A Harry Potter Love Story: Gr...

By piper103

4.9M 101K 66K

Gracie is headed off to Hogwarts. She's been living with the Weasley family for as long as she can remember... More

A Harry Potter Love Story
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Read please!!!
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Authors Note
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Note thingy
Book 2: Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Book 3: Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Book Four: Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Book 5: Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Book 6: Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Chapter 20

33.5K 743 252
By piper103

"Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the last task of the Triwizard Tournament!" Bagman smiled, looking at the crowd. I twirled my wand around nervously, standing at the entrance to the maze. My heart was pounding and I couldn't hear anything. It was like it was all slow motion. I can see Nat and Mione, the Weasley's, Mum and Dad, the little twins, Uncle Moony, and Tonks, watching and cheering. What if I don't win? What if Harry gets hurt?

Relax Gracie! Don't be stupid! Harry will be fine! You or Harry are going to win! You can do this!

"Are two youngest champions are in the lead!" He smiled, gesturing to Harry an I, the crowd cheered loudly, so I waved shyly, taking Harry's hand. "So, they will enter first! Followed by Diggory, Krum, then Ms. Delacour!" He smiled, the crowd clapped more. "On your mark!"

"I love you Gracie!"

"Get set!"

"I love you too!" I kissed him as the siren went off.

"Go!" We broke apart, running into the maze. I charmed my wand so that it was a compass. Harry and I decided to split up, that way one of us will win. There's a better chance that way, but now that I'm in here, it's dark, and I can't see, I kind of regret that.

Wait, why am I so stupid? Pft! "Lumos!" I chanted, lighting the trail on front of me. Something shot out in front of me, those big stinging scorpion thingys, that gave us the burns in Hagrid's class! "Er, uh, reducto!" It went flying backwards, so I ran on. I ran as quick as I could, following my wand north. After a while, I hear footsteps behind me, so I quickened my pace, running as quick as I could.

"Gracie! Help!" Fleur screamed, choking and panting. I spun around, seeing her on the ground, Viktor strangling her.

"What the hell?" I yelled, running up to Viktor. His eyes were so weird looking, sort of like, the imperious curse! "Petrificus Totalus!" He fell over, still holding onto Fleur's neck.

"Go on Gracie!" She smiled, her eyes closing. "I'm fine! Win, win for your little brother and sisters, win for your family, for Harry, for me!" She smiled again, her eyes closing. Suddenly, I was furious, I sent sparks into the air, then ran forward, my anger driving me.

I ran and ran, until I met a sphinx. Yippee! Not. Harry was there too, the good news was, I was able to sneak past it thanks to him! "Pst! Harry!" I whispered, making sure the sphinx didn't see me. It was asking him a riddle before he could get through. I could pass, he was distracting it, but I'm not going to do that. I waited, and waited, unable to hear what they were saying. He finally got past, and we met in the middle. He took my hand. "Can we stay together now?" I smirked, crossing my arms. Don't ask why, I'm feeling sassy.

"Sure!" He laughed, pulling me forward. We ran, hands locked together. Whenever we ran into something, we would both cast a spell, sending it flying or stunning it. It was so much easier with help! "Gracie look!" Harry pointed to a golden thing, shining a few feet away, the only thing is, Cedric was closer.

He saw us, smiled and ran faster. I took off after him, I have to win. I need to win for Lilly and James! For Ginny and the rest of the Weasley's! For everyone I've named a thousand times. I have to win for my family! And that includes Mione and Harry! "Gracie!" Harry yelled, his voice sounding panicked. Both Cedric and I spun around, a giant spider on top of him.

"Harry!" I shrieked, watching the pincers come closer to his face. "Reducto! Petrificus Totalus! Stupefy! Work dang it! REDUCTO!" It finally left him, but his leg looked horrible. I ran over to him, not caring about this stupid tournament anymore. Cedric dropped to his knees beside me. "Just go! Go win so this can all be over with!" I snapped, trying to think of something to help Harry. "Episkey!" It didn't work.

"Here! You two deserve to win!" Cedric waved his wand, conjuring a crutch for Harry. I sighed, helping Harry up. He leaned on the crutch, giving Cedric and I a smile.

"Thanks! And I think we all deserve to win! If we all touch it at the same time, we all win! Come on! Lets go!" Harry said, hobbling towards the trophy. Ced and I shrugged, following him. We finally got there. "One!"

"Two!" I smiled, putting my hand out. They did the same, each of us smiling at each other.

"Three!" Cedric laughed, we all touched the cup, but the laughter died when I felt it. The familiar portkey sensation. We appeared on the ground in what appeared to be a cemetery.

"Oh no!" I whimpered. "We have to get back to the cup! It's a portkey!" I yelled, pulling Harry to his feet. Cedric got up, trying to help me.

"Kill the spares!" I stopped in my tracks, the cold voice laughed evilly. Voldemort. I spun around, and Peter Pettigrew stood there, smirking, wand pointed at my face.

"Avada Kedavra!"

