A Harry Potter Love Story: Gr...

By piper103

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Gracie is headed off to Hogwarts. She's been living with the Weasley family for as long as she can remember... More

A Harry Potter Love Story
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Read please!!!
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Authors Note
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Note thingy
Book 2: Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Book 3: Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Book Four: Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Book 5: Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Book 6: Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Chapter 2

48.2K 815 774
By piper103

By the time we finally got home, I was insanely tired. Like I just want to go to sleep right now. Everyone started to run towards the door as we landed, and Harry had to help keep me steady. "Tired?" I nodded. "Come on love," he whispered, pulling me into his arms. I smiled, curling my fist around his shirt again. It's become a habit if you haven't noticed.

"Hey! What happened? Are you two okay?" Dad asked, his voice extremely close.

"Yeah, we're fine. We decided to stop by the park where I used to hang out before we left. Dudley and his gang was there, dementors attacked, so we got rid of them and took Dudley home." Harry whispered, I felt the air get cooler so I knew we were inside. "Don't worry she's fine. Just tired."

There were multiple sighs and mumbles. We didn't go upstairs though, I think we went into the kitchen. I'd peek, but I really don't care, either way I can still hear. They had a talk about the order and the prophet, the things they've been saying about Harry and Dumbledore are horrible! There were only a few on me, but they weren't nearly as bad. I wish they were though, I'd feel less guilty. I didn't even get a chance to say anything. Harry an I were both there, there's no way we'd both be under the same delusion.

"I want to join the order!" Harry stated, his voice completely calm.

"As do I!" Mione said.

"Count me in!" Ron sounded really happy about it.

"Us too! And we're of age, so you can't tell us no!" The twins chorused, you could hear the taunt in their voice. It made me want to laugh.

"So do I and Gracie and I have already talked about it and so does she!" Nat said.

"Now I can see Harry, Ron, the twins, the boys joining the order, that's different, but-" I finally sat up, rubbing my eyes.

"First of all, that's not different, it's sexist! And second of all, you guys are loud!" I sighed, curling up on Harry's lap. He smiled at me, kissing my forehead.

"Personally, I don't want you joining the order either. It's dangerous!" He whispered, I glared at him. "Gracie just because you aren't in the order doesn't mean your not just important in all of this as the rest of us!"

"It has nothing to do with that! It has to do with the things that he's done! The things he'll still do and putting a stop to all of that!" I crossed my arms defiantly. "I can tell you exactly what I'm getting myself into by joining the order. I know what it is, there was one years ago and I read all about it. I studied this Harry, not only is this personal, against the rat and Voldemort himself, oh stop flinching you guys! Half of you that did are part of the order! Dumbledore says fear of the name only increases of the thing itself!" I sighed before continuing. "Not only is it personal, but I want to be an auror, someone to keep others safe, I want to help others, and what better way to do that than to be part of the team designed to get rid of the darkest wizard of all time?"

Nobody said anything, it was completely silent. I could be a lawyer! I left them speechless. Dad looked pretty proud, he had a smile on his face and he nodded at me. Then Molly spoke. "No. None of you are joining the order! Not even Fred and George!" She snapped, glaring at all of us. "Now, who's hungry?" The order was here again, meaning Snape was here, Moody, Kingsley and the rest. No one said anything, just nodded.

Gradually, a conversation started up again. "Potter! A word?" Harry nodded, so I stood up, letting him get up as well. I was almost asleep in the chair when he came back. He had a picture in his hand, but I didn't get a good look at it. He picked me up and sat down, placing me gently on his lap.

"What's the picture?" I mumbled, sitting up straight. Might as well eat something. I put some mash-potatoes on my plate and smothered them with gravy.

"It's a picture of the original order. And your eating more than that!" He put some stuff on my plate, so I rolled my eyes, but I started eating anyway. Even though I'm not really hungry.

"Harry! Your trial is in the morning! Gracie, your not going and that is final!" Arthur stated, looking me straight in the eye. Harry put his hands on my hips, chuckling. "I'll take you Harry. On my way to work that is. But for now, you ought to get some sleep!"

"Oh Harry if you bring me down some good clothes I'll clean them!" Molly smiled, patting his shoulder.

