By CrissAngelsLoyalKc13

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Just random this or that with Criss Angel and the reader... Will accept requests from readers if wished...but... More

*IMAGINE 16* (part 3 of Imagine 11)
*IMAGINE 19* (PT. 4 of Imagine 11)
*IMAGINE 20* (PT.5 OF Imagine 11)
*IMAGINE 21* (Final pt. 6 of Imagine 11)
*IMAGINE 31* (PT. 2 OF Imagine 30)
*IMAGINE 32* (PT 3 OF Imagine 30)
*IMAGINE 33* (PT 4 OF Imagine 30)
*IMAGINE 34* (PT 5 OF Imagine 30)
*IMAGINE 35*(pt 2 of Imagine 27)
*IMAGINE 43*(pt. 2 of Imagine 37)
*IMAGINE 45*(pt. 3 of Imagine 37)
*IMAGINE 46*(pt. 4 of Imagine 37)
*IMAGINE 47*(pt. 5 of Imagine 37)
*IMAGINE 51*(pt. 2 of Imagine 49)
*IMAGINE 53*(pt 6 of Imagine 37)
*IMAGINE 54*(pt. 7 of Imagine 37)
*IMAGINE 55*(pt.8 of Imagine 37)
*IMAGINE 57*(pt 2 of Imagine 56)
*IMAGINE 59*(pt 3 of Imagine 56)
*IMAGINE 60*(pt 4 of Imagine 56)
*IMAGINE 62*(pt. 5 of Imagine 56)
*IMAGINE 63*(pt 6 of Imagine 56)
*IMAGINE 64*(pt 7 of Imagine 56)
*IMAGINE 65*(final pt 8 of Imagine 56)
*IMAGINE 66*(final pt 9 of Imagine 37)
*IMAGINE 69*(pt. 3 of Imagine 27)
*IMAGINE 72*(pt 3 of Imagine 49)
*IMAGINE 73*(pt 4 of Imagine 56)
*IMAGINE 74*(pt 5 of Imagine 56)
*IMAGINE 75*(pt 6 of Imagine 56)
*IMAGINE 84*(pt 2 of Imagine 77)
*IMAGINE 86*(pt 4 of Imagine 49)
*IMAGINE 97*(pt 2 of Imagine 95)
*IMAGINE 99*(pt 3 of Imagine 95)


91 19 9
By CrissAngelsLoyalKc13

Criss Angel was having a very bad day, it was only 3 days until Christmas, and he has been so busy at work, that he didn't have enough time to decorate his home for the homecoming of his son. He didn't even have any presents bought yet. You had been a very close friend of Criss's for many years, and you secretly loved him but never had the heart to say anything since the divorce of his wife, and the diagnosis of his sweet little boy...so you just stayed in the shadows.

One day you noticed his desperation and asked him for his permission to stay at his home for a few days, while your house was being fumigated. He tosses you his spare keys without even looking at you...then got back to his paperwork while on the phone. Right when you got there you emptied your car with all the Christmas decorations and really spruced the place up...within 3 hours Serenity was very beautiful all decorated...you did ask Rachel and Siera for help putting up the very big Christmas tree you special ordered for his mansion home. Everything was done...and Siera went home to finish wrapping her presents for her 2 kids and her husband Leland. Rachel was getting ready to leave, but you asked her to stay a while longer...just then Criss called you...when you answered he asked you if you could pick Johnny up at the airport for him...for after hours of trying to get out of the meet n greet he just couldn't get out of it...you told him you would be very ecstatic to go pick Johnny up for him.

You went out to Rachel who was putting the last lighted reindeer up in front of Santa's sleigh...and asked her if she'd like to go with you to pick up Johnny...Rachel jumped on the offer, for she loved the little guy very much. You made it to the airport where the nice flight intendant was watching Johnny until someone came to get him...right when Johnny saw you he wriggled out of the ladies arms and ran up to you squealing with delight...then he gave you a kiss on the cheek, then reached over and kissed Rachel and said Hiii!!

