Daughter of Loki

By Darena13

384K 11.4K 3K

15 years ago Nessa Furry was left on the doorstep of her fathers house. Her life was fairly normal up until L... More

Daughter of Loki
Ch.5 Metal fire breathing robot?
Ch.6 What's with Bullies?
Ch.8 (Authors note at the end. Please answer the question)
Ch. 10
Ch.11 The one were Loki escapes
Ch.12 (i think?)
Part 15
Part 16
Untitled Part 17
chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Not an Update
Ch. 26 part 1
Ch. 26 part 2
Ch. 27
Ch. 32
Ch. 35
Ch. 39?
Ch. 43
Not an update! But please read.
Ch.50 part 1.
Ch.50 part. 2
Ch.52 Longest Chapter ever!
Ch.55 A/N Note Please read.
Trials Of Malin Is Up!!!

Ch. 29

3.9K 124 82
By Darena13

This is for you Mae_the force! Thanks for the sweet comment. :)

I also realised a mistake that I made with Pepper and Tony's baby. Her name is Mila not Mina for some reason it just mixed me up with the name I'm using for my other book Winter's Night. (Shameless advertisement.) :)


I woke up in a dark room with only a dim light bulb lighting two feet of space. I sat up quickly and bit back a groan as my head pounded. I felt for my phone in my pocket and sighed in relief when I felt its cool metal against my hand. I went to pull it out when I caught some movement to my left.

“I wouldn't do that." a woman's voice warned. I couldn't see her face but I knew exactly who it was. Death. Loki' s warning was still fresh in my mind as I curled up into a ball and tried to contact him through my link.

But each time I failed and my frustration grew. It was like throwing a ball but coming up short every time by only a few seconds. “Don't bother to try I've blocked your mind for awhile but for now we need to talk." She said with a bored tone and turned around to face me.

I regarded her quietly as she sat down on a small stool that I hadn't noticed. For a minute we sat staring at each other before she sighed and reached behind her. I watched apprehensively as she reached behind her and brought out a pack of Oreo's?

She held out the pack and being the sugar addict I couldn't help but take a few. We sat in silence for a few minutes until she finally spoke, “Do you love my son?" she asked setting the Oreos to the side after she took a few.

I frowned and looked at her expectantly. “Who is your son?" I asked her looking at her like she had popped a couple of screws loose. She snorted, something I probably will never see a immortal being ever do again. “I think you of all people know who my son is."

It couldn't have bean Cory or anyone of my friends because we had just..... My eyes snapped to her swirling orbs and she smirked knowingly. “Yes my dear, Nate is my child, my son." She admitted making me sit back even more.

“And before you jump to conclusions and have a brain aneurysm. Nate does not know who I am. For his safety and yours I had to hide him away on Midguard, or Earth as you call it."

I was growing more and more confused. “Our safety. I'm not really following what you mean." How could I understand? I'm in an unknown place and this very deadly being is telling me all these things.

“What I mean is, fate has chosen the two of you. Your lives have been written in the stars since the beginning of time. Something no one will be able to change." her words had an underlying ferocity in it that made me curl myself tighter.

“You won't be able to understand this in time but everything happens for a reason and you are very important." She reached out and touched my hand, and surprisingly I let her.

“Nathan is the offspring of the most dangerous Titans to ever roam the galaxies. Thanos." She dead panned. The name sent jitters right through my heart. I felt fear grab my heart, fear that made me want to cry and struggle.

Death watched me before she hesitantly reached forward and hugged my body gently. I melted into her embrace and sniffled from the motherly gesture.

“I know this is hard to understand but I know you can do it." She leaned back a th I wiped my face hastily. “You know I spoke to your mother not long after you were born. Just after she sent you to Midguard. She wanted you to know the true reason you were sent to Midguard." I bit my tongue at the mention of my mother.

“After Loki lost everything. In just a few years, his baby daughter, his wife, his family and finally his place in life, Thanos sought him out and manipulated him into taking Midguard. What happened last month's was not entirely your father's fault. In fact he wasn't supposed to find out about you but a slip up of a guard alerted him of you." She paused and pursed her lips in frustration before continuing.

“Through your father's eyes Thanos had caught site of the both of you. He now knows the locations of the both of you but not the exact locations. Thanos can not touch Midguard but the Other can. He will definitely be paying you a visit soon but do not worry nothing will happen to you. Now I must work with the both of you to get you ready for what is to come in just a short while."

I now could feel the numbness creeping up my spine the more Death talked about Thanos. “What's going to happen?" I asked feeling the dread of her next words.

“The take back of Titan." She said with determination in her voice. “It is to believed that all Titan's were murdered when Thanos took over but it was only the royal family that he killed. Now only you and I know this." She rubbed her nose again before continuing.

“He has enslaved the remaining population in a hidden kingdom that even Heimdall cannot see. The people will join your ranks do not worry about that. For now all we can do is wait till the Other visits you then you must bring back Nathan with you." She stands up and helps me to my feet.

“Do not be afraid, everything will be alright. All you need to do is envision my face and you will find me." She hastily said Before pressing a finger to my head. A sharp pain hit me in the base of my skull and I passes out.

