one - prologue

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[Welcome to the new and improved Prodigy, now known as Light]

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[Welcome to the new and improved Prodigy, now known as Light]

Kuroko was walking home with Aomine one day when they passed a street basketball court where some people were playing. Both of their eyes were drawn it, specifically one player as he slammed the ball into the basket over everyone else.

"Hot damn, that was a nice jump," Aomine commented, his eyes filled with intrigue. Kuroko nodded in agreement, only his focus was on something else. How that person was smiling and laughing and high fiving his teammates, how he was working together with them.

"I think he's a point forward," Kuroko commented as they continued walking.

"Really?" Aomine glanced back again, narrowing in on the person. Sure enough, his hand was up with his pointer finger stretched out. "Now that I'm seeing it, kind of reminds me of Akashi from before."

"Me too," The light blue haired boy nodded, his eyes still on the person they were speaking about. That was the last time the two of them walked home together.

Meanwhile, the person the two of them had been watching finished the game off with a buzzer beater allyoop. "Thanks for helping us out, Sasaki-kun!"

"Sure, no problem," Sasaki Hayate grinned as he panted a bit. "It was fun!"

"Dude, I can't believe that was only your third time playing!" Another person in his team commented, slapping him in the shoulder. He laughed.

"Better believe it cause it's the truth!" Sasaki said, before holding out his fist. "Feel free to call me out here whenever you need me, kay?"

"For sure!" His teammates bumped their knuckles against his, all grinning. After saying their farewells, the two teams of five went their seperate ways.

Sasaki was humming, his hands in his uniform pockets. Since he had been called over as he had been walking home from school, he had just been playing in his uniform without his jacket or tie.

Not that he minded, it just limited his abilities a bit. Made his agility go from a 5/5 to a 4/5, but that was about it.

Suddenly feeling a yawn coming on, the fifteen year old closed his eyes as his mouth opened wide. He was currently enrolled in a fairly unknown middle school that wasn't very well off in the sports department. They had a mean debate club though.

He personally wasn't in any clubs, but he sometimes helped out when needed. He used to play volleyball, but he got bored so he stopped. His cousin was the one to introduce him to volleyball.

Smiling at the thought of her, Sasaki continued humming as he headed to KFC--one of the ones that he owned.

He had gotten into the stock business at the age of ten, through his parents. At age twelve, he'd managed to make his parents executive officers at a prosperous company.

It wasn't because of much, it was only because of his ability. Sasaki didn't use his ability for much because he found it more fun to guess or just play it out, but where money was concerned, he used it frequently.

His parents just thought he was a genius, and he never planned to tell them otherwise.

His ability was centered around the mind. He could hear people's thoughts whenever he wanted to, he could also plant suggestions. Say a person was walking past him, he could suggest in their minds something like hey, do I need to use the restroom? And they would pause, think about it for a second, and react accordingly as if it was their own thought.

On rare occasions, Sasaki could control people like he was a puppet master pulling strings. He didn't like using that though, made him feel bad.

Graduation was in a few weeks, and Sasaki still wasn't sure what high school he wanted to go to. He had gotten acceptance letters from all the ones he'd gotten recommended to, now all he had to do was choose one.

Taking his fries and drink, he headed over to an open seat. Sitting down, Sasaki started sorting his thoughts.

I applied to four school, I got into all four schools, yet I don't really have a preference which I go to. Maybe just ask my parents? Nah, they'll tell me to go to the one with the most academically challenging courses and I'd rather not.

Maybe go to the one which is closer? Our house is only a block away from Seirin so I'd be able to just walk there. It's a new school too, so it shouldn't be too hard. Plus I did get the best score on my entrance exam so I'd be the representative, regardless of the school I went to.

Seirin sounds like the best option so far so I guess I'll go with them. Wonder if I should join a club since it's high school now?

He didn't manage to come to a decision on that until the day before high school started. Sasaki had been called to play some street ball again since the team was one player short because their regular was sick, so there he was, playing a power forward since that was the position they needed.

They were taking a break when one of the players asked him, "heard you're starting high school soon. Gonna join a club this time or ya still not feeling it?"

"Dunno," Sasaki answered honestly. "I kind of want to, but I don't know what club to join. Seirin doesn't have a volleyball team, and I really wouldn't wanna join a volleyball team anyway, but I don't have any other hobbies besides helping fill in for you guys," He explained, not even hearing himself.

Everyone else heard him though. They gave each other a look, shook their heads and patted him on the shoulder. Sasaki was now very confused.

"Why not try basketball?" The point guard asked, smiling at his ignorance. That smile widened when a look of realization dawned on Sasaki.


"Duh. Now come on, we have another few rounds to play!"

The next day as Sasaki walked onto campus and witnessed the chaos that was club recruitment, he smiled to himself before heading straight for the one he wanted.

He ignored the feeling of someone following him as he came to stand in front of the table where the basketball coach and captain were located. "Hey, this is basketball club, right?"

[ name pronounciation : sauce uh key - high at tay ]

[also I want to make it abundantly clear that I named my character Sasaki BEFORE Sasaki and Miyano came out. Thank you, you may continue.]

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