"Gracie sweetheart, can you babysit tomorrow? All of your owls came in and I'll go get your supplies if you will. I don't think Lilly is going to let you out of the house again!" Mum laughed, passing Lilly over to me. I nodded, smiling at my little sister.

"Hey baby girl! Did you fight with Mummy again?" I smiled, trying to look stern. I can't keep a smile off my face when I'm looking at her.

"No!" She giggled, hiding her face. I laughed, pulling her closer to me. She yawned, snuggling up like I do with Harry. Great, not only am I as short as a kid, I act like one. I stood up, holding her like I did when she was first born.

"Of course I'll babysit the munchkins." I giggled, not looking at anyone in particular. "Night!" I jogged up the stairs, holding Lilly. She has a crib in my room, Mum and Dad's room, and a room for her when she gets older. Ginny and Mione moved in next door, so now there are four girls sharing one bathroom because our rooms connect through it. I put Lilly down in her crib and wrapped her blanket around her. I handed her her favorite toy, this little doll. She loves it. Anyway, after that she was out like a light.

I changed clothes, Harry's t-shirt and some shorts. Then I crawled into bed, and fell asleep. I miss Harry. I hope his trial turns out okay.


"Gracie! Wake up! We're going with Aunt Maxie to get your school stuff and ours!" Nat shook me awake, when I sat up, she and Fred were holing Lilly and James. "You have about twenty minutes before we leave, I'll watch them until your ready!"

"Thanks Nat. I'm just going to take a quick shower!" I smiled, running towards the bathroom. No one was in there so that's good. I hopped in and did my thing. Washed my hair and all that good stuff. When I got out, I brushed my hair and my teeth, then walked into my room to get ready. Thank goodness only the girls were in there. I held my towel up with one hand and grabbed my clothes with the other. "Be right back just gotta get dressed!"

"Okay. We're leaving in like two minutes!"

"Got it!" I closed the door and threw on my clothes. I put on some eyeliner and lipgloss and then walked out. "Time?"

"Right on it! See ya!" Nat handed me the twins and they bounded downstairs. When everyone was gone, I sighed, looking at the twins.

"Well guys, we're all alone!" Lilly stared up at me but James looked around all mischievous like. "Okay okay I know what your thinking James! Ice cream!" I cheered, skipping out of the room. I hopped downstairs, smiling and singing to the kids. "Eenie Meenie Mione mo!" I laughed, putting them down in their chairs. "Ice cream!" I laughed, pulling it out if the freezer.

"Yay!" Lilly clapped and James cheered. I laughed at the two of them, putting a few scoops in each bowl. "Ice tweam!" Lilly laughed, mispronouncing the word. I laughed again, handing her a spoon.

"And it's chocolate! Don't make a mess okay?" I smiled, eating mine right out of the carton. They didn't answer. There was a knock at the door, but the question is, who is it? I glanced at Lilly and James who froze, staring in that direction.

"Daddy says not to move!" James whispered, Lilly nodded along, looking like she was going to cry. I pulled out my wand, picking her up, along with James. The knock sounded again.

"Stay here and stay quiet!" I whispered, putting them in the play pen in Dad and Mum's room. I went and grabbed Harry's invisibility cloak and slipped out the back door. I crept around to the front of the house, checking to see who it was. Why is Snape here?" I pulled the cloak off, wand in hand. "Hello?" He jumped, turning around quickly.

"Where is everyone? Why didn't anyone answer the door?" He snapped, but he also looked sort of worried.

"Mr. Weasley is at work, he took Harry for his trial and everyone else went to Diagon Alley to get school stuff!" I shrugged, opening the door and walking inside. I headed straight for the stairs.

"And you?"

"Babysitting!" I called, going up to get the twins. When I came back down, he was sitting in the kitchen, staring at the ice cream. "Not that we aren't supposed to have it, we're aloud, but I don't think Mum would appreciate it so early. Would you mind not telling them about the er, ice cream, please Professor?" I swear he smiled a little.

"Of course!" He said. He walked over and grabbed a bowl and spoon, sliding it across the table to me. I smiled, filling it up and then passed it back to him. We ate in silence. And then James flicked ice cream at Lilly. She glared at him, one worthy of Molly Weasley.

