Not Everyone's Cup of Tea (on...

By RetirwemaL

686K 19.8K 4.5K

CaKe (Cara Delevingne x Kendall Jenner) AU! - Alternate Universe. WARNING! Contains g!p (girl-peen), girlxgir... More

Mine (pt. 1) - Rewritten
Mine (pt. 2) - Rewritten
Mine (pt. 3) - Rewritten
Mine (pt. 4) - Rewritten
Mine (pt. 5) - Rewritten
Mine (pt. 6) - Rewritten
Mine (pt. 7) - Rewritten
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Proving a Point (pt. 3)

9.9K 237 32
By RetirwemaL

“You’re a complete idiot,” Jourdan said shaking her head.

“That, and it's the most idiotic thing people ever do to prove a point. It just— doesn’t make sense!” Suki added.

“Sorry babe, we all know I’m not your girlfriend’s biggest fan, but I’m with her this time, which is that saying something. That’s how big of fool you were or are, if you’re willing to continue this stupid ... bet,” Jourdan finished before sipping her latte.

Cara groaned, “How many times do I have to tell you?! It’s NOT a bet! It’s not! I just want to prove a point here!” She huffed and slumped to her chair.

“By asking her a sex tape? What year are we in now, Cara? Why the hell are you still stuck in Paris Hilton era?!” Suki said, unamused with the whole thing.

“It wasn’t— Ughhh why do I need to explain this again?! Look I was just trying to prove to Harry that I’m not a pushover—”

“Whipped,” Jourdan and Suki said at the same time.

“I’m NOT whipped! See I was trying to say—”

“You said that earlier, dummy, you said you wanted to prove that you’re not a, quote, whipped-motherfucker like what that stupid ass face always said about me, end of quote,” Suki said stating the fact.

Cara was stunned for a moment. What the hell with her always need to defended herself. She huffed, “I’m NOT a pushover or whipped or whatever. Ken always said yes every time I’m being kinky except sex tape. So I’m not giving up and went along with her just because she said no.” Cara nodded, thinking she had it right by now.

“That’s the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard! If you want to prove to everyone that you’re not a pussy whipped, then you could’ve said no eveytime she asked you to do something. I say, that was just you being a fucking pervert, and seriously why would you say yes to that bet with Harry, didn't he use to date Kendall? I remember you were having a meltdown back then, to the point you went to a hospital,” Jourdan said.

Suki nodded, “it was horrible, at that time we didn’t realize that you had it bad for her.”

“It wasn’t like that! Stop twisting my fact! I was rushed to the ER because I fell and got sprained ankle during practice. Also, let me make this thing clear again, it wasn’t a bet!!! How many times do I need to explain???!” Cara groaned, annoyed and almost-frustrated with the persistent bet accusation.

Like hell I'd admit that I fell due to lack of focus because of that stupid mop hair Harry has no fucking Style was being all smitten and shit with my Kenny, on the fucking bleacher, in front of me! Fucking asshole! I should've just shaved his head bald back then, probably Ken would’ve dumped him sooner. Hmmm ... why didn't I think about this before? Cara was lost in her thought.

“Just so you know, you’ve said yes to Harry also considered being a pushover,” Suki added, bringing Cara back to the present.

Cara frowned, her arms were crossing, she was tired arguing about this shit. She was contemplating what her friends just said, now that she was thinking about it ... they did make sense, like why the hell did she agree with Harry? She closed her eyes for few seconds and realization just hit her hard.

“I’m fucking stupid,” she sighed. Both of her friends nodded, definitely agreeing with their friend.

“Fact of the day, babe.” Jourdan chuckled, causing Suki to laughed at what the tall girl had just said.

Cara ignored her friend’s statement, and just sipping her green tea to calmed her thought. After a while she said, “If I apologize will that be considered as being whipped?”

Jourdan rolled her eyes, amused at her friend’s question, “Either being whipped but you still have a girlfriend or you're trying to prove to your rival that you’re some tough cookie, but you probably would be single by then.”

