A Harry Potter Love Story: Gr...

By piper103

4.9M 101K 66K

Gracie is headed off to Hogwarts. She's been living with the Weasley family for as long as she can remember... More

A Harry Potter Love Story
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Read please!!!
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Authors Note
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Note thingy
Book 2: Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Book 3: Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Book Four: Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Book 5: Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Book 6: Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Chapter 9

42.9K 830 837
By piper103

"Where are they?" I yawned, stretching on my toes. I was using Harry for support and I was nearly asleep on his shoulder. He laughed, kissing my forehead. I still can't believe he said that! He's so funny sometimes!

Suddenly, a boat flew out of the Great Lake, revealing Durmstrang. The boys came through, doing random tricks and throwing their capes around, showing off. Guess where they sat, SLYTHERIN! Blegh. Ron and Fred looked mighty mad as Mione, Ginny, and even Nat shamelessly drooled over the Durmstrang boys. Viktor Krum caught Mione's eye, giving her a small smile, to which she blushed furiously too. Ron bent his fork.

Harry looked at me nervously, like he thought I was interested. First of all, they look like thirty year old men. And they need to shave. Second, I'm tired and grouchie. They better not mess with me! He sighed in relief when I didn't. Next, a bright blue carriage came out of the sky, carried by gigantic horses. Hagrid came rushing out.

"They only drink single malt whiskey!" The headmaster bellowed. Out came tons of blondes. Tall, skinny, blondes. Great. Veelas.

"Gracie your hair!" I looked down. The change is already happening! Brilliant. I groaned, rolling my eyes. The girls giggled excitedly, running in my direction.

"Ooh! You are veela?" They asked, bad accent and all. Glumly, I nodded. "I'm an Fleur. And you are?"

"Gracelyn." I held out my hand, but she pulled me into a hug, air kissing my cheeks. I stood there, shocked, already wanting them to leave. Will my hair stay like this until they leave? Merlin I hope not! They skipped into the castle, the boys all watching. Except Harry. His eyes were trained on me. Good boy!

"Hey. Hey. Hey. Guess what?" Nat asked, poking me repeatedly. I rolled my eyes.


"Guess what my wand core is made of!"

"What?" I sighed, not really wanting to know.

"Veela hair!" Everyone around burst into laughter. Smirking a bit, I turned to her, giving her a serious expression.

"Did you get that from my head?"

I'm all funnied out from last night.

We followed the neighboring schools into the castle, taking our seats. Professor Dumbledore welcomed our 'guests'. I rolled my eyes when Ron clapped madly for the veela girls. He brought out the cup, explaining the rules. Fred and George were outraged about the age limit, but hey. I don't care. Means I don't have to worry about it. This tournament is nothing but trouble!

I went to bed happy that night. All I can say is, thank goodness it's a Friday.


Breakfast was boring. I sat and watched numerous idiots try to put they're name in that goblet. I wanted to slap so many of them! Cedric Diggory being one. He looked so happy, then turned around and winked at Ginny. She got up and left, so he shrugged and went to sit by Cho! He put his arm around her! Who does that?

Fredricka and Georgina have decided to use an age potion, they stayed up all night working on it and they made extra for Nat. Now this one, I want to see. Harry and I sat side by side, eating and such. The trio approached Dumbledore's age line. "This isn't going to work!" Harry laughed, smiling at me.

"So not going to work!" I giggled, shaking my head as they threw back the potion. Nat grew a few inches, her hair got longer, and she looked a lot older. Fred and George didn't change too much, but hey. They weren't far behind the restriction. They counted to three, jumping over the line and landed safely on the inside.

"I don't believe it!" Harry's eyes went wide, his jaw dropping.

"Three, two, one!" I giggled. BOOM! They were all thrown backwards, Dumbledore, who'd seen the whole thing, laughed more than any student in the hall. I got up, running to them, not bothering to hide my laughter.

Beards. They had big beards. Almost as long as Dumbledore himself's! I laughed mercilessly, pulling Nat and George to their feet while Harry helped Fred. "I have a beard!" Nat shrieked, looking horrified.

"Come on Father Time, lets get you to Pomfrey!" I laughed, rolling my eyes a bit. She glared at me.

