A Harry Potter Love Story: Gr...

By piper103

4.9M 101K 66K

Gracie is headed off to Hogwarts. She's been living with the Weasley family for as long as she can remember... More

A Harry Potter Love Story
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Read please!!!
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Authors Note
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Note thingy
Book 2: Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Book 3: Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Book Four: Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Book 5: Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Book 6: Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Chapter 6

45.5K 813 570
By piper103

"Harry James Potter you give me back my wand right now!" I demanded, jumping up and down. Harry was holding my wand above his head, teasing me.

"Nope!" He laughed, stretching farther so it went higher. I groaned, jumping as high as I could, but it didn't work. I was still three inches too short.

"Potter! Give her back her wand we're getting ready to leave! You'll make us miss the train!" Nat sighed, rolling her eyes and lifting her trunk off the floor. Dad walked in with Maxie, watching me jump and laughing.

"Gee thanks guys! Harry! Please give me back my wand?" I stopped jumping, looking up under my lashes and giving him the Bambi eyes. His eyes softened, but he didn't give me my wand. "Please?" I whispered, stepping closer to him. His arm dropped and I snagged my wand, skipping off to the stairs, since my trunk was already down there. "Thanks!" I laughed, sending him a wink.

"Whipped!" Nat taunted, following me out of the room. Harry made a weird grunting noise, walking after Nat. I could hear Maxie and Dad laughing as I picked my trunk up. I squealed when I lost my balance, falling sideways. Harry rolled his eyes, and took his trunk from me.

"Thank you!" I smiled, kissing his cheek. He just nodded, smiling back. "Are you sure? I mean you've still got to carry your trunk!"

"I'll be fine love. Lets go!" I walked over to Maxie, taking one hand while Nat took the other. Dad did the same with Harry, helping him with the trunks a bit. I tried not to laugh when Nat poked me, pointing to Harry and Dad who were whispering, jerking the trunk back and forth. Both had a smile on their face, but they also looked dead set.

"Meet you two lovebirds there!" Maxie said, then flashed out before they could say anything. We landed in front of a surprised Ron, Mione, and Ginny, laughing loudly. Dad and Harry popped up a minute later, glaring at Maxie.

"Come on! Lets go find a compartment!" I giggled, grabbing Harry's trunk, which is smaller than mine, and hopping onto the train. "Be back in a minute guys!" Dad and Maxie nodded, smiling up at me. I noticed Maxie had placed a hand on her stomach, I can't wait till the twins get here! Ooh, I need to start calling Maxie Mum more often. Ooh, and I have an idea for the names of the twins!

"Over here!" Ginny called, motioning towards an empty compartment. We all filed in, putting the trunks on the shelf. Mione, Fred, Ron, and Ginny all took a seat, the rest of us walked back out to Mum and Dad, giving them a goodbye hug.

"Bye Daddy!" I whispered, hugging him tightly. He kissed my forehead, then I moved over to Mum. "Bye Mum! Write me soon!" I said, hugging her as well. She laughed a bit, nodding her head.

"Shouldn't I be telling you that? Be careful! You and Harry look out for each other! And look out for the others! Keep and eye on Nat and Fred! Rock that dress! And don't let Grandma be to hard on you! Now that your related she'll be stricter so it doesn't look like favoritism. Okay?" I nodded, smiling up at her. "Okay! Give me one more hug!" She pulled me in before I had a chance to respond, so I hugged her back, giggling. "By sweetheart! By Harry, bye Nat!" We all waved, hopping on the train at the last second. We ran to our compartment, waving out the window like the others.

"So!" Mione squealed, turning to the rest of us girls. "What do you think the dresses are for?"

"A stroll through the forbidden forest?" I guessed, trying to rile her up a bit. She rolled her eyes, swatting at my arm.

"Gracie! Seriously! What do you think it's for?" Ginny asked, eyes lit up.

"Probably some sort of dance. That's the only thing, because the boys had to get them too. So we know its not an all girls thing. Maybe we'll be taking a trip?" I suggested, shrugging my shoulders.

"I doubt that. I think you had it right when you mentioned the dance!" Nat sighed, getting comfortable on Fred's lap. I rolled my eyes, but didn't say anything. Because then I would be a hypocrite. And no one likes a hypocrite. She noticed my frown and smirked. "Got a problem, cousin?"

