Freddie Mercury's Melody (A Q...

By AeroLover21

71.5K 1.1K 500

This is actually 2 books. (Both completed!) (I want to apologize for any spelling mistakes. I have edited... More

The party & the problem
A Poodle, A geek & perfection
And her name was Mel
Dancing with Roggie
Young love
Pros & ... His eyes
Baby steps
My Melody Jer Mercury!
Missed it
Johhny boy & Freddie Mercury
Dumb enough
Everything hurts
Want & need
Overly dramatic
mystery man
Farrokh Bulsara
singer with a Melody & a dream
Coolest friend ever!
February 14
To soon?
Two beautiful babys
Big news /1985
I'm on the phone!
Why wouldn't I ?
Seems so Dear!
We will rock you!
I think he's...
Everythings perfect
That rotter Freddie!/About the album!
I love you beautiful people
He's corrupted the children!-Bri
1975 ( getting my song on the B side!)
playing dress up/ I do's??
One week are you mad?
Camera roll!!!
Whatever floats your boat
Your crushing me!
Mr. Mercury
Todays the day -part one
Tody's the day-part two
Happily ever after!
No distractions, no responsibilitys & no construct of time (the honeymoon!)
Roger Meddows Taylor!
Breakfast Breakthru
Bad habits (Before the 1988 Interview)
Good morning Britain (The Queen 1988 Interview)
👪💖 🌳
Roger's sheer heart attack
Friendship, love, relief & a song
Up all night
Up all night part -2
The Next morning.
Move your fat bottoms ladys
Y-your breaking u-up...
IT's about bloody time! 64 chapter geez!
Roger Taylor back to his old ways!!/ She's just a fan!/ I'm Kim Basinger
Oh poor Bri- part one
Oh poor Bri !-Part two
Jim & Roger's POV
"Roger, what did you do?"
IT'S A....
Baby number six! (Jimmy)
The Mercury-Taylor family
The bassist did it!
Mother love
Promise me!
How could you!
Freddie Mercury's Melody! [book II]
Only the good die young (Ch-1)
"Hello Folks"-Freddie (CH-2)
I say I feel just fine but when I look away.(CH-3)
I'm not my dad! (CH-4)
Pinky promise. (CH-5)
A song? (CH-6)
My girl! (CH-7)
Kiss it and make it better (CH-8)
Studio part one (CH-9)
The studio part two
Fan club messege
1995 & the tribute show!
Friends will be friends
Give the people what they want!
July 6, 1996\ Queen + Melody Mercury
man do I ever feel old!-Bri
Before the first show, everyones POV!
100th Chapter!!!!!
Even older-Sixteen again.
Could this be the end of Queen? (1999 Magazine article)
We really messed up
Before Johns Freak out
After Johns freak out
Do we know any drummers??
May of 1998
Don't start somthing you can't finish!
You wanna play that way Mr.Taylor?
Tag your it!\ heres Roggie!!
Mercury-Taylor family 1999!!!
Before the first televised interview( The Cross 1999)
The Doctors appointment.
January 1st 2000
We need to talk/ Roger your an idiot!/ I promise
About six weeks
Best hide & seek player!!
WikkipediA (from 2017)
November 2004
The truth!
July 2007
Just wanted to say!!!!
Time seems to fly!!
The final Cross show/ Surprise!?
John Deacon!
Our deaky is back!!!!
Granddaughter of a legend/ Wiki
Flashback- Part one (Montreal, 1981)
Flashback Part-2 (How do you lose a drummer!?!)
Flash Back part-3 ( The show)
Who's the girl?
He only smiled at me(Break free flash back)
Updates and a story I'm in love with..
Christmas 2007
new book
B is a big GO!!!

Somethings off

582 8 2
By AeroLover21

( 1985. POV- Jim)

The guys ran off stage after saying there thanks to the world basically. People everywhere watched there twenty minute performance. Fred walked off first smiling followed by John who took his bass off and laughed. Then Roger and Brian last walking together and laughing. Fred smiled. " So Jimmy what did you think?" Fred asked me. I laughed pulling him into a hug. "You were amazing love!" I kissed his cheek. "Everyone of you were!" I said smiling at the three members of Queen. Roger was holding Melody hand. Brian was talking to Mary and Johnny. And Deaky was chatting away with David. "I hope the boys are behaving for Pheobe!" Melody said was we walked down the hallway. Roger smirked. A girl was standing by the exit doors and Brian smiled. "Hey love." He walked a little fast to reach her first. He pulled her into a hug. "I did'nt know you were coming!" I noticed how smily Brian became, even more so now that she was her. I looked at Roger and he just shrugged clearly not knowing her either. By the looks of it no one in our group knew here. "Um Bri who's this then?" John asked confusion all over his face. "Oh um r-right." Brian gulped. "Everyone this is Anita Dobson. She worked on my solo with me." He smiled at her. Melody gave me a look. "H-hello I'm Melody." She said holding her hand out to the woman. She smiled back and shook it. "Nice to meet you dear. Actually all of you!" Her smile was bright and she had a kind of light about her. Brian looked actually smitten. "Well darling nice to meet you aswell. I'm Jim H-."" I kindly shook her hand but got cut off by Freddie."Hello again Darling.This is Jim Mercury my husband." I smirked at him and he winked. Mary laughed smiling at the gound. So Fred has met her then? Anita blushed saying hello to Fred. Must be a fan of his but honestly who isn't?

