Not Everyone's Cup of Tea (on...

By RetirwemaL

686K 19.8K 4.5K

CaKe (Cara Delevingne x Kendall Jenner) AU! - Alternate Universe. WARNING! Contains g!p (girl-peen), girlxgir... More

Mine (pt. 1) - Rewritten
Mine (pt. 2) - Rewritten
Mine (pt. 3) - Rewritten
Mine (pt. 4) - Rewritten
Mine (pt. 5) - Rewritten
Mine (pt. 6) - Rewritten
Mine (pt. 7) - Rewritten
Mine (pt. 8) - Rewritten
Mine (pt. 9) - Rewritten
Mine (pt. 10) - Rewritten
Mine (pt. 11) - Rewritten
Mine (pt. 12) - Rewritten
Mine (pt. 13) - Rewritten
Mine (pt. 14) - Rewritten
Mine (pt. 15) - Rewritten
Mine (pt. 16) - Rewritten ✔
Teacher's Pet (pt. 1)
Teacher's Pet (pt. 2)
Teacher's Pet (pt. 3)
Teacher's Pet (pt. 4)
Teacher's Pet (pt. 5)
Teacher's Pet (pt. 6) ✔
Proving a Point (pt. 1)
Proving a Point (pt. 2)
Proving a Point (pt. 3)
Proving a Point (pt. 4) ✔
Figure Things Out (pt. 1)
Figure Things Out (pt. 2)
Figure Things Out (pt. 3)
Figure Things Out (pt. 4)
Figure Things Out (pt. 5)
Figure Things Out (pt. 6)
Figure Things Out (pt. 7)
Figure Things Out (pt. 8)
Figure Things Out (pt. 9)
Figure Things Out (pt. 10)
Figure Things Out (pt. 11)
Figure Things Out (pt. 12)
Figure Things Out (pt. 13)
Figure Things Out (pt. 14)
Figure Things Out (pt. 15)
Figure Things Out (pt. 16)
Figure Things Out (pt. 17) ✔
Acceptant & Confession (pt. 1)
Acceptant & Confession (pt. 2)
Acceptant & Confession (pt. 3)
Acceptant & Confession (pt. 4)
Acceptant & Confession (pt. 5)
Acceptant & Confession (pt. 6)
Acceptant & Confession (pt. 7)
Acceptant & Confession (pt. 8)
Acceptant & Confession (pt. 9)
Acceptant & Confession (pt. 10)
Acceptant & Confession (pt. 11)
Acceptant & Confession (pt. 12)
Acceptant & Confession (pt. 13)
Acceptant & Confession (pt. 14)
Acceptant & Confession (pt. 15)
Acceptant & Confession (pt. 16)
Acceptant & Confession (pt. 17)
Acceptant & Confession (pt. 18)
Acceptant & Confession (pt. 19)
Acceptant & Confession (pt. 20) ✔
Prom and Pr0n (pt. 1)
Prom and Pr0n (pt. 2)
Prom and Pr0n (pt. 3) ✔
A New Beginning (pt. 1)
A New Beginning (pt. 3)
A New Beginning (pt. 4)
A New Beginning (pt. 5)
A New Beginning (pt. 6)
A New Beginning (pt. 7)
A New Beginning (pt. 8)
A New Beginning (pt. 9)
A New Beginning (pt. 10)
A New Beginning (pt. 11)

A New Beginning (pt. 2)

6.2K 198 27
By RetirwemaL

"So what's that supposed to mean for us?" Kendall whispered, almost tearing up.

Cara sighed loudly, walking away from the brunette. "I don't know, it depends I guess..." she quietly said.

"Depends on what? What do you want?!" Kendall desperately asked.

"Well umm... I want nothing actually," Cara said it lightly, like she didn't give a single damn thing.

"What?! Nothing? What do you mean by nothing ?" Kendall was somewhat shaking, she couldn't believe they had to face this kind of shit all over again.

Kendall's mind went almost crazy, her heart was beating so fast. This is not happening! She can't dump me. Not again! She just can't—

"Nothing's changed. I love you too much to leave you, but believe it or not, I still have some pride left. So I'm done begging you or asking you for the next step of our relationship. If you want to move forward, it has to be you who asking from now on," Cara explained, cutting off Kendall's thoughts.