"Nope!" I smiled, popping the 'p' and leaning into Harry, who had one arm around my waist and was currently talking to Ron. When I moved, I felt his grip tighten, bringing a soft smile to my face. I didn't sleep well last night, but I'm not sure why. And now I'm really tired. Yawning, I lay down in the seat, curled in a ball, my head on Harry's lap. He looked down at me with a smile for just a second, then looked back up, continuing his conversation with Ron.

"Tired?" Ginny asked, sitting in the floor beside me. I gave her a small smile, nodding. I pulled my legs up to my chest, a bit cold. It's that time of year when the weather shifts between warm and chilly, so I'm never prepared. She smiled, standing up and grabbing my cloak, spreading it over top of me. "Get some sleep. You don't look to good."

"Thanks Gin!" I smiled, yawning again. I drifted off to sleep in Harry's lap.

Harry's POV*******

I sat there playing with Gracie's hair, not really paying attention and talking to Ron. Gracie had already gone to sleep, and Ron had been glancing over at her every few minutes. "Did she have another nightmare?" He whispered, fully staring at her this time. I saw Fred look out way out of the corner of my eye.

"Yeah. I'm pretty sure," I mumbled, looking down at her again. I wish I could help her, but I don't know how. She seems fine right now, but who knows. She rolled over, her hand curling around my jacket, pulling closer to me. I smiled, wrapping my free arm around her.

"Oi! Harry! You spaced out again!" Ron smiled, looking down at his little sister. "She's really got you wrapped around her finger Harry!" Ron chuckled, shaking his head in disappointment.

"She does not!" I defended, I stopped playing with her hair too, just to be safe. He laughed, telling me I wasn't fooling anyone.

"Oh please! Want me to tell them what happened earlier?" Natalyn teased, joining our conversation. What happened earlier? I looked at her in confusion, but she smirked. "So you don't remember? Maybe I should tell them!"

"Go ahead. If I don't remember must not have been important!" I shrugged, trying to look any where but Gracie. It didn't work.

"Ooh. But it was. You melted like butter! Like I said, whipped!" It came flooding back, me teasing her about her wand. "You went strong for almost half an hour, then a bat of her eyes and you cracked!" Nat tsked, shaking her head. I rolled my eyes and went back to messing with Gracie's hair. How does she get it so soft?!

"What are you talking about?"

Ron groaned, leaning back in his seat. I rolled my eyes again, dropping out of the conversation.

"Harry, over here, decided to mess with Gracie a lit bit this morning. Took her wand and was making her jump for it, and shocked alert, shorty couldn't reach. So after a while, she stopped, and goes 'please give me back my wand Harry?' And she did that thing she does, you know, the one with her eyes when she wants something!"

"Where she looks up under her eyelashes?" Hermione laughed, shooting a few looks in my direction.

"That's the one!" Nat clapped, smiling at the group.

"I want her to teach me how to do that! Everyone falls for that one! Remember the Three Broomsticks with Fudge? When she met Maxie! That was wicked!" Ginny laughed, poking Gracie. She stirred, but didn't wake up.

"Oh I remember that!" Nat laughed, shaking her head again. "Good times, good times. And the one where Malfoy called Mione that awful name and Gracie put on a show for McGonagall!" I chuckled, remembering that one myself. I really don't know how she does it, the one with the minister was by far the best though. She had everyone in the pub angry at Fudge! We all nodded, laughing.

"Anyway, he didn't crack instantly. She had to add a 'please?' and step closer, I think she touched him but I'm not sure! Anywho, he just dropped, basically handed it to her! Then she skipped away, winked at the poor lad!" Nat laughed, everyone else did too, but I scowled, remembering the way she skipped away, winking at me.

"Bloody tease!" I grumbled, causing more laughter to fill the compartment.

"Long story short," Ginny sighed,"Gracie is a brilliant actor!" The compartment door slid open, revealing Malfoy and his prats. I rolled my eyes, pulling Gracie closer.

"Yeah, real brilliant. I'm Gracelyn Black, I can use my veela eyes to charm people! Real special right there! Bloody cheater! Blood traitor too!" He spat, glaring at Gracie. She sat up all of a sudden, looking around in surprise, when her eyes landed on Malfoy, her face hardened, giving him a look that would have Voldemort backing away scared. Malfoy nearly wet himself.

"Bugger off you ugly prat!" She hissed, standing up suddenly.

