Daughter of Loki

By Darena13

384K 11.4K 3K

15 years ago Nessa Furry was left on the doorstep of her fathers house. Her life was fairly normal up until L... More

Daughter of Loki
Ch.5 Metal fire breathing robot?
Ch.6 What's with Bullies?
Ch.8 (Authors note at the end. Please answer the question)
Ch. 10
Ch.11 The one were Loki escapes
Ch.12 (i think?)
Part 15
Part 16
Untitled Part 17
chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Not an Update
Ch. 26 part 1
Ch. 26 part 2
Ch. 27
Ch. 29
Ch. 32
Ch. 35
Ch. 43
Not an update! But please read.
Ch.50 part 1.
Ch.50 part. 2
Ch.52 Longest Chapter ever!
Ch.55 A/N Note Please read.
Trials Of Malin Is Up!!!

Ch. 39?

2.7K 89 23
By Darena13

Two Weeks Later

I sat at the table with one hand on my face and a cup of Orange juice in front of me. “Dear you need to eat, It will make you feel better." Lisa setting a plate of toast and bacon down in front of me. It's all I've been able to stomach for the past few days.

Alina groaned from the across me I grunted back in understanding. We had both caught the flu at the same time and we were stuck at home. It was important that we got better by Saturday though because that was the day of Lisa and Dad's wedding.

I'd now settled on calling Lisa mom, and Alina called Dad, dad. It works out fine and we had all become comfortable with each other. I think Alina and I too comfortable. We had rooms across the hall from each other and so we threw things back and forth between our rooms.

“Nessa do you're magic thing and pass me the...the salt." she mumbled. I flicked my wrist and slowly slid it across the table. I laid my head on the table and broke a piece of toast into my mouth. I chewed painfully slow so slow I fell asleep.


I snorted and jerked awake after a short dream about Nate. I missed him so bad, he had to go back to Titan after two days. But thankfully, I had about a week until I joined him for the summer. I finished the rest of my food miraculously and shuffled to the couch where I lay for the rest of the day.

When I woke up I found myself in my room tucked tightly underneath my comforter. I rolled over and came face to face with a person dressed in all black.

I lt out a scream and scrambled to the farthest part of my bed. The person turned and lunged at me. They grabbed my arms and gripped them so hard I'm pretty sure there would be bruises in an hour.

I kicked them as hard as I could in the gut and they let go reluctantly. I flew back on the bed and struggled to stand up, but with the mixture of Tylenol in my system and the flu incapacitating my body my head swam and I ended up back on the ground.

The person took advantage of my weakness and grabbed me around the waist. I started to struggle again but then I felt the cold metal of a gun shoved into my belly. My breath stopped short and I froze.

I heard footsteps down the hallway making their way to me and I knew it was my dad. I screamed to alert him not caring for my safety. All I knew is that I couldn't let him get hurt.

I turned and pushed with all my might away from the person. In the process I yanked their mask off and I was surprised to see none other than... Jacob. His handsome face morphed from one of equal shock to anger.

He raised the gun and before I could move shot me twice in the stomach. I crumpled to the floor just as my door banged open and Jacob jumped out of the window. I clutched my stomach and held out one arm to steady myself against the floor.

The pain was so intense I felt myself gasping for air but nothing came into my lungs. “Nessa! Don't do is to me! Open your eyes baby!" I heard my dad yell in desperation. He caught me just as my arm gave out and cradled me in his lap.

“Call 911!" he yelled behind him. Tears swam in my vision as I could feel myself rapidly deteriorating. “Dad....You...still gotta get...married for me...this Saturday. Promise?" I sputtered weakly. I could feel my blood spilling out in between my fingers. It was like a warm sticky river of blood that wouldn't stop flowing.

“Nessa, please stay awake... I can't loose you." He mumbled clutching my body tightly.  I shook my head slowly. “T-tell Nate... that... I...love him." I focused on his eyes and kept telling myself to stay awake, but I was so... sleepy.