Johnny looked so adorable in his little elf suit and hat...that Rachel had got for him...to surprise his daddy in. You pulled up at the Luxor to take Johnny to his dad...Criss was still at the meet n greet so Rachel watched Johnny as you went into his office...when you saw the list of items Criss wanted to get for his son's birthday...you lightbulb went off...beens Criss was so busy...you decided to do the shopping for him, while Rachel takes care of Johnny until Criss got finished. Rachel was glad to help. You went to all the stores on the Strip...you found all the items but one, which was a toddler's tricycle...you were so disappointed when you couldn't get the largest gift for Johnny. Then you have a spark hit you and you run to Count's Kustoms...and ask Danny if he could deliver what was needed before Christmas for Criss Angel's son...Horny Mike and Ryan jumped in and said they could have it all done by tomorrow. Danny looked at them and said what they said...you thanked them all and ran back to Serenity to wrap the presents...Rachel gave you a call and said that Criss was done and that he and Johnny were going to be heading home very soon...You quickly placed the presents under the tree and headed back to town for last minute shopping before everything in Vegas was sold out.

Criss finally made it to Serenity for the first time in weeks...He and Johnny were shocked when they saw their winter wonderland...Criss actually had a few tears when he seen the Christmas tree...filled with the gifts he knew was for his son. He thanked you to himself and asked his son how amazing he thought it was...Johnny went under the tree and saw his name on all of them...then played in the lights. You finally made it back to Serenity with one more present already wrapped up, and placed it under the tree. Criss pretended to be asleep on the sofa as you went up to see check on Johnny...Criss got up and like a curious boy, he looked at the gift, and noticed his name was on it. Beens he knew you were staying at the house he went out to his car and grabbed a small wrapped present from the glove box, then went back inside and placed it under the tree...Criss ran upstairs and kissed his son on the forehead, then went to the guest room where you were and kissed you on the cheek, and said whispered thank you in your ear...then went to his room, to sleep...for tomorrow was Christmas day.

Johnny was fully awake and dressed at 7:00 in the morning and ran down to the tree and just looked at all the presents...Criss came out of the kitchen and playfully told Johnny not yet buddy...for not everyone was awake yet. Johnny turned on the TV and watched Rudolph instead. Criss went back into the kitchen to finish up Christmas dinner. You finally woke up and ran down to see if Criss needed any help...but he was already done with everything and waiting on the turkey to get done.

Dimitra, JD, Lynn, Costa, Rachel, and little Dimi, came to the door holding some desserts for the dinner and more presents for everyone. After dinner Johnny screeched for present time...then ran into the living area and plopped on the couch. Criss came in and said it was present time...then he turned to his mom and asked her to do the honors of passing them out. Dimitra sat down on the floor next to the tree and handed everyone their first present...you weren't really expecting to get any presents for you were just a friend, and not family. 

But after all the presents were passed Criss pulled his gift out of the branches of the tree, and walked up to you and knelt down in front of you and handed the gift to you...he eagerly asked you to open it...you slowly open it and when the box sprung open and a very beautiful ring was in the box...you looked up at Criss and he held out his hand to you and asked you to marry him. You jump in his arms and tell him yes...and that it was the greatest gift you ever got. The entire family laugh full of joy and happiness as you and Criss both fall backward to the floor, and land in all the ripped paper and all the sticky bows stick all over both of you...Johnny giggles and jumps in to be a human present too. Just when Criss thinks the day was done perfectly someone knocks on the door, Danny, Horny Mike, and Ryan were at the door with a big wrapped present on wheels.

Criss brings Johnny out to them and tells him he has one more gift from the Count and his team. Johnny goes over to it and hops on it without unwrapping it and makes sputtering sounds with his lips...Criss chuckles as he tells his son, he had to unwrap it first...Horny Mike and Ryan help Johnny unwrap his bike...then Mike puts a tiny rubber horny helmet on Johnny that matched his bike...then told him that was a gift especially from him...Johnny grins from ear to ear and says TANK YU!!!

Everyone had a wonderful Christmas, and soon the excitement died down, and everyone went home, and You put Johnny to bed with all his new toys around his toddler bed...as you walk into the hallway Criss sneeks up behind you and picks you up and takes you to his room...tells you how much he loved you and that he should've asked you to marry him a long time ago...You playfully tell him better late than never...then you jump on him, and drown him with angel kisses and tell him you loved him more...he asked you what his present was, and you pulled it out from under the mattress, and he opened it...it was a man's wedding band with his mindfreak logo on it, and a matching watch. He rolled on top of you and said he loved them. You and Criss went to sleep in each other's arms.

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