"Ooh! Wait! I need some licorice from the trolley before the show starts!" Nat squealed, jumping up and leaving the compartment. All of us but Malfoy's lot started laughing, and smiled when she came back with a bucketful, passing some to each of us. Gracie looked highly amused, putting her hands on her hips. Nat sat back down, making herself comfortable on top of Fred. "Continue!" She smirked, waving her hand at them.

"Right. Okay!" Gracie rolled her eyes, but the smile disappeared when she turned to Malfoy. "Why are you still here? I told you to bugger off. And by the way, if I'm a blood traitor, your a Voldemort's arse kissing death eater, I didn't know you were like that Draco?" She smirked, her eyes wide and innocent. His face turned red and he took a step closer. Ron and I both stood up, but Hermione and Ginny pulled us back down.

"Why you little bi-" he didn't get to finish that sentence. Gracie punched him in his mouth, making him stumble back into his dunderhead friends.

"Hit him again! Hit him again!" Nat cheered, chomping her licorice and waving her fist around wildly. Ginny jumped up and down, laughing and pointing at Malfoy. His nose was crooked and bleeding wildly. Goyle came towards her, but she pulled out we wand.

"Nope. Uh uh. Not happenin' chubs!" She smiled, twirling it between her fingers. He pulled his as well, casting a spell as soon as it was out of his pocket, she swished her wand lazily, looking at her finger nails. "Is that the best you got?"

"Blood traitor!"

"Arse kisser!" He pounced at her, but she caught his lower jaw, punching him in the face. His head came down as she brought up her knee. When he fell, she looked at her hand again. "That didn't even hurt! I always knew you had nothing but air up there!" She cooed, bending over to pay his head. Crabbe stood in the door way, looking confused. "Want some to?" She asked sweetly, batting her eyes. He took off running and the train signal blew, meaning we were there. She looked down at the two boys and smiled. "Toodles!" She skipped out of the compartment with out another word.

We all got up, following her over to an empty carriage. Once we were all seated and moving we exchanged a glance, then everyone bursted with laughter. "That'll be one to tell Uncle Sirius!" Nat sighed, wiping away a tear. I then noticed Gracie looking down, and she didn't look happy.

"Harry?" She looked up at me, a small twinkle in her eye. Everyone shut up, watching the two of us.


"I lied." We all looked at her in confusion.

"What do you mean?" A small smirk formed on her face.

"That stupid fat arse hurt my hand!"

We all started laughing again, patting her on the back. "Bloody brilliant!" Ginny squealed, looking at each of us.

"Wicked!" Ron laughed, looking at Gracie proudly. Mione was biting her lip, trying not to smile. But everyone knew she wanted to. I looked down at Gracie's hand to see it turning a dark purple color. Ron noticed too apparently. "Bloody hell Gracie! We've just gotten here and your already going to have to visit Pomfrey!" He groaned, throwing his hands into the air.

We all hopped out of the carriage, each taking a turn to look at her hand. "I am not! It's probably just bruised from the inside! I'll be fine!" She rolled her eyes, crossing her arms stubbornly. We filed into the castle, taking our normal seats at the table.

"Okay. Prove it! Wiggle your fingers and move your hand!" Nat glared, crossing her arms just like Gracie's. It's scary how much those two look alike sometimes. Gracie shrugged, but when he held her hand up and tried to move it, she sucked in a breath, hissing in pain. I jumped, taking her wrist gently to take a closer look at her hand. If its broken, it'll look somewhat like my arm did. Before Lockhart took all my bones away. "See?"

"It's just sore. I'll try again in the morning and it'll be fine!" She rolled her eyes, but I noticed she didn't jerk her hand away. That's her way of telling me she thinks it's broken, but to stubborn to admit it. "Stupid twit, came down to hard and to fast. His was ways more than half of me!" She growled, rolling her eyes.

I flipped her hand over, and sure enough, you could see the break. It was easy to spot. I held it up, showing the others. My answer was a bunch of groans and sighs. "It's broken!" I laid her hand on the table as easy as I could. It was then that I noticed the sorting was already over and Dumbledore was making his announcements.

"-no quidditch this year." He paused, Fred and George stood up, yelling random things, Natalyn with them. Gracie was glaring at Dumbledore, her jaw set, but she didn't say anything. Yeah, I'm pretty mad about the quidditch thing, but I really just want to get her to Pomfrey. Not that she'd go. "Silence!" He yelled, instant silence fell over the hall. "This year, Hogwarts will be hosting the Triwizard Tournament!" He announced, smiling at the crowd. When he said that, I zoned out. I'm not entering. Hermione was rambling on about how dangerous it is, and I've had enough danger to last me a life time. Every year it seems like. Though at this rate, Gracie has me beat. She's accident prone or something. Trouble and danger are literately drawn to her! And it scared the hell out of me to be honest.

