Red Dragon of Arcadia

Por RageRevan

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A boy's whose life was terrible from day one, a boy's whose life was taken away and lived by his little broth... Mais

Issei Hyoudou: Bio
Quotes of Juniper Arc
Prologue: Running Away
Chapter 1: Settling down in Arcadian Academy
Chapter 2: Magic Academy Lessons
Chapter 3: Magic Learning
Chapter 4: Technology Creation
Chapter 5: Samurai Sword Training
Chapter 6: Academy of Technology
Chapter 7: Elderly Negotiation
Chapter 8: Star of Eden
Some Information about the Hyoudou Clan
Chapter 9: Magical Examination
Chapter 10: Graduation Ceremony
Ova 1: Dark Shadow of the Past
Chapter 11: Black Arms
Chapter 12: Assault on the Main City
Chapter 13: Devastating Betrayal to Arcadia
Chapter 14: Call to Action
Chapter 15: Wolf Chasing
Chapter 16: Into the Outer Space
Chapter 17: Stranded..
Chapter 18: Past Confrontations
Chapter 19: Off the Planet
Chapter 20: Rise of the General
Ova 2: The 501st Legion
Chapter 21: Evil Rising
Chapter 22: Racoon City
Chapter 23: Mechanical Angel
Chapter 24: Angel Far From Home
Chapter 25: Sons of Patriot
Chapter 26: The Liquid Sun
Chapter 27: Laughing Rage
Chapter 28: Collective Consciousness
Chapter 29: The Final Battle Begins
Chapter 30: Apocalyptic Assault
Chapter 31: End of the Civil War (S1: Finale)
Epilogue: Eternal Bliss (Season 1)
Ova 3: Honeymoon Fun
Season 2: Preview 1
Season 2: Preview 2
Season 2 Prologue: Changing Scenarios
Season 2 Chapter 1: Fall of Vale
Season 2 Chapter 2: The Trial of Outsiders
Season 2 Chapter 3: Meeting of the Factions
S2 Chapter 4: New Emperor of Arcadia
S2 Chapter 5: Calm before the Storm
S2 Chapter 6: Clash between Two Dragons
S2 Chapter 7: The True Hero
S2 Chapter 8: Rise of a New Threat
S2 Chapter 9: Darkened Hellscape
S2 Chapter 10: Shattered Kingdom
S2 Chapter 11: Supreme General of Despair
S2 Chapter 12: The Broken Empress
S2 Chapter 13: Final Countdown
S2 Chapter 14: Devastating Assaults
S2 Chapter 15: Hope from the Different Worlds
Ova 4: Gaming and Conceptual Records
S2 Chapter 16: Defending the Future
S2 Chapter 17: Shattering Emotions

Quotes of Issei Hyoudou

6.5K 115 90
Por RageRevan

Some quotes: (Spoilers for the story)


To Nicolas Arc: "You of all people should know, how much I value family, Juniper and the Arcs are more of my family than my old family will ever be, and there is no way I am going to join someone who doesn't even value that.."

To Nicolas Arc: "Then you really are an idiot if you think that, while yes Power and Might do control a lot of things, it can't buy or gain valuable things like Family or Love. You are an idiot to abandon such things and chose a civil war by gathering those that don't understand those values and are power craving morons like yourself.."

To Juniper Arc: "When I first met you before the Civil War, I did not know know what I did, or where to go, I was all alone, looked down upon by my old world. My 'family' hated me for not being like my younger siblings, my 'friends' and 'classmates' believed his lies of thinking me as a pervert and a deceiver, but you did not, you saw through me, and gave me a new life, you gave me and my allies and only believers a new home, and for that I am eternally grateful to you..."

To Juniper Arc while looking at Jaune: "Truth be told, I am jealous of Jaune, he has loving sisters like the Arc Sisters and a loving mother like you, Juniper, I never had that privilege, and I am also happy for Jaune."

To Liam Arc: "I am not interested in ruling Arcadia, it was never my type to be the Emperor. I prefer serving that, and as for being the Emperor, Jaune is a better fit for that.."

To Liam Arc with a shrug: "Meh, too much paperwork, I am more of a fighter..."

To Alsie Arc: "Regardless, even if the war is over, the Black Arms are still out there, we have to be careful, that is why I prefer fighting on the front lines to defend Arcadia, rather than ruling it, I prefer leading armies to make sure the destruction of those that want the Fall of Arcadia..."

To Jade Arc: "Your intelligence, is on par with I think it surpasses that of Ajuka's as well...your intelligence is really something..."

To Bianca Arc: "Talk about flipping a switch..."

To Juniper Arc: "It was hard to imagine you as a reckless and nothing but a battle maniac, but your case is understandable. It is not like a certain White Dragon Empress I know..."

To Rias(Arcadia): "It is hard to imagine I would be seeing a version of you that acts calm and mature and is not an idiot, and definitely not a blind moron, although, I am not sure if we will get along, your Red Hair and Blue eyes will haunt me for a very long time..."