"James!" I groaned. "You know, I see that little twinkle in your eyes! You are too much like Dad and Uncle James for your own good!" I sighed, pulling Lilly out of her high chair. I also took James ice cream, so while he was pouting, I took a warm wash rag and wiped Lilly off. "Okay baby girl, I think your good!" I smiled, putting her back in her high chair.

"So, Professor. I didn't really get a chance to ask, did you need anything? Not that I'd be much help. I'm not part of the order!" I whispered that last part, kind of bitterly. Snape smirked at me.

"I was looking for Arthur actually. As for the reason, well, that's not really something I'd like to share. And Ms. Black, I can assure you, you do not need to join the order. While your argument was valid, the order is dangerous and you do not want to be a part of it just yet!" He smirked, putting his bowl in the sink. He washed all of them with a flick of his wand.

"Thank you Sir!" I smiled, picking James up as well. I had a kid on each hip and I was trying to push the high chairs into the corner. He grabbed one, helping immensely. "Again, thank you!" I smiled, shifting James because he was squirming. "And you!" I said, looking at him. "Quit squirming!" My dear little brother just laughed. Right in my face. I sighed, putting him down and letting him walk. He started pulling on Lilly, meaning he wants her down too. "What do you say? You wanna play with Bubby?" She nodded, reaching for him on the floor. I put her down, following them into the living room. James walked over to the toy box, but Lilly fell half way there, so James hobbled back over, pulling her to her feet. She hugged him, then ran over to the toy box with him. I sighed, sitting on the couch.

"Gracie?" Harry's voice sounded from behind me. I jumped up, looking at the smile on his face.

"Well?" I squealed, standing up.

"I'm going back to Hogwarts!" He smiled holding his arms open. I squealed, running into his arms and hugging him tightly. "Dumbledore was brilliant! He barely gave them a chance to speak! He started stating all of these different laws and stuff. Plus Madam Bones was there! She was great. Anyway, they tried to trick Dumbledore, you know, make sure he didn't come. They changed the time, but he did it! He even had Ms. Figg testify!" He smiled, pulling back a little bit to look at me. You could tell how excited he was, it was pouring off of him in waves.

"That's fantastic!" I smiled, hugging him again. Lilly and James ran over, we picked the up, holding them in one arm and we had an arm wrapped around the other's waist. "Hogwarts is going to be different, isn't it?"

He nodded sadly, but smiled again, pulling me towards the stairs, but Professor Snape was blocking them. "Obviously Arthur isn't here, so, I'll be leaving now." He said, glaring at Harry and James. I nodded, smiling.

"Bye Professor!" Harry nodded, then pulled me upstairs.

"I assume I can leave you two here alone with out having a guilty conscious?" He smirked, but he still glared at Harry. I blushed, but we nodded anyway.

"Bye sir!" We opened the door to my room and put the twins in their crib. They sat there chattering and playing with toys while Harry and I talked about lots of things. After a while, the twins fell asleep, and then so did we.

*************Maxie's POV*************

Molly and I laughed, heading up stairs to find Gracie. When everyone got here, things were really quiet. It was evident why when I pushed open her door. Molly flipped out, but I didn't. This is normal for them. Gracie was laying beside Harry asleep, both were on their sides, facing each other, she was using Harry's arm as a pillow, he had his other arm tight around her waist, and her hands were curled into fists around his shirt.

The twins were asleep in the play pen at the foot of the bed. Molly ran downstairs, probably going to get Sirius. Tonks came up a minute later, smiling at me. "Awe! I swear they get cuter every year!" She laughed, walking over to the twins. "And I'm not talking about these little guys!" She smiled, pointing at Lilly and James. I nodded, sitting on Nat's bed.

"Should we wake them up? Molly's having a spaz attack about it," I bit my lip, trailing off my sentence. Tonks shook her head.

"Nah. I say we take the twins and leave these two be. They look pretty comfy to me!" She smiled, poking Gracie. Gracie moved a little bit and Harry tightened his grip, it was just so cute! But the thing is, they do this all the time, so it's not exactly new. I nodded, picking up the James while Tonks got Lilly. Both of them have been having nightmares, especially about Cedric. Watching him die has got to be hard. It would be hard for an adult, let alone a kid. I let Tonks leave first, then shut the door behind me. Their party is tomorrow, so we'll let them sleep now.

