A Harry Potter Love Story: Gr...

By piper103

4.9M 101K 66K

Gracie is headed off to Hogwarts. She's been living with the Weasley family for as long as she can remember... More

A Harry Potter Love Story
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Read please!!!
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Authors Note
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Note thingy
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Book 3: Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Book Four: Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Book 5: Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Book 6: Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Book 2: Chapter 1

58.5K 1.1K 786
By piper103

"Oi! What do you think your doing?"I hissed, looking at George. He had just hoisted me out of bed in the middle of the night and was carrying me downstairs. Hermione is coming this weekend, but no one has heard from Harry. And I'm worried. So yes, I've been a little cranky lately.

"We're going to get Harry! Not be quiet!" He whispered, still carrying me. I shut my mouth as the anticipation grew. I don't even have to know the plan. Tomorrow is Harry's birthday and I will see him! I've sent at least two hundred letters and he hasn't responded to a dang one!

Once we were outside, I started on my questions. "What's the plan?"

"Dads car. We're going to fly it. We'll be back before Mum even knows, and if that fails, your our excuse. Use your eyes to your advantage!"

"My eyes? Why do they have to do with anything?"

"You my dear, have very pretty eyes. Therefore you will use them to get us out of trouble. Got it?" I nodded silently as he sat my in the back seat of the car by Ron. I was right, he opened up once we were home. Ginny hasn't shut up about Hogwarts either. And to be honest, I'm just as excited.

"Hi big brother!" I chirped, sitting beside him and making myself comfortable. It's kind of chilly in here! Ron groaned beside me.

"Why'd we have to bring her? Now Harry won't pay any attention to us!" He hissed, the twins started the car and took off. I looked at Ron in shock, and Fred turned clear around in his seat to look at us.

"And why is that?"

"Because he fan- because she's a girl and he's a guy! The girls always get all the attention!"

"What are you talking about Ronald? Harry pays just as much attention to you and Mione as he does to me. He sits by you on the train, doesn't he? He sits with you in most of our classes! You won't sit with me at all! Unless Harry and Hermione are around, you avoid me like I'm the plague! And you always stand near Harry or Hermione when we are together!" I snapped, even I could tell my eyes looked dangerous. I looked in a mirror when I was angry once, it was scary.

Ron dropped his head to look at his feet. "Sorry Gracie!"

"Whatever. I shouldn't have come. You should have left me George!" I scooted away from him and looked out the window.

"Now look what you've done!"

"You twit! She's supposed to get us out of trouble when we get home! We'll be lucky if she doesn't tell Mum we kidnapped her, because we did!"

"I didn't mean to make her mad!"

"Well you did! Apologize!"

"I did!" I rolled my eyes at the banter surrounding me. I closed my eyes and tried to block it out. The next thing I know I was falling asleep again.


"Gracie! Move over! We have to pull Harry in!" I sat up straight an looked around. The twins were coming back with Harry's trunk, they threw it in the rear and climbed back in, turning the car around.

"Let Hedwig go Harry! She can fly beside the car!" He nodded and let her out. Then Ron and I stuck our hands out and pulled Harry in, well we tried. His uncle came running and grabbed his ankle. "Bloody hell! Let go!" I snapped, looking right at the git.

"Petunia! He's escaping!" He yelled, avoiding my glare and calling over his shoulder. Fred an George took the opportunity to pull forward, Ron and I tightened our grip on Harry and Vernon Dursley fell through the window, and into a bush below. Harry burst into laughter, that's when I got a good look at him. He was skinnier than before. And taller. I didn't grow but maybe an inch. I'm still short! I checked the clock, midnight.

"Happy birthday Harry!" He stopped laughing to check the clock on the dash, then he turned back to me with a smile. Then he hugged me. Man I missed this hug! And that smile. But right now, I'm quite aggravated! "Why haven't you wrote me back!"

"Gracie was asleep when we pulled up! Hang on Harry!" Ron patted his shoulder then looked at me. I'm still mad at Ron, but I guess I'll get over it. "There were bars on his window! And they locked him in that room! And Hedwig was chained up too!" I looked at Harry who nodded in confirmation.

