Freddie Mercury's Melody (A Q...

By AeroLover21

71.5K 1.1K 500

This is actually 2 books. (Both completed!) (I want to apologize for any spelling mistakes. I have edited... More

The party & the problem
A Poodle, A geek & perfection
And her name was Mel
Dancing with Roggie
Young love
Pros & ... His eyes
Baby steps
My Melody Jer Mercury!
Missed it
Johhny boy & Freddie Mercury
Dumb enough
Everything hurts
Want & need
Overly dramatic
mystery man
Farrokh Bulsara
singer with a Melody & a dream
Coolest friend ever!
February 14
To soon?
Two beautiful babys
Big news /1985
I'm on the phone!
Why wouldn't I ?
Seems so Dear!
We will rock you!
I think he's...
Somethings off
Everythings perfect
That rotter Freddie!/About the album!
I love you beautiful people
He's corrupted the children!-Bri
1975 ( getting my song on the B side!)
playing dress up/ I do's??
One week are you mad?
Camera roll!!!
Whatever floats your boat
Your crushing me!
Mr. Mercury
Todays the day -part one
Tody's the day-part two
Happily ever after!
Roger Meddows Taylor!
Breakfast Breakthru
Bad habits (Before the 1988 Interview)
Good morning Britain (The Queen 1988 Interview)
👪💖 🌳
Roger's sheer heart attack
Friendship, love, relief & a song
Up all night
Up all night part -2
The Next morning.
Move your fat bottoms ladys
Y-your breaking u-up...
IT's about bloody time! 64 chapter geez!
Roger Taylor back to his old ways!!/ She's just a fan!/ I'm Kim Basinger
Oh poor Bri- part one
Oh poor Bri !-Part two
Jim & Roger's POV
"Roger, what did you do?"
IT'S A....
Baby number six! (Jimmy)
The Mercury-Taylor family
The bassist did it!
Mother love
Promise me!
How could you!
Freddie Mercury's Melody! [book II]
Only the good die young (Ch-1)
"Hello Folks"-Freddie (CH-2)
I say I feel just fine but when I look away.(CH-3)
I'm not my dad! (CH-4)
Pinky promise. (CH-5)
A song? (CH-6)
My girl! (CH-7)
Kiss it and make it better (CH-8)
Studio part one (CH-9)
The studio part two
Fan club messege
1995 & the tribute show!
Friends will be friends
Give the people what they want!
July 6, 1996\ Queen + Melody Mercury
man do I ever feel old!-Bri
Before the first show, everyones POV!
100th Chapter!!!!!
Even older-Sixteen again.
Could this be the end of Queen? (1999 Magazine article)
We really messed up
Before Johns Freak out
After Johns freak out
Do we know any drummers??
May of 1998
Don't start somthing you can't finish!
You wanna play that way Mr.Taylor?
Tag your it!\ heres Roggie!!
Mercury-Taylor family 1999!!!
Before the first televised interview( The Cross 1999)
The Doctors appointment.
January 1st 2000
We need to talk/ Roger your an idiot!/ I promise
About six weeks
Best hide & seek player!!
WikkipediA (from 2017)
November 2004
The truth!
July 2007
Just wanted to say!!!!
Time seems to fly!!
The final Cross show/ Surprise!?
John Deacon!
Our deaky is back!!!!
Granddaughter of a legend/ Wiki
Flashback- Part one (Montreal, 1981)
Flashback Part-2 (How do you lose a drummer!?!)
Flash Back part-3 ( The show)
Who's the girl?
He only smiled at me(Break free flash back)
Updates and a story I'm in love with..
Christmas 2007
new book
B is a big GO!!!

No distractions, no responsibilitys & no construct of time (the honeymoon!)

552 12 6
By AeroLover21

Hello guys. Just to let you know this is, I think the longest chapter in this book. Once again I am not good at writting this kind of thing. So it's another.....

Smutt-ish warning lol.


I must have fallen asleep on the jet because the last thing I remember was sitting with Roger. He had his glasses on, reading a book and I had my walkmen on jaming away. I've never been fearful of flying because with my dad traveling quite litterally all over the globe, I would sometimes get the chance to tag along, or go with my mother later on. So traveling to our secret honeymoon location wasn't scary do to the jet ride. And I knew the same applied to Rog but he traveled way more than me. Actually being in Queen.

