Freddie Mercury's Melody (A Q...

By AeroLover21

71.5K 1.1K 500

This is actually 2 books. (Both completed!) (I want to apologize for any spelling mistakes. I have edited... More

The party & the problem
A Poodle, A geek & perfection
And her name was Mel
Dancing with Roggie
Young love
Pros & ... His eyes
Baby steps
My Melody Jer Mercury!
Missed it
Johhny boy & Freddie Mercury
Dumb enough
Everything hurts
Want & need
Overly dramatic
mystery man
Farrokh Bulsara
singer with a Melody & a dream
Coolest friend ever!
February 14
To soon?
Two beautiful babys
Big news /1985
I'm on the phone!
Why wouldn't I ?
Seems so Dear!
We will rock you!
I think he's...
Somethings off
Everythings perfect
That rotter Freddie!/About the album!
I love you beautiful people
He's corrupted the children!-Bri
1975 ( getting my song on the B side!)
playing dress up/ I do's??
One week are you mad?
Camera roll!!!
Whatever floats your boat
Mr. Mercury
Todays the day -part one
Tody's the day-part two
Happily ever after!
No distractions, no responsibilitys & no construct of time (the honeymoon!)
Roger Meddows Taylor!
Breakfast Breakthru
Bad habits (Before the 1988 Interview)
Good morning Britain (The Queen 1988 Interview)
👪💖 🌳
Roger's sheer heart attack
Friendship, love, relief & a song
Up all night
Up all night part -2
The Next morning.
Move your fat bottoms ladys
Y-your breaking u-up...
IT's about bloody time! 64 chapter geez!
Roger Taylor back to his old ways!!/ She's just a fan!/ I'm Kim Basinger
Oh poor Bri- part one
Oh poor Bri !-Part two
Jim & Roger's POV
"Roger, what did you do?"
IT'S A....
Baby number six! (Jimmy)
The Mercury-Taylor family
The bassist did it!
Mother love
Promise me!
How could you!
Freddie Mercury's Melody! [book II]
Only the good die young (Ch-1)
"Hello Folks"-Freddie (CH-2)
I say I feel just fine but when I look away.(CH-3)
I'm not my dad! (CH-4)
Pinky promise. (CH-5)
A song? (CH-6)
My girl! (CH-7)
Kiss it and make it better (CH-8)
Studio part one (CH-9)
The studio part two
Fan club messege
1995 & the tribute show!
Friends will be friends
Give the people what they want!
July 6, 1996\ Queen + Melody Mercury
man do I ever feel old!-Bri
Before the first show, everyones POV!
100th Chapter!!!!!
Even older-Sixteen again.
Could this be the end of Queen? (1999 Magazine article)
We really messed up
Before Johns Freak out
After Johns freak out
Do we know any drummers??
May of 1998
Don't start somthing you can't finish!
You wanna play that way Mr.Taylor?
Tag your it!\ heres Roggie!!
Mercury-Taylor family 1999!!!
Before the first televised interview( The Cross 1999)
The Doctors appointment.
January 1st 2000
We need to talk/ Roger your an idiot!/ I promise
About six weeks
Best hide & seek player!!
WikkipediA (from 2017)
November 2004
The truth!
July 2007
Just wanted to say!!!!
Time seems to fly!!
The final Cross show/ Surprise!?
John Deacon!
Our deaky is back!!!!
Granddaughter of a legend/ Wiki
Flashback- Part one (Montreal, 1981)
Flashback Part-2 (How do you lose a drummer!?!)
Flash Back part-3 ( The show)
Who's the girl?
He only smiled at me(Break free flash back)
Updates and a story I'm in love with..
Christmas 2007
new book
B is a big GO!!!

Your crushing me!

417 11 5
By AeroLover21


Mom dropped me off and I walked inside the house finding all the guys were gone. Or atlest thats how it sounded. I sat the few bags down in the entry way. "Did you find anything Lovley?" Roger asked from the kitchen. "Oh well I-." I started when I heard a familar voice I havent heard since I found out about Rory. An American voice. "That's good!" He said with a small laugh.

"No way!" I practically yelled rounding the wall and smiling at the boy sitting on the floor playing with my kids. "Hello Mel!" Johnny smiled. "I'd get up and hug you but." He said jerstering to my daughter in his arms. "Johnny!" A young blond boy was sitting with Tim and the twins playing trains. "I'll hug you!" Tim said standing and walking to give me a crashing bear hug.

Roger walked into the living room with cups. "Here you go boys." I took Rory so Johnny could get up. "Now I'll give you a hug!" He said smiling at me. "H-how?" I asked after he pulled away crom hugging me and Rory. Roger came and held my waist. "Your dad Mel!" Roger said smiling at me. "Yea you did'nt think we'd miss your wedding did ya?" Tim asked sitting in the floor once again. "I-I well your both back in America for your schooling." Johnny smirked. "Yea well we're on a break. Perfect timing right?" He asked as I put Rory down. He sat on the couch and pulling Rory onto his lap. "Y-yes but how did you get here?" I asked sitting with Roger on the other couch. "Like Roger said, your dad." Tim said smiling up at me. "A private Jet! We got here in a private Jet!" Johnny said with so much excitment and joy in his voice. "It was amazing!" I laughed and looked back to the boy. "Who is this?" I asked and Tim smirked. "Our son." My eyes widend. "What?" Johnny started laughing. "N-no- no Mel he's my youngest brother Billy!" I took a breath. "Good cause your both to young for a kid!" I snapped and Tim rolled his eyes. "Says you!" I smirked. "He has a point Mel." Roger whispered in my ear. "Yea your like a year older than me!" Johnny snapped playfully. "Yea but your like my baby brother!" He smiled brightly at me. "Cool so you think your dad would like officially adopt me?" He asked making a face. I chuckled. His brother smiled at me. "Billy was staying with us why we're on break and once your dad called we basically packed and jumped on the jet. Johnny's mom said he could tag along. He is a fan of Queen actually." I smiled at Billy. "Well you'll be meeting them." I smiled and he blushed. "So, how's your dad?" I asked carfully because one: He went off when Johnny told his family he and Tim were more than friends and
Two: He got drafted and so the family packed up and moved yet again.

