Not Everyone's Cup of Tea (on...

By RetirwemaL

686K 19.8K 4.5K

CaKe (Cara Delevingne x Kendall Jenner) AU! - Alternate Universe. WARNING! Contains g!p (girl-peen), girlxgir... More

Mine (pt. 1) - Rewritten
Mine (pt. 2) - Rewritten
Mine (pt. 3) - Rewritten
Mine (pt. 4) - Rewritten
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A New Beginning (pt. 11)

Figure Things Out (pt. 2)

7.9K 220 15
By RetirwemaL

In case you forgot the background story of Coach Grand and the four cheerleaders, you can read it in Teacher's Pet pt.6.


“JENNER! Office now!” Coach Grand yelled after she got out from locker room after practice.

Fuck ! What now,” Kendall muttered to herself.

“Shit! She’s really chasing after our ass, Hails and I just got grilled last week, now you?” Joan said.

“Don’t forget she was basically killing me yesterday, I barely feel my legs today. Wait … what if those losers you tortured this morning already reported you?” Gigi asked her.

“I don’t—

“JENNERR!!!! 5 seconds or I let you running 50 tomorrow!” Coach yelled louder.

Fuck fuck fuckk!! Tell Cara no need to wait for me,” Kendall said to her friends before sprinted off to her coach's office.


“You have balls to chit chat first when I ordered you to come here!” Coach Grand slammed her desk.

Shit! I’ll be stuck here for hours, she’s fucking furious. Don’t show weakness don’t—

“JENNER!! Are you deaf or mute?!” Coach said loudly.

“It won’t happen again, Coach,” Kendall said with neutral voice.

Coach Grand just squinted at her, analyzing her. After a while she sighed.

“What the hell happened to you?! Where’s your stamina? Where’s your endurance? Where’s that burning passion of yours? I don’t see it anymore. You always looked tired, undetermined, lost, even Fat Amy could outrun you. Those were NOT the reasons I made you captain!” she said, loudly.

“You’re weak now! You’re turning ... soft.” Coach said, her tone was full of disgust over that word.

“Especially today, good God today is the worst!! You’re embarrassment for the team today! How dare you fell from the top of pyramid, by your own mistake!! If your team members were as unfocused as you were and didn’t catch your sorry ass, you’d be dead by now!!

“Are you giving up on cheerleading? Is that it? You want Hadid to take over your captaincy? Is that what you want?!” Coach almost shouted.

Kendall gulped, she felt horrible, and embarrassed because she knew the reason why she wasn’t focused today. And she also knew the reasons why she mostly tired when she’s on practice.

“Talk to me, Kendall,” her Coach said.

It has something to do with a certain blue eyes blonde…

“I’m tired because you’ve been on my ass for this past few months! I’m tired when I have to do routines ten times harder than the others while still maintaining my job as a captain, you’re expecting me to do 30 people’s job at once! Every freakin days! You won’t even leave me alone on the weekends, I still have to make a report for you, a freaking 50 pages report every freaking weekend!” Kendall said instead, trying to defended herself.

“I knew you hated me for leaving that Virgin Mary Club, but seriously Coach, I deserve a life too, I'm a freakin teenager for christ sake, my life doesn’t revolve around cheerleading!” she said.

Coach Grand scoffed, “Absolutely, apparently it revolves around that little girlfriend of yours.” She glared at her used-to-be golden child.

“She has nothing—

“She has everything to do for ruining your job as a captain, but I don’t want to talk about her. Listen you piece of shit, do you think I care that you had quitted that club? Or that you’re too busy cheering a captain from the track team? I don’t care about that, what I care, is your future! Your future that I dare to say already being prepared when I decided to making you as a captain!” She pointed at Kendall.

“Do you know why I made you a captain in the varsity team instead of the JV, even though you were still a sophomore two years ago? Despite so many complaints from other team members and their parents, not to mentioned the association of the cheerleading team around this region. Do you know why, Jenner?!”

Kendall shook her head, answering her coach’s question.

“Because you had something that they don’t. You were focus, determined, ambitious, aggressive, controlling, ruthless, and a great leader for the team. You didn’t care some of your team members at that time were mostly your seniors and didn’t listen to you, but you made them listen in the end! You were thinking like an adult, you had no time acting like a lost teen, you knew what you wanted to do, unlike now. We had the same vision! The same goals!

“You were my pride, right now you’re just a mess. Right now, I’m honestly ridiculously humiliated to have a captain like you. Maybe I should consider Hadid as your co-captain instead of your vice captain. You’re obviously not qualified leading your team by yourself anymore.” Coach finished.

Kendall gulped, looking down wondering when this whole speech going to end, because she was so near to breaking down her walls. She felt like a disappointment. Failure was something she never had before. For once she felt like she failed at something, and then the most horrifying thing was she failed at cheerleading, something that she had mastered the art of it for the past three years.