Roger was gently shaking me saying my name over and over softly. "Mmm?" I didn't want to open my eyes but his voice was begging me to. Something about 'Here?'
I blinked and slowly opened them.

"What-what are the kids alright?" I asked trying to uncloud my mind. He smirked at me. "Yes, there back home staying with your father and Jim remember?" I stretched after being cramped in the seat. "Y-yea. I-I think so?" He chuckled and rubbed my arms giving me chills.

"Melody, we made it! We have to get off the jet now okay? As soon as we get to wherever your dad booked us you can go back to sleep. And in a real bed too alright?" I groaned but shook my head and he helped me stand. I blinked looking around. "That is if you still want sleep then." He muttered low but I heard it.

The Jet? Suitcases in the walkway? Booked us a place? Sleep of I want it? Wait! Wait, the honeymoon!

He rubbed my back calmly.
"You didn't forget? did you?" He asked smirking at me. "Your finally my wife Lovley!" He said smiling at me. I blushed and shook my head.
"Sorry, clouded sleep mind. I-I thought I dreamt it actually." He laughed guiding me off the jet. "No, it wasn't fantasy. It was very much real life."  I rolled my eyes and he chuckled.
"W-Where are we exactly?" He shrugged walking to the waiting car. "The way they were all going on at the wedding I would'nt be suprised if it really was Disney world!" I laughed and he handed the bags to the man at the trunk of the car. He already had it opened.

"No. Not without the kids. Dad did say it was a beautiful place." I chimed in. "Well nothing is as beautiful as you." I blushed but played it off with a scoff. He smirked opening the car door for me and I got in followed by him. He sat very close and I had no objections.
The man got in and Roger smiled at the driver. It's dark out so I was having a hard time seeing far distances. It just looked like any normal air line landing.

"Excuse me sir. But you could'nt tell us exactly where we are. Could you? I know it sounds strange but this trip was a surprise gift by a friend and we were left in the dark." The man smiled kindly at Roger then his green eyes found mine. "Not at all. Your on one of the beautiful British virgin islands. Right now your on the largest island out of the four main ones. There are a few smaller once as well. This one in particular is known for it's white sanded reef -lined beaches. And the rain forest-filled sage Mountain National park. It's breath taking here with all kinds of activities to keep people moving."

With one final smile and back and forth thank yous with a mix of small talk  from Roger and the driver he started to wherever we'd be staying. Because aparently dad had someone give the man directions. I rested my head on Roger's should letting a small yawn excape me. He chuckled in the now dark car and rubbed my arm once again giving me chills. His other hand went to reat on my bare leg, since I had a short style black dress with lace patterns on. He could easily access my legs. "Mel?" He whispered in my ear. His other hand stopped rubbing my arm to move up and down my back and each time his fingers brushed my skin through the lace I took a breath.

"Y-yes?" I whispered. He was make my heart racing and body trimble.

He knew what he was doing!

"Are you sleeping?" I scoffed quetly. "N-not a-anymore!" He chuckled bending down to kiss my neck one torturous time, letting his lips linger a little longer than normal. "Good." He muttered. I blinked in the dark turning to try and see is face. Make out what he was thinking from his facial expression but nothing! It's to dark, all though I thought I had a good idea of what was in his head. I gulped when his thumb gently rubbed the same spot over and over on my inner thigh.

"R-Roggie?" He didn't say anything. "Roger." I whispered again and still no words left him but he did take his other hand gently taking my hand in his. "You wanna know what I'm think or feeling?" He whispered looking straight ahead. I gulped unsure at what he was playing at. He did'nt intertwining our fingers like normal.

"Mel?" He whispered in an almost pledding whisper. I wouldn't even have made it out if it wasn't for him moving his lips to brush my ear. "Mm." I hummed and he moved my hand slowly from it's resting place on my lap to his. I bite down on my bottom lip to stop myself from making any kind of shocked or pleasured sounds. By the sound that came from deep in the back of his throat he was trying his hardest as well. "Now you know." He whispered againat my ear again and then moved his lips down my neck, never leaving a single kiss, but just brushing his warm lips over my heating skin. I closed my eyes trying to breath right again.

"Your killing me! You know that?" He whispered making me open my eyes, only to close them back tighter than before when he innocenly' repositioned himself in the seat. When really he was just moving against my hand that I had been to shocked to move from his.... Area.