Johnny and Tim started the same colleges and got a small place just off campuse.

"He's comming around slowly." Tim said after Johnny remained silent.
"I don't think he will Tim." Johnny said low. His mom was more open and by that time she had grown to really like Tim as a person.

"Well my dad came around and I never thought that would happen!" I said smiling at him. Billy was looking at is big brother with sad eyes. "And Fred is actually the one putting the wedding together! He says it's a shot gun wedding!" Roger said smiling.

I got the boys rooms ready because they'll he staying with us why they are back in London. I put Billy next to the twins.

"Night." I said to Tim and Johnny after telling all the children goodnight.

I walked to mine and Roger's room and went directly to the shower turning it on.

"You read my mind." I jumped hearing Roger's voice behind me. "Roger you scared me half to death!" I snapped when he wrapped his arms around me. "Sorry Lovely." He said helping me pulled my top off. He kissed my now exposed shoulder. "You never answered my question." He started moving my hair away from my neck. "W-what question?" I asked once he started peppering my neck in small kisses. "If you found a dress?" I smirked. "Yea I-I did." He pulled back smiling at me. "Oh yea?" He asked looking me over. "Yea." He smirked. "Was it red and black with lace and little bows?" My eyes widend. "NO!" He snickered. "Then what's this?" He asked holding the night gown Pheobe got me as a gift.

(Well Roger's gift according to him)

My face flushed red and I tryed to grab it from him but he moved his arms quickly. "Roger!" He chuckled but put his finger over his lips. "Hush now the kids." I growled. "Now as much as I love this little number Mel you can't really walk down the isle in this!" I rolled my eyes. "Roger, I-I did'nt even get that!" He scoffed. "Phoebe and the girls picked it and made me get it!" He laughed and I finally got it. "Your making me wast water!" I snapped and he smirked. "Well then you'd better get in then!" I rolled my eyes. "And when you get out put that on!" He said pointing to the night gown in my hand. "Roger!" He laughed pulling me into a kiss. He unhooked my bra as he kissed me and pulled back smirking. I gasped and he snickerd. "Hurry it up your wasting water!" He laughed and walked out.

"I'll be waiting for you!" He called making me groaned. I finished undressing amd stepped into the water humming as I did.

I gulped getting out and trying to understand this stupid night gown.
Once I did I gulped and walked out seeing Roger surprisingly fully dressed laying on our bed. The only light in the room coming from the lamp. He looked to be going over his song book. I stood there completly uncomfortable in this thing and he did'nt even look up. "Roger?" I asked but nothing. I blinked and walked closer realizing he was quietly snoring with his glasses on. I chuckled and gently removed the book from his hands. I glanced down looking over the words.

Those were the days of our lives back in the swiftness of time. Those days are all gone now but...

I smiled marking the page and closing the red book. I placing it on the nightstand and looked back at him with a smile. I love it when he wears his glasses. He looks so good in my oppinon but he says it's not rock 'n roll to have them out and about. But he dose usually have them on at home or at one of the guys houses. I placed them on the night stand along with his book and switched the lamp off making the bedroom completely dark other than the moonlight streaming into the bedroom. I took the small blanket from the foot of the bed and carfully covered him up. Getting into bed I then covered up as best I could since Rog is laying on them. I turned to look at him in the moon light and could'nt help but be thankful that in only a few days we would be married.

He rolled over to face me and still sleeping pulled me closer to him and snuggled me making me chuckle.

"I love you!" I whispered half expecting not to hear a response. "I love you too My Melody Jer Mercury!" I smirked and saw his eyes opened. "I fell asleep." He whispered. I smirked kissing his face quickly. "Oh? I didn't notice!" He rolled his eyes at me. "Did you cover me up?" He asked relizing he had the small one over him. "Yes." He smiled. "Your to good to me!" I eyes. He kissed me.hard and then jumped up. "What are you doing?" He laughed and started stripping. "Roger?" He smiled and threw the big blanket back and his smile turned into a smirk. "Well well?" I gave him a look and then it hit me. I blushed looking at myself and then back at him. He stood there in just his boxers grinning at me. I gasped when he jumped onto the bed and ontop of me. "R-Roger!" He laughed kissing me all over. "Your crushing me!" I whispered /yelled at him. He smirked down at me taking some pressure of me by placing his hands on both sides of my head. "I'm also kissing you!" He crashed his lips into mine making me moan. "And doing other things." He whispered in my ear once he pulled back. I blushed and hestarted kissing me again.

Johhny and Tim are back!!!!!!
Only one more chapter then the wedding!👰

Love you guys✌

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