To Rias(Arcadia): "Oh Rias from my old world? She is a pain, if I were to best describe her. She is nothing but a spoiled brat who has her Satan Brother backing up, who turns out to be acting like a siscon, She is selfish, abrasive, pompous, arrogant, prideful and a narcissistic woman. I once fell for her, but seeing who she really is, made me lose any love or care for that offense.."

To Juniper Arc: "I am yours, till the very end of my life, I pledge myself to you..."

To Jaune Arc: "I was never interested in being the Emperor, I was more of a fighter, and I prefer to help others, that deserve my help. Your, no, our family is something I cherish the most, and I will fight for it, even if it costs me my life.."

To Jaune Arc: "Wha-!? You fucking got Violet pregnant?! Your mother will kill you?!!"

To Jaune Arc with agreement from Juniper: "There is only one thing you can do now, take responsibility and be a good father to the child that Violet is giving birth to."

To Jaune Arc: "Regardless you will be a good emperor, the Arc Council, Juniper and myself all believe you would do a good job, in being a Good Emperor.."

To Jaune Arc with Juniper agreeing: "I am not sure how the Four Kingdoms will react to the kingdom of Arcadia, from several Sleeper Agents present, we can deduce that they won't take us too kindly, Willow's husband Jacq-ass being one of them, they will want to exploit us, to use advantage of us, we need to play our cards carefully, a war is something we must avoid...but not ignore.."

To Willow Schnee: "I guess you, me and Juniper all have made bad choices in choosing the one we love.."

To Willow Schnee: "Hey, I may not be married to someone like Jacques or Nicolas, but regardless I fell for someone twice and they both hated and looked down upon me thanks to some lies from my moron of a brother..."

To Willow Schnee: "Let's have a sparing match, to see how strong I have become..."

To Willow Schnee: "So you managed to get in with a drunk Crow, and he is a good man, aside from his drinking problem that is. Either way, I am really happy for you Willow..."

To An Ren: "I will find Lie, no matter what happens..."

To An Ren: "I would love to hear more about your adventures when the three of you were young..."

To Saphron Arc: "Oh dear god...and I thought Serafall was bad with her siscon attitude..."

To Saphron Arc: "I am pretty sure that is the reason why Jaune runs away from you....he is just become older, and he is not the same baby brother you once knew.."

To Violet Arc: "I guess we both are, or were two peas in a pod..."

To Violet Arc: "I am no position to answer that Violet, my bed life is private, and I am not that comfortable sharing it with anyone else..."

To Jade Arc: "Okay Genius, please calm yourself, this is getting out of hand.."

To Rosemary Arc: "Sorry kid, I can't let you watch that, you are too young for it..."

To Rosemary Arc: "I am not sure, what to say. I guess all Arc siblings are geniuses in their own way, for you Rosemary, you are eager to learn and curious."

To Aqua Arc: "Fell right into that one, didn't I?"

To Aqua Arc: "Truth be told, none of my siblings cared for me, they never did 'pranks' or even loved or cared for me, I am grateful for you caring for me, what I don't appreciate is that you put Whoopie Cushions underneath where I sit, it is just so embarrassing..."

To Aqua Arc: "Pranks aside, you certainly know how to do your job..."

To Bianca Arc: "It is amazing on how well organised you are, and not like the Leaders of the Factions who complain on how much paperwork they have, you have a job and want to complete it, you will do it, and that is what something I appreciate..."

To Bianca Arc: "The Supernatural World of my Universe? They are more or less disappointments in my eyes, back then, I failed to see how they really are, but when I did, I left them to their fate, now their problems are not mine, and what happens to them, I don't care anymore..."

To Ddraig: "You are my first friend, and our relationship will never change, you mean the world to me, just like the Arcs do. I will always be by your side, no matter what happens..."

To Ddraig: "Whenever I needed you, you were there for me, if anything you were the only one that was before I met the others, you made me see that I am not always alone, especially whenever you were around. Shame that the Factions still are unaware that I am the Red Dragon Emperor"

To Ddraig: "No...I won't return, I have a loving family, no matter what the Factions do, and if they attack Arcadia or my new family, they will be my enemy"

To Nyx: "Thank you, had I met you earlier I would have not been abused for so long, as I would have someone like you that cares for me...thank you Nyx..."

To Nyx: "Don't you know Harems are legal in Arcadia, Jaune himself has a harem, so I don't see a problem in this..."

To Ophis: "You wish to learn love? I am not sure what kind of love you want..." 

To Ophis: "Ophis, you will always be important to me, and I won't leave you, no matter what happens..."

To Persephone: "I am not going to lie, you are more of a mother to me, than my own birth mother, and you know how to act as a Grandmother alongside Alsie Arc, and I care for you like a son does for his mother.." 