"No!" Cedric pushed Harry and I over, the curse hitting him.

"Cedric!" Harry and I chorused. His body hit the ground and I burst into tears, pulling my wand. "This is it Pettigrew! I'm tired of your games! I'm going to kill you! Avada-!"

"Enough!" Voldemort yelled, and for some unknown reason, I stopped, glaring at him. "So you are Gracie. I've heard so much about you! You seem so," he paused, his eyes met mine. Evil, hatred filled eyes. They matched my own as I met his stare, but mine was a full on glare instead. "Familiar." He smiled, a cold heartless smile. I wanted to wipe it off his face. I want to get rid of Pettigrew. I want this to end! But this is it. The beginning. This is where it will truly begin. We're here for a reason, I just have to figure out what that is. First, I'm going to have a few words.

"I should be. I was there, with Harry and Quirrell. Remember that? Or how about when you tortured me in the chamber if secrets?" I spat, twirling my wand in my fingers. I want to be scared, I should be. Any normal person would be. But I guess I'm insane because the only emotion I can register is hatred. Pure, loathing, 'I'd-kill-you-in-a-heartbeat!' hatred.

"Oh, but we've met before. Remember? When I used you, invaded your mind? When I got to know you, every thought you've ever had, seen every memory you've ever experienced. What about that one Gracie?" He smirked, but, he was at my height. Shouldn't he be taller than me?

It was then that I realized he was the size of a baby. Smaller than Lilly and James. And the rat was holding him. There was a cauldron. "Oh gee Tom, thanks for the visit!" I placed a hand on my heart, ignoring this.

"You will not call me by that filthy muggle name! Wormtail!"

"Crucio!" The pain filled me, and I dropped to my knees beside Harry, who was watching in horror, cradling his leg.

"Gracie!" He yelled, glaring at Voldemort. I pushed myself, just like I always do, but this pain, it was more. More intense. I could feel the hatred it held. I couldn't fight back. I lay on the ground, my back arched into the pain. I wanted to tell Harry I was okay, that I can handle it, but I'm afraid to open my mouth. If I scream, it will only hurt Harry more, it will only amuse them, give them the satisfaction. I won't do it.

The curse was lifted and they pointed their wand at Harry, swishing it. I turned to him, panicked, but they healed his leg. He stood up, pulling me to my feet as well. I wavered, glaring at Riddle. "That was a dirty trick Tom!" I hissed, but I replaced my glare with a sickly sweet smile, making my voice as sweet as I could. "But, it's not like you really did it. Tell me, why are you such a baby? Can't take care of yourself, can't walk, can barely speak, you know, your always yelling too! You can't even kill a couple of kids! Come on! You've been trying to kill Harry for thirteen years, we've met each year for four years and you haven't finished me off either! Face it Tommy, your loosing your touch!" I tsked, shrugging. Harry chuckled beside me, but I wasn't being funny. I'm trying to buy us some time.

"Silence! Enough of this! Wormtail!" He swished his wand again, I fell, immobile, Harry was beside me. He levitated us over, using magic to tie us to a tomb, his father's to be exact. They lifted the spell laughing at us.

"You are a rat Peter!" Harry hissed, glaring at that thing. "Lazy! Why would you let him do anything for you?" He scoffed, rolling his eyes at Voldemort.

"I know right? So stupid! You'd think he'd pick someone with half a brain to do his bidding! After all, he is 'he who must not be named'! He needs someone halfway decent! If your gonna get your butt kicked by a couple of kids do it right!" I sighed, shaking my head.

"After all, the good guy always win!"

"We're being robbed! You know that? It'll be too easy to beat that rat! If people are going to call us a hero, give us someone worth being called a hero over! Fighting him is like fighting, oh I don't know, Grannie Black's picture. Bad example but hey! It's true!" I sighed, beginning to ramble. I don't even know if I'm making sense anymore. They aren't listening and I'm trying to watch what their doing. Apparently Harry had the same idea because he didn't answer.

Rat face put no nose into the cauldron, a potion was already brewing inside. They were whispering, talking to each other. They summoned a bone from his father's grave. "That's sick!" Harry spat, looking at them in disgust. I nodded, watching Wormtail pull out a knife. He walked towards Harry, an evil little smile on his ugly little face.

"You touch him I kill you!" I hissed, but it came out in parseltongue, which is weird. Harry didn't seem to notice, Voldemort laughed, but Wormtail stopped, looking confused. He shrugged his shoulders though, continuing towards Harry. He drug the knife down his arm, drawing blood. I kicked at him, thrashed and tried to get free so I could help him. I don't even know what happened to my wand! I need to learn wandless magic!

Harry sucked in a breath through his teeth, sending a wave of pain stinging my heart. The rat bottled his blood, walked over and put it in the potion. I glared, a tear running down my face. Mad-Eye can suck it, I don't care about looking weak. I don't care anymore. I'm going to kill them! Both of them! And pardon my French but they're both heartless bastards and I can't wait to meet them in hell! Finally, I watched him cut off his own hand, dropping it into the potion. He fell to the ground, blood pouring. As sick as it was, I'm angry. I wanted to be the one to end him! Harry looked dizzy as well, his eyes unfocused and blurry.