Suki couldn’t help chuckling at Cara’s expression, she was obviously terrified at the idea being dumped by Kendall. She touched Cara’s hand on the table and squeezed it, “Look ... stop trying to prove something that you’re not, we’re not saying that you’re a pushover or anything like that, but obviously what you’d suggested was degrading to Kendall, and that’s not you at all, you worship the ground she’s walking and you treat her like a queen. Be as whipped as it may, but at least you’re happy right? So what’s the point?”

Cara stayed still and after few moments just nodded agreeing with what her friend was saying. She did worship Kendall, she adored her girlfriend so much, she didn’t know what got into her when she was being a douche yesterday. This whole issue with Harry was messing with her head.

Suki gave her encouraging smile and patted Cara’s hand, “You know—“

“Well lookie who’s here, wassup Delevingne?” A familiar voice greeted them.

Cara looked up to the source of the voice and saw Joan and Hailey stood in front of her table.

“Who’s this?” Joan raised her eyebrow, definitely didn’t miss that her captain’s girlfriend’s left hand was under some blonde girl’s hand.

Cara noticed where were Joan’s eyes at and quickly pulled her hand and started introducing them, “Joan, these are my friends Jourdan and Suki, girls, that’s Joan and that’s Hailey, Kendall's friends. I didn’t see you guys come in by the way, or have you been here long and I didn’t notice?” Cara tried being polite.

“Well if you weren’t lost under someone else’s gaze then maybe you would’ve noticed us. Since you know, you’re facing the door,” Joan said in her sassy attitude.

Cara scowled, she didn’t like Joan’s subtle accusation, but before she able to said something Hailey cut her off with her question.

“Suki? You don’t look like a Japanese,” Hailey said confused.

Jourdan laughed at that but quickly recovered when she realized that Hailey was being serious.

“That's because I’m not? I’m British like Cara, unusual name I know.” Suki smiled at the two cheerleaders.

Hailey squinted her eyes like she wasn’t buying Suki's explanation.

“Hmmm ... Okay then, anyway would love to catch up but we’re in hurry. So ... Nice to meet you guys ... I guess,” Joan said, then turned around approaching the cashier to order.

“Rude much?” Jourdan said, displeased with Joan’s attitude. “See, this is why I’m not a fan of your girlfriend, have you seen her friends? And your girl was the bitchest of the bitchest, can’t believe what level of bitchiness your—”

“Hey stop it! That’s my girl you’re talking about!” Cara scolded her friend, obviously not pleased listening to her friend bashing her girlfriend.

Jourdan huffed, “Sorry, I guess I just don’t know her that much, is it my fault though we’ve never meet her? It’s like you're hiding her from us. Shouldn’t you brag your girlfriend around the town and introduce to us or something?! I thought we’re your best friends,” Jourdan said, upset over how secretive Cara was.

Cara felt bad about that, “It is my fault, and I’m sorry about that, it’s not like I don’t want to introduce you guys, but the three of us only able to meet on the weekends and ummm ... I spent most of my weekends with her ummm ... well you know ...” Cara scratched her neck, embarrassed had to reveal her sex life routine to them.

Suki chuckled while Jourdan snorted at their friend being such a pussy whipped. Seriously, Kendall had to had some magic pussy to make one Cara fucking Delevingne couldn’t stay away from her not even for a day.

“My guess is, those two are informing your girl as we speak, and in matter of seconds you’ll receive either a call or text from your queen.” Suki changed the topic, after eyeing Joan and Hailey were typing something on their phones while looking at Cara’s direction, from the pick-up counter.

Jourdan chuckled agreeing with her friend, “and since you’re such a pussy whipped, you’ll do everything she’ll ask you for.”

They both laughed while Cara just rolled her eyes although a little bit amused with their theory. She was drinking from her mug when her phone buzzed.

Sex Goddess: My place. Now!!