"Mary Austin right?" Anita asked. "Yes. I'm Melody's mother. Nice to meet you Anita." They shook hands. Mary also seemed a bit off lately I just could'nt tell why. Even since the Twins party she's been strange around Fred. The others all went around introducing themselves and saying hello. Roger put his hand on Johnny's shoulder. "Ready to meet David Bowie?" He asked with a smile. The way Johnny's eyes grew was amusing. He shook his head yes quickly making Melody laugh.

"So cool!" Johnny mumbled when the three of them headed off. "Jimmy, lets go say hello to Elton." Fred said taking my hand. "Alright." John, David and Mary all went one way and Brian left with Anita.

Fred never said anything about the strange way Brian was acting. But something sure seemed up with not only him but Mary too. When we got into the car I gave him a look. "So Anita?" He smirked crossing his arms. "What's all that about?" He chuckled. "Trust me darling it will never last!" My eyes grew. "So...Then She and Brian are..... Together?" Fred shook his head amd I was completely shocked. "Yea. As of the ending of the albums recording. She sang and things with him. She seems rather nice but it's so unlike Bri to cheat." I gulped. "It really is!" I blinked looking out the window. "So, when did he tell you about her?" Fred chuckled. "He didn't." I tilted my head. "Then how do you know her and know there." He cut me off smiling. "I walked in on them!" Fred started laughing. "Oh?" He laughed harder.

God I love him. The way he looses it laughing with his eyes closed and the biggest smile on his face.

"Yes and Brian's face...Priceless!" He hit his leg when he said priceless. He was red and crying from his laughing fit. After he calmed down some he smirked at me. "He begged me not to say anything to anyone. That was oh about three or so months ago. He never brought her up again so I just thought they stopped. But I guess not." He shrugged looking out the window. "What about his wife?" He shrugged again. "They've been growing apart recently. He talked with me about it once. He said he had been feeling really drepressed. This was after we all found out about Roger and Mel. And Queen was on break so I thought he was just upset about that but he said it was more. Then when he started on his solo record he cheered up and it's all thanks to her. If she makes him happy then good for him but like I said I don't think they'll last long darling." I huffed and the car stopped. "If you say so Fred." He smirked when we got inside. "Oh I do say so!" He winked.

(December 1985 POV-Jim)

Freddie was coughing alot and would get weak at times. I was really starting to worry about him but he'd just brush it off and say he's fine. He was laying in bed watching the Tv with three of our many cats around him. "Fred?" I asked walking into the bedroom. "Yes dear?" He asked still watching the it. "Your coughing up blood now?" I asked voice shaky. He gulped looking at me with wide eyes. I was holding a napkin with little specks of dryed blood. When I was emptying the trash it caught my eye. He looked down gulping. "Jimmy." He started low when I walked and sat on the bed. He sat up looking at his hands. "No love. No, you can't say your fine when your not! Your weak, you've even. Gotten skinnier since Live aid because your not eating right anymore. I'm very concerned love! Please just go see what's wrong." I took his hand in mine.

I felt like we both had an idea but were to afraid to know the truth. A few tears fell from my eyes and he gulped. "Please." I begged. I've been trying to get to see since a month after Live aid. He gulped and kissed my hand. "Right. I-I'll go." I pulled him into a loving kiss. "But what if-If I do h-have it." He whispered eyes full of fear. "I'll be here for you. We all would." He gulped looking down. "Jim if-if  I do I-I'd want you to leave. I don't want to chance you getting it too!" He sniffed looking into my eyes. "Hey no." I said touching his face. "I'm not go anywheree for any reason. I love you Freddie Mercury! I'm Jimmy Mercury remeber? Your husband!" I said pointing to my ring. He laughed and kissed my hand. "How can I forget it when I have the best husband ever?" He smiled kissing me. "I-I'll make the appointment." I stood up and left the room. I heard him sigh and sniff.

(I cryed writting this)
Jim will be there for Fred no matter what. The baby was born will talk about that next chapter. Anita is now in the story! And Mary will tell big news soon. Love you guys) ✌😭😜

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