“Even worse Jenner, you’re ruining your future over … a girl! You have less than a month to send your college applications, and where were you all this time? Did you ever come to me asking me about a recommendation letter or whatever you need to apply to a goddamn university? Why do I haven’t yet hear from any of my connections from the Ivy League that my protégé name Kendall Jenner hasn’t apply anywhere?? Or did you decide to be another Hollywood rejects and pass away college?” Coach looked at her.

“I thought you had a plan, wasn’t this what you always talking to me about? That you want to be different from your older sisters? That you couldn’t wait to graduate from high school and move to where ever your dream leads you,” she said, disappointed.

“Has it change now? Did you decide to ditch your future to follow that little girlfriend of yours? Speak to me Kendall,” Coach asked her, almost desperately.

Kendall was quiet for few seconds.

“I don’t know what I want, I thought I knew, but ….” She said quietly.

Kendall was almost in-tears, “I guess, I’m lost …” she almost-whispered.

Then the room was filled in uncomfortable silence.

Coach Grand sighed, “Look I thought me being harder than usual would wake you up from whatever daze that you’re having right now, but apparently not. Set your priorities right, Jenner! Don’t let anything distract you!”

“I’ll email you some list of universities that I think suit you the best, your grades are excellent so far and your position here and in other clubs you’ve joined will be added to your resume, so supposedly, you’re good. Feel free to send your own choices too, we go from there okay?” her coach said.

Kendall nodded.

“Now go home, enjoy your Thanksgiving break. Hopefully you'll spend those free times effectively,” she warned.

Kendall nodded, then stood up leaving her coach's office, not saying a single word.

She couldn’t help thinking whether her relationship with Cara was actually ruining her future or not.


Kendall felt like shit.

Not only because her conversation with her coach, but her lunch meltdown in front of Cara already ruining her day.

And now, this!

It was almost dark, and she didn’t have her freakin car! She cussed at herself, and started walking to the school’s parking lot so she could call her mom's driver to pick her up.

Just when she was going to call, she just found out that her phone died. Apparently she was too upset at Cara last night, she forgot to charge it.

Fucking hell!! This is the worst day ever!

She wiped her frustration tears with the back of her hand and thankfully there were no one in the hallway, because the HBIC having a meltdown would be such a field day for them.

She was going to go back to her coach's office to borrow a phone to call her parents, when she heard someone walking. She immediately turned around and saw the one person that she wanted to see the most.

“Ken— hummph !!”

Kendall didn’t let the girl finish, she just practically jumped on the British girl.

“Why are you still here? I thought Gi told you not to wait for me,” she murmured onto Cara's neck.

“I promised to drive you home, didn’t I? So of course I’ll wait for you, no matter how long it takes,” Cara said.

Kendall hated herself, just when she was having a doubt about her relationship affecting her future, here Cara was being her sweet self.

How could I even think that Cara would ruin my future? She’d probably make it hundreds times even better, Kendall thought.

“You okay?” Cara asked attentively, her hand’s caressing Kendall’s back, soothing her girlfriend.

Kendall nodded quietly, she felt horrible for even slightly thinking that Cara would ruin her future in any kind of way. Kendall hugged her tighter, she adored Cara so much she didn’t want to lose her. She was tired that her own brain kept causing her insecurity over her relationship.

Knowing she would ended up crying all over her blonde girlfriend, Kendall hurriedly cleared her throat and pulled away from the hug.

“Let’s go, before Coach barks at me again,” Kendall said, before she held Cara’s hand and led her girlfriend to the parking lot.


“So … is there anything you want to ask?” Cara said, before she kissed Kendall’s side head.

They decided to go to another café that located near Kendall’s gated community residential, instead of the usual one they used to hang out near their school.

One of the reasons was so Kendall could go home in ten minutes ride anytime her mom asked her to go home. The other reason was Kendall didn’t want anyone from their school seeing her being vulnerable like she was right now. With all the clinging she did to her girlfriend at that moment, everyone could see that the brunette was not being her normal self.

“I dunno …” Kendall murmured, she didn’t care if she was somewhat doing the PDA that she usually avoided.

Cara didn’t care about other people’s opinion, but Kendall cared. That’s why the brunette wasn’t a fan of PDA, but at that moment, she was content and feeling safe being wrapped in her girlfriend’s arm while she hid her face onto the crook of Cara’s neck. Cara’s other hand massaging her head also helped her to relax.

Kendall couldn’t concentrate, she wanted to ask a lot of things to the blonde but what her coach had said in her office was still on the brunette’s mind. Kendall was lost in her thought for a while, before a waiter brought them their drinks and some food they ordered to their coffee table.

She peeked at the food, it looked delicious but she were no longer hungry the moment she got out from her coach office. The brunette then noticed that the waiter was somewhat nervous, with his shaky hands and all.

Cara gave the waiter her charming smile before she thanked him, making him blushed furiously. Kendall rolled her eyes, the boy definitely crushing over her blonde girlfriend, like seriously can’t he see there’s a girl practically clinging on her?! Or am I just not attractive enough that he didn’t notice….

Cara adjusted her seat on the loveseat causing her to let go of her hold on Kendall, so she could eat her food. She'd been waiting for Kendall at the parking lot for quite a while, hence she was somewhat hungry.

