Freddie Mercury's Melody (A Q...

By AeroLover21

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This is actually 2 books. (Both completed!) (I want to apologize for any spelling mistakes. I have edited... More

The party & the problem
A Poodle, A geek & perfection
And her name was Mel
Dancing with Roggie
Young love
Pros & ... His eyes
Baby steps
My Melody Jer Mercury!
Missed it
Johhny boy & Freddie Mercury
Dumb enough
Everything hurts
Want & need
Overly dramatic
mystery man
Farrokh Bulsara
singer with a Melody & a dream
Coolest friend ever!
February 14
To soon?
Two beautiful babys
Big news /1985
I'm on the phone!
Why wouldn't I ?
Seems so Dear!
We will rock you!
I think he's...
Somethings off
Everythings perfect
That rotter Freddie!/About the album!
I love you beautiful people
He's corrupted the children!-Bri
1975 ( getting my song on the B side!)
playing dress up/ I do's??
One week are you mad?
Camera roll!!!
Whatever floats your boat
Your crushing me!
Mr. Mercury
Todays the day -part one
Tody's the day-part two
Happily ever after!
No distractions, no responsibilitys & no construct of time (the honeymoon!)
Roger Meddows Taylor!
Breakfast Breakthru
Bad habits (Before the 1988 Interview)
Good morning Britain (The Queen 1988 Interview)
👪💖 🌳
Roger's sheer heart attack
Friendship, love, relief & a song
Up all night
Up all night part -2
The Next morning.
Move your fat bottoms ladys
Y-your breaking u-up...
IT's about bloody time! 64 chapter geez!
Roger Taylor back to his old ways!!/ She's just a fan!/ I'm Kim Basinger
Oh poor Bri- part one
Oh poor Bri !-Part two
Jim & Roger's POV
"Roger, what did you do?"
IT'S A....
Baby number six! (Jimmy)
The Mercury-Taylor family
The bassist did it!
Mother love
How could you!
Freddie Mercury's Melody! [book II]
Only the good die young (Ch-1)
"Hello Folks"-Freddie (CH-2)
I say I feel just fine but when I look away.(CH-3)
I'm not my dad! (CH-4)
Pinky promise. (CH-5)
A song? (CH-6)
My girl! (CH-7)
Kiss it and make it better (CH-8)
Studio part one (CH-9)
The studio part two
Fan club messege
1995 & the tribute show!
Friends will be friends
Give the people what they want!
July 6, 1996\ Queen + Melody Mercury
man do I ever feel old!-Bri
Before the first show, everyones POV!
100th Chapter!!!!!
Even older-Sixteen again.
Could this be the end of Queen? (1999 Magazine article)
We really messed up
Before Johns Freak out
After Johns freak out
Do we know any drummers??
May of 1998
Don't start somthing you can't finish!
You wanna play that way Mr.Taylor?
Tag your it!\ heres Roggie!!
Mercury-Taylor family 1999!!!
Before the first televised interview( The Cross 1999)
The Doctors appointment.
January 1st 2000
We need to talk/ Roger your an idiot!/ I promise
About six weeks
Best hide & seek player!!
WikkipediA (from 2017)
November 2004
The truth!
July 2007
Just wanted to say!!!!
Time seems to fly!!
The final Cross show/ Surprise!?
John Deacon!
Our deaky is back!!!!
Granddaughter of a legend/ Wiki
Flashback- Part one (Montreal, 1981)
Flashback Part-2 (How do you lose a drummer!?!)
Flash Back part-3 ( The show)
Who's the girl?
He only smiled at me(Break free flash back)
Updates and a story I'm in love with..
Christmas 2007
new book
B is a big GO!!!

Promise me!

315 7 4
By AeroLover21

First off I'm sorry guys but sad times are coming. I think once you see the date of this chapter you'll know. My heart broke writing this chapter and it will continue to be broken for the next few chapter to come... 

(POV-Roger. September 23, 1992.) 

A few days after Fred's party Brian, John and I went to his home to hear the songs he has been talking about. They are very moving indeed, I talked to Brain about what Mel and Jim told me. This is Fred's last wish and we will make it happen one way or the other. This is what Freddie wants-One final goodbye to our fans. So Queen will make it happen.

"Roger, Johnny and Tim are here!" Mel said happily with Jimmy on her hip. I smirked at her looking up from my papers, I'm finishing a few songs I've been kicking around for Fred's goodbye album. We still don't have a title for it but Fred said he's got an idea for a title.

