Freddie Mercury's Melody (A Q...

By AeroLover21

71.5K 1.1K 500

This is actually 2 books. (Both completed!) (I want to apologize for any spelling mistakes. I have edited... More

The party & the problem
A Poodle, A geek & perfection
And her name was Mel
Dancing with Roggie
Young love
Pros & ... His eyes
Baby steps
My Melody Jer Mercury!
Missed it
Johhny boy & Freddie Mercury
Dumb enough
Everything hurts
Want & need
Overly dramatic
mystery man
Farrokh Bulsara
singer with a Melody & a dream
Coolest friend ever!
February 14
To soon?
Two beautiful babys
Big news /1985
I'm on the phone!
Why wouldn't I ?
Seems so Dear!
We will rock you!
I think he's...
Somethings off
Everythings perfect
That rotter Freddie!/About the album!
I love you beautiful people
He's corrupted the children!-Bri
1975 ( getting my song on the B side!)
playing dress up/ I do's??
One week are you mad?
Camera roll!!!
Whatever floats your boat
Your crushing me!
Mr. Mercury
Todays the day -part one
Tody's the day-part two
Happily ever after!
No distractions, no responsibilitys & no construct of time (the honeymoon!)
Roger Meddows Taylor!
Breakfast Breakthru
Bad habits (Before the 1988 Interview)
Good morning Britain (The Queen 1988 Interview)
👪💖 🌳
Roger's sheer heart attack
Friendship, love, relief & a song
Up all night
Up all night part -2
The Next morning.
Move your fat bottoms ladys
Y-your breaking u-up...
IT's about bloody time! 64 chapter geez!
Roger Taylor back to his old ways!!/ She's just a fan!/ I'm Kim Basinger
Oh poor Bri- part one
Oh poor Bri !-Part two
Jim & Roger's POV
"Roger, what did you do?"
IT'S A....
Baby number six! (Jimmy)
The Mercury-Taylor family
The bassist did it!
Mother love
Promise me!
How could you!
Freddie Mercury's Melody! [book II]
Only the good die young (Ch-1)
"Hello Folks"-Freddie (CH-2)
I say I feel just fine but when I look away.(CH-3)
I'm not my dad! (CH-4)
Pinky promise. (CH-5)
A song? (CH-6)
My girl! (CH-7)
Kiss it and make it better (CH-8)
Studio part one (CH-9)
The studio part two
Fan club messege
1995 & the tribute show!
Friends will be friends
Give the people what they want!
July 6, 1996\ Queen + Melody Mercury
man do I ever feel old!-Bri
Before the first show, everyones POV!
100th Chapter!!!!!
Even older-Sixteen again.
Could this be the end of Queen? (1999 Magazine article)
We really messed up
Before Johns Freak out
After Johns freak out
Do we know any drummers??
May of 1998
Don't start somthing you can't finish!
You wanna play that way Mr.Taylor?
Tag your it!\ heres Roggie!!
Mercury-Taylor family 1999!!!
Before the first televised interview( The Cross 1999)
The Doctors appointment.
January 1st 2000
We need to talk/ Roger your an idiot!/ I promise
About six weeks
Best hide & seek player!!
WikkipediA (from 2017)
November 2004
The truth!
July 2007
Just wanted to say!!!!
Time seems to fly!!
The final Cross show/ Surprise!?
John Deacon!
Our deaky is back!!!!
Granddaughter of a legend/ Wiki
Flashback- Part one (Montreal, 1981)
Flashback Part-2 (How do you lose a drummer!?!)
Flash Back part-3 ( The show)
Who's the girl?
He only smiled at me(Break free flash back)
Updates and a story I'm in love with..
Christmas 2007
new book
B is a big GO!!!