I can't believe they thought they were getting away with out a party!

************Gracie's POV**************

"Harry wake up! It's morning! We slept all day!" I hissed, shaking him kind of roughly. He groaned, hiding his head under the pillow. When had we even fell asleep? Why didn't anyone wake us up? What time is it? Oh it's two. Eh. I still need to get up.

"I'll be out in a few!" He sighed, running a hand through his hair. I nodded, grabbing my clothes and heading to the shower. I took a while, trying to wake up and all. When I finally did, the water had already gotten cold so I was freezing. I wore jeans and a hoodie. I need more hoodies. I've only got like four and I wear them a lot.

I stepped out of the bathroom and it was almost four. Oops I guess. But then again, I did my hair, make up, brushed my teeth, and got dressed. Maybe it's not that bad. All well, I'm hungry. I had ice cream to eat yesterday. Not completely filling. Thank Merlin Harry made me eat more than potatoes. When I got in the room, he was shaking like crazy and he was holding his head in his hands. "Harry!" I squealed, running over. Something was wrong, this is like last year, my little black out sessions.

"I can see, I can see what he's thinking! What he's doing! I'm in his head!" Harry hissed, squeezing his head. I went to try to soothe him, but the minute I touched him I could see it too. It was horrible! And my head is pounding! I ripped my hands away, thinking maybe that was what made me see it, but it was still there! My scar thing burned like crazy, but that's impossible! Harry's burns all the time, but that's because Voldemort tried to kill him. Mine is just a joke, meant amuse him, make him laugh.

Or is it? There's a prophecy somewhere that I'm obviously a part of! And, Lilly, she died for Harry, she saved him from the killing curse. In the graveyard. Pettigrew was aiming for me! But Cedric, he took the curse instead. But that's not the same is it? Lilly died for Harry, Cedric died for me, but for two totally different reasons. Cedric and I were sort of friends. But Lilly was Harry's mum, this is so confusing!

The more I thought the more my head hurt, I wasn't even paying attention to the vision I was seeing, nor did I want to. When I finally did tune in, it was gone. Harry was sitting beside me, holding his head like I was. I looked at him completely scared. "You saw it too?" His voice was hoarse and he looked panicked. I nodded slowly, letting go if my head. "Should we tell anyone?"

Only one person came to mind. "Dumbledore!" I whispered, leaning my head in his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my forehead. I sighed, looking at Nat who was sleeping peacefully across the room. Wait a minute. "Is that. Is that Fred?" I whispered, pointing over there. Nat had her leg slung across a talk redhead, who had such a tight hold on her she'll probably have a bruise or two.

Harry smirked, nodding. I giggled, going to the bathroom and grabbing a cup of ice cold water. "Shall we?" I whispered, gesturing to them. He nodded, smiling happily. He went to grab another cup, while I stood above Nat. "One, two, three!"no whispered. We poured the water over their heads, they jumped up, spluttering and coughing water. "Oh my Merlin! Are you kidding me? Again?" I mocked, pulling her into the floor. Her eyes looked like fire.

"Gracelyn Paige Black I curse you to the fiery pits of hades and back!" She hissed, grabbing my ankle and pulling my legs out from under me. I fell to the floor with a thump, landing on my stomach beside her. We exchanged a look and burst into a hysterical laughter, hugging each other.

"Goodmorning!" I laughed, siting up. She did as well hugging me.

"Morning birthday girl!" She laughed, standing up and shaking her wet hair all over me.

"Hey! I already had a cold shower thank you!" I hissed, glaring at her. "And my birthday isn't for a week?"

"Yeah well to bad!" She smirked, skipping into the bathroom. When she went in, Mione and Ginny came out.

"What the bloody hell are you all doing?" Ginny snapped, rubbing her eyes.

"Tut tut little sister! I thought you grew out of the, ''I'm not a morning person stage?'" I laughed, pulling myself to my feet. I only laughed harder when she flipped me off. "I decided to give Nat and Fred a wake up call, with the help of Harry!" I smiled, jumping to my feet. Fred glare at Harry.

"I'm not saying a word!" Harry laughed, holding his hands up.

"Gracie! It's five o'clock in the morning!" Mione groaned, dropping into a bean bag and curling up. Ron walked in, rubbing at his head.