Kendall immediately let out a relief sigh, knowing that Cara didn't want to break up with her. But then she just realized something . . .

Did Cara just give me an ultimatum?  Kendall gulped.

The tall brunette couldn't believe what had just happened. Cara must be that mad with her if she that determined. Kendall once again began panicking, she hurriedly cleared her throat trying not to ruin the best thing that ever happened to her.

"Okay, but can we stop fighting now? I want to spend the rest of the day with you. Without any arguments." Kendall approached her girlfriend and carefully, slowly began to move her hand so she could hold Cara's hand, testing the water.

The brunette let go another relief breath when Cara held her hand back, and even more relieved when she saw Cara nodded, agreeing with her. Kendall slowly leaned to kiss her blonde girlfriend trying to win her girlfriend's affection back. "I love you," she said between kisses.

Cara didn't say anything but reciprocating Kendall's kiss, albeit not as sweet and loving as usual. The blonde kissed her, playing with her girlfriend's lips expertly, before letting herself in to Kendall's mouth with her tongue. Kendall immediately moaned as she moved her arms around Cara's neck, holding the blonde tightly.

"Baby," Kendall pulled away from the kiss, while Cara moved her attention to Kendall's neck and began kissing her neck.

"Say you love me too," the brunette said, her tone was begging.

Cara still didn't say anything yet moved her lips back to Kendall's lips, kissing her girlfriend deeper instead. The brunette could feel her heart slowly breaking minute after minute, with how mute her girlfriend was. She couldn't help a tear started to fall, and that was when Cara pulled away from the kiss.

"Say it please...." Kendall whispered.

Cara immediately wiped the tear with her thumb; and for the first time after their stupid argument, she smiled softly. She then kissed the corner of those beautiful brown eyes, trying to stop the tears that kept falling down.

"I love you, you know I do," the blonde huskily said.


"Are you sure this person is any good?" Gigi asked for the thousandth times.

Kendall groaned, getting irked that Gigi's being annoying in purpose. "Just shut up. I told you million times that she's a Parsons graduate so of course she's good! She helped Suki and Cara's apartment, and you know how great their place looks like," she explained yet once again.

It was couple days after Kendall's argument with Cara, and she'd decided to meet Suki's interior designer. The moment she told Gigi about the idea of hiring an interior designer, the tall blonde was all aboard. She agreed whole heartedly to change the whole looks of their apartment. The less of her father's style of decorating inside her apartment, the better.

"But what if they're being biased tho?" Gigi still being skeptical.

"Then that's the whole point of this fucking meeting! Would you just shut it?! Let's meet and talk to her, then if you don't like her then don't hire her. You're so annoying, I swear!" Kendall yelled at her tall blonde best friend.

"You're bitchiness is showing," Gigi said before smirking at her former captain.

"Shut up!" Kendall barked just as her phone ping with a text notification. "She just texted me, she's here."

Kendall stood up from the dining chair she'd been sitting on to where there was a built in intercom screen on the wall next to their front door, where she could see the live cctv on the building entrance. She let the interior designer to come in by buzzing her in.

About five minutes later, she heard her apartment door's being knocked.

"Kay, you're ready?" Kendall asked her best friend who only nodded, while sitting on their ruined sofa.

Kendall opened the door and all of sudden, she was stunned when she saw the person in front of her.

The girl smiled, and her sky blue eyes twinkled as she's doing so. "Hi, you must be Kendall? I'm Stella Maxwell, we've been talking on the phone?" she introduced herself.

"Oh yeah.... Yeah that's right! That's me! I'm Kendall... Jenner, that is." She somewhat stammered, which the brunette immediately scolded herself on the inside for responding like a stuttering loser.

The other girl chuckled and tilted her head, showing off her shiny blonde hair.

Kendall felt that she was caught off guard because how unprepared she was to be face to face with a gorgeous girl like Stella. Because seriously, Suki's description on her didn't do a justice. The British girl only described Stella as a tall and skinny blonde. Typical lanky Europe chick, Suki's words not hers.

Well, Stella was definitely more than just a lanky blonde. Because honestly, Kendall thought she was a freakin Victoria's Secret model if she didn't introduce herself.

"Oh wow... you're so hot!" Gigi chimed in, suddenly appeared next to Kendall. "I're so hired." She hurriedly corrected.