A little groan slipped out and I thought it was from him until he chuckled running his hand up my arm again. "Somebody's not sleepy anymore hum? Would you like to do other things once we arrive?" He asked breathing harder than ever on my ear. I gulped letting a breath out with my eyes still closed. He completly shocked me making me jump a tad when he nibbled my earlobe. My eyes shot open and I turned to look at him. I could make somthings now since we were so close and the bright  moonlight was streaming into the car windows. He was smiling beautifully and his blue eyes were sinning with so much love.

"Melody I ne-."
I didn't let him finish. I was done being sneeky about it. I need him right NOW. I smashed my lips into his and he did'nt fight it, don't even know why that thought came to mind. Oh no he welcomed it kissing back. Taking control and pulling me into his lap in the back of some tranports car. He broke away smirking at me.
"Took ya long enough!" I scoffed smiling at him. He ran his hands up and down my back chilling me all over again. "Your the biggest turn on and tease all at once!" He whispered smirking. "How? What did I do?" I asked in a low whisper making him chuckle and kiss me again before answering. "You feel asleep on the Jet!" I blinked. "You-You were so beautiful and perfect and just a tease!" He snapped in a whisper. Then quickly kissed me twice. I smiled looking down.

"I had to spend the entire Jet ride with my beautiful new wife asleep next to me. Mind you looking like a perfect Angel, moaning and saying my name in her sleep!" His eyebrows shot up. "I had to sit next to that for hours! Trying to keep my mind of what it clearly did'nt want to not think of and you-you weren't helping the thoughts one bit when you stretched out and your legs came to rest on my lap!" I was blushing looking down. I feel just terrible for putting Roger, my husband, through all that. Who knew just a simple nap could do that to him.

I gulped when he gently moved my chin to look at him. He was smiling wide. "This!" He said moving so I'd feel him making my eyes widen. "Has been like that for an etirnenty! And there was no way I was dealing with it alone. Nope - no your helping me after all it's your faul!" He was playfully snapping at me. I gulped breathing hard completly emmbarrest. "Right?" He asked smiling at me. "R-right." I whispered.

"Why do you think I've been so touch-touch with you mm?" He asked smirking.  I gasped at him. "It's not that I would'nt have been otherwise lovley but I have to get you in the mood." I blushed deeper red. He took a breath and stopped beating around the bush. He slipped his hand into my dress and lend in at the same time to my ear. "Have I gotten you in the mo-." He stopped and his eyes widened when he felt inbetween my legs. I blushed deeper red, I think I've reached the deepest red I've ever been in my life in that moment.

"I-I think I have." He whipsered more to himself with a ting of pride if I heard correctly. "Not only are you wet for me." He chuckled the sound coming deep in the back of his throat. "No but you've already- wow." He removed his hand from my underwear and smirked. "Mmm." It slipped out of his parted lips in a  gravel- husted mix that somewhere along the back of his throat to his lips turned into a growl like a wild animal. I gulped when he slipped his fingers into his mouth. "Now you've done it!" I whispered to him wanting nothing more than this car ride to stop and for us to reach our destination already. Wherever that may be. How long have we even been in this car?

"Me?" He asked in a shocked tone. "Oh no Lovley you're the one who's done it now about an eternity ago!" He smirked pulling me into a kiss that made every single part of my body alive and sparked a fire deep in my body. "And I'm gunna finish it." He whispered against my lips. The car slowed down and Roger moved me off his lap in one fast movment. "Finally!" He growled low making me groan.

"Right folks we made it." As the driver  said this I saw nothing but ocean but there were lights everywhere.
"Where did we make it to exactly?" I asked looking at the beautiful beach. "This is where you'll get into the boat that will take you to one of the smaller more private islands. It has it's own beach house that will belong to you for two weeks." I smiled looking away from the water and sand to look at the man. "Private island?" He smirked. "Well yea. I guess you two really did'nt know much. But it was a secret." He shrugged and got out opening the door then proceeding to go to the back of the car to get our suitcases. He gave them to another man and Roger got out of the car holding his hand out for me to take.

"Thank you." I said smiling at the kind driver now standing in the road.
"No trouble. Enjoy your trip." I smiled and he got back in taking off. "We're all ready for you Mr. Taylor." The man called from the dock. "Shall we?" Roger asked smiling at me. I took his hand but before we left the blacktopped road I stopped to take my sheos off. Roger watched me smirking. "I'll take that." He said prefering to my sheos. I smiled handing them to him. He held them in one hand and my hand in the other. I sighed when my now bare feet it the white sand. We walked to the boat and Roger helped me in. Then he did the same sitting next to me and resting his hand behind my back. The wind tossed our hair as the boat efferlessly skidded across the water. The moonlight once again being our only light,other than a small headlight on the boat.

