A Harry Potter Love Story: Gr...

By piper103

4.9M 101K 66K

Gracie is headed off to Hogwarts. She's been living with the Weasley family for as long as she can remember... More

A Harry Potter Love Story
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Read please!!!
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Authors Note
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Note thingy
Book 2: Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Book 3: Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Book Four: Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Book 5: Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Book 6: Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Chapter 14

44.6K 870 758
By piper103

Rawr! Hi! Chapter time!!!XD Last one tonight!!!!(:

"Bloody hell!" I groaned, sitting up and holding my head. Chuckles sounded around me.

"Gracie!" Dad sighed, pulling me into a tight hug. Okay. Can't breathe.

"Ouch!" I laughed, patting his back. More chuckles sounded, but then I remembered what happened. I sat up quickly. There were people all over the place. Lots of people. The Weasley's were all here, even Percy. Dad, Maxie, Professor McGonagall, Dumbledore, even Snape was sulking in the corner, and of course Mione and Nat, then the rest of the Gryffindor team. "Where's Harry?"

"Over here!" He groaned, raising his hand in the air for me to see. I looked over, seeing him lay in the bed near mine. I smiled, waving at him. Well I tried. Hard to do with a broken arm.

"This thing ain't fixed yet?"

"She couldn't do it while you were asleep!" Maxie laughed, ruffling my hair. I noted that she was holding Dad's hand. Other people laughed as well, but quieter.

"So Harry what's the damage?"

"To me or you?" He grumbled, but still passed me a smile.

"You silly. Obviously, I broke my arm. End of story. You?"

"I got lucky. Nothing. Except a headache. And you did worse than that!" He said, now glaring at me.

"Don't look at me like that! What did I do? And what are you talking about?"

"Well for starters, we promised each other we would be careful! Now you have a broken arm, a concussion, and a broken nose. And I'm glaring because you only got hurt trying to save me!" He snapped, sitting up. Confused, I touched my nose, then winced.

"Well how'd that happen?" I grumped, leaning back into my pillow. More laughs around the room.

"You fell on your face twit!" Nat snickered, poking my cheek. Ouch!

"Well don't poke it! That kind of hurt. And you mister!" I glared at Harry, who sat back, gulping a bit. "Don't get angry with me! Who fell first huh? And duh I tried to save you. Are you crazy? When have I not? First year, you almost fell. First year, the whole thing with Fluffy and the stone blah blah. Second year you saved me. Now it was my turn again. And don't even get me started on the whole not telling me about last year's incident!" I huffed, crossing my arms. Harry sighed nodding.

"Alright alright. I see your point. We're always doing this, aren't we?" He chuckled, smiling at me. I nodded, but smiled back all the same.

"Awe!" Maxie cooed, hugging me. I laughed, hugging her back, then Dad.


"Don't hey me! I'm mad too! The first match I've seen since I played and you pull a stunt like this? Scared me half to death!"

"She was as scared as I was!" Dad chuckled, ruffling my hair like she did earlier. "Went up to Dumbledore ranting about having dementors in school!" I laughed, hugging Maxie again.

"Well thanks!" I smiled, turning to the people around me. "Thanks for coming guys! Even though its partially for Harry!"

"Er, yeah. Thanks guys!" The team smiled, but left. Professor McGonagall checked us out, but left.

"Bye Professors!"

"Bye Lilly/Gracie!" They chorused, walking out the doors.

"Lilly?" Maxie asked, wrinkling her nose. I laughed, shaking my head. "Tell me later?" I nodded, smiling. A throat was cleared in back, so naturally, I turned to see who did it.

"That was quite the patronus Ms. Black!" Professor Dumbledore's eyes twinkled with mischief, sitting on the foot of Harry's bed.

"Thanks sir! Gee, who could have taught me such a thing?" I said, tapping my chin sarcastically. He chuckled, smiling at me.

"Yes. Who indeed?" I rolled my eyes.

"Thanks Professor. It really came in handy today!" I smiled, leaning back into my pillow again. Bill and Charlie pushed their way through the crowd, pulling me into a bone crushing hug. "Billie! Charlie!" I squealed, hugging them back.

"Mum! Dad number two!" I laughed, hugging Molly and Arthur. I didn't want to hurt their feelings by saying Molly and Arthur, so that's their name. They beamed, smiling down at me.

"Oh. I'm sorry dear, but we all have to go!" Molly pouted, frowning at the clock. I nodded in understanding. "Let Poppy take care of you?" I nodded again. "Be safe! We love you dear!"

