Not Everyone's Cup of Tea (on...

By RetirwemaL

686K 19.8K 4.5K

CaKe (Cara Delevingne x Kendall Jenner) AU! - Alternate Universe. WARNING! Contains g!p (girl-peen), girlxgir... More

Mine (pt. 2) - Rewritten
Mine (pt. 3) - Rewritten
Mine (pt. 4) - Rewritten
Mine (pt. 5) - Rewritten
Mine (pt. 6) - Rewritten
Mine (pt. 7) - Rewritten
Mine (pt. 8) - Rewritten
Mine (pt. 9) - Rewritten
Mine (pt. 10) - Rewritten
Mine (pt. 11) - Rewritten
Mine (pt. 12) - Rewritten
Mine (pt. 13) - Rewritten
Mine (pt. 14) - Rewritten
Mine (pt. 15) - Rewritten
Mine (pt. 16) - Rewritten ✔
Teacher's Pet (pt. 1)
Teacher's Pet (pt. 2)
Teacher's Pet (pt. 3)
Teacher's Pet (pt. 4)
Teacher's Pet (pt. 5)
Teacher's Pet (pt. 6) ✔
Proving a Point (pt. 1)
Proving a Point (pt. 2)
Proving a Point (pt. 3)
Proving a Point (pt. 4) ✔
Figure Things Out (pt. 1)
Figure Things Out (pt. 2)
Figure Things Out (pt. 3)
Figure Things Out (pt. 4)
Figure Things Out (pt. 5)
Figure Things Out (pt. 6)
Figure Things Out (pt. 7)
Figure Things Out (pt. 8)
Figure Things Out (pt. 9)
Figure Things Out (pt. 10)
Figure Things Out (pt. 11)
Figure Things Out (pt. 12)
Figure Things Out (pt. 13)
Figure Things Out (pt. 14)
Figure Things Out (pt. 15)
Figure Things Out (pt. 16)
Figure Things Out (pt. 17) ✔
Acceptant & Confession (pt. 1)
Acceptant & Confession (pt. 2)
Acceptant & Confession (pt. 3)
Acceptant & Confession (pt. 4)
Acceptant & Confession (pt. 5)
Acceptant & Confession (pt. 6)
Acceptant & Confession (pt. 7)
Acceptant & Confession (pt. 8)
Acceptant & Confession (pt. 9)
Acceptant & Confession (pt. 10)
Acceptant & Confession (pt. 11)
Acceptant & Confession (pt. 12)
Acceptant & Confession (pt. 13)
Acceptant & Confession (pt. 14)
Acceptant & Confession (pt. 15)
Acceptant & Confession (pt. 16)
Acceptant & Confession (pt. 17)
Acceptant & Confession (pt. 18)
Acceptant & Confession (pt. 19)
Acceptant & Confession (pt. 20) ✔
Prom and Pr0n (pt. 1)
Prom and Pr0n (pt. 2)
Prom and Pr0n (pt. 3) ✔
A New Beginning (pt. 1)
A New Beginning (pt. 2)
A New Beginning (pt. 3)
A New Beginning (pt. 4)
A New Beginning (pt. 5)
A New Beginning (pt. 6)
A New Beginning (pt. 7)
A New Beginning (pt. 8)
A New Beginning (pt. 9)
A New Beginning (pt. 10)
A New Beginning (pt. 11)

Mine (pt. 1) - Rewritten

32.7K 440 78
By RetirwemaL


This fanfic contains explicit sexual scenes, foul language, girlxgirl relationship, and futanari theme, as in a main character with g!p (girl penis) ---> google it if you don’t get it.

If you’re not comfortable with any of the above, I suggest don’t read. Because seriously, it’s not everyone’s cup of tea.

You’ve been warned. So don’t complain and say mean things. Don’t like it, then don’t read. That’s all. :)

Ps: Some chapters are on private. You have to follow my account if you want to read them.


AU! (Alternate Universe)

The universe where g!p girls are part of the society and human being are free to express their sexuality without any gender limitation.