We arrived and the man unlouded our things. Why he did that Roger helped me out by lifting me out of the boat and then setting me down only long enough to get me back into his arms, but this time bridal style.

"Hey! Roger!" I laughed out when he started walking in the sand to the house not to far off. I could see the dim lights. The man was on his way back from the house, he had taken our bags and I had'nt even noticed. "Thank you." Roger said quickly smiling. The man smirked shaking his head. "No trouble." And with that headed back to his boat driving it back to where we had come from.
"I love you." Roger whispered. I smiled when he stepped into the large house. "I love you too Roger!" He smiled looking around the place with me still in his arms. "Are you going to put me down?" I finally asked after he looking over the lower half of the house and was now headed up the steps. "Only when I find the bedroom." He said causally as he went down the hallway now. "Ha! Here it is!" He said happily and I was expecting to me gently placed on my feet followed by a kiss but no. He kicked the door closed, walked to the large canopy bed in the center of the big master bedroom and dropped-dropped! Me onto the bed. It was soft, like landing on a cloud or cotancandy but still he flipping dropped me onto it. Wasting no time in stripping himself. I gulped looking him over, he was bigger or harder than I think he has ever been, probably do to the -


On the jet where I was a tease, even though I was sleeping! Then followed by the car ride, were he was the tease, thank you- and finally to the boat ride. He's Wow!J- just...Wow dosn't even start to cover this...

I guess I was staring. Because he chuckled in the once silent room. "Mel?" It was a dark tone that shook me. "Mm?" He gently placed two fingers under my chin making me look at his face. He was smirking at me. "My eyes are up here lovely." I gulped and was going to say I knew that and loved his eyes when I gasped insted because his other hand went places.

He let my chin go and crawled over top of my making me shake harder. I chewed on my lips trying to breath.
He smirked at me and started pulling off my dress. Licking his lips as he did. His blue eyes stayed locked with mine eyes, never leaving them. He got it completely off tossing it and my socked underpants away.

"No distractions, no responsibilitys, no construct of time." He started whispering looking me over as he ran his fingers over my body. "Nothing but you- me and our desires!"

I groaned when he moved his lips inches from mine. My breathing speed up even more, if possible and I felt his quick breathing on my lips.  A mix between a cry and moan left me want- no needing him but what was he doing ? Teasing me! That rotter!

His amazing eyes were locked with my eyes. His chest so close to mine they almost touched with each heavy breath. "R-Roger." I basically begged him with that one whisper of his name. My lip trimbled. "K-Kiss me. Please!" My voice cracked and he smiled looking like a literal angel over top of me. He slipped his hand under my back unhooking the only piece of clothing let on me.  "Oh Lovley I'm going to do so much more than just kiss you!"

His hand slipped down my shaking body and he without warning slipped inside me. It was one simi- gentle move that made me gasp and grip him. I did'nt really make a sound other than pure shock. I guess I was 'more than wet for him.' As he put it.

I took a moment to look at him. To look over his face. He looked like he was in heaven. Lips parted and eyes closed but just simply at ease. His eyes opened to stare into my soul. "Are you alright?" He asked gently but he was breathing hard still. All I could do was shake my head. "I love you!" At the moment he said that he started to move and I was done. I could'nt think straght, I could'nt utter a word that made since and I defently could'nt keep quiet and did he ever love that!

He kissed me silencing me in a long loving kiss that quickly turned heated and dangerous. For the first time I actually cried I was so full of pleasure, love and longing for more- more.of the man I love with ever fiber of my soul. The man I can now say is my huband. The man that is the father of my children the man that has ment and will.continue to mean everything to me. The love I have for Roger Meddows Taylor is unlike any love Ive ever felt for a a man. It's true love and I dont think I can ever get ebough of the drummer of queen. The father of my children and the love of my life, my husband. Roger Taylor.....

Wow okay that sucked it happend honeymoon done! Hope you liked it lol.💘💘

Love you guys✌

Just think Two weeks of THAT!😜😘

Maybe this chapter is a tie with the flash back 75 getting my song on the B-side but IDK I'm not sure.

{3,152 words wow!}

💖Thanks for reading.💖

Night guys. 😜

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