fit, my throat aching and burning. "Sorry—they're similar to the one's at the Raft. Neutralizing an enhanced individual's power. They've also been experimenting."

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