"Father Time? Really? Couldn't have come up with anything better?"


I got slapped.

"Madam Pomfrey!" I cheered, skipping into the room with Natty in tow. She scowled when she saw me, but then she caught sigh of Natalyn.

"Go on! Out out! I'll take care of her!" She ushered me out of the wing, pushing me a bit. Shrugging my shoulders, I decided to go sit by the lake. Or maybe a run? Yeah, I'll do that. I walked down to Hagrid's hut, checking to make sure no one was around, I shifted into my wolf, smiling. I bet you I look creepy when I smile as a wolf!

I took off running through the woods, avoiding the centaurs and other creatures. I dodged the Hippogriffs and threstrals. I ran for hours, feeling free. If I stayed wolf, I wouldn't have to worry about that stupid tournament. I could just hide in the woods. 'But that means no Harry. Or Dad and Maxie. Or the Weasley's and Mione. No Nat. You'd loose to many people.'

I shook my head, clearing the thought of staying wolf out of my head. I left the forest, shifting back at the last minute. I saw the horses if Beauxbaton, they were kind of pretty, so I decided to go see them. When I walked over, I saw Fleur standing there, a smile on her face. "Hello!" I smiled, petting one of the horses. My hair was still blonde from yesterday, it hasn't changed back at all. When I'm not directly near one of these girls, the tips turn my normal shade of brown, but the ready is blonde.

"'Ello z'ere!" She smirked. "Gracie."

"You know who I am?" I asked, shocked. I didn't think she'd be able to recognize me, being blonde and all.

"I saw you with 'Arry! And the tips of your hair. I did not know you were part veela?" She smiled, continuing to pet the horse. I nodded, my smile turning sad. "You do not wish to be?"

"I don't know. My mum was veela, but because I did not look it, she didn't approve. She left me before I was a day old. She didn't want me." I whispered, tears brimming my eyes. Cruciatus curse? Bring it on! Talking about a woman you never knew? Help! Good logic there Gracie. She pulled me into her arms, smoothing down my hair.

"You are beautiful either way! I 'ave seen pictures in the paper. Anyone would me lucky to 'ave you!" She smiled, pulling away from me.



"D,did you enter the tournament?" I whispered, dropping my eyes to my feet. She smiled, nodding at me. She seems so brave! She would have been a Gryffindor for sure! "Oh Fleur! Please, be careful!" I whispered, hugging her again.

"I will! Promise!" She said, patting my head. "You should go. Madame Maxine will be back soon! You would not want her to be angry!" I nodded, running away and back up to the castle. I hope Fleur doesn't get chosen!


"Students! The time has come! Time to announce each champion of the Triwizard Tournament!" Dumbledore smiled, extending his arms.

"Harry!" I whispered, jerking on his hand. He looked down, obviously confused. "Promise me you didn't enter?" It just dawned on me he could have. Some way, some how. Please, please tell me he didn't.

"Of course I didn't!" He cupped my cheek in his hand, kissing my forehead. I blew out a breath, relaxing a bit. I leaned into him as he wrapped an arm around me. Fleur sent me a wink, crossing her fingers. I know she wants to win, and I suppose she deserves to, but that doesn't mean I have to like it.

"Viktor Krum!" The Slytherin table and Karkaroff, head of Durmstrang, clapped loudly, some of the boys from the school looked relieved and happy, others not so much. He held no expression as he walked up to shake Professor Dumbledore's hand. They led him through a door behind the teachers table. Another piece of parchment flew from the goblet. "Fleur Delacore!"

"Fleur!" I whimpered, watching as she got up skipping happily towards the teachers table. It's what she wants Gracie! I watched as she walked through that same door. Finally, the last parchment flew out, and I sucked in a breath, scared of who's name is going to come out.

"Cedric Diggory! Our Hogwarts champion!" Dumbledore clapped, the Hufflepuffs went wild, and Cedric walked up there, trying to keep a blank face. And failing. I snuck a glance at Ginny, but she was already facing me.

'Thank you!' She mouthed. For what? I just smiled, looking the other way. Maybe because if I hang said anything and she got with Cedric she'd be heartbroken right now. Mione has told us all multiple times that people die in these tournaments.

