A Harry Potter Love Story: Gr...

By piper103

4.9M 101K 66K

Gracie is headed off to Hogwarts. She's been living with the Weasley family for as long as she can remember... More

A Harry Potter Love Story
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Read please!!!
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Authors Note
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Note thingy
Book 2: Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Book 3: Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Book Four: Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Book 5: Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Book 6: Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Chapter 13

55.6K 1.1K 998
By piper103

I'm not sure if I like the chapter. It just seems to far fetched.... I don't know though!!! This is a chapter I would really like some feedback on.. Let me know what you guys think!!!

There was a pecking outside the window above my head. You know, I'm really getting tired of being woke up in the mornings?

It was an owl, she had a letter in her beak, and another message tied to her leg. I opened the window and let her in, as I did so, I noticed the time, seven forty. Harry should be coming soon! I grabbed the letter on her leg to start with. It had curly hand writing, which means Dumbledore. I opened it first.

Miss Gracie,

Your father tells me you would like to speak to Mrs. Potter. I think I can I might be able to help with that. Come up to my office whenever you get a chance. I happen to like lemon drops!

Yours truly,

Albus Dumbledore

I read and reread the note over and over, but I can't quite comprehend it. All well. I'll go. I opened my dad's note next.

Dear Gracie,

I'm so glad your alright. And I have to tell you something, I'm not allowed to come see you, but you are allowed to come visit me. Professor Dumbledore has agreed to bring you, if I explained something to you. This is hard for me to tell you, and I hope you'll keep an open mind. I also need you to promise me that you won't tell anybody until its time.

I started to panic. What on earth could be this bad? Okay, relax Gracie. You're about to find out why you've gone with out a father all these years.

I'm in Azkaban.

I sucked in a breath, gasping for air. Azkaban? Why, what did he do? Okay, once again Gracie, calm down. Give him a chance. He said to keep and open mind. So do it. Let him explain. There's no way he'd tell you that with out telling you why. Just start reading again! Now! Okay now! Oh for heavens sake just do it!

But before you freak out, let me explain what happened. When Lilly and James died, they had a secret keeper who betrayed them. Peter. Or as we know him, Wormtail. I was the secret keeper, but I convinced Lilly and James that they should make someone else the secret keeper. I'm the one that convinced them to change it. And Peter Pettigrew betrayed them. I blame myself as much as I blame him.

Pettigrew ran. And I went to find him. I left you with your Uncle Lupin and told him if anything happened to take you to the Weasley's. I got to Peter and there were muggles all over the street. He thought he'd be safe with them. We were going to fight, when the coward staged his death. Killed all the muggles in the blow, he cut off his finger and transformed into a rat. He was an animagus. We all were, James, Lupin and I. I was caught, and carted to Azkaban.

Now you know the story. Once again, I ask you, do not tell anyone until its time for the truth to come out. But the main question is, do you want to come see me? Do you even want to speak to me anymore? If you don't write back, I'd understand.



This is a lot to process. But I'm not stupid. If what he said is true, I'm more concerned about Pettigrew. If I ever find him, I'll kill him. I scrawled a quick response on the back. It read: "your mental! Of course I'm coming you twit! I'm not going to loose my father over a misaccusation. You say when and I'll be there! Love, Gracie.xx"

Right as I sent it off, Harry and Natalyn came running through the door, fighting each other to my end of the hall. Nat had my brush and makeup bag in her hands. "I've got to help her get ready Harry!"

"Get ready to what? Eat! Move Nat!" He ran forward and was by my bed in a second. "Morning!" He smiled, sitting down beside me. Natalyn sat on the other side, panting and out of breath.

"Turn around! I'm doing your hair and make up!" She commanded, giving me a firm look. I sighed but did as she said, while I was moving, I held my ribs and made sure that no one noticed. Well, made sure Nat didn't.

"Not to dark okay?"

"Duh!" She scoffed, already starting on my hair. She was done in a matter of minutes and I felt much better. She spun me around and did my make up quickly. Then gave me some mouthwash. By the time she was done I felt so much better.

"Thanks Nat. I owe you!" She gave me a smile and hugged me gently. "Bye Madam Pomfrey! I'll be back!" I yelled, knowing she'd hear me from the office.

"You'd better! If you try to make a break for it there'll be no more meals in the Great Hall!" I rolled my eyes and attempted to stand up. I got dizzy, but it wasn't to bad. Nothing I can't handle. Probably just from lack of movement. I've been laying on that bed for two days now.

Harry helped steady me and Natalyn did this little spell that popped me into my robes. Thank goodness. I feel so much better its not even funny!