"I love you too!" The Weasley's left, after a quick explanation from Ron about Harry and I's brooms. Crud. There goes that. I nearly cried when I saw it. I did whimper though. Everyone laughed at me too!

Mione and Ginny left after giving me a hug, and Nat said a not so classy goodbye. "Well cousin. Did you have fun falling five hundred plus feet and giving everyone a heart attack, including me? I hope so! I wanted you to wake up so I could kill you! But, I love you so much. I shall refrain. Be careful, kay? Thanks! Now I gotta go find Fred, bye Gracie!"

"Bye Nat!" I laughed, watching her go. Now it's just me and Harry, Dad and Nat. Uncle Moony is with Snape, making the potion apparently. Getting ready for the full moon which is coming in a few weeks.

"Was that really your Mum?" Maxie asked, looking skeptical. I shook my head.

"All those red heads, yeah. That's who I lived with while Dad was away." I laughed, watching her eyes pop.

"But, there were like a thousand boys!"

"I know!" I laughed, laying down. "Ginny was my only sister. It's nice being a big sister though. I like taking care of her. I'd risk my life for any of my siblings any day. Or my friends. I wouldn't mind that either." I sighed in content, curling up in a ball on the bed.

"Lets not do that again for a while," Dad whispered, stroking my hair.

"Again?" Maxie asked, eyeing me.

"I'll tell you all of their little stories in a bit!" Dad chuckled, wrapping one arm around her.

"You better!"

"Okay Harry?"

"Yeah. I'm fine. Can't wait to get out of here!" He grumbled, keeping his eyes on me. Madam Pomfrey hustled in, popping a potion in my mouth. Ew. Nasty. I made my signature face, causing everyone to laugh. And then I felt myself drifting to sleep.


"Can I try?" Mione asked, looking at the crystal ball. This is a class I chose to sit with the girls. I'll sit with Harry next class, with Snape. That way he can focus all his anger in one place. Note the sarcasm.

Professor Trelawney encouraged her, smiling. "I see, the grim!" Mione chirped, smirking at Professor. I rolled my eyes, knowing she saw diddly squat. Just like the rest of us. The key to divination, is to predict awful horrible things. That's what Trelawney likes anyway.

Professor Trelawney tutted, walking away.

(A/N: I know this is in the wrong place but it will make more since later! Promise!!!)

"Hmph!" Mione huffed, crossing her arms and sitting back in her seat. I rolled my eyes, trying not to laugh.

"Hermione, you obviously the divination!" Nat sighed.

"Why don't you just quit?" I finished, smiling a bit. I only stay with it because she seems to have taken a liking to me. Whatever I 'see' Professor Trelawney agrees with. Nat once cursed me blaming it on my, 'stupid veela powers'. I snorted at the memory. As if.

"No! I have to prove I can do it!" Mione snapped, gathering her books at the sound of the bell. Nat and I sighed, exchanging a wary glance.

"To potions!" I muttered, rolling my eyes. Harry chuckled behind me, taking my books for me. "Thanks!" I smiled, hugging his waist.

"No problem love!" He bent down kissing my cheek. Don't blush, don't blush! I scolded, hoping my cheeks weren't red. For Merlin's sake! It's been almost a year Gracie!

We walked into potions, filled with dread. Snape was in a bad mood. Fred had hexed him earlier, and he and George tried to confuse Snape as to who did it to get out of trouble. Now they're both in detention later, and Natalyn had been teasing them about it, until they called her a good child. So now she's determined to get detention too.

"Oi! Snivellus!" She yelled, leaning back in her chair. "It's kind of cold if you haven't noticed, care to lighten up the place?" She sneered, glaring at him.

"Ms. Black, I'd advice you to hold your tongue!" He snapped, glaring back at her. She shrugged, then poked her tongue out and took it in two fingers. I giggled a bit, but he shot me a glare, silencing me. "Ms. Black, since you find this so funny, you can join the Weasley's in detention!"

"Works for me!" Nat sighed, leaning back in her chair.

"Not you! Her!" He said, pointing at me. My jaw dropped.

"No. I don't think I will. I did nothing wrong!" I snapped, standing up.

"Ms. Black! Sit down! You will join your, brothers," he sneered the word. "in detention!" He finished, glaring at me.

"No. I. Won't!" I yelled, slamming my hands on the table.

"Gracie! Please stop!" Mione wailed, tugging at my arm. She had gotten out of her seat to come over here and stop me.

"Granger! Detention as well!"