Cara’s eyes widened at how on point her friend’s prediction was, before she could reply she got another message.

Sex Goddess: Fyi this isn’t a booty call, you have 30 mins!!!

She gulped, Kendall seemed pissed as hell, she started collecting her stuff from the table, “Uhhh ... anyway I gotta go, mom wants me to drive her for some shopping. See you guys later?” She didn’t wait for an answer and just grabbed her jacket and walked straight to the door  obviously in hurry.

Jourdan just looked at Suki when Cara already left, “She's a terrible liar, did she forget that her mom is having brunch with our moms?”

Suki laughed and nodded agreeing with her friend.



Cara hated to admit it, but she almost terrified to knock Kendall’s bedroom door.

She was speeding like a mad woman but at least she'd arrived at the Jenner's house in less than 30 minutes and the housekeeper just let her in since Kendall’s parents weren’t there.

Oh for fuck sake it’s just Kendall, my Kenny wont hurt me ... right? Cara decided to knock.

“Who is it?” Cara could hear Kendall said in soft tone, like when she was tired.

“Umm ... it’s me.” She didn’t hear any answer for long seconds but then the door was opened and Kendall just looked at her with an expression she couldn’t explain.

Before Cara could say anything, Kendall turned around and walked back to her bed—without saying anything—but let the door opened, a sign to let the blonde in.

Cara entered Kendall’s room, and closed the door. She looked at the brunette whom was sitting on her bed, hugging her own legs while resting her chin on her knee. Kendall looked tired, exhausted, defeated and ... sad?

The blonde cautiously approaching her and sat next to her. “What’s wrong baby? Are you okay?” Cara asked softly caressing those silky brunette locks with affection. She missed her girlfriend so much, she knew how ridiculous it sounded—since they'd just been separated in less than 24 hours—but Kendall had been ignoring her so it felt like it’d been forever.

“Who is she?” Kendall muttered, she sounded and looked heartbroken.

“Who?” Cara asked, honestly clueless.

Kendall then looked at her and Cara saw her beautiful brown eyes turned glassy, “Joan said that she saw you were holding hands with some blonde girl, in my favorite café.”

“Was it Amber? She’s the only blonde I knew that you’d fucked. Do you really have to bring your ex-fling to our place? And ... why were you holding someone else’s hand other than mine?” Kendall said almost-whispered.

Cara gulped, her heart was breaking seeing her girlfriend like this. She stood up and sat behind Kendall and wrapped her arms around her from behind, kissing her ear and said to her softly, “Baby I swear to you, no one else occupy my mind and heart other than you. I promise I didn’t meet with Amber or holding anyone’s hand other than yours.”

“That blonde girl was Suki, you’ve heard about her before right? I’ve told you about Jourdan and Suki before. I had nothing to do today since you were ignoring me since yesterday, so I went to weekend morning practice before heading off to the café, and they decided to tag along cause we haven’t hung out for a while,” she continued.

Kendall still wasn’t convinced, “then why were you holding her hand?”

“No one's holding anyone's hand, she was just encouraging me to stop being a douche and start treating you like the queen that you are. Joan probably saw her hand was resting on my hand. That’s all, I promise I never touch or even look at anyone else since we got together. Be honest with me, Ken, have I ever give you any indication of being unfaithful to you?”

Kendall shook her head. She knew Cara was faithful but when she read those texts from Joan and Hailey, her heart almost stopped. She thought since she couldn’t give her girlfriend what she wanted, Cara was looking for someone else who was willing.

“And the Japanese girl?” Kendall said, remembering Hailey’s text.

Cara couldn’t help laughing at that, “Hailey thought Suki was Japanese because of her name I guess, even though she already explained that she’s a British instead, but well ... you know your friend.”

Kendall chuckled, she shook her head, she was going to kill those two airheads, they gave her misinformation she almost had a heart attack.

Cara's holding hand with a blonde girl and a Japanese girl at the same time.

