Not Everyone's Cup of Tea (on...

By RetirwemaL

689K 19.9K 4.5K

CaKe (Cara Delevingne x Kendall Jenner) AU! - Alternate Universe. WARNING! Contains g!p (girl-peen), girlxgir... More

Mine (pt. 1) - Rewritten
Mine (pt. 2) - Rewritten
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Mine (pt. 11) - Rewritten
Mine (pt. 12) - Rewritten
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Figure Things Out (pt. 5)
Figure Things Out (pt. 6)
Figure Things Out (pt. 7)
Figure Things Out (pt. 8)
Figure Things Out (pt. 9)
Figure Things Out (pt. 10)
Figure Things Out (pt. 11)
Figure Things Out (pt. 12)
Figure Things Out (pt. 13)
Figure Things Out (pt. 14)
Figure Things Out (pt. 15)
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Acceptant & Confession (pt. 1)
Acceptant & Confession (pt. 2)
Acceptant & Confession (pt. 3)
Acceptant & Confession (pt. 4)
Acceptant & Confession (pt. 5)
Acceptant & Confession (pt. 6)
Acceptant & Confession (pt. 7)
Acceptant & Confession (pt. 8)
Acceptant & Confession (pt. 9)
Acceptant & Confession (pt. 10)
Acceptant & Confession (pt. 11)
Acceptant & Confession (pt. 12)
Acceptant & Confession (pt. 13)
Acceptant & Confession (pt. 14)
Acceptant & Confession (pt. 15)
Acceptant & Confession (pt. 16)
Acceptant & Confession (pt. 17)
Acceptant & Confession (pt. 18)
Acceptant & Confession (pt. 19)
Acceptant & Confession (pt. 20) โœ”
Prom and Pr0n (pt. 1)
Prom and Pr0n (pt. 2)
Prom and Pr0n (pt. 3) โœ”
A New Beginning (pt. 1)
A New Beginning (pt. 2)
A New Beginning (pt. 3)
A New Beginning (pt. 4)
A New Beginning (pt. 5)
A New Beginning (pt. 6)
A New Beginning (pt. 7)
A New Beginning (pt. 8)
A New Beginning (pt. 9)
A New Beginning (pt. 10)
A New Beginning (pt. 11)

Mine (pt. 15) - Rewritten

12.4K 318 93
By RetirwemaL

“I’m nervous.” Kendall said, once they were inside Cara’s room.

“Of what?” Cara asked from the edge of the bed she was currently sitting.

Kendall shrugged, “I don’t know, what if I’m disappointing you or something?” she said, unsure with herself.

“That’s ridiculous,” Cara said after she scoffed at what Kendall had said. “Come here, baby.” She opened her arms so Kendall could come to her.

As soon as she heard what Cara had called her, Kendall felt foolishly happy. She missed it. She missed how intimate it sounded when Cara called her with that pet name. She bit her lip and smiled shyly as she walked closer toward the sitting blonde and into her open arms.

“Ummhh….” Cara sniffed to Kendall’s stomach once the brunette was in her arms. “I’m not pushing you to do anything you’re not ready yet. When I said I wanted you to be mine, I meant, to be my girlfriend.” Cara said, assuring Kendall as she held the brunette tighter.

“I mean, you’re ready for that, right?” Cara looked up at her. “To be my girlfriend?”

Kendall couldn’t control the crazy beating and how loud the thumping of her heart was. Cara’s pleading face and how desperate the blonde was, made her felt …. desirable. She never felt that wanted, or that needed by anyone before. She never felt anything like that exact moment where Cara seemed to beg her to be the blonde’s girlfriend.

She slowly moved her hands and touched Cara’s smooth cheeks, and slightly bent down so she could kiss the blonde. Slowly at first, soothing down the anxious blonde, then added a pressure after a while, making sure Cara knew that she was in it. Telling Cara that she wanted her as much as the blonde wanted her.

Kendall pressed their lips one more time before pulled away slightly, smiling sweetly with a hint of shyness in her brown eyes, melting Cara’s heart that instant.

“Baby, say it….” Cara pulled Kendall into her lap, causing the brunette straddling her. “Say it that you’re mine.” She whispered and went to nuzzle Kendall’s neck.

“I’m yours,” Kendall breathed, leaning forward so Cara could kiss her neck better.

Cara groaned quietly, kissing her neck deeper before she tangled her fingers into the brunette locks and pulled her closer so she could kiss the taller girl.

They kept kissing until they ran out of breath and were resting their foreheads on to each other’s as their hands still wandering all over their respective body.

They didn’t say a word for few minutes and just enjoying each other’s presence, with light kisses here and there. Kendall couldn’t stop giggling when Cara nipping or sucking certain area of her neck that tickled her.

“So ...” Kendall broke the silence after a while.

“Hmmm ...”

“Caz?” Kendall teased.

Cara snorted, somewhat embarrassed that she got caught being called with her childhood nickname. “Shut up,” she mumbled playfully, while Kendall couldn’t help but laughed.

“So, what’s this about you talking about me all the time?” Kendall was smiling big by that point because as much as she wanted to mock Cara, she was a little giddy about hearing how much Cara might liked her.