I caught Harry staring at me so I turned my head to look at him. "What is it Harry?"

"She did a good job. That's all. You look pretty!" He gave me a small smile which I returned. He put his arm around my waist and I placed mine around his neck. He held on to me to help make sure I didn't fall or anything like that on the way down there. Natalyn was waiting with her arms outstretched to catch me at any given moment. I had to laugh, I really did.

"Nat, I'm fine! Harry's got me and besides, I'm not that weak! You guys make me feel like I'm breakable! Like the dolls in Ginny's closet breakable!"

"Aren't you though?" Nat asked in a whisper tone, dropping her arms to her sides. I didn't understand what she meant though. I rolled my eyes and turned to look at her.

"What are you talking about?"

"What she's saying is, right now, you are breakable Gracie. One wrong move and we could hurt you severely. You can't blame us for wanting to be careful!" I turned to Harry as he spoke, and he looked me right in the eye, not afraid to tell me like someone else might be. That's another reason Harry's my best friend. He's honest with me, he doesn't beat around the bush. I sighed, but nodded anyway.

"Okay. But can we at least try to be normal? I really am okay! I'm dying to get out of the hospital wing actually!" We walked into the Great Hall and everybody turned to look. There was a series of cheers and whistles and clapping. I blushed brightly, hanging my head so no one saw my face.

"Alright Harry?" A little boy, I'm aware he's only a year younger, but he is honestly little, like, tiny little. Anyway, a little boy came running up, flashing a camera at Harry. I looked up and gave Harry a teasing smile, but he just looked down at me with a smile of his own. The kid flashed the camera again, making us snap out of our little smiley moment. "Are you Harry's girlfriend? The one from the prophet?" He flashed the camera at my face again, I tried to smile so that it would at least turn out okay, but I don't think I did very well. Poor kid.

"Hey Collin! Come here a minute!" Collin scampered towards Harry eagerly, who bent down and started whispering in his ear. I watched with a smile as the smile on Collin's face grew second by second. Harry pulled back and Collin nodded his head, smiling. He ran along the Gryffindor bench with a huge smile. I watched as he sat beside Seamus and started showing him the pictures.

"What's that about?" I whispered, looking at Harry. He rolled his eyes and started walking again. Natalyn had been surprisingly quiet through this exchange.

"Well Harry here has a fan club named Collin Creevy!" She teased, sticking her tongue out at Harry. "And according to the prophet, you have some of your own. Everyone wants to know who the mystery girl in the paper was! Apparently, since you hid your face like that no one who doesn't really know you can tell!"

"Dad could tell, he knows. He saw it. He was showing people wherever he is telling everyone, that's my daughter that's my daughter!" I groaned, rolling my eyes. Harry helped me sit on the bench across from Ron, Mione, and Ginny who all waved and smiled at me. As soon as I was sat down, they were all shoving food my way. "Calm down! I'm eating!" I took a bite of toast, swallowed and continued. "See? Now does anyone have a copy of the profit?" Mione handed me her copy and I opened it up. The first thing I saw was a picture of me laying in the hospital wing, the story of how I got there below it. But what caught my eye, was Harry was in the picture, holding my hand. He looked like he had been crying. The article ended, 'Could this be her? The secret girlfriend Harry's been finding? We'll have to watch and find out!'

I nearly choked on my toast. "Harry!" I wailed, looking at him frantically, showing him the article. "H-how did they get this? I thought someone was with me all the time?"

"Well obviously Harry was with you. He just wasn't paying attention! Who wrote the article?" I looked down at the bottom and showed Ron, taking the papers from Harry's grasp. "Rita Skeeter? Who's that?"

"Dunno, but she needs to stop sneaking into schools. How did she even know anyway?" Harry asked, taking the paper back.

"It's obvious isn't it? People have been talking about it nonstop, someone's bound to have told a parent or friend or be willing to sell out the story for some extra money!" Nat shrugged, eating her own food. "Keep eating young lady!"

Everyone stopped worrying about the profit and started fussing over me again. I took another bite of toast, but to be honest, it made me sick to my stomach. I ate it anyway, to please my all my best friends, taking small sips of my pumpkin juice with it. I was talking to Ginny when someone tapped on my shoulder. I turned around and there stood Seamus, I gave him a small smile and glanced at my friends.

Nat looked smug and expectant, Harry and Ron looked furious, and Ginny and Mione were giggling frantically. So they all knew, but no one thought to tell me? Nice. I rolled my eyes and looked back at Seamus. "Hi!"

