Wings (Villain x hero) Tommy...

By Ra1nWrites

109K 5K 16.5K

8 years ago 10 children were taken. And tested on, only leaving 1 survivor. Or that's what they thought. ~~~~... More

1: 9/10
2: Bright Red Feathers
3: Mentor
4: You're Ready
5: #18
6: Suits
7: Paint
8: Training
9: Wings
10: Vigilante
11: Theseus
12: CempasĂșchil
13: Sunday
14: Origami
15: The Waitress
16: Ask Him Out
17: Katana
18: Lies
19: Coward
20: Project B
21: The Plan
22: For Y/n
23: Check Mate
24: The End?
25: On The Run
26: Lay Low
27: Never Touch A Bird's Wings
28: Call Me Kristin
29: Friday Night
30: UnNaturals
31: What The Fuck...
32: Thoughts
33: New Suits
34: Haha Suit Designs P1
35: New Suits P2
36: Haha Suit Designs P2
37: Usb
38: Rewind
39: Dreams
40: Nightmares
41: What you shits have been asking for me to do
42: Dream XD
43: Dive
44: Gone
45: The After Math
46: Files
47: The Day
48: Rest
49: Family
50: Popularity
51: Parents
52: Reunion
53: Unexpected Guest
54: Quality Time
55: Fever Dreams
56: Gift
57: "It's Nice, I Like It"
58: Talk To Me
59: Foreshadowing
60: Kate
62: Mixed feelings
63: The End To A New Beginning
I give up, go read another book whore

61: Vacation

769 37 105
By Ra1nWrites

Also centaur Tommy cause I wanted to do horse anatomy. 😩💅✨

AYYY!! Sup guys hope you're liking what I'm putting down. Enjoy todays chapter. Aha.


"Tommy, my boyfriend, broke up with me today," Y/N mumbled. She raised an eyebrow.

(FEN: yeah cause he's a little bi - rude jerk toddler)

"He broke up with you! Why?" she asked. Y/N shrugged.

"I have an idea why but he didn't exactly say." Y/N groaned. She became intrigued with this tea.

(FEN: who are we talking to lol I've just jumped into the chapter I have no idea what's going on)

"What did you do honey?" she asked, leaning into the conversation. Y/N didn't really know how to explain the situation, but an attempt was indeed made.

Chapter 61: Vacation

"So after a huge battle, Tommy 'died' - well I mean he really did die but anyway. My best friend was there and he was comforting me, and we almost kissed but I pulled away. Tommy came back to life and I felt really guilty about it so I told him," Y/N explained. Kate stared at Y/N as if they were crazy.

(FEN: danggggggg I forgot that happened - poor Ranboo sorry bud my fault, Y/N's hand slipped that's all)

"Okay, that's a huge pill to swallow." Kate chuckled.

"I say, you guys are heroes with powers. Something must be going on, if you truly like this boy I wouldn't give up so easily. Seems like something else might be ruffling his feathers." Kate winked. Y/N smiled at her in appreciation.

"Thanks, that means a lot, Kate." Y/N meant it. They truly were grateful and maybe she was onto something.

"Mk my girlfriend is going to get mad if I'm not home in the next twenty minutes. I promise you don't want to see her when she's all worked up, I'll catch you later. Don't forget to update me!" She winked before walking off. Y/N sighed.

Later that night

Everyone had to sleep over to wake up early for tomorrow. Although it was awkward to see Tommy, they didn't let it ruin the fun.

However, Tubbo and Ranboo had other plans. They noticed exactly how Y/N and Tommy acted around each other. They didn't notice it but they were totally flirting.

(FEN: "yeah I'm breaking up with you" ... "so hey wanna go for dinner totally platonic and not romantic at all haha")

Ranboo and Tubbo looked at each other, both with the same look on their faces.

"Operation get Y/N and Tommy back together." They looked at each other with determination.



They later sat in Tubbo's room watching movies. Tommy and Y/n stayed a fair distance from each other. Tommy sat next to Tubbo while Ranboo sat next to Y/N.

Y/N grew tired and rested their head on Ranboo. No one noticed this occurring except Tommy. He tried to ignore it but he still couldn't help but feel ill.

(FEN: right cause we almost kissed him gotcha)

Y/N was woken up towards the end of the movie. Tommy and Y/N slept on the floor on an air mattress. Tubbo and Ranboo's plan was going well.

(FEN: ofc it is it's their plan :D)

They stayed apart while asleep on the mattress. Y/N wasn't ready to be too close again and Tommy knew he'd hurt Y/N.