Cara sighed, “I think it’s so obvious now, isn’t it?” she said.

“Nope, do explain.” Kendall continued to tease her.

The British girl groaned and hid her face into the crook of Kendall’s neck. “Ugh.. fine. I have a crush on you, okay? I always have,” she hid her face even deeper, suddenly felt embarrassed.

Kendall was taken a back by Cara’s confession. She somewhat guessed that Cara liked her —physically— at least. But Cara had a crush on her? Kendall would never have guessed that.

“So yeah I ..... umm ..... like you. A lot. Isn’t that obvious?” Cara said, her tone was nervous.

Kendall smiled at the blonde’s nervousness. She pushed Cara so she could look at her, “Well guess what? I like you too.” She looked intensely at the blonde, assuring her.

“Good.” Cara was relieved, the last thing she needed was for Kendall to freak out over her stupid feeling.

“Kiss me.” Kendall told her.

Cara kissed her without thinking twice, she didn’t care if their position somewhat compromising to anyone who could see them, she didn’t care if suddenly her mom barged in and caught her kissing her long lost childhood friend. All she cared was Kendall liked her back and she demanded Cara to kiss her.

So Cara did.

Whole heartedly.

They pulled away after few minutes just kissing and slightly making out, realizing that they were subconsciously grinding at each other.

“Ummh, Cara ...” Kendall moaned at the friction, she could feel Cara’s thick shaft kept touching her sensitive part of hers.

“Baby .....” Kendall breathed, as Cara kept kissing her neck and teasing their intimate parts by pushing and grinding their centers.

Cara couldn’t help but feeling overwhelmed, with all the friction and her cock was getting hard and mostly what Kendall had called her.

“I love it when you called me that.” Cara husked then playfully sucking Kendall beautiful long neck.

Kendall giggled, feeling ticklish at some point, “Well, you’re my baby, aren’t you?” she said in a playful tone.

Cara felt her stomach flipped and her heart was going to burst any second. She never thought what she had guessed would be one of the most horrible days of her life, apparently had turned into the best day of her life.

“I am, I’m your baby.” Cara said then kissed Kendall some more.

“Cara,” Kendall stopped the blonde that continued kissing her. “I want you to be my first,” the brunette said nervously, out of nowhere.

Cara’s eyes widened with that sudden request, sure Kendall had said that before, but to throw it out of nowhere right there right then, somewhat surprising the British girl.

“Okay.” Cara nodded immediately, “When?” she said quickly, then she cursed at herself for sounding like a horn-dog.

Kendall chuckled, seeing how eager the blonde girl was. Then she pretended to think, “Hmmm…. I don’t know. Next year? Next decade?” she teased.

“Okay, whenever you’re ready. As long as not next century, I’m pretty sure we’ll be dead at that time.” Cara answered seriously, not a single joke in her tone.

For some reason, that made Kendall swooned for how sweet and sincere the British girl was. “Oh my God, you’re really are the sweetest. Who would’ve thought that the badass Cara fucking Delevingne being all sweet and charming and considerate, to me, of all people.” Kendall chuckled before she gave Cara a sweet short kiss.

“Only for my girlfriend,” Cara continued to charm her pants off.

Kendall blushed then grinned happily, “You’re just…. Ugh.. Stop it.” Kendall then hugged her blonde tighter, hiding her blushing face into the blonde’s lock.

Cara just chuckled at Kendall’s reaction and hugged the brunette tighter, enjoying their closeness.

“Let’s do it now.” Kendall blurted.


Kendall could hear how shocked Cara was with her sudden preposition. She pulled away so she could look at her hot blonde, face to face.

Somehow, despite being floored because of Cara charms, Kendall also became brave. She didn’t know what made her to suggest that, but she just did.

“I want you. Now.”

“You mean now, now?” Cara made sure once more.

The tall brunette nodded without any hesitation.

Kendall chuckled when Cara pushed her so that she could stand up and began walking in circle in front of her. The blonde was somewhat confused, yet excited, yet also feared that everything would turn horrible.

“Don’t you want your first time being romantic and all?” Cara asked, again.

Cara couldn’t wait to be Kendall’s first, but at the same time, she didn’t want Kendall to freak out either for being in a rush. Cara rather took her time rather than rushing and ruined everything.

“Okay, do you have any suggestion?” Kendall teased her.

Cara looked at her for a second, “Are you sure?! Today of all days? And in my room?” she asked once again.

“Cara, now that we’re together, it’ll happen anyway. I mean, we were supposed to have our first night last weekend, but….” Kendall didn’t finish, knowing very well what went wrong with that horrible weekend.

Cara looked at her, her expression was unclear it made Kendall nervous.

What if she thinks I’m being pushy, what if I freaked her out? What if taking someone’s virginity is a burden for her? Kendall thought.

“Wait here.” Cara said after very long seconds, before she walked away from her room.

Kendall gulped, she couldn’t help but feeling scared all of sudden. She was scared she was going to lose her virginity, she was scared she was going to fail to satisfy the blonde, but most of all, she was scared Cara would leave her.