In this universe, CaKe are frenemy in high school and both are popular with different clique.
















It was a normal Wednesday morning; and a tall, slim, beautiful, stunning girl with a hair that shone like no one could describe with words, was walking with pride in the school’s hallway wearing their iconic cheerleader's uniform with a designer bag on her back.

She walked like she owned the whole school —which she might as well owned the whole damn school— by the way she was strutting like a supermodel owning the runway. The tall brunette couldn’t help but smirked in satisfaction at how the students departed seeing her, like how Moses split the red sea in half.

She greeted some popular jocks and cheerleaders, but didn’t even spare a glance toward others since she considered anyone who weren’t popular was irrelevant to her. It was just not worth of her time, so she thought.

She stopped in front of her locker and glared at a random couple who stood near to her locker. The couple immediately moved away so the gorgeous brunette could have her own space in front of her locker.

The tall cheerleader smirked smugly when she saw how those two students scampered away like a frightened children. She was satisfied that her presence in school was powerful enough to scare people away just by one glare.

Everyone in school knew who she was. Not only a cheerleader was considered as royalty in their school, she was the head cheerleader, so you could say, she was the crème de la crème. Even her own name alone made anyone who heard it got a goosebumps because of how much of power she had in school.

Her name is Kendall fucking Jenner.

Also known as the school’s Queen Bitch, Ice Queen, HBIC, or the Queen Bee, you name it. Basically, Kendall Jenner owned this school and others were just bunch of peasants that bowed to her will. No one, as in, no one, dared to say no to her.

No one dared to disrespect the Queen.

“Hello Ken-dull. Looking for something to torture any of those poor freshmen in that locker of yours?”

Well… except for this one certain person that always irritated her.

Kendall instantly rolled her eyes just by hearing that annoying British accent and just like that, her mood was ruined. She couldn’t believe how quick her mood changed in just matter of seconds. It seemed like this person’s existence purpose was just to annoy the hell out of her.

Every single day. Every single week. Every single year!

“What do you want, Car-hoe?” Kendall said, unamused. She didn’t even bother to look at the blonde girl.

Must this annoying asshole ruined this beautiful morning already?!

That certain annoying asshole was none other than Cara Delevingne, the school’s female track team’s captain, aka the most famous school’s fuckgirl, aka everyone’s favorite girl crush, aka Kendall’s number one enemy.

The one and only person in this whole school that wouldn’t bow down to her.

Instead, Cara fucking Delevingne was the only one who always had some guts to go against any of Kendall’s ideas in every school events and sport meetings. Not to mention, the one who always challenged her over everything.

“Eh, a girl can’t greet her classmate?” Cara shrugged her shoulders, purposely annoying the cheer captain.

“Don’t have time for your crazy ass, Car-hoe. What do you want?” Kendall said flatly, unbothered, as she continued taking stuff she needed from her locker.

Cara chuckled seeing how Kendall already starting to lose her patience in just less than a minute conversation. “Oh well… Are you ready for the test today? I bet your dull ass you’re not gonna score higher than me,” the blonde British girl riled her up as usual.

Kendall finally turned around, facing the shorter blonde who still stood leaning on the locker next to hers.

“You’re bothering me this early just to ask me this? Seriously, don’t you have something to do?! I dunno, that hoe groupies behind you probably? They’re so ready to get STD from you, it’s pathetic!” Kendall spat, didn’t even bother to hide her annoyance.

Cara laughed at the lame insult. “You need to practice your insult, Dull face. But then again, Queen Virgin like you haven’t experience anything in life, so well ... yeah what do you know? Even a nun knows more than you, Ken-dull,” she said, before giving Kendall that smug smirk of hers.

Kendall scoffed. “Move along Delevingne, you pollute the oxygen with your poisonous breath,” she said.

Cara laughed once again, then she began to walk away, followed by her fellow hoe groupies.

Like seriously, is this even real life... Kendall shook her head as she watched the blonde left.