What's up with all the foul words today?

The food appeared in front of me, so I assumed the speech was over and started piling my plate. Hermiones high pitched squeal drew my attention. "Ooh! I wonder who will invite me to the ball!" She giggled, looking all starry eyed all of a sudden.

"Ball?" I asked, shoving food in my mouth.

"You weren't listening at all, were you mate?" Ron said, looking amused. I shrugged my shoulders, shaking my head.

"I zoned out when he started talking about that bloody tournament. I have no intention on entering that thing. I've got a bad feeling about it already!" I hugged, continuing to eat my food.

"Good because you have to be seventeen to enter!" He rolled his eyes. "There's going to be a ball in December and other schools are coming to Hogwarts to compete. Better get your date now!" He winked, looking over at Gracie. I rolled my eyes, swallowed, and turned to her.

"Not that this is,"

"Gracie!" Seamus called, interrupting me. Gracie groaned, squeezing her eyes shut. She rested her head on my shoulder, turning away from him. By instinct, I wrapped my arm around her, pulling her closer to me. Ron, Fred, George, Ginny, and Nat all glared at Seamus, but Hermione was looking between all of us nervously. Probably afraid there'll be another fight.

He walked over smiling. Gracie kissed my cheek, wiping the smile off his face. I smirked, grabbing her favorite dessert and putting it on her plate. "There you go love!" I smiled, pulling her closer there.

"Thanks Harry! What do you want Seamus?"

"I wanted to apologize for what happened last year." All of us guys scoffed, shooting Seamus multiple glares. "I had too much to drink and I made a mistake. I'm sorry Gracie. But I'd like to make it up to you!" He smiled, winking at her. My fist clenched. She crossed her arms glaring at him.


"Will you come to the Yule Ball with me? Please? I swear, I'll be a total gentlemen, I'm really sorry about last year, please?" He begged, smiling at her. I think I cracked my tooth. Stupid jaw clenching. Seamus needs to walk away, now.

"So you want to make it up to me by punishing me?" She shrieked, scooting closer to me. "Um no. Sorry!" She said, turning around on the bench. He grunted, walking away, red in the face.

"I love you!" I smiled, kissing her quickly, trying not to make Ron angry.

"I love you too!" She giggled, taking my hand. I glanced down quickly, making sure it was the good one. I definitely don't want to hurt her more.

"Not that this is the most romantic way to ask. But I'll try it anyway. I definitely don't want to loose my opportunity. Gracelyn Paige, would you do me the honor of accompanying me to the Yule Ball?" I smiled, kissing her hand. She blushed, nodding her head. "Brilliant!"

The feast ended, so we all went and grabbed our favorite chairs by the fire, but instead of having her sit beside me, I pulled her onto my lap. She giggled, curling up and wrapping her arms around my neck. I felt someone staring, and when I turned around, I met Seamus' eye, catching his glare. I just smirked, turning around, Ron on the other hand, flipped him off.

"Tomorrow morning I'm taking you to Madam Pomfrey!" I said, turning back to Gracie. She groaned, glaring at me. "First thing in the morning!" I smirked.

"Your so mean!" She grumbled, sitting up. "I don't need to. Watch this!" She pulled her wand, muttering a spell. Nat looked over, hers eyes brightening as a few things flew our way.

"Here! I'll help!" She jumped up, kneeling in front of Gracie. She took two pieces of wood, placing one on top and one on bottom of Gracie hand, Gracie muttered another spell, three times, and the bone slowly mended itself to the point where there was only bruising left. Ron reached out to touch it, Gracie hissed in pain as Nat slapped his hand away. "It will still hurt you nitwit! It's not fully healed, it'll take an extra week or two, but she'll be fine as long as she keeps it in this!"

They placed the wood on both sides of her hand, then took gauze, wrapping it tight around her hand, sealing it when they were done. Nat smiled victoriously. "It needs something," Gracie tapped her chin, staring at the homemade cast. "Oh!" She tapped it with her wand, turning it Gryffindor red.

We all smiled at her, some if us shook her heads. She's so weird sometimes. "Better?" I asked, smirking at her. She nodded, a huge smile on her face.