"Then there was Dobby!" He said, looking at everyone in the car. He launched into the tale of the house elf who stole all his letters. He just got them, but with the bars on the window and not being aloud out of the room, he couldn't write back. By the time he was done, we were home.

"Oh Harry! That's horrible!" I threw myself at him and hugged him tightly. He seemed shocked, but hugged me back. "Come on! With you here, we won't be in as much trouble. Welcome to the burrow!" He looked out over the house with a smile. We got out and walked through the front door. Fred and George stole some food off the table as we passed.

"It's not much. But it's home!" Ron shrugged, shoving his hands in his pockets

"I think it's brilliant!" Harry looked at us with a smile, to which we all returned. Then Mum came round the corner and Harry spun around and backed into me and Ron.

"Where have you been!"

"We had to get Harry Mum! They were starving him! And there were bars on his window!" Ron defended, looking at the ground, red in the face. She went right up to him and started wagging her finger in his face.

"You best hope I don't put bars on your window Ronald Weasley! No note. Car gone! Beds empty! You could have died! You could have been seen! Of course I don't blame you Harry. It wasn't your fault!" She smiled at him for a moment, her eyes softening. "As for the rest of you!"

I cut her off before she could finish. I pushed past Harry and stood in front of Mum. All eyes on me. "It was my idea Mummy. I just missed my Harry so much and I was worried because he wasn't responding to my letters and I know how bad his Uncle is. I asked the twins and Ron for help because I knew I couldn't do it on my own. I'm sorry!" I gave her the puppy face, then looked down at my feet adding a sniffle for effect.

Her arms were around me in an instant. "Oh. It's alright dear! I just wish you would have waited! Your father and I were planning on going to get him anyway!" She hugged me and stroked my hair comfortingly. I sniffled again and wiped my eyes.

"I'm sorry!" I looked up at her and tried to do that thing where you look up under your lashes, it must have worked because she crushed me to her again.

"It's alright. Why don't you four go out and denome the garden while I make breakfast? Take Harry with you and show him around!" I nodded at her, adding a small smile. She patted my head and walked away. I watched her go before turning back to the open mouthed boys with a smirk.

"Thank you, thank you very much!" I took a bow and walked past them, grabbing Harry and Ron as I went. "Come on! I'm hungry! Lets get this over with!" With that, I marched them out to the garden, the twins in tow behind us.

"Just pick them up, spin them a couple times, and chuck em! Like this!" We were showing Harry how to denome because he wanted to help. We were almost done so I decided to let him.

"Hey Gracie!" Fred called me from over by the pond. I threw another gnome.


"Guess who's coming the same time as Hermione!"


"Angelina and Katie!" They chorused, looking at me with identical smiles. I fist pumped the air and threw another gnome. Harry threw one at the same time and they collided and fell in the pond. Oops. I looked around, other than the one Ron's got, I think we're done.

"Lets go eat!" I cheered, running towards the house. I heard the chuckled behind me so I turned around and stuck my tongue out. George flipped me the bird with a smirk, imitating Malfoy. "Watch it Weasley! I know where you sleep!"

He held his hands up as we entered the house. "Mum?" Ron called, shoving past the rest of us.

"In here!" We all walked into the kitchen where mum had set out a huge breakfast spread. We all sat down and dug in when Brownie flew through the window. I recognized the writing immediately. Dumbledore. I opened it slowly.

Dear Gracie,

You have a cousin. She's just like you in attitude and personality. I think you'd get along very well.

She will be attending Hogwarts and is the same year as you. Her name is Natalyn. I'd like you to get to know her. Let me know soon.

Yours truly,

Albus Dumbledore

"Well? What is it?" Mum asked, taking a seat at the table. I showed her the letter.

"I have a cousin! She's coming to Hogwarts and she's a second year! Can she come Mum? Please?"

"It'll be a tight squeeze, but of course. Lets see, you, Ginny, Hermione, and this Natalyn can stay in your room. We'll put the mattresses out later. Angelina and Katie can sleep in Fred and George's room, Harry and Ron can sleep in Ron's room, and the twins will sleep down stairs! All settled!" She patted my hand with a smile. I jumped up and down, clapping my hands. I ran upstairs and wrote 'send her soon! And thank you or delivering all those letters last year!' on the back and sent it back to Dumbledore.

My cousins coming!

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