"Well. There you have it!" Dumbledore smiled, but the goblet was still smoking? I leaned into Harry. No. It's going to happen. I know it! I bet everyone in this hall knows it! Every bloody year! Another parchment flew out, and the hall grew silent. He took it, muttered something, and looked over at the Gryffindor table. "Harry Potter!" He yelled. I knew it! I broke into sobs, crying on Harry's shoulder. He sat there, stiff as a bored. He's surprised and he promised me he didn't. Someone else did this, and they aren't Harry's friend.

"Go!" Mione pulled me off, shoving him up there. He ignored her, facing me. I held up a hand.

"I believe you Harry. You promised me! And you were so surprised when he said your name! Besides, I've been with you almost all day every day. There was only one time you could have done it! Just go!" I muttered. He nodded, walking away, blank faced. When he got far enough, I broke into sobs again.

The first year I'd talked to and her friend, Colin, Lavender, Parvarti, Mione, Nat, Ginny, some of the Beauxbaton girls, girls all over the hall came up to me, hugging me and trying to sympathize. Dumbledore and the others all jumped up, running towards the door Harry disappeared through, except Moody.

"Albus! ALBUS!" He yelled, making all three headmasters stop and turn around, along with the teachers. The goblet was not done!

"Who the bloody hell is going to die now?!" I yelled, tears streaking down my face. Multiple people gave me looks of pity, but I don't care. I'm so angry right now! Who would do this to Harry? Why?

"Gracelyn Black!" Dumbledore said, mono tone. My jaw dropped and I burst into sobs again. I stood up, wiping away the tears. I ignored the whispers and stared, walking to my death. When I walked through the door, Fleur gasped.

"Gracie? What are you doing here?" Harry asked, walking over to me.

"Harry, my name was called! I hate this tournament! I've stayed as far away from that goblet as possible! How could this happen?" I whispered, laying my head on his shoulder. I watched his face harden as he wrapped me in his arms. Fleur came rushing over, tears in her eyes.

"Don't worry Gracie! You are to leetle! They won't let you compete!" She said, trying to sooth me. I pulled away, walking over to a wall. I stared at it for a minute, then pulled back, punching the wall as hard as I could, a loud grunt coming out with it.

"I don't want to be here!" I hissed, spinning around. The teachers were there, watching me. Harry rushed over, he an Fleur expecting my hand, but I paid them no attention. "Professor, I didn't enter! And neither did Harry! There has to be something that says we can't compete!" I begged, trying not to cry again. Cedric came forward, placing a hand on my shoulder. Harry and Fleur stood on either side of me, holding my hands.

"Albus! We all know Gracie, and this is not her. Obviously she didn't do this, there has to be something we can do!" Professor McGonagall whispered, placing a hand on Professor Dumbledore's arm. The usual twinkle in his eyes were gone as he looked at me, full of sadness. This is hopeless. Harry and I will have to compete. We'll have to compete against each other. I took a deep breathe, stepping away from everyone to sit down.

There's no getting out of this. I have to be in this tournament. I can do it. I beat Pettigrew! I beat Voldemort, with Harry's help, I went into the chamber of secrets of my own will. I can compete in a measly tournament. This should be a piece of cake.

"There is no getting out of it!" Crouch stepped forward, looking angry. He glared at Harry and I. I shook my head again, standing up to go back to my previous place. I nodded my head, letting my determined look come over my face. It's the only thing I can do. I have to compete. I have to do the best I can. There's nothing else I can do!

"Further information on the tournament will be coming soon!" Dumbledore sighed. "You may go!" I nearly ran out of the room, shouldering past the professors. I mumbled sorry's as I went, running straight towards the common room. Fleur and Viktor went back to their designated areas and Cedric went back to his dorm. When I got to the portrait hole, I sunk to the floor, letting my tears escape.

"We'll be okay. I won't let anyone hurt you!" Harry sat down beside me, pulling me onto his lap, rocking me back and forth. I looked him in the eye.