Stella laughed, and Kendall thought her laugh was so beautiful to hear, she wouldn't mind to hear it everyday.

Okay, what the hell?! Why am I acting like a creep?  Kendall thought.

"Okay, before you hire me. Can I see what I need to work on though? And what type of interior you prefer? Stuff like that?" the blue eyed blonde said playfully, which Gigi happily replied with her infamous flirty smile.

"Why... of course. How rude of my roommate for not letting you in immediately. Please by all means, come in." Gigi's exaggerating, which Kendall thought was so fucking ridiculous she instantly rolled her eyes.

Gigi let the other blonde in, while not being subtle at all as she's checking her out. She mouthed to Kendall 'oh my God!' soundlessly, and the brunette couldn't help but chuckle at her best friend's behavior. She couldn't wait to roast Gigi because just minutes ago she was so adamant about hiring the interior designer, but now just by looking at Stella physically, she already decided to hire the other blonde in matter of seconds.

Typical Gigi who's always thinking with her horny ass.

Kendall thought her best friend was pretty much similar with most dudes whose only thinking with their dicks. Only, in this case, Gigi's always thinking with her vagina. Kendall couldn't help but scoff at her thoughts.

"Oh wow, such a fancy apart— oh my God what's going on here? Were you guys being robbed or something?!" Stella asked shockingly seeing all the ruined furniture, making it like a part of a crime scene.

It was honestly horrifying how ruined the furniture looked like, with how crazy Gigi destroyed them by throwing everything she could find to the floor and all those knives stabbing to the furniture. Kendall didn't blame Stella for looking horrified at the scene. She did too, the first time Gigi's acting all psycho few weeks ago.

"Nah, just one certain crazy blonde over here being dramatic," Kendall pointed to Gigi, who didn't waste time to glare and pinched Kendall on the arm quickly.

"Ow !! Jesus! What the fuck?!" the brunette hissed, while Gigi kept glaring.

"Ugh! Anyway, you can discuss everything with Gigi for now. I have class in thirty minutes, so gotta run." Kendall hurriedly make up some lie just so she could get out from there. For some reason Gigi seemed interested on Stella, and she didn't want to third wheeling or something like that.

"Wait, what? You can't—

"Bye Gi!" Kendall cut her off. "And nice to meet you, Stella. I'll talk to you later."

"Yeah okay, nice to see you too, Kendall," Stella said, as Kendall took her bag from the dining chair and left the apartment almost sprinting, knowing Gigi would stop her if she didn't act fast.

"Bitch." She could hear Gigi said, just right before she closed the front door.


For the next few days, Kendall and Gigi had been doing meetings about the redecorating and furniture shopping with Stella always next to them. After discussing about what kind of interior style they wanted and liked, they both agreed with the modern, but chic looking with neutral colors. So that meant they had to re-paint the whole apartment, since Gigi's dad painted them with light cream with a bright yellow and some of the orange color, and Kendall had enough with those shit.

So during those renovation, Kendall was staying with Cara for more than a week. Which actually it wasn't really necessary, considering the paint job only took a day to finish and most of the other works only took until late afternoon.

But ever since their argument, Kendall just wanted to make sure that Cara wouldn't slipping off from her, and that's why she was staying with her girlfriend as much as she could. Although from the point of view from other people it seemed that there's nothing different with them, Kendall felt the opposite.

She felt more and more insecure about their relationship everyday. Although Cara didn't drastically act cold and mean or anything remotely closed to that, the blonde did however, acted a bit distant than she used to.

And that only had turned Kendall into acting more clingy toward her girlfriend.

Cara didn't say nor comment anything about the changes of Kendall's behavior, despite a couple weeks had passed after their argument. Cara didn't comment on why Kendall never wanted to be away from her ever since either. Cara also definitely not protesting with the brunette being extra attentive, extra kind, extra sweet, and most of all, extra clingy toward the British girl.

Somehow, in the back of Kendall's mind, she was terrified of the possibility of Cara's leaving her. After the blonde said that she wouldn't ask Kendall to move in together anymore, the brunette felt she had to prove herself even more.

On the other hand, Cara secretly knew why Kendall was suddenly behaving that way, but not gonna lie, she was enjoying and basking the attention. So she didn't say anything and let Kendall did her things.