"Sounds wonderful Lovely. I-I'm going to keep working on this but I'll say hello soon." She smiled at me and walked out of our room. I held my head taking off my glasses. She's going to be destroyed when-.

The phone started ringing. "Roggie, can you get that!" I smirked rolling my chair closer to the nightstand. "Yea Mel!" I stopped by the nightstand and was just about to pick it up when Tim's voice called out. "Hurry it up Roggie!" I scoffed and picked the phone up saying hello.

 The first thing I heard was coughing. "F-Fred?" I put my book down and stood up. "Hello Roger, I-I need you to come over." He said after his fit ended. "Well Fred, I'm working on that song and I-." He huffed. "Roger, I need you to come. I already called Brian and Deaky, Miami as well." I sat on the edge of the bed. "Why did you call Jim?" He cleared his throat. "I need him here. I'd like to see him rather than just talk over the phone. Now I just need you." I picked my book up. "Oh and don't let Mel know your coming over alright?" 

I sighed. "Why? She knows somethings up Fred. Why do you want me to keep all this album stuff from her?" He groaned. " I've already told you why! And today I want to discus things that I-I don't want her to hear. And you know just as I do that she'd be very upset with all of us if she were to find out we're working on an album. But once it's out she'll love it. Just tell her your going to do something with Bri or something." I gulped looking at the door. 

"But Freddie, she'll get upset if we keep all this from her, the album and whatever this is. Why can't I just say the truth. Lovely, I'm going to your dads to work on something?" He scoffed. "Did you not pay attention to what I've said ? Anyway are you afraid of your wife Mr. Taylor?" I huffed. "N-no but-." He chuckled. "Good. Now come over as fast as you can-remember your hanging with Brian or your going to make out with a car!" I scoffed getting my keys off my nightstand. "Funny!" He laughed. "I-I know it was. Bring whatever your working on as well. I told the others to do the same. I-I'm running out of-." 

I frowned because he started coughing again. "Fred you okay?" He made a sound. "J-just get your fat bottom here!" I smirked. "Will do. Johnny's over so that will distract her. I'll be over shortly." 

I gulped and went down the steps finding everyone in the sitting room. "Hello Roger!" Johnny said all smiles sitting in the floor with my three youngest  playing ball. Tim was sitting with his daughter and Mel on the couch. "Hello Johnny, Hey Tim." He said a hello as I walked to the door. "Where are you off too Rog?" Mel asked softly. I blinked grabbing my jacket. "Just- out with Brian. That was him on the phone just now. He wants to go over something." She smiled standing and walking to me. 

"Well he can just come here if he wants." I shook my head. "Um no. He wants to meet as his, something about- well you know how much of a perfectionist Bri is Mel." She sighed looking down. "Y-yea. No your right Roger. Just be carful?" I smirked at her. "Always lovely." I pulled her closer to me and kissed her softly. 

She pulled away and gave me a look holding my shoulder. "Are you okay?" I smiled as best I can. "Y-yea. I'll be back soon. I love you guys." She gulped when I opened the front door. "Love you babe!" She crossed her arms but smiled. "Love you too." She said weakly as I walked outside. I let a breath out once I got into my car. I looked at the house and she was standing in the door way with Rory. Rory was waving so I rolled the window down and waved as I drove off. "Bye Daddy love you!" I smiled calling an 'I love you' back.

I knocked on the door and Jim answered. "Hello again Roger. Everyone is upstairs in our room. Um-He wants to have you read his-." 

"Is that Roger? Fred wants to know?" Brain yelled out. "Yea Fred it's me!" Brain laughed. "Well Freddie says to get your school girl butt up here now!" I huffed and Jim smirked at me. "I dress as a school girl one time!" I mumbled going up the steps. "Finally!" Fred snapped with a playful grin. "Sit -sit!" He said pointing at the empty chair. I smiled at him and sat next to Miami. "Now Roger, on the dresser is a box that I want you to give to Melody for me. It has pictures and old home films, just things like that." I blinked looking from the box to Freddie sitting up in his bed. "Miami, would you give Roger the papers please?" Jim stood up and handed me a few papers stapled together. "What's this?" I asked looking over it. "Read it and find out!" Fred said with a smirk. I huffed pulling my glasses out of my pocket and putting them on.