"What are you lot doing?" He moaned, dropping down beside Mione. She blushed, but didn't move. Awe!

"Gracie is being a morning person! She and Harry dumped water all over me and Nat!" Fred snapped, throwing a pillow at me. I caught it easily, sticking my tongue out at him.

"I'm going downstairs! Bye guys!" I smiled, skipping out the door. Nat came out, fully dressed, make up and hair done, and smiling. She followed me, and soon so did everyone else. I smelled cake, as soon as you got downstairs it was like really strong. I turned around to Nat, crossing my arms. "Your giving us a party aren't you?"

She smirked, nodding her head. "Honestly did you two think that was the end of it? We spent the whole time you were gone planning it!"

"You sent us there for no reason?" I asked, completely shocked. Ginny and Mione nodded, giggling.

"Told them you'd be mad!" Ron smirked, crossing his arms. "Unlike you lot, I know my best friend and I know my sister even better!"

"Yeah well the party starts in two hours so have fun while we help set up!" Nat winked, skipping into the kitchen. Mione and Gin followed her, Ron shrugged an apology before following them. I sighed, running a hand through my hair.

"Well. Before we get into the mess, come with me!" I smiled taking Harry's hand and pulling him upstairs. I had gotten him a birthday present even though we decided not to. He deserves it, even though it's nothing special. "I suck at gifts, but, I got this for you. It could come in handy I suppose!" I shrugged, handing him the gift and then fiddling with my fingers nervously. It was a dream catcher, and it had our initials woven into it, sort of like my scar. "It catches bad dreams!" I smiled, then handed him the second one. A wand holster, but it conceals it, makes it invisible. He looked at me with a smile.

"I love you!" He pulled me into a hug, not putting his gifts down.

"I love you too!" I smiled, he kissed my forehead and led me to his room. He let go when we got to his bed, but his dream catcher over his pillow, and then put on the wand holster, sticking his wand in it. Then he walked to his trunk, pulling out a little box.

"I got you a gift too. It's er, more like a couple gift, but um, I think you'll like it. Or at least I hope you do!" He smiled, taking my hand. He pulled me down onto his lap and opened the box, looking me right in the eye. Promise rings, I gasped, looking up and smiling at him. "Gracelyn Paige, I promise to love you and be there for you. To always work as a team and to do my best to keep you happy. I love you!" He smiled, kissed me quickly, and then slipped the ring onto my finger. But it was my wedding finger, which made me smile even more. I was actually crying. I pulled Harry's lips to mine and thanked him with all I had.

"I love you Harry!" I smiled, kissing him again, the kiss was shorter this time, much sweeter than the last one. He looked kind of dazed, had the goofy look on his face. It made me laugh, he looked so cute though. I seriously want to kiss him again. Then I remembered his ring. I took it from the box, took his hand and got ready to put it on. "Harry James Potter, I love you with all my heart! Your my everything, you've been there since day one. You're not just a boyfriend, your my best friend and I couldn't ask for more. I promise to be the best friend you deserve, the best girlfriend I can be, to keep an honest relationship and to do my part for our team. I love you!" I smiled, slipping the ring onto his hand too. He smiled, kissing me again. I stayed there in his arms trying to stop the tears.

My birthdays get better each year, but this one will ALWAYS be my favorite. Oh crap, what time is it? "Harry?"


"I think we've been up here for two hours!" I giggled, sitting up. He looked confused and turned over to check the clock.

"There's no way! It's been ten minutes at the most!" He glanced at the clock. "Or two hours?" He sighed, running a hand through his hair. We both stood up, linking our fingers together, we left his room, and headed downstairs. When we opened the kitchen door, Nat's eyes zeroed in on my left hand, with my ring.

'Later!' I mouthed, silently begging. She nodded, smiling at me. Everyone else was yelling surprise and Harry and I were standing there smiling. Lilly and James ran at our legs, hugging us. I laughed, picking her up while Harry picked up James. "Thanks you guys!" I smiled, walking over to a chair. Mione, Ginny, and Nat were standing in a corner whispering, obviously about me.