That was why when Kendall told Cara that her apartment was finally finished being redecorated, and then purred to the blonde's ear that they should christening her brand new kitchen; Cara gladly followed her girlfriend without any single protest.

Well, that, and the blonde was not stupid for denying kinky sex with her girlfriend. So of course she wouldn't object.

Especially not when Kendall was that desperate, she's actually showing up in Cara's campus; then practically 'kidnapped' the blonde to go to Kendall's apartment —in the middle of the day— since Gigi was having class till four.

"Cara..." Kendall moaned when the blonde thrust in and out inside her, adjusting the brunette position against the marble kitchen counter.

"Harder!" Kendall panted as she clung tighter onto Cara's shoulders. When she felt the blonde didn't fuck her hard enough, Kendall moved her hands so she could grab and squeezed Cara's ass, pulling her deeper inside her pussy.

"Ummhh... fuck baby..." Cara moaned, Kendall being desperate for her cock was always such a turn on.

"Ah...!" Kendall hissed when she felt Cara got deeper inside her.

She locked Cara's movement with her legs, keeping the cock she loved so much inside her as Cara moaned at the feeling being trapped inside of Kendall. The blonde tried to move, but it wasn't easy with how her girlfriend positioned herself.

"Ken, I can't move..." Cara hoarsely said.

"I know, just a lil bit. I wanna try something..." Kendall breathed.

"What are you— oh my God... oh..." Cara moaned feeling her cock being massaged inside the brunette.

"It feels so good baby... oh fuck..." Cara felt like she was in heaven.

"Oh fuck! Where did you learn this?! Ohmygod..." The blonde continued to moan, "So good..... Ah! Babe, I'm gonna cum if you keep doing this."

Kendall stopped massaging her girlfriend's cock with her pussy muscle, feeling satisfied that Cara almost lost her mind. "You like it? I've been trying Kegel exercise since few days ago."

Cara moaned as she nodded, "I support you a hundred percent for being a yoga addict now," she hoarsely spoke.

Kendall adjusted her legs so she no longer locking them, and let Cara back to thrust her cock in and out again. The blonde moved faster and harder, the way her girlfriend liked it, stroking her cock deep inside.

"Uhh... so good!" Kendall moaned.

She cupped Cara's face with both of her hands, and pulled her closer. She kissed the blonde almost roughly; because with how fast and deep Cara was fucking her, it was hard for her to act soft and sweet. They were so into each other, they didn't hear the front door being opened nor the loud footsteps along with a voice calling Kendall's name.

"Keep going baby, I'm gonna—


Both Kendall and Cara immediately stopped their thrusting movements and froze, then they turned their heads toward the source of the loud voice who was still gasping.

"!!! You guys!!! What the hell!!" Gigi immediately covered her eyes with her hand.

"Shit! Turn around, Gi!" Kendall hurriedly trying to pull her girlfriend's pants.

The taller blonde was mortified as she turned around as quickly as she could, didn't want to see the horny lovebirds tainting her kitchen. Gigi felt irritated beyond belief! She couldn't believe she walked in to her brunette best friend being fucked senseless by her half naked girlfriend in the goddamn kitchen.


"Omygod omygod I just saw Cara's ass omygod!!! This is a fucking nightmare!" Gigi started blabbering.

"Hey! I have a great ass thank you!" Cara said, feeling insulted, as she put back her shirt and pulled her jeans with the help of her girlfriend.

"Oh fuck off! I hate you two!! What did I always tell you guys?! No sex outside of each other's room! You know I have to walk across the goddamn kitchen to go to my room!!" Gigi yelled, scolding them out loud.

I'll never cook in that kitchen ever again!  Gigi grunted.

When both of them finally being covered, Kendall made sure once more that none of any of their private members were still out there for the world to appreciate. She bit her lip trying so hard not to laugh and pissed her best friend off even more.

"We're good," Kendall said, right before she stole a quick kiss from her blonde girlfriend.

Kendall pulling away from Cara's addictive lips the same time as Gigi turned around, giving both of them a furious glare.

"Seriously you guys?! Kendall! The kitchen is fucking brand new! And for the love of God it's been three years, why you keep doing the same mistake?! Can't you guys fucking control yourself?! Go fuck in your room, dammit!!!" she scolded them as she harshly opened the fridge and took a bottle of an energy drink, before walking toward her room almost stomping in every step she took.