“Oh by the way, Queen Virgin, I think you forgot something,” the blonde said then turned around, stopping her walk after just few steps away.

Kendall only stood there with a cross arms, looking at her, bored with this silly routines they always had. Every. Fucking. Morning.

“You forgot to pull that stick out of your ass, you look stiff, just sayin.” The blonde winked, then continued to walk away.

I fucking hate her!  Kendall slammed her locker.


“I say I scored higher in that test.” Cara turned around from her chair in front of her, after Geometry test they just had that day.

Most of their classmates had already left the class, but Kendall was still busy checking her desk, making sure she didn’t leave anything. She rolled her eyes when she heard her number one enemy challenged her again.

“Are you kidding me? Get a life Cara! I’m not in the mood for your crazy self,” Kendall said, annoyed as usual every time Cara opened her stupid big mouth.

“That’s an indication of a loser. You know, too afraid to accept a challenge, coz they know they’ll lose.” The annoying blonde winked at her, then stood up preparing to leave the class.

Kendall just chuckled, “Oh please… I’m saving you from embarrassment. You couldn’t possibly get a better grade than mine,” she said confidently.

Cara was intrigued hearing that, as she turned around. “Excuse me, do I hear a challenge just now?” she pretended to look shocked.

“Damn right, Car-hoe.”

Cara couldn’t help herself as she began to smirk evilly. “I see… Okay then, what do you want to bet my dear Queen?” she goaded.

“What do you wanna bet?” Kendall countered.

Cara continued to smirk with a glint in her eyes. She finally saw her chance. She’d been waiting for this moment. She looked around making sure nobody could hear them. Not that anyone would, considering there were only the two of them left in the classroom at that moment.

“Tell you what, Kenny boo, if I win I’ll do whatever you want,” she said.

“And I do mean anything, but it’s too bad you won’t be asking something sexual tho...” She paused for a second as she leered at Kendall’s long legs before continued, “Knowing how prude you are as The Virgin Queen, too bad you won’t be asking something interesting. Although, I definitely won’t mind if you want me inside those skirt—

“Gross, you sick pervert! Get to the point!” Kendall cut the blonde off.

“Anyway, what I’m saying is… I’ll do anything you want if you win.” Cara winked, didn’t hide the pervert look on her, it disgusted Kendall even more.

“And if you win?” The brunette raised one of her perfect eyebrows, challenging the British girl.

Cara’s smirk returned. “Well, if I win…” she paused, as she’s walking closer to the taller girl.

“You, have to give me a ...... blowjob,” she whispered the last word, but still loud enough for Kendall to hear, it made her instantly wanted to vomit.

“You’re a fucking pervert!” Kendall pushed Cara harshly. She was furious on how degrading the girl in front of her was.

Cara only laughed seeing how horrified the look on Kendall’s face. “Why? Scared you’re gonna faint seeing the real thing, Jenner?” She challenged the brunette.

Kendall never hated her frenemy more than that exact moment. The cheer captain couldn’t explain how furious she was, she might as well fuming with fire all over came through her ears at that point.

“You’re so fucking pervert! There’s no way I want to touch you that way. You’re disgusting!” Kendall shouted.

“That’s not what the girls in this school said about me. I’m pretty sure majority of people in this school will disagree with you. Everyone with eyes know I’m hot and not even remotely close as disgusting,” Cara said with confidence, like she was stating a fact.

Kendall squinted her eyes at the blonde, she was so pissed off, she was so sure she could rip Cara’s perfect face in matter of seconds!

Wait, did I just admit Cara has a perfect face?  Kendall began to get annoyed at herself.

Okay, well… so what if disgusting wasn’t really the right word to describe her frenemy? Kendall didn’t have to admit that she thought the blonde was actually pretty attractive. In fact, Kendall actually did find Cara was hot. She really, really did, but there was no chance in hell she was going to admit that.