I rolled my eyes, attempting to hide my hand with Lilly. It's not a big deal honestly. It's a promise ring for Merlin's sake! "Happy early birthday sweetheart!" Dad came up, kissing my head. I smiled, hugging him with one arm. Harry was sitting in the floor with James, racing cars. I smiled, watching them together.

"Hey baby girl! Happy birthday!" Mum came up, handing me a big plate of cake and ice cream. I smiled happily, picking up my fork.

"Thanks Mum!" I took a bite. "Oh good Merlin! This is amazing!" I moaned, taking another bite. She and several other people laughed, Fred an George elbowed, Harry, whispering to him. They like him even more now that Harry gave them his winnings from the tournament. Don't get me wrong, I would have. It definitely would have been a worthy investment. It's for the joke shop, but I actually put mine into a fund for Lilly and James. But no one but me and the twins no about that, the little twins. And I don't think they're going to be telling anyone any time soon.

"Thanks!" Nat smirked, taking the seat beside me. I gaped at her, then glared.

"So you mean to tell me you can bake like this and we spent nights babysitting making frozen dinners and buying junkfood?" She nodded, smirking. "Why would you do that?"

"Wasn't my money we were spending!" She laughed, hopping up before I could hit her. I glared, but continued to eat my dessert. It's really really REALLY delicious! Several people who were watching burst into hysterics, laughing maniacally. I did manage to flick here, but that's boring.

"That's okay. I think our wake up call worked quite well this morning. Maybe that will become a habit?" I smiled sweetly, but kept the same menacing eyes. Some people ooed but most just kept laughing. Nat glared at me, I glare back, everything was silent, even the twins. Both sets. The smiles started creeping into our faces at the same time.

We burst into laughter, she walked over and we hugged, smiling happily. "Happy birthday sis!" She laughed, ruffling my hair, the sis thing was sweet, but the hair messing irritated me. I swatted her hand away, half smiling half scowling.

"Thanks!" I chuckled, smiling. "Harry come eat!" I laughed, watching him race James with their tiny cars. He turned around, smiling like a little kid.

"But I want to play!" He teased, whining like a three year old. I laughed, but tried to look stern. "Fine!" He huffed, he sat beside me and started eating his cake. "Oh my Merlin!" He moaned, I giggled, nodding my head. We both kind of pugged out, but I was a little neater than him. A little. When everyone finished, I smiled at everyone.

"Okay, so this was really fun and I'm glad you threw us this party!" I smiled, blushing a bit. They all mumbled thanks, but Dad cleared his throat.

"Don't thank us. We were going to let you get away with it. This was all Ginny, Hermione, and Natalyn!" He smiled, looking at the girls. I stood up, walked over and hugged them. They laughed, but hugged me back.

"Now you can tell us about that ring for thanks!" Ginny whispered, when I pulled away they were all three smirking at me. I glared, but nodded anyway. I went back to my seat, lacing Harry's hand through mine. They looked at his hand quickly, and when they saw his, their eyes widened. I just shook my head, turning back to our guests.

"Presents!" Molly clapped her hands together, swishing her wand. Two piles appeared and I looked at it wide eyed.

"You guys did not need to do this!" I smiled, shaking my head. Harry nodded, eyeing the piles the same as I was. They all started talking at once, some even glared at us during their lectures. I was passed a box, from Mum and Dad was written on the top. When I opened it, it held a large picture frame, it was a collage from the ball. The main picture was of Harry and I during our song. I smiled, hugging them both. "Thanks guys!"

"We thought you might like it!" Mum smiled, winking. I laughed, opening the next box, from Molly and Arthur. It was a bunch of CDs, all of our favorites were on them! By our I mean the girls and I. And of course Harry and I's song. I smiled, hugging them too. The next one was from all three of the girls. A CD player. I squealed. "Party!"

Everyone chuckled while I put it in. Don't Drop that Thun Thun Thun was on. This was Nat and I's song. She stood up and we started dancing. People laughed, the guys wolf whistled because this isn't exactly waltz music. We were dancing fast and kind of dirtyish. Not to the point we would get in trouble, but enough to be attractive.

"Where did you learn to dance like that?" Molly asked, looking at both of us as we continued out dance. We exchanged a smirk.

"Mione!" Everyone turned to her in surprise. She blushed, her whole face was scarlet.