Kendall frowned, just because Cara was no longer holding her.

“Do you think I’m attractive?” She said, after a while. She got bored being neglected by her girlfriend who was so busy devouring her food.

Cara snorted, before she took another bite of the mushroom and cheese dish she'd ordered.

“Is the sky blue?” Cara said, after she finished chewing.

“Don’t answer a question with a question.” Kendall scolded her.

Cara laughed, “Because it’s a ridiculous question, babe. The answer is so obvious, everyone with an eye can see how attractive you are.” She sipped her tea; savoring the taste and the relaxing effects of it, before back leaning on the loveseat and held her girlfriend once again.

“You’re extremely attractive, I can’t look away from you even if I wanted to. You’re my hot, hot, hot gorgeous girlfriend, and I’m so lucky you chose me to be your girl and I’m not being biased,” Cara whispered to her ear in a sexy manner.

Kendall rolled her eyes but couldn’t help smiling bashfully.

Cara smiled and nuzzled her nose to Kendall’s and just pecked her lips. She wanted to be with her gorgeous brunette as long as she could. She desperately wanted to ask her girlfriend to follow her to New York, or maybe she could follow her wherever she decided to go.

But it didn’t seem realistic and not to mention, selfish. She didn’t want any of them had to reduce their future dream just so they could live in the same city. Cara had to deal with the possibility of a long distance relationship if they didn’t end in the same city or state. Her heart clenched drastically when she thought of not being able to hold Kendall everyday.

“What’s your plan?” Cara asked, after a while.

Kendall sighed, “I dunno, I’m not sure yet. I need to consult with the school’s counselor after the break, along with my coach since somehow unfortunately in our school she has somewhat a powerful position.” She scrunched her nose, not excited with the idea of her discussing college things with her coach during Thanksgiving break even by emails.

Cara looked at her for few moments, wondering what had happened in Coach Grand's office. “Do you want to talk about what happened inside your coach's office?” Cara asked softly.

Kendall shook her head, “Not really ...”

Cara frowned, suddenly she was worried. “Seriously are you okay? What did she want? Why is she so tough on you now? I thought you’re her protégé or something,” Cara said.

Kendall just shrugged, obviously not in the mood to explain everything.

Cara was quiet for few minutes before finally decided to ask, obviously that was their main intention to be there in the first place, to talk.

“So really, what’s your plan? I mean you must have a plan right? At least for the big picture. Maybe I could help.”

Ughh what the fuck with people asking me those kind of questions today?!  Kendall started getting annoyed.

Kendall sighed, her expression almost turned irritated. “I told you I’m not sure yet. I need to figure some things out.”

Cara nodded, “So ummm… which city do you want to go at least? Or are you staying in LA?”

“Cara, I told you, I don’t know!! Why are you being so nosy?!” Kendall said rather loudly.

Cara immediately got quiet. She let go of her hold, and moved a little bit, away from Kendall. She then sipped her tea, trying to calm herself so she wouldn’t say anything offensive to the brunette. One of Kendall’s flaw was she tend to taking out of her anger and frustration to anyone near her, and Cara wasn’t an exception.

“Could you say it without yelling at me? I was just trying to help, but if you think I’m being nosy, then I won’t ask anymore.” Cara said as calmly as she could, even though her face was tense.

Kendall sighed, “I’m sorry baby, I just …. I didn’t mean to yell at you.” She pouted, feeling guilty.

If Cara wasn’t slightly upset; she would kiss her, because pouting Kendall was one of her weaknesses. But instead of kissing her girlfriend silly, she just stayed still.

“Look baby, I haven’t—


Kendall’s phone was buzzing loudly on top of the coffee table, interrupting their conversation. She unplugged the charging cable before answering her phone, while Cara just continued sipping her tea.

“Hello? Yeah, I'll be home soon. Yeah, I'm with Cara. Mmm, okay. Yeah okay.” Kendall continued mumbled for a while, as Cara tuned off and made herself busy with her own phone.

“Kay, bye.” Kendall ended her phone call after couple minutes of short answers replies.

“My mom wants me home now. She’s having a family meeting with all of my sisters about Thanksgiving party and such. Pretty much arguing who is going to host the party and which house bla bla bla. I dunno why she wants me there, but yea… you don’t mind that we cut it short today right?” Kendall explained.

Cara shrugged, still wasn’t completely cool with Kendall’s previous attitude.

Kendall closed her eyes for a second, she felt awful knowing her girlfriend was still upset with her. She leaned closer and clinging to Cara’s left arm, “Baby …. don’t be mad, I’m sorry I’m such a bitch sometimes...” she said quietly to her ear.

Kendall kissed her cheek and put her lips there longer than usual, “I’m sorry….”

Cara nodded, her expression was unclear. “Wait here, I’m gonna pay the bill,” she said curtly before stood up and walked to the cashier.

Kendall cussed quietly. Stupid college talk.

Cara came back to their table few minutes later and without a word just offering her left hand to the brunette, who quickly stood up and entwining their hand and started walking to the door together.


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