(FEN: breaking up w/ someone Valentine's Day tends to hurt people, Tommy

(A/n: dum little man.)

Everyone said their good nights. Y/N and Tommy quickly fell asleep but Tubbo and Ranboo spent the night coming up with things they could set up to get them back together.

They snickered at their plan before falling asleep due to exhaustion.


The next morning Tommy woke up. It wouldn't have been a problem however he was tightened in a warm embrace from behind.

(FEN: uh oh tis Y/N)

He twisted his neck to see Y/N fast asleep, their arms wrapped around his waist and most of their body weight leaned onto him.

He didn't want to wake them, but their soft breath made him whimper with a flustered expression. He covered his face with his hands, wiping the memories off his face. Once he finds out the source of these visions he can explain everything.

Tommy for now needed to come up with something quick. An idea popped into his head. He extended out his wings, pushing Y/N lightly away. They moved from cuddling Tommy to cuddling the wings. That wasn't much of a problem and looked more innocent than their original position.


(A/n: I do the same aha.)

After a moment he heard noises, he quickly rested his head down on the mattress and pretended to be asleep.

Y/N opened their eyes and realized they were curled up onto Tommy's wings. They lightly moved them and sat up to stretch.

A while later everyone had woken up. They got all their packed clothes and items into the trunk of Tubbo's mum's car before getting in themselves.

Tubbo insisted on shotgun, since he often gets car sick, and to be frank no one wanted to have to stop two hours in because Tubbo was puking his guts out.

(FEN: thank you, gmail, for trying to correct it to 'Tubbo insisted on a shotgun'. There is no other answer. He wants his shotgun, give em the shotgun I say!)

(A/n: do not give tubbo a shotgun that's an accident waiting to happen.)

Ranboo sat on the far left with Y/N wedged in between Tommy. This placement was, of course, intentional, all part of Tubbo's master plan. They couldn't complain since it wasn't about them. This was just a vacation for all of them to finally take.

However it was very awkward as Y/N and Tommy were practically touching. Ranboo was a very big lad so avoiding his leg space and bubble was hard.

(FEN: lanky boi)

Of course, not even a couple minutes in, the karaoke started. They all collectively felt bad for Tubbo's mom as she had to drive four teenagers for five hours just to spend five days supervising them. Her fault for allowing her son to invite his dear friends.

The music abruptly stopped, mostly everyone had fallen asleep after Tubbo's second time throwing up.

Y/N and Tommy were fast asleep on each other's shoulders, which was sweet to Ranboo and Tubbo, but with context was more on the bitter side.

They were huddled up against each other, lost in dreams as each spike in the road couldn't disrupt their moment. Ranboo and Tubbo stared at each other in confusion. They weren't sure if they were still dating or not.

The car ride was bleak. They would wake up for a minute and promptly go back to sleep. Once they arrived it was a different situation. Tubbo woke up the sleeping not-so-couple couple by pushing his seat to lay all the way back. He squished them and they woke up with a jolt, completely dazed.

They all unpacked and settled into the home. Each room was neatly decorated. It could remind someone of a white woman's pinterest board. There were three rooms and one was for Tubbo's mom and dad. His dad came separately, holding most of their luggage and their necessities.

(FEN: oh yeah, oh yeah, Y/N and Tommy share a room time, OH YEAHHH!)

Y/N awed at each room. Tubbo and Ranboo raced to a room that had two twin beds. A defeated Y/N and Tommy had to choose the second room, which was much smaller. It only had one queen sized bed.


(A/n: Tis funny)

Y/N sighed, setting their luggage down. The room was neatly decorated, just like the others. Plants and succulents that screamed for water were perched by a window and pictures of Tubbo's family were presented with gold frames hung up on the walls.

Y/N began to unpack,not saying a word. The silence spoke for itself. Tommy just quietly unpacked too.

"Hey Y/N," Tommy started. Y/N looked up from the luggage.

"Yeah?" Their face held a bittersweet smile, Tommy inhaled deeply.

"I'm sorry," Tommy murmured under his breath. He could feel the tension in the room as Y/N didn't really know how to feel.


Y/N didn't know if they should hate him because deep down they still felt something. The sensation of their heart leaping out of their chest every moment they locked eyes was still there, but a deep sadness followed quickly behind, looming over with grim shadows.

(FEN: hate him hate him hate him don't fall in love again he has no communication skills you don't want that)

"For?" was the only question Y/N could ask. They didn't make any eye contact. Tommy opened his mouth to say something.