"No way!" Nat and I chorused, coming out from in front of our desk. "Mione did nothing wrong! She was trying to save your butt! By now, I think we all know Gracie and Harry are a pretty special pair. They've both faced Voldemort multiple times together and they both have power have the people here dream of. Including you! You and I both know Gracie could take you any day!" Nat hissed each word, stepping forward slowly and menacingly, fists clenched.

"Sit. Down!" Snape bellowed, red in the face. People sat and watched, looking like they wanted some pop corn.

"I'll tell ya what Severus! I'll go to detention. I'll go for a week, but you have to take back Mione's detention! She did nothing wrong and everyone here knows it!"

"If you will all SHUT UP, I will take back everyone's detention, even the Weasley's!" He offered, glaring at all of us. I smiled sweetly.



"How?" Ron asked for like the billionth time. His jaw was still dropped and he was still staring forward vacantly. I rolled my eyes, sighing. By now the whole school had heard about the incident. Including Dad. He and Maxie wrote me a long letter, going back and forth between parenting, and laughing their bums off. Maxie even started praising my 'talents' at one point. It had made me laugh then, but now I'm over the whole thing.

"Don't worry. It'll blow over!" Harry smiled, opening the hall doors for dinner.

"I hope so!"

Two weeks passed, today is Hogsmeade. Tomorrow is the full moon, then, Christmas! The snow swirled viciously, we made a beeline for Madam Rosemerta's where we were meeting Dad and Maxie. Who were officially an item!

We walked inside, pink cheeks, noses red, and chattering teeth. Both Dad and Maxie ran over, pulling us all further into the shop to get some warmth. "Fred's over there! See you guys later!" Nat stuttered, teeth still chattering. George noticed her coming, rolled his eyes and pleaded with the rest of us to come over and save him.

"We'll go!" Ron sighed, taking Mione's hand. They walked over, sitting beside George.

"Well. That leaves us!" Dad smiled, clapping his hands together. "So Harry, how are private lessons with Remus? Boring?" Harry looked at me quickly, his face getting redder.

"Private lessons?"

"It's nothing. It's just, since the dementors seem to fancy me, I wanted to learn to fight them." Harry said, pleading with his eyes not to be mad. I wasn't though, I'm he's learning to fight them. I smiled, taking his hand. "And no. They aren't!" He said, smiling at Dad after my little reassurance smile.

"Really?" Harry nodded. "Wow. Remus is cool. James would have laughed if he heard that," Dad chuckled, but it was a sad sound. He looked up at Harry all of a sudden, a tear pricked his eyes, but he didn't cry. He smiled. Maxie came back with butter beers, though I hadn't noticed she'd left. They were all warm thankfully.

Harry and I nearly chugged ours at once. I watched at Maxie and Dad held hands, snuggling closer to each other. "Hey Maxie?" Harry began, looking between her and I.

"Hm?" She asked, smiling back and taking a swig.

"You know, you and Gracie sort of look alike!" My eyes raised in shock, and I studied her closer. We did in a way! Her hair was the same color as Dad and I's. her eyes were the same color as the flecks in my eyes. "Her eyes look like a mixture between Sirius eyes and yours!" Harry said, naming my thoughts. She had the same face shape as I did and our smiles were similar. Cool!

"They do, don't they?" Dad smiled, looking between the two of us. She and I smiled at each other, liking that we looked alike. Maxie is really pretty, so I'm glad I look like her!

"Wicked!" Maxie laughed, giving me a high five. She could pass for my Mum! What if she and Dad got married? She'd be the perfect step mum! And we could pass for a real family. I mean, I'm the like the perfect mixture of these two! It's like she was meant to be my mum!

Don't get your hopes up.

We all laughed with her, and I laid my head on Harry's shoulder, smiling. I felt his arm make its way around my waist, holding me tight against his side. This was the perfect family picture. The snow swirling, and Hogsmeade looks like something you'd see on a postcard. This really is perfect. Sure, there are a few other people I'd like to see here, but for now, this is perfect.


I felt arms around me, pulling me up. Whoever it was, I wrapped my arms around their neck, snuggling closer. There was a chuckle, but I didn't check. "Here Harry. We're at the castle. Think you can take her?"

"I've got her. It's really cold. Help me get this cloak around her?"

"I'll help!" Maxie whispered, the cheerfulness evident in her tone. I nearly smiled to myself, but didn't. I felt myself being moved and suddenly the cold wasn't so cold anymore. I was shifted and then I felt Harry's arms wrap around me, caring me up the steps.

"Be careful! Sleep tight Harry!" Dad said, and I could hear the smile. I love moments like these, their always so sweet! Anyway, the doors opened and the warm air hit. The door thumped so I jumped at the chance.