"Harry. I've never been so scared in my life. All of the other things we've done seem like a walk in the park compared to this! Mione says people die in these tournaments! They made that age restriction for a reason! Do you know what a loss we're going to be at? The others are of age! We haven't even learned fourth year magic yet! Well, not much anyways. This is dangerous! I had a bad feeling when they announced this tournament! What are we going to do?" I whispered, not dropping my eyes until the very end.

"I know. But Gracelyn, I promised that I would take care of you, and I will. But right now, we need to get to the fire. We need to tell your Dad!" He stood up, me in his arms. I nodded, letting him put me down. Then his words sunk in.

"Oh my gosh!" I gasped. "Daddy!" I squealed, opening the portrait hole quickly.

"Surprise!" Everyone was waiting in the common room. They couldn't be happier that Harry and I are going to die! Her thanks guys. Calm down! They probably don't know people die in these tournaments, I scolded myself. I smiled at everyone, slipping towards my dorm. Ron sat in the corner, a sour expression, and Nat didn't seem much happier.

I change my course, going to talk to Nat. "Nat? Are you mad at me?" She turned to me with a glare.

"Why would I be mad? It's not like I wanted to be in that tournament or anything! Always Harry and Gracie! Harry this Gracie that! It's always about you two!" She spit, standing up and getting in my face. The tears welled up, starting to pour.

"I don't want to be in this tournament! I'm scared okay?

I'm scared! People die in these tournaments! I have all but ran from that goblet! I've stayed as far away from it as possible! Someone put my name in there, and I don't know who or why! I'm scared okay? I admit it! I can't believe you of all people don't believe me!" I cried, the whole room was silent, they got silent at Nat's outburst, but now they're watching too. I shook my head, backing away slowly.

"Gracie I-"

"No Natalyn. I get it. Whatever. I, I'm leaving. You guys have fun!" I whispered, wiping the tears from my eyes. No more crying over this tournament. Never again. I'm done. From now on I WILL NOT be scared! I can do this! I ran towards the stairs, everyone watching me. I got all the way up, slamming the door behind me, I even went so far as to lock it, not that a simple charm wouldn't undo that.

I ran to my trunk, taking out my floo powder. "Accio invisibility cloak!" I hope Harry doesn't mind. I grabbed my bag, shoving my wand and the floo powder inside of it. I walked to the door, throwing the cloak over my head. I closed it as quietly as I could. I crept down, catching a few sentences.

"Why the bloody hell did you do that?" Ginny screamed, pointing at Nat's face. "You saw her in the hall. I've NEVER seen her like that. And I've lived with her for thirteen years! She obviously doesn't want this. When she walked it I saw it on her face! And you pull a stunt like that? Your her family! Your supposed to be there for her no matter what!"

Ron and Harry were going at it. "You don't believe me? Ron! I promised your little sister I wouldn't put my name in that goblet and I meant it!" Harry yelled, getting in Ron's face.

"Some sister!" Ron scoffed, rolling his eyes. That hurt. A lot. Ginny gasped, using the bat bogey hex, while Fred and George tackled him, yelling at him viciously. No one noticed when the portrait hole opened by itself. I took off running down the halls, straight to Professor McGonagall's room. Taking the cloak off, I pounded in the door multiple times, finally feeling the ache in my hand.

Brilliant. Bloody brilliant! Another dang break. How stupid are you Gracie? Really? You punched a wall you twit! The door flew open, revealing Professor McGonagall, her eyes ringed in red. She's been crying as much as I have. I noted her taking in my appearance as well. "Professor, please. Can I use your fireplace? I need to tell Mum and Dad! This is something I need to tell them in person!" I whispered, trying to keep my voice from cracking.

"Of course Dear!" She croaked, leading me inside.

"Thank you!" She nodded, watching me go. I placed the cloak in my bag, pulling out a bit of powder. "Grimmauld Place!" I felt the spinning, saw the room, and stepped out. "Daddy!" I wailed, stumbling towards the couch. I can't believe I lied! Here I am, the tears pouring like mad.

He came running. "Gracie? What happened?!" He yelled, rushing over to start inspecting me. "What happened to your hands?" He asked, examining them both. The old one, which was still highly bruised due to the after effects of the curse, and the one that hadn't been treated.