"Hey. I'm Seamus, and your Gracie, right?"

"Yep. So um, what's up?" I asked, plastering a fake smile on my face. Nat snorted behind me and did that stupid cough thing. You know, the one that goes, '*cough cough* fake! cough cough*'. Yeah, that one. I ground my teeth, but Seamus didn't seem to notice.

"Well I was wondering if you'd like to go out with me sometime? To the lake or something?" He shot Harry a look and smiled at me. I smiled back, but it wasn't a normal smile. It was an evil one. He was goading Harry and I know it!

"I'm sorry Seamus. I'm already seeing someone. I'm really sorry!" I let my face fall, to make it look like I was sad. Natalyn was giggling loudly and I thought she was going to ruin it, but Seamus payed her no mind. He shook his head glumly and glared at Harry, who was sitting quite close to me. Like I mind.

He walked away an I turned back to the group, taking another bite of my food. Ron's jaw was hanging and Harry looked confused and angry at the same time. The girls were all laughing hysterically so I smiled. "What?"

"Who are you seeing?" Ron asked, eyeing me and Harry.

"No one. I just didn't want to say yes. So I decided to be nice!" I shrugged, rolling my eyes. His jaw dropped lower and I smirked, winking at him. "And you!" I turned to Natalyn who gave me her 'bring it!' look. "You almost ruined it! Your lucky he wasn't paying attention to you!" She rolled her eyes and waved me off, turning back to the plate in front of her.

"Yeah yeah yeah. He wasn't going to pay any attention to me! Why do you think I did your hair and make up like that?"

"You knew?" I gasped, fake shock lacing my tone, nobody noticed though, they all just laughed at me instead. I rolled my eyes and took another bite.

"So Gracie. I see one flaw to your plan!" Mione said, taking a sip of her drink.

"Oh yeah? What's that?"

"He's going to know when he doesn't see you hanging around with another guy!" I stopped what I was doing, didn't think of that. Everyone snickered while my brain was whirring in my head. Oh wait! Duh!

"Ah but you see, that's the beauty of it! The only time he will see me is when I'm in here! So it's not a problem!" They all stopped laughing and stared at me. "I know I'm a genius! No need to stare!" I smirked, looking at each of them in turn.

"Okay so what are you going to do in here oh smart one?" Nat asked, of course she had to make me think! It'd be too easy if she didn't. I rolled my eyes and took another bite.

"Harry already sent Collin down there to Seamus showing him that picture of the two of us. Plus the one in both copies of the prophet. I'll just leave him to assume!" I shrugged. And then I blushed. "If that's alright with you Harry?" I started back tracking quicker than you could say oops.

"I don't mind!" He gave me a smile and returned to eating. I nodded and smiled to myself, looking down at my plate. The bell rang and people started scurrying out of the hall.

"You guys have to go! Go on! I'm going to see Dumbledore anyway!" They looked at me as if I was stupid.

"No. Dumbledore's office is on the way to our next class. We'll take you!" Harry helped me up and wrapped his arm around my waist like earlier. I placed mine around his neck and we hobbled along. Isn't this fun? Not!

( 🌺🌹🌸)

"Lemon drops?" The staircase started spiraling and I stepped on, letting it carry me upstairs. The gang had left right after dropping me off at the entrance to Dumbledore's office, so I didn't have to worry about them hearing the password. I knocked on the door and was told to enter. "Hello Professor!"

"Ah. Miss Black. How are you?"

"I'm fine sir! And you?"

"Just fine dear! Now, I take it you're here about my letter?" I nodded, shaking my head eagerly. "Well you see, it's very advanced magic, but I believe you'll be okay. Just remember, this isn't something you can do everyday. It's very complicated, but I'm willing. If you'd like?"

"Oh yes sir! Please! I'm so confused and I don't want to talk to anyone about it but her. I don't really understand why, but that's how I feel. Please sir!" I begged, hoping he'd understand how badly I wanted this. "Once is all I need! Please, please sir!"

My knees buckled from underneath me, it hurt a lot when I fell, but my eyes never left the Professor in front of me. He jumped up and scurried over to help me up, but I waved it off with a scowl. "I hate being this weak!" I grumbled, taking a seat in the chair in front of his desk. He chuckled at me, shaking his head.

"You truly are, so much like her! I know you must hear that a lot?" I nodded my head, remembering how my wand is an exact replica, and how Professor Snape had apparently taken to calling me Lilly. Truth be told, I wish I was as pretty as her. I mean, I have confidence in myself. I like who I am, but Lilly was so beautiful, inside and out. Mr. Potter was so lucky to have someone as wonderful as her!