We all laid there in the common room for a while, eventually all the girls fell asleep. Not a one of them would wake up, and we can't get them upstairs. "Go call Sirius on the fire!" Ron hisses, staring at Hermione in shock. He hasn't moved and he looks totally nervous. She had fallen asleep with her head in his lap. Snickering, I carried Gracie, bridal style to the fire. Yeah yeah, why didn't I leave her in our chair? Because she's got a death hold around my neck, same with Nat and Fred. I sat down like we were in the chair, trying to figure out home I'm going to do this.

I leaned forward, dropping the floo powder in the fire. "Grimmauld Place!" I stuck my head in and looked around, the living room. "Sirius!" I yelled, hoping he hadn't gone to bed. He came out of the kitchen, took one look, the started looking amused.

"Is that Gracie?" I looked around, my whole upper half was in the fire place, not just my head, meaning Gracie's arms and head were with me. Groaning, I nodded. Maxie came in, looking like she was watching movie of the year.

"We were in the common room and all the girls fell asleep and they won't wake up!"

"So? Leave them there and go to bed!" He shrugged, earning a swat from Maxie.

"So why is she here?" She gestured to Gracie. Running a hand through my hair, I sighed, glancing down at her.

"She won't let go! And they got more security since last years incident so there's no way we can get up the stairs and put them in their dorm! Sirius help!" I groaned, watching Maxie laugh. Sirius looked highly amused as well. He stood there silent for a few minutes.

"Have fun on the couch!"

This. Was. Pointless!

"Okay okay. I'm kidding. Uhm, go to Professor McGonagall? Go to your dorm? I don't know Harry. This only happened to James once and he was more than happy taking Lilly into our room." He shrugged, smiling at the memory.

"Well I'm not! She'd kill me! And besides, we weren't even off the train and she needed to go to the hospital wing. Then, at dinner, she shot Seamus down for the Yule Ball, and he's in my dorm. There's more than enough people willing to bust us." I rolled my eyes, not thinking about what I was saying.

"What happened on the train? Yule Ball? That means Hogwarts is hosting the Triwizard Tournament! Harry I'm not getting a good feeling about this!"

"She fought Malfoy and Goyle. Won too! Mione wouldn't let us help, Nat stopped it to go get candy. And Ron an I were jumping every time they moved, trying to get to her. She broke her hand but she and Nat took care if it. Stubborn wouldn't go to the hospital wing. And yeah, the tournament. I'm getting a bad feeling too. I guess we'll just use the cloak and take them to our dorm. I think Seamus is already asleep."

"Alright. Harry, be careful. I don't like the looks of this tournament son. It's got bad idea written all over it!"

"I know. Don't worry Sirius. I'll take care of her!" I smiled down, remembering why I came here.

"Take care if yourself too Harry!" He smiled. "Write me soon! Or meet us here in the fire!" I nodded. "You better go, don't want you getting a detention!" I nodded, waving goodbye. Maxie was asleep on the couch already, so I just pulled out of the fireplace.

"Well?" Ron whined, looking more panicked than before. I rolled my eyes, picking her up like

I did earlier.

"Sirius says to take them to our dorms," I shrugged, heading towards the stairs.

"Ginny wake up!" George yelled frantically. I heard her groan, and sit up, spinning around quickly.

"Night!" She sighed, walking towards her stairs.

"Ginny wait no!" We all yelled, but it didn't work. She wasn't really awake. She closed the door to her dorm, leaving us in the same predicament. George looked a lot happier though. Truthfully, I don't mind. So I continued my walk up the steps, shutting the door in the dark room.

"Blimey Harry! Is that Gracie?" Neville asked, sitting up. I nodded, letting go of her once she was over my bed. Her arms tightened, and Neville's eyes widened. "Have fun Harry!" He laughed, laying down. I pulled out one of my t-shirts, laying it beside her. I used my wand to pop it on, so she was more comfortable. I crawled in beside her, wrapping my arms around her waist.

I kissed her forehead. "Night Gracie." And fell asleep.


This is more of a filler chapter, but it has the announcement of the tournament and what I think is cute. I Hope You Guys Read This Otherwise Your Going To Be Mad At Me. Remember how I said I do this all on my phone? Yeah? Good. So, I've wasted most of my Internet this month, so I can't update one chapter at a time for a while. Sorry guys. I can still write them and save them, I just can't publish them. So, I'm going to write three chapters at a time and then publish, that way I'm not wasting Internet. I'm really sorry and I promise I'll be more careful next month!!!! Night guys!!!😘

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