I shut my eyes just as the sound of sirens stopped outside. The last thing I heard was the clattering of footsteps before darkness consumed me.


In the busy hospital waiting room many people sat, paced or stared distantly waiting for the news that could change their lives forever. For better of for worse.

No one noticed the flash of light outside but Fury did. He knew that the newly crowned Titan king had arrived. Nate's clothes shifted as he stepped throughout the door and immediately the pair made eye contact.

Nate's eyes reflected a question that every one was asking themselves. What happened?

With his long strides Nate made it across the room in four steps. He was nearly the same height as Nick Fury in his human form. “What happened?" he asked the unspoken question. His anxiety was spiked to the max as of right now. The bond that Nessa and him held was hanging on by a small thread.

She wasn't dead yet.

“Someone broke in to the house. I don't know what he wanted, but he was in Nessa's room." Nick told him tiredly. “He?" Nate growled.

Fury glared at the floor before nodding. “She struggled but, Nessa was sick so she wasn't able to shake him like she normally would." He mumbled, images of Nessa laying in his arms while bleeding out flashed before his eyes.

“What was she sick with?" Nate asked pursing his lips. It couldn't be a possibility...but. “The flu." Nick answered shortly. He took a breathe before he asked his next question.

“Did you, have you and Nessa.." He struggled to find his words. “No sir." Nate answered stiffly. “I asked because I needed to make sure my father was not still toying with her head." He explained. He crossed his arms and stood stiffly.

“I thought your father was dead." Nick said looking at him. “Titan's are immortal, unless killed in war or on the battlefield. Even then he is not truly dead. His consciousness will wander through the galaxies until he gains enough strength to one day come back. But that will not be for eons." Nate said.

The irritation was evident on both of their faces.

It was close to four in the morning before the doctor came out into the waiting room and his expression looked hopeful. “Nessa has lost a lot of blood, but we were able to get that under control. Right now we have medically induced her into a coma to give her body some time to recover." The doctor informed them.

A collective sigh was heard around the room but the relief was short lived. After the doctor excused himself Nate turned to Fury. “After Nessa recovers I want her to stay with me on Titan." He said not really leaving any room for discussion.

Fury's face morphed into one of rage. “I don't think that is a decision you get to make." He gritted his teeth with every word. “I think it is a smart decision that needs to be made. What do you want this guy to come back and finish the job?"

Nate's eyes were smouldering and the temperature in the room had risen about ten degrees warmer. Fury stood silently not backing down but in his eyes you could tell that the decision was made and that he wanted the best for his daughter. And right now that was far away from here.

“Once she has recovered." He agreed reluctantly. He marched away down the hall towards Nessa's room. Lisa followed him but Alina stayed behind to walk with Nate. “Don't hurt my sister you got that buddy, or I will personally find you were ever you live in space and cut your balls off." she threatened him coldly before marching off after her parents.

Nate raised his eyebrow at her retreating form before unfolding his arms. This family is crazy....


Nessa's POV

Everything literally hurt. I could feel myself coming to and I really didn't like it. Every time I took a breath the air in my lungs would put pressure on my already aching wounds. “Can you hear me Nessa?" a person asked me. I was about to nod or make a grunt and then he poked my for with something sharp.

I cried out in shock and started to cry. I could tell I was a mess, my crying sounded like a wounded kitten and if a tiny poke could reduce me to tears I really needed help.

“Okay, I'm sorry." the guy said quickly, his voice sounded fearful and urgent. I soon found out why. “Why did you do that, don't intentionally hurt her." Nate barked at the guy from my right. His hand found mine and relief washed over me immediately.

“I'm sorry sir but I need to be sure that she has no spinal damage." the guy said quickly. I squeezed Nate' s hand softly. Stand down... I whispered into his mind. After a few seconds I heard a chair scrape but his hand did not leave mine.