It didn’t matter how attractive the British girl was, because for Kendall, the blonde was just an annoying human being that loved to making Kendall’s life a living hell. Cara fucking Delevingne only lived with one purpose, and that was to annoy the hell out of her life, and Kendall hated her for that. So it didn’t matter how hot the blonde was because the brunette would rather kill herself than to admit to anyone, that Cara fucking Delevingne was such a hot piece of ass.

Besides, she was faithful to her celibacy pledge. If anything her sisters taught her was that boys —or girls like Cara in this case— only want to screw you over (and made you a sextape according to her sister, Kim).

Therefore, she had every intention of saving herself for marriage —or at least until she'd graduated— and for her, that meant not doing anything that required touching of other people’s genitals.

Even so, hearing Cara’s proposition, she couldn’t help feeling somewhat intrigued as well. Despite she tried her best not showing it. She held her head high instead, ready to win this stupid bet.

Kendall was sure and very much confident she could win this. As hot as Cara was, the crazy blonde was also annoying as hell, and Kendall wanted to wipe that stupid smirk off Cara’s beautiful face, so that was why she had decided...

“Okay you know what? Bring it on, Car-hoe! I’m gonna win this bet and you’ll be sorry you even bring this stupid challenge!” Kendall said, resolved to win the bet.

Cara grinned so wide, it creeped Kendall a little. “Hope you’re ready for my dick then, babe,” she said, being crass as usual, making Kendall wanted to vomit.

“Keep on dreaming, Delevingne. Just remember, if I win, you have to be my personal servant for a week. As in the whole seven freaking days. I mean, you’ll be driving me to and from school, even after my cheer practice, meet me at my classrooms and carry my stuff from or to my locker, get my lunch, all that stuff. Do we have a deal, asshole?” Kendall explained.

“You have yourself a deal, Jenner.” Cara smirked, looking way more confident than Kendall thought she should.


A week had passed after that day they had agreed for having a bet. Both Kendall and Cara hoping they studied enough just so they could win, because none of them wanted to lose. Especially, Kendall. She might as well killed herself if she ever had to suck Cara’s dick in any circumstances.

When the next Wednesday rolled around and they finally had their Geometry tests result; Cara couldn’t hold her giddiness, as she approached Kendall with her paper on her hand after the class was dismissed.

“Ready?” Cara asked, for some reason she was more excited than Kendall thought she would.

Kendall somehow terrified by that attitude alone.

The brunette gulped, and masked her fear and nervousness with her confident attitude. “As ready as you can be, Car-hoe. Get ready for being my servant for a week,” she said.

“Oh you have no idea who you’re dealing with.” Cara grinned so wide, showing off her perfect white teeth.

“Okay let’s put it into the table at the same time. On count of three;

















“Shit…!!” the loser said.











Kendall was laughing out loud watching Cara’s losing expression.

This was probably one of those moments she would remember and most likely repeated over and over again in her memory, for the rest of her high-school life.

Pretty much, one of the best days of her life.

Cara cursed some more, annoyed by herself for letting herself lost on her own bloody fucking bet from her number one frenemy. The blonde then sighed, she looked at Kendall and ready to face the consequences, because Cara was anything but a sore loser.

“Fine... What do you want me to do, princess?” Cara said.

Kendall was pretending to think, even though she already knew and had decided what Cara’s punishment were, but playing the blonde like she owned her ass was extremely amusing.

And definitely satisfying... Kendall smirked.

“Okay, ready to hear your fate for a week?”

Cara rolled her eyes, annoyed by the power hungry brunette. “Just spill it Jenner, there’s nothing I can’t handle.”

Kendall scoffed, not impressed with Cara’s confidence at all. She then raised her eyebrow and began smirking in devious kind of way.

“Okay, listen up Car-hoe. I’m gonna be nice and let you be free for the rest of this week.  But next week, starting from Monday, you’re mine.” Kendall said without missing a beat.

For some reason, hearing the word mine coming from the brunette, turned Cara on. She didn’t know why she got excited by that word alone, not that she really cared why, most likely it was the nature of her thinking like she normally used to anyway.