                                            Last will & Testament of

                                                   Freddie Mercury

"What the? No-why are you showing me this?" I gulped looking at Freddie. Jim was sitting on the bed with him now. Fred sighed and took his husbands hand. I looked to Brian on my right and Miami on my left. "Wait where is John?" I asked looking around the room. "R-right here." I heard his soft voice. Brain tapped my shoulder and pointed to the other side of Freddie's bed. I stood up and saw poor Deaky sitting against the wall next to Fred's bed. Freddie was holding John's hand and I could see he's been crying. 

"Tell him to stop this!" John said to me with a frown. "I-." I started when Freddie spoke up. "Deak, we talked about this. Everything will be okay." Freddie said looking to the bassist.

"Go to the sixth page Roger and read that." Freddie said looking back to me. "O-okay." I said turning the page with shaking hands. "I have appointed Miami to handle my will and the statement I'm sending out to the world. There is also a letter to you in that pack to read later on." I stopped on the sixth page and looked up at Freddie. "What statement?" I gulped looking to Miami. "Freddie is having me send a statement out that he dose in fact have Aids and-." 

"B-but you wanted everyone to deny that!" I said fast looking at Freddie again. "Well soon everyone will know anyway so why not just tell them myself?" I gulped glancing at Brian. He was looking down chewing on his thumb. Even through his mass of curls I could tell he'd been crying too. "W-what do you-." I started when Freddie cut me off.

"Now I've made Brain promise me that if I can't he will finish my song for Mary. Mother Love needs to get completed. Now Roger what I want you to promise me is two things. One-that no matter what this final album is finished and released saying it's Freddie Mercury's final goodbye. I made the others promise it as well."

 I heard John sob quietly.  I looked down realizing why Fred didn't want Mel knowing any of this. "Y-yea Fred." I chocked out still looking down. "And second- that you continue to take care of Melody." I looked up at him with wide eyes. "YES ALWAYS!" He smiled at me. "I-I knew you'd say that. I know you'll do whatever it takes to keep my daughter and grandchildren safe. Melody couldn't have found a better man than you Roger Taylor." I smiled at him. "Now come here." He let go of Jim's hand and reached out for me. Jim stood up looking down chewing on his lip.

 I took a breath and stood up. Once I took his hand I sat down on the bed. "I-I want you to do anything you can to help Melody through this. Always remind her that I'll always love her." I shook my head trying not to cry. " I want you to make sure the youngest of yours hears story's of how amazing and crazy I was. Okay? I-I want Jimmy and the others to know just as much as there older siblings that I will always love them." I gulped shaking my head yes trying to hold in my tears but a few slipped out.

"And Queen can survive! It will somehow and I want you three to know I think I have the perfect way. Melody!" I blinked and shook my head. "No way would she do that Freddie!" Brian mumbled that he agreed with me. "Oh but my dears the show must go on!" Fred said smirking at me. "I know she has the talent and the blood in her! She's a Mercury for God's sake Roger! She has it and she just needs to believe in herself. Just like I do and I know you all do as well." 

John stood up. "I- I believe in Melody. B-But Fred, without you there is no Queen!" Fred smiled at him. "But there was a Queen without me Deaky." I blinked. "Roger and Brian!" Fred said smiling at me and Brain. Brain huffed with his arms crossed. "Fred, that was Smile not Queen!" Freddie smirked at him and waved him off. "But it was the basic skeleton!" Fred said fast grinning. "R-right but you and John became the heart and soul!" I said gulping as silent tear slipped down my face.

 "Just promise you'll try?" He asked taking and squeezing my hand. I shook my head and Brian mumbled an okay. I noticed Deaky stayed silent looking down. "And one last Promise. I want you all to make it!" Bran stood up and stood next to me.

"Don't let the scum run the Mercury name in the mud! I-I honestly don't care what they think of me. But what they say about a Mercury there saying about my daughter, husband and grandchildren!" He snapped. Jim gulped looking down.

"We'll do everything we can Freddie!" Bran said resting his hand on my shoulder. "Thank you. Roger, make sure Melody get's that box as soon as you get home. I want her to come visit me tomorrow with the kids. Also that Will is your copy-I've had a few made for everyone to have. I already spoke to Mary about all this. Now show me your songs I want to take about the album. I picked the title!"

I gulped pulling my songs out of my pocket and cleaning my face free of tears.

How am I going to help Mel!

(Like I said SAD chapter and I AM SO VERY SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(1,955 words!)

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