1.7K 24 2
By AeroLover21

(Roger dosn't have kids in this story or a girlfriend)

I was eating pizza with Roger. He looked out of it. "Rog ?" He looked up from his half empty drink. "Mm?" I smiled. "Are you alright?" I touched his shoulder gently. "Some host I'm being! I promised a party! What movie would you like babe?" I smiled because he smile beautifully at me. I've always loved his eyes and smile, Whenever he smiles at me my heart melts. We settled on a movie we both liked and I was sitting on the couch as it started. He came over throwing a blanket over my head. "Hey!" He laughed and sat down next to me, pulling the blanked off my head and messing my hair up, making it a frizzed mess. I got comfortable again and he pulling me closer and covering us both up. I inhaled and smile hearing his steady breathing made me feel better. I haven't seen him in forever.

 He started petting my hair smoothing it. I put my head on his shoulder and my heart felt like it could explode when he started rubbing my arm giving me goosebumps. 

The movie was half way over. A romantic comedy and Roger would laugh every now and them. I love it when he laughs. "Melody." I took my eyes from the TV and smiled up at him. "Yea?" He tucked some hair behind my ear. "I just- I know I have'nt been around lately and I'm sorry about that." I looked down. "It-it's okay Rog,  you have a life! A girlfriend and-." He shook his head. "No, not anymore." I chewed on my lip. "Why?" I tilted my head. He took a deep breath and touched my shoulder. "We-We just were'nt working. I think I like someone eles. I have for a while but I don't know how she feels about me. I'm older." I looked into his blue eyes. "Oh." I felt sad that he liked someone eles. His eyes shifted to my parted lips. "Melody?" I gulped hearing the way it left his lips. His he nervous?  "Mm?" His hand came up to my face and he used his thumb to rub my bottom lip. I didn't know what to do. I just blinked looking into his eyes.  "I know your not a child. Your far from it actually." He smirked looking me over. "W-What?" He chuckled and used his other hand to touch my hip. "I heard you mumble that your not a kid at the party. I know your not, I was just trying to talk to your father. Make him see that the party was not a good place for you. Latley he's been off." I gulped looking down. "I-I have'nt seen him in almost two years Roger! First the tour, then he stayed in Germany with Paul for some reason. I-I miss him and I feel like he dosn't want or love me anymore. Like all he needs is Paul and music!" I shook. "Wow hey no!" He pulled me up aginst him. "I've known him for years, he-he just- I don't know. He relized he was different. That he liked men and then he just went a little crazy that's all. And as for the music your his Melody!" Roger carfully moved me back to look at him. His cool hand touched my cheek again. "Melody, I hate to see you hurting, I want to help you. What can I do to help you?" His eyes found my lips again. I gulped.

 It's now or never Mel just say it! Say what you've only dreamt of since you were like twelve. I took a deep breath.

" K-Kiss me? Rog, please." It all came out in a low wimper. I did'nt know if he heard it until he slowly came closer and our lips conected. His hands tangled in my hair and I held his back with my eyes closed. He pulled back and search my face for an emotion. He licked his lips looking down. "Melody I-I." His eyes were wide and worry set in. What if he regreted the kiss? Without thinking, I crashed my lips into his and climbed in his lap. Now strattling him, I felt him and heard his low moan. His hands slid up my back as he deeped the kiss. He slowly lay be back on the couch and got over me. "Is-is this really what you want?" He asked out of breath looking me over. "Y-yes!" I whined with my hands around his neck pulling him closer. He groaned and started kissing my neck. I closed my eyes shaking trying to remember this feeling for as long as I live. I've loved him for so long and I could'nt believe it was really happening. A knock on his front door scared us both half to death. "I'll get it." He winked and kissed me quickly before getting up. The knocker, whoever they were, would'nt let up. "I'm comming!" He yelled running his hand in his hair trying to fix it. I sat up and covered up, fixing my own hair and turned back to the film. Roger opened the door and leaned on it's frame. "Yea what?" He asked sounding kind of annoyed. My eyes grew seeing who was at the door.


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