"What? No! I just showed you the music videos!" She glared at us, crossing her arms. We laughed, but then the song ended and Mione and I's song came on. Miley Cyrus' song. We can't stop, it's definitely Mione's favorite song and it's definitely in my top five. "Yay!" Mione squealed, coming to dance with me. Again, we kind if showed off with our dancing. We've watched the videos to all our favorite songs more times than I can count and we have the dances down pact.

"Everyone dance!" I laughed, continuing my dance with Mione. Everyone laughed as well, standing up and laughing. It surprised me when Mum started doing the dance right beside me, step for step. Dad came up and then it got awkward, but eh. Ginny and I's song was next, Hips Don't Lie by Shakira.

This one was very fun to dance too. Harry came up behind me, putting his hands on my hips while I danced to the song. He smirked at me while I giggled furiously. Ginny was right behind me, dancing with me. Finally, our group song came on. Here's to Never Growing Up by Avril Lavigne. We all jumped around wildly in a circle, singing to the song.

When we were done, everyone was exhausted. I don't think any of us would last at a night club very long. Not that Molly would let any of us within fifty feet of one, but hey. We listened to six of seven of the CDs. Actually, I kind of want to finish the last cd, but i will another time. "Okay okay. It's almost dinner! We've been here all day!" Arthur laughed, sitting down. Professor McGonagall, who had probably surprised me the most by dancing with us, dropped her jaw. She looked quite surprised, but I wasn't. Time flies when your having fun!

"I'm sorry but I've got to go. We've got to start preparing for classes at the school!" She sighed, but also sort of smiled. I got up and hugged her. Harry smiled, hugging her sort of awkwardly.

"Thanks for coming!" We chorused, smiling at her. She nodded, leaving the kitchen. I can't believe we've been in here from seven o'clock this morning to nine o'clock this evening! It seems impossible, but it was so fun! We had dinner and then everyone ran upstairs. I brought my CD player and the CDs and went up to my room.

Mione and Ginny are bunking in Nat and I's room tonight. Shocker. Normally I wouldn't mind, but I'm not looking forward to the interrogations. I braided my hair to the side loosely, then put on a tank top and shorts. I turned on the last cd and made sure it was loud enough so that no own could hear us. Especially with those extendable ears the twins made. We used to use them all the time, but Crookshanks ate one and Molly found out and started charming the door. This way all they'll get is an ear full of music.

We all sat on the floor in a circle, just like we used to. It made me sad, thinking about how simple things used to be. Anyway, they all stared at me expectantly, but when I didn't answer, Nat started the threats. "I will go tell Uncle Sirius if you don't spill it right now!"

"What? Why would you tell him?"

"Your engaged to Harry!" Mione squealed, grabbing my hand. My jaw dropped, I didn't think they'd think THAT! Does this look like a wedding ring? Well, kind of. It's beautiful! But a wedding ring? Uh no!

"What? No I'm not! It's a promise ring!" I laughed, holding my stomach. "You guys thought I was engaged?"

"Well it's on your ring finger!" Ginny snapped, crossing her arms defensively.

"And honestly it wouldn't come as a shock to anybody! Everyone knows you two will get married one day!" Mione pointed at me, shrugging her shoulders like this was common knowledge.

"Why'd you laugh? Would you not want to marry Harry?" Nat asked, looking eager for details. I rolled my eyes.

"Of course I would! But why would I say yes right now? Harry's everything to me. Don't get me wrong, I love my friends and family, but he's different. I love him with all my heart. I think we all know this is only the begging. Voldemort is coming back and we have to get ready. If Harry asked me to marry him, and I said yes, and then something happened to him in whatever this is, I wouldn't be able to function. Hell, I wouldn't be able to even if we aren't engaged. But that, losing him knowing I was so close to being his forever, for everyone to know I'm off limits, that I belong to him, that would kill me. Do you understand why I couldn't say yes now?" I whispered, looking away, biting my lip. I couldn't meet their eye. Talking about it made it too real. I felt like crying. I've been such an emotional roller coaster since the graveyard, I want tough Gracie back!

"We get it!" Nat whispered, coming over to hold me. Mione and Ginny did as well. "Come on. Lets get some sleep!" I nodded, climbing under the covers and letting sleep take over, to bad it was filled with nightmares.

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