You know, like sex, sex, sex, sex and ...... more sex.

“Be at my house on Monday at 7 AM on the dot, bring me a latte with a low fat milk, half spoon of brown sugar, with fresh cinnamon and no whipped cream,” Kendall demanded evilly, it brought Cara back to reality.

Starting from Monday, she belonged to Kendall.


The rest of the week, Cara avoided Kendall in school. Knowing she only had a little time to enjoy her 'freedom' before she became Kendall fucking Jenner’s slave for a week. So she wanted to enjoy the rest of her week, Kendall-less.

Because starting for Monday, her punishment would begin, and she would have seven full days of torture. Like, seriously?! Seven freaking days had to spend her time with her number one frenemy was too much of limit of her Kendall’s quota.

But then, Monday came quickly much to her liking. Cara grunted when she had to woke up extra early that morning. Much earlier than she used to, considering she had to go to buy a freaking crazy latte for an equally crazy cheer captain, before she had to pick up that same crazy chick to drive her to school.

The blonde British cursed, when she looked at the clock. It was exactly one minute before 7 in the morning when she arrived at the Jenner's mansion. She immediately texted Kendall to tell her that she was already waiting in her car on the driveway.

Cara kept groaning with disappointment, still annoyed how could she let this happened. She couldn’t believe she lost the fucking bet, and not only she didn’t get any blowjob, she had to spend the rest of the week as a slave for crying out loud!

Less than ten minutes later, Cara saw the front door of the house being opened, and the tall brunette walked toward Cara’s car with her cheer uniform, looking gorgeous as usual. The blonde couldn’t help to steal a glance and admiring how long and flawless her frenemy’s legs were.

Damn…  Cara whistled inside her car.

The moment Kendall opened the passenger’s door, Cara hurried up turned her face, pretending to look at the front window, ignoring the beautiful brunette who just got in the car and sat next to her.

“Sup, Car-hoe?” Kendall greeted.

“Sup, Dull face?” Cara replied as she took a cup of latte on the cup holder and gave it to the brunette.

“Here you go, princess.” Cara gave Kendall a fake sweet smile.

“Thank you, peasant.” Kendall smirked, satisfied that her morning was working as planned.

She began to sip her latte, ignoring the still smiling Cara. The moment she tasted the latte, her eyes widened immediately.

“What’s this?!” Kendall said, almost spit her latte.

“Your latte, your highness,” Cara said, still smirking like an evil genius.

“It’s nothing like I’ve requested! It’s a full cream milk with extra white sugar and extra whipped cream which by the way, I know you mixed it with a spoon or something, before I got into you car so I wouldn’t notice it at first!!”

Cara couldn’t help herself as she burst out laughing, hearing Kendall’s rant.

“It’s not fucking funny!” Kendall glared at the still laughing blonde.

“Oh please, stop complaining will you?! It’s still a fucking latte! You should be grateful I bought you one,” Cara said, still somewhat laughing.

“No thanks! You can have it. It’ll ruin my diet,” Kendall said while crossing her arms, obviously upset she couldn’t have her morning coffee because of the asshole next to her who couldn’t even do one simple task!

Cara frowned over Kendall’s response. “Why are you on diet? You’re skinny as it is, you can’t be on diet,” she said.

“Well just because someone is genetically skinny and able to eat anything without getting worried for gaining weight, doesn’t mean everyone as lucky as you,” Kendall said.

“Awww… the Queen has been observing my eating habits?! I’m flattered,” Cara mockingly said, as she touched her own chest with her hand.

“But seriously you don’t need a diet, your body is perfect already,” Cara said, as she turned the engine and began to drive.

Kendall was taken a back over that compliment. She couldn’t help but blushed a little and smiled bashfully at that honest compliment coming from the one and only Cara fucking Delevingne, her number one frenemy.

Although, if Kendall had to be honest, the word frenemy actually simplified their relationship.