"For not explaining myself." Tommy walked closer to Y/N. They quickly turned away.

"I...I would love to tell you, but I'm not ready," Tommy continued. Y/N told themselves not to look at him but eventually gave up and caved into the pressure. They turned to face him. His eyes were filled with sincerity, almost sad.

(FEN: *silently fuming at this man*)

Y/N couldn't really control their emotions so they let their anger fester.

"I was a fool to think you cared, if you did you would talk to me about it," Y/N spat. They realized what they said and walked out. Tommy just stared at the empty room, this was the moment it clicked.

(FEN: did it click that you're a b - sorry for all the Tommy slander everyone but my friend started dating someone and now I'm editing a chapter about people breaking up and I'm in double protective mode)

Anything he had clung onto was gone.


Tommy didn't chase after them in fear of alerting Tubbo or Ranboo. He just felt his eyes water and throat tighten. He had done it, he ruined what they had.

(FEN: ya don't say)


The rest of the day was silent, no words or even a smile was shone from either of them. Tubbo and Ranboo could taste the tension. They knew the two most likely had an argument.

"We can watch Shrek or Megamind?" Tubbo suggested, showing the two DVDs. They merely just looked without a word or nod.

"Megamind it is," Tubbo said with a faint sarcasm in his voice. He shoved the disc in. It whirred before the Dreamworks studio intro began to play.


Y/N was watching the movie, mostly keeping away from Tommy. He watched as they fell asleep, leaning on Ranboo who carefully put a blanket over them.

He couldn't help but feel jealous, but this was his fault.

Y/N woke up at around the climax. It was already late at night so they decided to head in. With a good night wave, they left and went into their room.

Tommy sighed and continued to watch the movie.

Once it ended he turned in as well. He stretched out his wings one final time before realizing Y/N fell asleep on the air mattress. Tommy felt bad for sleeping on the bed, but he knew this was intentional.

He grabbed the only blanket before stopping. Y/N would be cold tonight. It was the middle of February, of course it would get chilly later in the night.

Tommy carefully laid the blanket over Y/N. He gazed at their peaceful state one last time before laying down on the bed and staring into the ceiling.

(A/n: ngl this chapter kinda hurts me ;-; )




The next morning Tommy woke up with the same blanket he wrapped around Y/N atop of him. He sighed and lifted his head slightly to see Y/N, fast asleep without a blanket.

He stood up, rubbing his tired eyes and laid the blanket out back onto Y/N before walking out. It baffled him how despite their fight they still cared for him. But things were still foggy.

Tommy walked over to the counter, opened his phone, scrolling through instagram and countless videos. No one was awake yet, so there wasn't much to do.

Tommy soon dozed off, dribble leaked from his mouth as he slept. Tubbo and Ranboo walked out of their room, they noticed Tommy dead asleep.

"Should we wake him?" Tubbo questioned, whispering to Ranboo. They glanced at each other and knew exactly what to do.

Tubbo snapped a photo before snickering to himself. They both laughed quietly at the photo before leaving quietly.


A moment later Y/N woke up, they groggily rubbed their eyes before noticing the blanket on them. They rolled their eyes and sat up.

(FEN: I will admit the blanket thing is cute but I'm still in double protecc mode so I angry)

Y/N pulled a new T-shirt over their head and made their way to the kitchen.

Of course Tommy was fast asleep on the counter, spit drenched the marble.

Y/N sighed and grabbed a towel and cleaned the dribble. Tommy slowly woke up and quickly wiped his mouth. He fully opened his eyes and jumped as he noticed Y/N.

"Good morning to you too," Y/N said, throwing the towel in the bin.

Tommy cleared his throat awkwardly. "Yup, Happy...I-I mean, good morning," Tommy choked out. Y/N walked away, the tension as cut as Tubbo and Ranboo walked in.

(FEN: man woke up and immediately bluescreened lol)

(A/n: Tommy.exe loading.)

They had bags filled with groceries, well a sad attempt of groceries. It was mostly filled with junk food and other tooth aching snacks.

"What's for breakfast?" Y/N asked, standing up and stretching. Tubbo and Ranboo looked at each other.

"We found this breakfast area that I used to go to as a kid," Tubbo answered with a smile.

(FEN: hi welcome to chile's)


Yayyyy!!! Hope you're liking longer reads. This avoids having filler chapters and it gets straight to the point.

Much love to editor: brigHt_orange_juIce

Word count: 2474


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