Then both Cara and Kendall could hear a loud bang coming from Gigi's bedroom door.

"She's soooo pissed..." Kendall couldn't hold her laugh any longer.

"See, this would never happen if you could control your horny ass," Cara teased the brunette in a light tone.

Kendall only rolled her eyes, then dragged her girlfriend to her room, almost in a hurry.

"Come on, your cock still gotta work to do."


"You're disgusting."

Gigi glared at the brunette from the living room couple hours later, when Kendall got out from her room looking all sated and glowing.

Kendall only smirked and walked into the kitchen so she could bring two glasses of water. "Sorry not sorry, Gi," she said before gulping her water.

Once the glass was empty she poured another water, and brought the full two glasses in her hands.

"Thirsty much?" Gigi sneered. "I bet you do, with all the screaming and moaning you guys did. Don't you two have enough of each other? Like, basically you've been fucking the exact same cock for four years. Don't you get bored?"

"Absolutely not," Kendall said. "Cara is so amazing in bed. I would never get bored of her. Ever."

"Apparently she's amazing in the kitchen as well," the tall blonde cynically said, still annoyed for what happened.

"Not my fault your afternoon class being cancelled." Kendall chuckled.

"You're so disgusting! We cook in there too! What you did is so unsanitary!" Gigi yelled.

"Oh please... like I complained when I caught you're getting fucked by one of your many flings in our old couch. I sat there too! But did you hear me complaining? No. I just vacuumed it the next day without even mentioning shit." Kendall glared.

Gigi growled and was going to argue some more when Kendall's room being opened, and the fresh looking Cara was ready to leave with a bag in her back. Kendall looked at her confusedly, wondering why her girlfriend was going to leave already.

"Baby, where are you going? I was just gonna bring you water." She frowned as she approached her girlfriend, definitely not ready to be apart from her blonde yet.

"I'm sorry babe. I have a study group in about an hour, it's in Brooklyn so I have to take a subway," Cara said as she took one of the glasses and emptied it in one go.

"Thank you." She returned the empty glass back to the brunette who was still looking disappointed.

"That far? Why? Usually you go to study group in the library." Kendall frowned.

Cara shrugged. "One of them is a single mom, usually she has someone who babysit her son, but not today. So we're heading up to her house. Since, you know, she's the smartest person in the class, so we follow her no matter where," she explained, then chuckled when Gigi was making a face behind Kendall's back.

Kendall then put the two glasses in the kitchen counter; while Cara and Gigi trade a playful insults among each other for few minutes, then the British girl excused herself and walked toward the front door.

"Wait. You're staying here tonight right?" Kendall asked, somewhat annoyed Cara didn't tell her about a study group that day.

"Uuhh.. I'm not sure. I probably home late, so I think I'll sleep in my place tonight," Cara said as she put her coat on.

Kendall pouted, "Why didn't you tell me you're going soon? I still wanna be with you," she said, being clingy more than usual.

"Sorry, but to my defense you didn't ask me how my day was or what my plan for the day. Instead, you just kissed me and begged me to fuck you the minute you approached me on campus." Cara smirked as she turned around facing her still pouting girlfriend.

"You're so cute, come give me a kiss before I go," Cara said, she was such a sucker for Kendall's pout.

Kendall walked closer and went into Cara's open arms. She kissed Cara with all of her heart, she even teased her girlfriend so just the blonde would cancel whatever her plan was and spent the rest of the day with her instead.

The brunette continued kissing her, pulling and nipping Cara's bottom lip, knowing her blonde loved being kissed like that. Kendall was jumping in joy on the inside when Cara teased her lips and pushed her tongue into her mouth. They kept kissing, fighting for dominance, and just when Kendall's hands began to roam, Cara pulled away.

"Babeee...." Kendall protested.

Cara only grinned at her and kissed her briefly before letting Kendall go. "I have to leave. Don't wanna be late." She kissed her once more before moved away and took her backpack from the floor.

"Love you." Cara smiled sweetly.

Kendall felt so disappointed that Cara still decided to go. She only nodded, not saying a word. Cara moved closer once she had her backpack on and pulled her girlfriend into a hug. She then whispered those three words once more.

"I love you, now say it back or I'll be leaving with a heavy heart," she demanded softly.

"Love you too," Kendall murmured into her girlfriend's neck, still clinging onto her.