The thought of Cara leaving her, terrified her to no end. Which was ironic, considering they were just officially together less than an hour ago. Kendall bit her lip, how the fuck I’ve already turned into some clingy annoying girlfriend in less than an hour?!? She thought.

After several minutes passed by, and Cara hadn’t returned to her room. Kendall began panicking.

Oh my God, she’s leaving me isn’t she?! Fuck fuck fuck!! What’s wrong with me?! I shouldn’t have asked her that today. Fuck…. Kendall wanted to cry, thinking the worst.

Kendall then noticed that Cara’d been gone for more than twenty minutes. After another ten minutes went by, Kendall had enough of her anxiety. She stood up and preparing to get out from there, saving what’s left in her pride. The least she could do was not being dumped less than an hour by a girl, in that girl’s bedroom nevertheless.

Just as she grabbed her key, the door was opened with an almost breathless blonde holding some bag on her shoulder and drink on her hand. “Sorry for the long wait. I brought you drink,” she said cheerfully.

Kendall sighed, feeling stupid for kept thinking the worst about the gorgeous British girl in front of her. She gulped, trying to swallow her guilt, “Thank you. What took you so long?” Kendall approached her and hugged her tight. She felt guilty that she didn’t trust Cara and also very much grateful that Cara didn’t realize she almost ran away again.

Cara chuckled, didn’t realize something was wrong with Kendall’s behavior, “Sorry baby, have to bring some equipment and all.” She kissed Kendall’s side of head.

“Here’s your drink, and could you wait outside for a bit? I promise it won’t take as long as before.” Cara said.

Kendall nodded as she took the drink from Cara’s hand and walked out from the room. This time she would wait, no matter how long it took. She needed to trust the blonde girl and stopped thinking like a paranoid. She knew she’d lose Cara right away, if she continued listening to that crazy mind of hers.

The brunette sipped her drink quietly, thinking what the blonde was doing inside of her room. She checked her phone to waste some times, she was nervous, thinking what if she suddenly chickened out. But then again, she remembered how patience Cara was with her. Cara never pushed her, never acted like a douchebag despite her reputation being a fuckgirl and all.

So maybe if I’m chickened out, Cara would forgive me anyway. Right? I mean, we could always cuddle ... Or making out and blowjob like usual. Yeah I’ll do that if things getting too much, Kendall thought.

The door was opened after a while, and Kendall couldn’t hide her nervousness.

“Alright my dearest Queen, you may come in.” Cara playfully said.

Kendall smiled nervously, and walked inside the room, and immediately gasped.

The room was darker —since Cara had turned off the light and closed all the blinds— and it filled with scent candles everywhere, making the room lit dimly yet beautiful and they smelled heavenly. Kendall still couldn’t believe what the blonde just did in that short amount of time, and she gasped some more as her hand covered her opened mouth seeing rose petals all over the bed.

“Oh my God …… how did …” Kendall turned around facing the beautiful blonde, “Cara, seriously? You did this all for me?”

Cara shrugged, “You deserve it.” Then she walked closer and holding Kendall once more, “Sorry I couldn’t offer you more than this, since you kinda threw me out of a loop here. And these all I could find in short amount of time, can’t keep you waiting too long. I mean, who knows you’re gonna run away or something.” She joked in the end.

That made Kendall gulped loudly, if only Cara knew how accurate her joke was. Oh my God… what if Cara was back one minute longer? She would find me gone, and I’d be ruining everything all over again... Kendall couldn’t help but think.

Kendall hugged Cara so tight, she felt incredibly guilty that she couldn’t trust the blonde, yet all Cara did was just trying to accommodate her, to make Kendall felt special, felt cherished.

“Baby, you’re crying?” Cara said in panic when she felt a tear on her cheek that didn’t belong to her.

“Oh fuck, I’m sorry it’s too cheesy, isn’t it? I’ll—

“Ssshhh…. It’s perfect. You are perfect.” Kendall cut her before she shut Cara up with a long deep kiss.

“I want you now. I’m ready.” Kendall said,  without any hesitation this time.

She was ready.

So fucking ready.














Hello... It's me. (No, this isn’t Adele's song)


So, next chapter will be the last one for Mine, and it'll be on private. Cause yeah you know what's coming (or who to be exact). Lol  ;p

Anyway, I'll be also making a private book, which consists all of my CaKe smuts, including the first version of Mine. Basically just where all of my dirty smut stories, since I'm such a kinky little shit lol.

So if you're a perv like me, make sure to follow me (in case you haven't) so you can access the private book. :D

And YES, I will upload the new story of this series. There'll be three stories before I end this book. If you’re getting bored of this series, I'm sorry, but hang in there. There'll be whole lotsa drama.

You know, such as one of them dying, being kidnapped, all the cheating, murder and such.




Just kidding.




Or maybe not.

Lol. 😈

I also already starting to write another story for a book (another AU), and wondering whether I should stick with the CaKe or maybe another fandom? Or maybe original characters? Tell me what you think.

That's all y'all.

Thank you so much for reading, and all the votes and comments. They always made my day. Love you guys! :)

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