They both had known each other since they were five years old when they met at the playground, just a week after Cara and her family moved to the US. They’d been best friends ever since.

Another reason why Kendall knew about Cara’s unusual body part. Because one time when they were six years old, Cara thought they needed to be a doctor just like her dad so she insisted to play doctor’s game. Which led them examining each other body.

The moment Kendall saw Cara’s not-so-giirly body part, she was shocked. Not because she was disgusted by it, but because she didn’t know that Cara was different from her. She knew girls like Cara exist, because she had an intersex cousin so it wasn’t really surprising for her to see a girl with a penis instead of a vagina. What surprised her was that she didn’t know Cara was one of them. After a while Kendall just shrugged it off, didn’t think of it as a big deal.

Kendall being cool and accepting of Cara’s condition made them grew closer, and it wasn’t surprised to everyone who knew them that they would be the type of best friends who attached in the hip ever since.

But then Cara moved back to London when they were in 4th grade unannounced, which caused their friendship crumbled. Three years later the Delevingnes moved back to the US —permanently this time— but things were never be the same. The damage already been done.

When Cara tried to be friends again with her in 7th grade, Kendall acted cold instead and then avoided Cara like a plague. The blonde girl disappointed with Kendall’s cold and bitchy attitude, but she got the unwritten memo. Since then they’d only really been on the edge of each other’s radars.

They’d shared several classes in high school and they were both popular in their own way. Kendall was the head cheerleader and Cara was the captain of female track team, because she identified herself as female despite the penis situation.

Somehow, even though their school’s cheerleaders didn’t cheer for the track team, they’d shared enough classes and general athletic functions over the years, which admittedly added up over time, that they knew they disliked each other now.

Cara thought Kendall had changed into a Queen Bee who only cared about popularity, a bully and a high-maintenance girl. On the other hand, Kendall thought Cara was a fuckgirl that couldn’t hold her pants. It wasn’t helping either that half of her cheer teammates had slept with Cara, which somehow annoyed the hell out of Kendall for reasons she couldn’t explain.

Despite with how much they hated each other, they weren't blind either. They couldn't help but to find each other incredibly attractive. It didn't mean they were actually going to admit that to the other though.



The moment they’d arrived at school, it didn’t take a minute for people to stare at them, most likely shocked because the two of infamous school’s frenemy were arriving at school together and from the same car at that.

“Interesting reaction,” Cara said flatly before she walked away, leaving Kendall behind on the parking lot.

“Hold on! Where do you think you’re going?!” Kendall stopped the blonde before she went any further.

Cara stopped, and turned around looking at her, “Well I dunno whether you understand the concept of school, but this is what people who goes to school do. Going to the class before the bell rings for a start, then study—

“Oh shut up! Don’t be such a smartass. You forgot something, you moron!” Kendall said, annoyed because Cara already forgot their agreement of her being Kendall’s servant for a week. Therefore, for a start, Cara was supposed to bring her bag and her books, and…. always walking behind her.

Cara raised her eyebrow, and smirked before walking back next to Kendall, “I’m sorry I thought you didn’t want a kiss, sweetheart.”

“What the—

Before Kendall could finish, Cara suddenly kissed her lips, which shocked Kendall to the core. Albeit it was just Cara’s lips pressing on her own lips with no tongue involved, but oh my fucking god! Cara fucking Delevingne was kissing her in front of these people!

Kendall abruptly pushed Cara away as hard as she could. “You fucking asshole!! Stay away from me!” Kendall yelled before she almost ran into the school’s hallway.

She could hear Cara was laughing behind her.


Cara fucking Delevingne was absolutely an asshole and Kendall couldn’t hate her even more than she already thought she was. How dare she embarrassed her like that this morning?!

Kendall slammed her locker, scaring people who were near her and she gave them her infamous bitch glare, challenging anyone who wanted to protest her attitude. She smirked smugly when no one dared to complain, in fact they were almost running avoiding the cheer captain because how terrifying she was.