"I'll text you once I get there." Cara gave her a peck, feeling satisfied that Kendall said those words, then let go of her girlfriend and turned around to leave the apartment.

"Kay," Kendall mumbled.

"Bye baby," Cara said, looking at her one more time, right before she closed the door.

Kendall stood there; looking longingly at the door, feeling like a puppy who just got left by their owner. After a while, she turned around and walked slowly toward the living room; where Gigi was still sitting there reading a thick psychology textbook in their brand new L shape sofa.

Apparently the tall blonde really took being a therapist seriously. After a year in NYU, Gigi had decided she was going to major in psychology, just because apparently the subjects were really interesting for her. Not to mentioned Gigi felt that she had a skill and talent to become a successful therapist in the future.

Which of course, the moment she told that to Kendall, the tall brunette only rolled her eyes unimpressed with Gigi's being over confidence as usual.

"You're pathetic. So she has to go studying, it's not like she's leaving you to another part of the world. It's just fuckin Brooklyn for cryin out loud," Gigi commented without taking her eyes away from the book.

Kendall huffed as she threw herself onto the couch. They didn't speak to each other for next few minutes as both were immersed in their own world. Gigi with her book and Kendall with her phone. The sound of the tapping fingers felt so loud because how quiet the apartment was.

The blonde glared at her friend who still busy texting, feeling annoyed as she was trying to concentrate on her reading. She continued her glaring, looking at her best friend who was all smile in front of her phone, and the tall blonde couldn't stay silent any longer.

"Are you serious?!" Gigi closed her thick book loudly.

"What?" Kendall said, still focused on her phone, didn't even turn her head to face her blonde friend.

"She barely left for ten minutes, Kenny! Let her breathe a little. Tone down the texting, you're borderline obsessive, I swear God..."

"What ? What the hell are you talking about?!" Kendall frowned, finally looking up at the tall blonde.

"Stop texting your girlfriend! She just left few minutes ago! You're being too possessive and obsessive! And according to this fucking book..." Gigi smacked the psychology textbook on her lap, "That's unhealthy and borderline sociopath behavior!"

"Oh my God... are you kidding me?! You're the crazy one, Gi! I haven't even send a single text to Cara!" Kendall defended herself.

"Okay, so who are you texting then?"

"That's ..... none of your fucking business! Point is, it's not Cara. She barely replied any of my texts." Kendall glared at her nosy best friend.

"Why are you being so sneaky? Who are you texting?" Gigi narrowed her eyes at the brunette.

"Why are you being so nosy?! Leave me alone!"

"Are you sexting someone else?"

"What ?!" Kendall almost shouted. She couldn't believe Gigi would even think that she's sexting with someone else other than her girlfriend.

Gigi kept giving her a look, a look that Kendall knew so well that the blonde wouldn't give up bombarding her with tons of questions until Kendall answered any of them.

Kendall groaned, unbelievably annoyed at her best friend. "I'm not sexting anyone! Why you're being so fucking nosy?! It's my fucking business who I'm texting with. I don't have any responsibility to report anything to you!" She began to get upset.

"Because you're giggling and being all giddy like you're texting Cara, and yet you said it wasn't Cara! Like it or not, she's my friend too, Kenny, so yeah I'm being nosy." Gigi explained.

Kendall sighed loudly, she had enough of it. "Fine! It's Stella." She finally relented.

Gigi immediately frowned at that. "And since when you're texting her in daily basis?" she asked curiously.

"Since you decided that she's not your type and ditched her most of the time during our meetings, so you left us alone most of those times." Kendall rolled her eyes.

"Well, she is too serious for me." Gigi mused.

After several moments spending time together, Gigi found out that Stella was all business and no playing. She was too serious and borderline workaholic for Gigi who only wanted a harmless and short fling. So ever since then Gigi stopped her flirting, as well as being distracted by someone else she'd met during that week.

"So what, you guys are close now?" Gigi then asked.

"We're friends. Somewhat. I only talk to her bout design stuff and school, since she's a Parsons alumni. But yeah, she's cool." Kendall shrugged, didn't think it was a big deal.

"Does Cara know?"

Kendall scoffed at that. "As if she cares. Like I said, she barely replied any of my texts let alone care who I'm texting with," she muttered.

"Since when Cara never replied any of your texts? She always replies."