Can you tell the doctor that I'm in a lot of pain... I said feeling a pounding headache coming from using my powers. “She needs something for the pain." Nate says gruffly. “Alright I'll have a nurse come by with some morphine after my initial check up." He said with a cautious voice.


A half week later I was able to leave the hospital. Dad had been furious when he had learned that it had been Jacob who had shot me. They both agreed that it was best that I leave with Nate until he was found and possibly killed.

With the help of my advanced healing that came with having Asgardian blood running through my veins I made the trip to Titan for the first time.

I was blown away by the beauty of the whole kingdom. I loved it even more than Asgard. When we made it to the gates Nate changed into his Titan form.

Now he was at least eight and a half feet tall, and you could practically feel the power radiating off of him. On each of his wrist he had silver cuffs that shone like the moon on a clear night. His arms were otherwise bare. He wore an outfit similar to Thor's, except with a grey cape and his leather pants were a darker black almost obsidian.

“So that you won't be accidentally sat on by anyone," he said teasingly. “I can change you to be a foot or two taller, but it's gonna hurt." He says looking at me with concern. “Worse than getting shot twice?" I joke. He rolls his eyes at me before taking my hand.

I gritted my teeth from the burning sensation that was running through my body. The pain only lasted a few seconds and when I opened my eyes I now was able to reach up to Nate's upper chest like back on earth.

“Of are you're still taller!" I groan standing up on my tippy toes to peck him on the lips. He smiled against my lips and held me close.

“Ahem..." someone coughed awkwardly at our right. I jumped and immediately blushed. Nate groaned. “Tasman... do you always have to be so annoying?" he drawled. He looked annoyed but I could tell he was teasing by the look in his eyes.

“Only when beautiful women are involved." He said teasing back. I blushed and turned to Nate. “Watch it Tasman she's mine..." Nate warned him. Tasman rolled his eyes, “Only joking brother." He says clapping him on the back.

I raise an eyebrow, brother? Nate turned to me with his arm around his brother. “Nessa, meet my brother, Tasman. Tasman meet my girlfriend Nessa." I stick my hand out but Tasman ignores it and hugs me tightly. I groan feeling my injuries get agitated.

“Tasman not too hard she is still recovering." Nate pulls him away and checks over me briefly. I wave him off. “My apologies I forget that you were injured." Tasman says looking at me with concern.

I nod, “Its fine I'm just a bit sore." Tasman looks relieved. A servant hurries to us and bows before addressing Nate. “My King, your head advisor Sir Julkin requests a meeting with you." the boy says looking nervous.

Nate nods and sends him off. “I have to go it seems like someone always needs me around here." He mumbles before kissing my head. “Tasman can show you to my room, get some rest and I'll see you in a little while." He says before striding away.

“Follow me." Tasman says with a kind smile. “When did you and Nate learn that you were brothers?" I blurt out. My face turns red when Tasman laughs. “You are very curious," he teases. “When Nathan came here almost a year ago, I was close to being killed by our father you see." He says calmly.

“Nate barges in and fights my father. He wins fairly easily. Thanos was an old arrogant bastard who was strong with his mind but not in a fight." He says tapping the side of his head. I nod remembering the feeling of Thanos ripping at my head.

“We both figure it out, I mean we look a bit alike with our dark hair and tan skin, my eyes are just a regular old brown but his are silver." He explains. I see the similarities too.

“I never really wanted to rule, but Nate did and he does well. I only step in when he goes on a break which is almost never." He says happily.

We stop in front of a large door. “Well this is it, dinner is in about three hours a maid will bring you some clothes to change into. Until then you should get some rest." I nod and he turns after opening the door and leaves me to my own expense.

I clothes the door and turn around to get a good look at the room. I sigh when I see a soft looking bed in the middle of the room. There are silky feeling black sheets that reflect the light to make them look silver also.

I climb up and push the comforter back before crawling under and getting comfortable. I fall asleep immediately.

I know this isn't the greatest chapter but it really needed to be done to get things moving in the direction that I want. Sorry not sorry, jk I'm sorry.

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