Served them right... Kendall thought while still smirking.

Just as she wanted to moved away from her locker with books on her hands, she was being cornered, once again by the one and only Cara fucking Delevingne.

“Out of my way!” Kendall growled.

Nope. You’re stuck with me for a week,” Cara said, like that kiss this morning didn’t just happened.

Kendall wanted to smack Cara’s pretty face for being so insensitive. How dare this asshole kissed her like that and acted like it wasn’t a big deal?!

Well, it wasn’t a big deal right? It was just a one sided-kiss. From Cara of course not from her.

What?! Why it bothers me so much if that kiss meant nothing for her?!? It means nothing for me. Kendall was confused.


“ were the one who asking for it, so deal with it.” Cara’s annoying accent brought her back from her thoughts.

Kendall glared at her, furious. “Are you out of your mind?! I never asked for a kiss, you asshole! How dare you embarrassing me like that? A kiss supposed meant something, not a punishment like you just did to me!!!” Kendall said, still breathing heavily because how upset she was.

Cara looked at her with an expression that Kendall couldn’t decipher, although she could see a glint of hurt on those blue eyes. The blonde then looked down for a bit before clearing her throat and looked Kendall in the eyes.

“I was talking about me being your 'servant' for a week, wasn’t that what you want? But wow.... good to know, my kiss was so poisonous for you. Don't worry Queen, you won’t die because of it.” Cara sneered at the last sentence, and roughly grabbed the books from Kendall’s hands and brought them without words.

Kendall didn’t understand what exactly just happened, but all she knew, she instantly felt guilty, which was ridiculous considering it was Cara who supposedly felt like this. Not her! That jerk didn’t even say sorry for kissing her abruptly. So why she felt awful seeing the hurt on Cara’s eyes?

Feelings are fucking confusing.


Kendall only had seen Cara that one time before the school ended. Now that cheer practice was over, she was contemplating to call her mom’s driver to pick her up or maybe ordered an Uber. She had a feeling that Cara was ditching her unlike their agreement where she was supposed to be her driver too for a week.

Kendall finally decided to call her mom and asked her to tell the driver to pick her up from school.

Kendall rolled her eyes, thinking how awful this bet had turned. What was she thinking anyway? She could’ve asked something like, asking Cara to buy her some expensive stuff she wanted as a prize, instead of being stuck with her frenemy for a week for cryin out loud!

The day hadn’t even over, yet Cara had already ruined her winning prize. This was supposed to be a prize, not a punishment for fuck sake!

Maybe she should’ve just cancelled it.

Kendall nodded, she had decided that she would change the prize instead, she didn’t want stuck with the most annoying British she’d ever known for a fucking week! In fact, she’d rather cancelled the whole bet if she had to.

Kendall would do anything, just so she didn’t have to spend a week with Cara fucking Delevingne!

She was walking further to the parking lot, waiting for her mom’s driver, when someone grabbed her arm, surprising her with the sudden movement.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Cara stopped her.

Kendall raised her eyebrow, somewhat challenging her. “Home. What do you think you’re doing?” Kendall said, gesturing Cara’s hand that still grabbing the brunette’s arm.

Cara scoffed and let go of Kendall’s arm.
“My car is right there,” she said, pointing the opposite direction where Kendall was going.

Kendall was somewhat surprised that the blonde was fulfilling her promise, “You’re waiting for me?” she asked, still couldn’t believe Cara was waiting for her after school.

Cara rolled her eyes, “Well yeah, you don’t think I would runaway from our agreement, do you?”

When Kendall didn’t say anything, Cara huffed, “Unbelievable! You think that low of me?!”

Kendall had decency to be ashamed for thinking the worst of the blonde. After a while, Cara grabbed her hand and dragged her toward her car.

“Come on it’s getting cold. Let me take you home before you’re getting sick or something.”

For some reasons Kendall couldn’t explain, she blushed so hard and her heart thump faster with how Cara treated her almost like a girlfriend.

That was just, weird.


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