To Hades: "I still remember when we were once enemies, when you hated me and most devils but seeing the change in you, showed me who you really are, you have become a better person. and you treated me like my own, and even came alongside with me, with Persephone and your daughters, and for that I Thank you, Hades..."


About the Factions: "You've got to be kidding me...."

To Sirzechs: "It's been a while, hasn't it?"

To Sirzechs: "I am not convincing my wife to join you guys, it is your call and Juniper's call to do what is right, she is the Empress, and the one ruling Arcadia for now.."

To Azazel: "Stop making perverted comments about my wife, you perverted Crow!!" 

To Serafall: "I am not giving my daughters to marry any of the members of the Factions, if they want to marry someone it is their choice, no matter what you do, you midget Satan!"

To Serafall: "I am not the same weak boy you all looked down upon once, try to attack me or my family and I will not hesitate to see you as an enemy of Arcadia, and treat you as such, I will destroy you until there is no trace of you left, Serafall Leviathan!"

To Rias: "You are still the pampered, selfish and egotistical princess I remember, and to think you meant something to me, I have met a version of you that is Hundred Times better!"

To Rias about Rias(Arcadia): "Her!? She is anl Assassin and a loyal hand of the Royal Family, She is a way better person than you,  she is mature and understanding, unlike you who is nothing short of a selfish brat, I am glad to have met her.."

To Ingvild: "Go with Dai if you still think of me as a liar, and stop wasting my time.."

To Ingvild about Ingvild(Arcadia): "She is a way better person that you, a person that cares for her organisation Shadow, she like Rias of Arcadia, is just like how I expected Ingvild to be, you love Dai right? Be with him, I could care less on what happens to you, I have a loving family, you are on your own from now on."

To Dai: "I am not interested in what you have to have to say, and stop gawking at my wife!"

To Dai while holding and twisting his hand: "You never learn, do you...I was your older brother after all."

To Akeno: "Oh don't be mad, your man was gawking at my woman, and flirting with my daughters, when they clearly don't want anything to do anything with them, and believe me it is their choice on who they want to spend their time with..." 

To Asia: "What part of they are not interested don't you get? Some of them already have a spouse, and they are not interested in your Dai..."

To Yasaka: "Aw, thanks for the compliment, I really like that you think of me this way, but news flash, I have no interest in you, Fox! Your mate left you for a good reason, cause he saw how foolish you are..."

To Dai while fighting: "SHUT UP! Hell would freeze over before you do anything worthwhile!" 

To Dai while tormenting him: "You never learn do you, everything you just did, you never did, and the best part is that, they will learn tonight..." 

To Dai after exposing him: "Don't blame me for this, you brought this on yourself. You have taken credit everytime when I actually did something for the ungrateful factions! My life being ruined is your pathetic fault! You are responsible for what I went through! I will destroy every last achievement of yours!"

To Sirzechs after exposing Dai: "Pin the blame on others, that is what you can do, I could care less if they have deceived you, you brought this on yourself...but if I ever see you or any of you Leaders snooping around Arcadia, I will kill you personally!"

To Azazel: "Like I care, I am not interested in these whores, I already have women that love me for who I am, and if you try any funny business, I will do what Dai did to you, but hundred times worse.."

To Zeus with Juniper agreeing: "Don't even think about it Zeus, Arcadia won't tolerate any funny business you and the rest of the Gods try with them, this is a warning to the other Factions that have Gods, like Hindu and Norse, we have weapons, we have abilities that can kill Gods, and we won't hesitate to wipe you all out..."

To Shiva: "If you Factions try anything, I won't be able to save you, warn them if you value the lives of the Supernatural, the Arcs are not people that you want to mess with...and I will be joining them..."

To Miki: "I have a mother, and her name is Persephone..."

To Gorou, Miki and Aika after renouncing them: "Do you know what it feels to live in the shadow of your ex-siblings, to always be the loser? For so long, I always tried to help the Supernatural and the Human World, regardless of what they thought of me, I always walked on the path of righteousness, back then. But no, it was always Dai, Dai and Dai and I am done with this, y'know. Now I have a home and it is far away from you people, that I once called Family."

To the Supernatural: "Let me tell you this, your hero turned out to be a fraud, your real hero was admonished and hated by these morons you call Leaders. The price, I won't be here ever again or helping you in your problems ever again, the Leaders made some really bad decisions, trusting the wrong people and hating the wrong people. Now you all will suffer for the actions what they did, I hope you enjoy yourselves, goodbye forever and good riddance..."

(A/N: These quotes should give an idea on what kind of a person Issei is, and will become once the story progresses...)

(A/N(2): Rias(Arcadia) and Ingvild(Arcadia) are alternate versions of the characters from the original versions of their DXD Counterparts, they are also much better than them, and will make their appearance later on)

(A/N(3): The Arc Sisters are way different from their old versions from my different stories...)

(A/N(4): Issei's quote to his parents were inspired by Doofus Jerry's character from Rick an Morty)

Please let me know in the comments on how to improve and I will catch y'all later


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