Kendall sighed loudly, as she pulled one of the cushion and hugged it. "Since these past few weeks. I feel like, ever since our argument, she's acting all ... different. Like, a bit distant. She usually texts me every two-three hours. Or pretty much just calling me to say she misses me and such. And now... you know how many texts I got from her this week alone?! Four! Four texts in total! And it's not even her who texted me first. She didn't even call me anymore... I'm the one who keep calling her instead," the brunette mumbled.

"Really? She didn't look all distant to me today. You two practically just had sex! Ugh I wanna puke..." The blonde paused as she pretending to vomit, ignoring Kendall who chuckled at her.

"Besides, you're still being disgustingly lovey dovey as usual based on what I've seen just now. How is that distant?" Gigi continued, somewhat confused with the brunette's confession.

Kendall sighed before pressing both of her lips. She shook her head, burying her face deeper onto the cushion.

"Kenny, is everything okay?" Gigi frowned watching her best friend's reaction.

"Yeah..." The brunette breathed. "Yeah, we're fine when we're together in person. Cara's being her sweet self when she's with me in person. But it's when we're apart, that worries me. Because she's so unreachable lately..."

"Is that why you've been staying at her place a lot? I mean, I was still staying here during our apartment mini renovation. Like, you basically made up a reason just so you could stay with her. Which is weird I might say." Gigi made a guess, as Kendall slowly and shyly nodded, admitting she was indeed making up reasons just so she could spend more time with Cara.

Which that was never happened before. Normally, Kendall would just blurt everything's on her mind. She would just tell Cara that she wanted to spend a night just because she wanted to. No need to make up any reason. Because they'd been together for years, they were already on the stage of being super comfortable around each others.

But lately Kendall made up reasons just so she wouldn't look desperate. Just so Cara wouldn't notice how insecure she was with their relationship for the last few weeks. Somehow it made her more and more possessive and maybe borderline obsessive like Gigi had said.

And maybe Gigi was right, maybe she really was possessive and too obsessed over her girlfriend.

But yet, Kendall couldn't help it. She never felt this insecure about her relationship like this. Sure they argued a lot, but they made up a lot too. Usually the next day after their fantastic make-up sex, Cara always back into her sweet self.

Somehow, this fight felt different. She could feel Cara was taking a step back away from her, and that terrified Kendall to the point she couldn't think or act clearly. That was probably why she had turned into this insecure, pathetic, clingy girlfriend.

Kendall hated this version of her.

"Well, if you want to spend more time with Cara, then just move in with her. You guys been together for four years, that's long enough to move to the next level. She's been wanting to move in with you since forever. She always wants more from you because she's so crazy about you, she wants all of you. So just give her what she wants, you two basically already living together anyway. All you need to do is move all of your stuffs into one apartment and bam! Problem solved." Gigi shrugged like it wasn't a big deal.

Kendall just stared blankly into the view of Manhattan from the large window in front of her. Their apartment really was a great place to live. It was placed in SoHo and since the building was one of the few many Hadid's properties, it was to be expected to be humongous and of course, completed with the extravagant interior.

Which originally Kendall didn't like, but after the interior being redesigned, their apartment looking more modern and youthful. It was definitely more alive than the previous dull, all leather furniture and chandelier everywhere with those horrendous walls color.

Like, they were in their 20s instead of 40s, for fuck sake. Kendall was glad that she no longer had to live like a girl who lived in her sugar daddy's apartment. And thank goodness Gigi wasn't complaining either with the new interior, in fact she liked it so much, she even hugged Kendall too long for her liking.

"I love this apartment now," Kendall said.

"Hmm... I'm not moving out from here. You're the one who must move out if you wanna be with Cara." Gigi continued reading her book, unbothered.

"Fine, I'll make my new apartment looking more amazing than this, you even wanna move in with me there." Kendall chuckled.

"Awwh... I knew it. The reason you're being hesitated moving in with that Brit is because you don't want to be away from me, right? I knew it Jenner. You secretly want me, don't you?" Gigi smirked, looking up from her book.

Kendall scoffed, "Yeah right. I always want you since the moment you followed me like a lost puppy in freshman year." She rolled her eyes.