The fuck?! Kendall definitely would make Hailey do their cheer suicide routine twice harder than the others in Monday practice. She would spare Joan because well ... she meant well, she always had Kendall’s back.

Kendall let go Cara’s arms and turned around facing the blonde. She looked into her girlfriend's piercing blue eyes, searching for any indication of lies. She was relieved when she didn’t find any, she just couldn't help feeling scared that she would lose her girlfriend if she made a wrong move.

“Do you still want to do it?” the brunette said nervously.

“Do what babe?”

“Umm ... you know ... filming us?” Kendall said, biting her lip.

Cara quickly said, “No, baby! Don’t think about it. I’m so so sorry, I don’t know what had gotten into me. I didn’t mean to degrading you or anything, you know how much I adore you, I wouldn’t push you to do something you don’t want to, ever.” She kissed Kendall’s forehead.

Cara touched her girlfriend’s cheek with her hand, touching it lightly, caressing the brunette with the back of her fingers. She then carefully leaned in to kiss her. Cara kissed her girlfriend softly, treating her like she was the most expensive and fragile treasure the blonde ever had.

Cara lightly nibbling Kendall’s bottom lip then gracefully moved to her upper lip, she gave the brunette the treatment she deserved. The blonde didn’t want to invaded her girlfriend’s mouth with her tongue, not at that moment. At that point, she just wanted to kiss Kendall in a soft and sweet way, she wanted to convey all of her feelings to the tall brunette in one sweet kiss instead of their usual lustful kiss.

Cara couldn’t help thinking on how addictive the taste of Kendall’s lips were. She hated to be cheesy but if she could describe it, she’d probably described it as sweet as a honey, sugar, and cherry combined, and some more that was authentically Kendall. If she could kiss her girlfriend like this forever, she would.

The British blonde was well aware how whipped she sounded or how much a sap she was. But at that point she decided that she didn’t care, if this was what she get when she was being whipped by her girlfriend, then she'd gladly take it. In fact, she'd embrace it.

Kendall loved this kind of kiss, everytime Cara kissed her like this, she felt like thousands of butterflies fluttered inside her chest, they were flying all over her chest into her stomach and then spread to all over her body, she couldn’t control it. It was like Cara able to make her weak and incapable of resisting, just by her kiss. She didn’t know what kind of feeling it was, but all she knew was, she enjoyed it, too much. The kiss showed that sweet side of Cara that never failed making the brunette head over heels over her girlfriend, she was willing to give her blonde girlfriend everything she could offer.

Kendall pulled away from the kiss after few moments, trying to slow down her own heartbeat that throbbing hard out of control she almost burst. She then pecked Cara's lips again and again and again on the lips, just because she could, and she couldn’t get enough.

“Let’s do it,” Kendall said softly, their foreheads were touching.

“What?” Cara said with that raspy voice of her, “Baby you don’t—”

“As long as we'll delete it afterward. We’ll record it, watch it then delete it. What do you think?” Kendall said seriously, she then nuzzled her nose into the crook of her girlfriend’s neck. Kissing her there, leaving a trail of her lips and then bit her softly, tasting the skin she missed so much last night.

Cara gulped, Kendall bit her neck made her hard to think, and hard to control herself. No pun intended. Then, she couldn’t help thinking on what Kendall had agreed on—how hot it was going to be—but at the same time she was no longer need proving a point. She could careless about Harry calling her pussy whipped or whatever, so what if she was?! At least she got that pussy in a regular basis.

“Uuhh ... I dunno babe ...” Cara was apprehensive about the whole situation. She didn’t want her girlfriend felt pressured with it—she just got her back—she didn’t want to risk receiving another silent treatment from Kendall.

“Let’s do it, my dad’s Malibu beach house had just finished being renovated. Let’s spend the rest of the weekend there,” the brunette said, encouraging her girlfriend.

Well…. Cara couldn’t say no to that, now could she?


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