There was a big smoke moment, and then there he was. Full height, pale skin, white even, red, snake like eyes, and no nose. Just little slits. It was sick. That's not human. That isn't life. And that potion was not good. He laughed, a deep, cold laugh. Tom rolled up his sleeve, then touched the mark. The same one that was in the sky at the Quidditch World Cup. Hooded figures popped up out of no where. Death eaters.

He went into a huge speech, but I wasn't listening, my mind was processing all of this. I kept trying to think of ways to escape, both Harry an I alive with Cedric's body. We have to take it back! His family deserves that much. I though of every scenario, planning it out, trying to think of something. I didn't process anything that was actually happening until Wormtail started cutting us down. Voldemort passed Harry his wand, he even gave me mine.

"Come on Harry! Didn't your father, Dumbledore, your godfather? Didn't anyone teach you how to duel?" He sneered, looking quite happy. "Well first, we bow." Harry didn't budge, he held his wand tightly, glaring at Tom. "I said bow!" He swished his wand, forcing Harry to bow. I ran forward, but was caught by none other than Bellatrix Lestrange. My dearest cousin!

"Where do you think you're going?" She cackled, many people paying attention to us now.

"Oh why don't you go kiss a dementor!" I spat, stomping her foot. I ran forward again, rushing towards Harry, who Voldemort still held in a low bow. I was almost there, only a few feet away when two big idiots grabbed my arms, picking me up and hauling me backwards. One flipped me over his shoulder, turning me so I had a view of Harry. "Put me down you big baboon!" I pounded on his back, squirming madly.

"Fight Harry! Fight!" Voldemort smirked, glaring at Harry. He did nothing, he was watching me with a worried expression. I didn't know why, but I knew it wasn't good. I twisted around in time for at least four people to hit me with the cruciatus curse. The guy dropped me, laughing and cackling. Who were the four you ask? Well dear friend, my dearest cousins, Lucious and Bellatrix, my good friend Peter, and my personal favorite, Mr. Goyle!

I let out the loudest scream in my life. I can handle one curse at times, but five at once and I would rather them use the killing curse. I screamed and screamed. Harry yelled, sending curses their way, but no one was hit. I finally looked Harry in the eye, tears streaking my face. "Fight Harry! Fight!"

Then I let the blackness take over.

*************Harry's POV**************

I watched her eyes close and her screams stopped. That was it for me. I turned to Voldemort, not really saying a spell, I just threw curse after curse, hoping to get at least one in. He laughed and laughed, blocking each one easily. "Fight back! Fight back you coward!" I couldn't stop myself, the words came out of my mouth and I didn't regret them. I want him to fight back.

He stopped blocking, and sent the killing curse straight at me. "Your mother's love can't save you now! I've taken your blood! Her protection runs through my veins now! I can touch you. I can hurt you. I can kill you!" He smirked, sending another curse at me. I ducked behind a rock, summoning grave tombs to block his spells. "Come out Potter! Fight! Fight for your little girlfriend! You called me a coward? How would she react, if she saw her brave Harry, hiding?" He laughed. I stood up, sending the killing curse at him.

"Ooh! Potter knows how to play!" Bellatrix laughed, taunting me. How such an amazing person like Gracie came from the same family as her is beyond me! Gracie! Cedric, he's beside the cup. But Gracie, she's on the other side of the graveyard, surrounded by death eaters!

The fact that she could be dead didn't occur to me. Because she can't be. She's strong. She's lived through things nobody should be capable of living through! I don't know how she does it. "This ends now!" I yelled, I tried disarming him, but our spells met in the middle, I had to hold my wand with both hands. His green light started over powering my red one, but then, Mum and Dad slipped from out of his wand. I wanted to look back at Gracie, but I couldn't, I have to focus.

"Don't worry about her sweetheart!" Mum whispered, smiling at me. I sent her a look of disbelief, how could I not worry about Gracie?

"She's okay! She's alive!" Dad smiled, then Cedric appeared, and some other people. Cedric flew somewhere behind me, but I was still dueling. My red started to overpower the green, but it wasn't enough. "He's moved her! They're both beside the cup. Now listen, when we say let go, do it. Run as quick as you can! Get there!"

"And Harry, take my body back. Please? Give it to my Dad!" Cedric pleaded, I only nodded. Tom and I were glaring at each other, his eyes flitting to the ghosts surrounding us.

"On the count of three!" Mum said, she and Dad moving forward. "One, two!"

"Three!" All three of them rushed forward, attacking him. I dropped my hands and ran backwards, I saw Gracie and Cedric's body. I ran and ran until I reached them. I grabbed her hand and placed Cedric's on the trophy, it began to glow and hum, so I placed mine on it, disappearing. We left the graveyard. We escaped. I felt the now familiar pull of a portkey and when I hit the ground, everything was absolutely silent.

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