"H, Harry?" I asked, sleep masking my tone all by itself.

"I'm sorry love. It's okay, just go back to sleep." He soothed, holding my tighter.

"I, I can walk if you want?" I whispered, snuggling back into his chest. I was already falling asleep, and we both knew it. He didn't answer, just said the password to our common room and walked inside, sitting on the couch. I curled up on his lap, sighing.

"Gracie? Why don't you go change into something more comfortable?" He whispered, shaking me a bit. I nodded in response, sitting up slowly, and walking towards the stairs.

"Will you wait for me?" I asked, opening my eyes for the first time. He smiled at me and nodded.

"Always." I smiled back, then walked up the stairs. I pulled on a red hoodie with gold writing on it, then my gold sweat pants. Gryffindor pride. I even had red slippers I put on. After I brushed my teeth and pulled my hair up, I headed downstairs to me Harry. He had a bigger red hoodie, similar to mine, but still different. His sweatpants were gold as well, but his were darker. He wore socks, not slippers.

"We match!" I yawned, collapsing on the couch. It was then that I noticed I pulled my thickest quilt down with me. Shrugging, I curled up with it on the couch. Harry took a seat beside me, so I spread it over his lap and laid my head on his shoulder. "Night Harry!"

"Night Gracie!" He kissed my forehead and I drifted off.

Harry's POV******

When I was sure she was asleep, I laid down, pulling her down with me. She lay on top of me, snuggling into my chest. I can't help but think that this is where she belongs.

I pulled out the map. "I solemnly swear I am up to no good!" The map appeared, but I was hard to see. "Lumos!" I whispered, pointing it away from Gracie. I looked at the map, over and over, just looking for random stuff. I saw Sirius' dot in some room. I laughed quietly when it moved on top of Maxie's.

Curious, I looked for Gracie's dot. It was mixed with mine, 'Harry Potter and Gracelyn Black'. Sirius' and Maxie's were the same. I shuddered thinking about that. The portrait hole opened and closed, but I saw no one. Checking the map, I saw Peter's name. I sat up quickly looking around. I caught him on the staircase, jumping up, I pointed my wand at him.

"Petrificus Totalus!" I yelled, stunning him. I walked over, picking him up by the tail in disgust. His eyes narrowed quickly, glaring.

"Harry? What's going on?" She walked over, her wand lit up. When her eyes landed on Peter, she gasped and glared. She took him, holding him close to the fire. As funny as it was, I had to stop her.

"Lets take him to your dad!" I chuckled, grabbing her arm and pulling it back. Grudgingly, she nodded. I ran upstairs to get the cloak and came back down, throwing it over her.

We used the map, navigating our way through the castle, quickly and quietly. When we found Sirius and Maxie, they were laying in a conjured up bed, tangled in the sheets. Thankfully they were dressed. Maxie was sleeping peacefully, Sirius answered the door. "Harry?" He whispered, reaching out in front of him.

"Here!" I said, taking the cloak off. He is into the room, looking up and down the halls. Gracie walked in, holding the rat out in front if her with a cold glare. When Sirius saw it, he hissed taking it from her and holding it the same way she did. The apple really doesn't fall far from the tree.

"Gracie tried to burn him alive!" I laughed, stepping up and flicking the rat a few times. Sirius raised his eyes brows, his eyes darting to her.

"I wanted to drop him in the fire!" She shrugged, still glaring at Pettigrew. Sirius laughed, but stopped when his eyes darted to the vermin.

"You kids stay here. I'll take him to Dumbledore!" He said, walking towards the door. We nodded, and I took a seat on the couch, but Gracie shook her head, grabbing my hand. She pulled me up and onto the bed Maxie was in. She lay on her side, facing Maxie.

I turned in my other side, so if Sirius walks in he won't be to mad. I felt my eyes droop and I fell asleep.


"Come on Nat!" I hissed, pulling her out the door and into the courtyard. We made our way over to the Whomping Willow, made it into the tunnel and shifted. Uncle Moony took his potion and was waiting for us, along with Dad and Maxie, who I found out was an animagus this morning. She learned when she watched Pettigrew transform and get away that horrible day.

When we were all together, she shifted into a big brown dog, similar to Dad's black one. She looked at Dad in shock while he gave her the same look. I shifted to my wolf and Nat to her fox. I trotted over to Dad and sat down between his and Max. He placed a paw in my head, then took it off when Uncle Lupin changed. One things for sure, he's not teaching class tomorrow.

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