Gigi laughed at that then said, "You know you're so lucky right? If I have someone like Cara, I wouldn't think twice to move in with her. Do you know how much I envy you two? I mean, look at me. I'm single, and every people I dated always choosing something else or someone else. Cody...... well let's skip that one. Joe chose that stupid poodle and music, Hailey chose her dancing career, which by the way have you seen the latest music video she featured on? She's so fucking hot!" She paused, and somewhat daydreaming for very long seconds, as Kendall only chuckled at her friend.

"Hotter than Lily?" Kendall teased her best friend with one of the blonde's so many flings.

"Oh my God... thinking about her makes me wet already..." Gigi once again, daydreaming.

"Gross!" Kendall scrunched her nose, disgusted with the mental image of Gigi being aroused.

"Too bad she's not into relationship though. I mean ugh... but yeah, Hailey's hotter though. So much hotter." Once again, Gigi daydreamed like she usually did every time she mentioned a certain ditsy blonde of hers.

"So how's Hailey doing? I haven't heard from her for a while," Kendall asked.

Gigi shrugged, her expression turned a bit tense. "I dunno. Busy I guess," she quickly said.

"What exactly happened with you two?" Kendall seriously didn't understand what exactly going on between those two, they were always on and off and on and off, then on again before they got off again, most often than not.

"Nothing. We're friends," Gigi answered vaguely, trying to look casual despite her body language screamed the opposite.

Kendall scoffed, her best friend was awful on hiding her actual feelings. "Yea right... You and I are friends, yet we don't behave like you and Hailey," she quipped, thinking Gigi was being ridiculous.

"We can do that if you want." Gigi smirked, then raised her eyebrow being flirty and all.

Kendall laughed, "No thank you, I have Cara," she stated.

"See, don't blame me if we're nothing but a platonic friends. Ain't my fault you chose another blonde. Your loss not mine," Gigi said before shrugging her shoulders once again.

Kendall laughed even louder then shook her head, amused with her best friend slash roommate.

"Anyway, remember that Lewis dude I dated couple years ago?" Gigi hurriedly changed the subject.

"Which one?"

"The one who dumped me because he preferred his sugar mama! Omygod I still wanna puke if I remembered that." Gigi scrunched her nose with disgust.

"Oh yeah! That was so.... unexpected," Kendall muttered.

"She's fucking old, Kenny! She's in her 50s for fuck sake! Whatever, I'm hot as fuck it's his lost if he chose an ancient creature. I love being single and able to fuck whoever I want with no responsibility. Anyway, are you sure you want to stuck with Cara for the rest of your life? Don't you want to live a little? Taste something else, a different flavor perhaps?" she riled up her friend.

Kendall rolled her eyes, "You're so contradictive, one minute you said I'm so lucky to have Cara, and the next you want me to fuck other people," she said.

Gigi laughed at that, "Just need to make sure. I wanna know how consistent and faithful you are with her." She smirked.

"Cara's the only one." Kendall answered without a doubt.

Gigi smiled genuinely. "Good to know. No matter how I enjoy being single right now, you should be grateful that you don't have to experience failed relationships like me. There's not many people that already found the one in a very early age. I still wanna swoon every time I remember that Cara's been into you since you guys were a toddler. But of course you have to be late for everything," she teased her best friend.

Kendall couldn't help smiling at what Gigi had said. She really was one lucky bitch. To have someone loved her that long, and still so crazy in love with her even after years being together. She couldn't have a better partner than her blonde girlfriend.

"I love her so much..." Kendall breathed as she buried her face into the cushion.

"You know," the brunette added, "Maybe it's my karma."

"Karma for what?" Gigi asked confusedly.

"For being 'late'. You know, Cara always the first one who realizing what she wants in our relationship. And I always agreeing much later on, I keep making her to wait. And now, she's the one that taking one step back and let me doing all the move first," Kendall explained.

Gigi looked at her and then nodded. "Huh... make sense, but then again I don't believe in karma so... I see it differently I guess." She patted her best friend's leg, then stood up picking up her phone that she left on the dining table.

"Anyway.. I'm hungry, I wanna order some take out. Since you tainted our kitchen, I ain't cooking there anymore." She glared at the brunette who only laughed in response.

"I want some Chinese, what do you want?"

Kendall let go a dramatic sigh, "I want Cara..." she said feeling so lovesick, while Gigi only groaned, annoyed by her best friend being sappy and all.

"That's not on the menu, pick something else." Gigi rolled her eyes.


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