"Oh my Merlin!" Maxie gasped, examining them herself. I didn't even see her there! I pulled them away, this isn't what this is about. "Tell us what happened to your hands before we here anything else!" She snapped, her eyes flashing dangerously. Sighing, I threw myself at Dad, who held me tightly.

"I punched Malfoy and Goyle on the train because they were messing with us. I didn't want to put up with it and I tried giving them a warning. Then at school," I didn't want them to know about Peofessor Moody using the curse. I went to edit it, but Dad saw through that.

"I want the truth Gracelyn Paige! I know the edit pause and I want the truth!"

"Fine." I grumbled. "We were studying the cruciatus curse, and Malfoy told Moody about me standing up etcetera etcetera and said he wanted to see it. So the Slytherins beat the Gryffindors out in a vote and he used the curse on me, of course I didn't object. Which was stupid. But anyway, I didn't go straight to Pomfrey when I broke it, so the bruising is after effects of the curse, even though the bone is healed. This one, I punched a wall." I said, letting them pull me onto a couch, the floodgates still flowing.

"When?" Maxie asked, taking it into her hand.

"Uhm, an hour maybe?" I whispered.

"Why?" Dad groaned, looking at it with Maxie.

"Oh Daddy!" I wailed, wrapping one arm around his neck. "Someone entered Harry and I into the tournament! I don't want to! People die in those tournaments! And Nat and Ron are mad at us! Nat is mostly mad at me! She didn't believe me!" I wailed, dropping my head into my hands. Maxie pulled me to her, crying as much as I was. Dad sat there, frozen.

"But, there was an age restriction?" His voice wavered. "You couldn't have put your names in there! And you're too young to compete!" He yelled, starting to pace. I continued to cry with Maxie, both of us hugging each other. "What did Dumbledore say?"

"He didn't have a choice! Crouch said we have to compete!" I whispered, wiping at my eyes again. I don't want to cry! I'm stronger than this! I can do this! Maxie was literately shaking she was crying so hard. "Stop Mum, your going to hurt the twins!" I sighed, placing a hand on her stomach, which has gotten bigger since the last time I was home.

She didn't stop. She just kept crying, her body wracking with sobs. Dad's eyes were red, they both looked so depressed. "You and Harry were entered?" He said, clearing his throat at the end. I nodded glumly.

"Hogwarts has three champions! Harry and I, and the actual champion, Cedric." He kept pacing. "Dad? I, I don't want to go back. But I have too! Professor McGonagall is waiting. She let me use her fireplace to come here and let you know! I didn't want to write an owl. I wanted to do it in person!"

Maxie's face hardened. "What is Grandma doing about it? You and Harry are both in her house! Can't she do something?"

"She tried. She really did. She was crying when I went to see her. She let me use her fireplace too, that's not supposed to happen. I have to go. I'll tell to when the first task is. Maybe they'll let you watch?"

"Whether they let us or not, we'll be there!" Dad growled, hugging me tightly. Maxie stood up, hugging me from behind.

"Go get that hand checked out!" She sighed, kissing my forehead. "We love you!" They chorused, waving as I stepped into the fireplace. Okay. Brave face.

"I love you too!" I pulled out my powder. "Hogwarts, Professor McGonagall's room!" The spinning, the step out, all familiar. She was waiting for me when I got back. "Thank you Professor!"

"Your welcome sweetheart!" She hugged me quickly, letting me go. I threw the cloak over my body, heading towards the common room. When I got back, the first thing I did was take Harry's cloak to his room, putting it in his trunk where he keeps it. I trudged back to my dorm, ready for bed. I could hear them screaming from outside.

"Gracie! She's gone!" Mione yelled.

"This is your fault!" From Ginny this time.

"I know okay? I shouldn't have yelled at her! I believe her! I was just jealous! This is all my fault!" I opened the door, they all froze, spinning around. Nat was crying, Ginny looked ticked, and Mione looked angry and depressed at the same time. I ignored them all, dropping my bag on the floor and walking over to my bed. I got in and went to sleep with out a word.

Life sucks.





I tried to make it long. I did it at my besties house so I won't update again for a few days, but I promise I'll have plenty of chapters for you guys!!!

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