When it had seemed like only moments later I woke up on the hard ground. I sat up quickly and found my self on a side embankment of a highway overlooking the dark pounding ocean below. The salty sea mist chilled my already cold bones as I reached into my pocket and fumbled numbly for my phone.

I finally got it out and on the light blinded me in the dim darkness that had surrounded me. I scrolled through my contacts and quickly found Boris'

He picked up immediately, “Nessa where are you?!" he shouted. I could hear a car honking in the background as he cursed in French angrily. I had never seen this side of Boris. The side I know was gentle and quiet.

“I don't know... Can you come get me please?" My voice cracked and I burst into tears. I crouched low on the ground and held myself tight as I tried to calm myself down.

“Nessa you have to stop crying okay just listen to me." I nodded and mumbled an okay or what sounded like one. “Okay, Tony is running a trace on your phone." He says in the calm voice I knew but I could hear the stress.

“Okay I know where you are. I'll be there in a few minutes. Go to a lit place under a street light or something." He says before another car honks on his end. He hangs up suddenly and I'm alone in silence.

I dry my tears and start to walk to a street lamp that I see a few meters away. I sit on the bench beside it and sit patiently.

After a few minutes I hear a screech and a car door open. I look up as Boris slams it and runs to me. I stand up as he crushes me into a hug. I try and hold back the tears but a sob breaks its way through.

For a few minutes Boris holds me as I sob in his arms. I cry because I'm scared and I don't know what to do. I cry because someone wants to kill me. I cry because I indirectly ruined my mother and father's relationship. Because of me Loki was manipulated by Thanos... Everything happens for a reason. Death's words rang through my ears not giving me any comfort.

“Come on let's get you home your freezing." Boris suggested gently. I nodded and he picked me up as if I weighed nothing. He walked briskly to the waiting suv and stuck me in the back. Before he closed the door he draws a blanket over me.

The warmth of the blanket and the steady rhythm of the car easily lulled me to sleep.



Two days later 4 am

My eyes snap open involuntarily and I sit up in bed. I look down at my clothes and see that I'm wearing Scooby doo bottoms and a grey tank top. Pepper must have dressed me.

I reach over at the lamp on my bedside table and flip on the light. I look around the room hesitantly and only replace when I see nothing.

“Jarvis? Where is Tony?" I ask hesitantly. My voice is dry and scratchy until I swallow a bit of saliva. “He is in his lab in the basement Ms. Nessa." Jarvis informed me.

I get out of bed slowly and put on a pair of slippers before leaving the room. I look across the hall and see the door opened slightly. I peak in and see Nate sprawled out on the bed with his mouth half open and one leg falling off the bed.

I smile softly before turning and continuing my quest down stairs to Tony. I reach the basement stairs and see through the glass Mila perched on Tony's chest in a Mobi wrap. She has her sippy cup with her and is kicking her legs while Tony worked on some motor looking thing.

Mila spotted me first and dropped her sippy cup to clap her chubby hands at me. Tony sighed before bending to pick it up but I intercepted him and raised it with my telepathy. He looked up at me briefly before snatching it out of the air.

He playfully glared at me before saying something I couldn't hear. I open the glass door and he's talking idly to Mila.

“I hope you never disappear from school randomly and then leave me with the equivalent of Jacob Black and The Rock all rolled into one teenage boy's body with me to deal with." He says in a baby voice. Mila giggles and pulls at Tony's hair. He grimaces and gently pulls her hand away.

“I'm sorry Tony." I say sincerely. He nods before turning back to the motor. “But really what did that eat for three weeks? Straight steroids?" he scoffs briefly looking back at me.

I frown. “I only really remember him being a little taller maybe a little muscular...." I say. Tony gives me a pointed look before Jarvis interrupts.

“Sir, Nate is headed down to you." Jarvis informs us coolly. I look behind me just as Nate thunders down the stairs. His eyes are wild until he sees me standing with Tony. Then and only then does he relax.

I get a good look at him and let out a low whistle. “Told ya." Tony mutters as Nate opens up the door. Nate had defiantly gotten a few inches in height but his build was definitely a difference. He had gotten a lot more muscular. Not enough to be like wow but there was difference.

“Nate you are the poster child for puberty." Tony comments. He glares at Tony before pulling me into a tight hug. I feel instantly safe and content in his arms. His warmth was something that I had missed.

He kisses my head briefly before yawning. “Okay fine you can go back to bed." I say letting go of his hand. He shook his head. “No you're coming with me. I can't rest without you by my side." He admits sheepishly.

I nod feeling tired myself and start to leave. “Use protection!" Tony screams after us. I turn quickly and roll my eyes at him.

Nate goes straight into his room and I follow him. I close the door and fall into bed with him. He wraps the blanket around us and pulls me into his arms.

“What happened to your body?" I ask with a sleepy voice. “I don't know... after all those test Fury put me through I just kinda bloomed up." He says tracing his finger up and down my arm. I'm tempted to tell him about his mother but I know the time isn't right.

I look up at him and see that he's already passed out. I too fall asleep after he does.

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