"Wait here Ms. Black. I'll call you in when it's time!" I nodded and rested in the chair, I started taking deep breaths to calm my nerves. I decided not to tell Harry about this. He'd be so hurt, I know how much he misses his parents, even if he doesn't say it or complain about it. What seemed like seconds later, I was being called into the room. I stood up, took a deep breath and started forward.

Once inside, I gasped. There was Lilly, in all her beauty. Her form solidified and she opened her arms, to which I hobbled to gratefully, hugging her back as she held me close. I wish I had a Mum to take care of me like this. Once again, Ms. Weasley is great, but it's not the same. "I'll leave you two alone!" Dumbledore walked out, closing the door behind him.

"You wanted to talk to me sweetheart?" I nodded eagerly, not knowing where to start.

"I just don't know anything anymore. At the beginning of the summer, when we went to get Harry, everything was normal, but then it just felt like things were changing. And then there's Draco, who's being nice all of a sudden. And Ron who's mad at me, well he was. But I'm afraid that something's changed. And I don't understand this whole snake thing. One minute I was letting off steam and the next thing I know, I'm arguing with Crabbe and Goyle. And then I'm in the hospital wing and then Harry started yelling and now everyone's treating me like I'm so breakable, but I'm not. I'm just regaining my strength. I appreciate the help, but I don't like feeling so helpless. I can take care of myself! And I don't understand myself at all! Why are my feelings for Harry changing all of a sudden? Why do I care so much about what I look like all of a sudden? I don't understand!" I whispered, breaking down all of a sudden and crying. She grabbed me in her arms and soothed me for a few minutes until I calmed down. "And why am I such a drama queen lately?" I grumbled, wiping at my eyes. I sat up and gave her a small smile when I heard her laughing. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cry like that!"

"It's okay sweetheart. Your going through a lot, I know. I've been watching! Now, as for the Draco thing, he's not as good as you think. He's been raised a certain way, and that's not going to change all at once. But don't give up on him yet, keep working, one of these days you might see a change. Ron is jealous sweetheart! You have so many good friends, and your so talented and absolutely beautiful! And now your being nice to his enemy, he doesn't like that. I'm sure there will be more fights, but you two are close. You'll work through them, I promise. He loves you Gracie!

Now, as for the snake thing, James and I were so furious! We had to watch, sitting there, helpless! And then your father started crying and going into hysterics. He's our friend, that was hard to watch as well! We talked to you some, while you were asleep. We talked to you while you regained strength. You were so brave about it! And you wanted to fight your way back! Most people just give up, but no, not you! Of course you don't remember that though.

Now. About that son of mine! He loves you Gracie. He really does. That's why he yelled in the hospital. He was so worried, so scared you were just going to disappear. When he saw Severus carrying you into the castle, something in him broke. I was never hurt that severely, but I was hurt one time. And James snapped. He was so protective after that, and I'm afraid Harry's the same way.

And maybe, just maybe, you love him too? He hasn't realized his feelings yet, but he will. One day soon. For now, just be his friend, okay? Let him no your always there. I know things are hard right now sweetheart, and they're only going to get harder, but try to surround yourself with people and things that make you happy. And I know your planning on playing in that first quidditch match. Good. Don't let anyone stop you. Prove to them that your not so breakable sweetheart. In their eyes, you need them now more then ever. Stay in the hospital, rebuild your strength, and get ready for that match! Then go out there, and show them how it's done!" She winked and I smiled, giggling. Everything she said, I know I will be carrying that with me the rest of my life. She's so smart and she's helped me so much, all in a twenty minute conversation.

"There's one thing you said that's bothering me Ms. Potter," I whispered, biting my lip to keep from smiling. She gave me a tiny smirk, ruffling my hair.

"Oh yeah? What's that?"

"What you talking, 'maybe, just maybe you love him too?' I think we all know, I do!" I giggled, giving her a hug. She laughed as well, holding me tight against her.

"Quit calling Ms. Potter! Its so, formal! Call me Lilly! I have to go now sweetheart!"

"I wish you could stay Mum!" I blushed, pulling back quickly and looking at my feet. I hadn't meant to call her that, it just kind of slipped out.

"Come her baby-girl!" She pulled me in for another hug. "I like that name even better!" she kissed my forehead after she said those words, the ones that meant the world to me, and I don't know why. When she let go, she waved and a minute later, she was gone. I got up, feeling better than I had in a long time. No, I didn't get an answer on why I had to grow up with out my parents, but something tells me, everything is going to be okay.

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