The Emperor's Concubine

By JiHoneyLee

108K 3.7K 161

The Emperor's Concubine duology. Book one and two are combined. *** The Emperor's Concubine *** The world see... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Chapter Sixty-Eight
Chapter Sixty-Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy-One
Chapter Seventy-Two
Chapter Seventy-Three
Chapter Seventy-Four
Chapter Seventy-Five
Chapter Seventy-Six
Chapter Seventy-Seven
Chapter Seventy-Eight
Chapter Seventy-Nine
Chapter Eighty
Chapter Eighty-One
Chapter Eighty-Two
Chapter Eighty-Three
Chapter Eighty-Four
Chapter Eighty-Five
Chapter Eighty-Six
Chapter Eighty-Seven
Chapter Eighty-Eight
Chapter Eighty-Nine
Chapter Ninety
Chapter Ninety-One
Chapter Ninety-Two
Chapter Ninety-Three
Chapter Ninety-Four
(First Book Finale) Chapter Ninety-Five
The Emperor's Concubine 2
B.2 Chapter One
B.2 Chapter Two
B.2 Chapter Three
B.2 Chapter Four
B.2 Chapter Five
B.2 Chapter Six
B.2 Chapter Seven
B.2 Chapter Eight
B.2 Chapter Nine
B.2 Chapter Ten
B.2 Chapter Eleven
B.2 Chapter Twelve
B.2 Chapter Thirteen
B.2 Chapter Fourteen
B.2 Chapter Fifteen
B.2 Chapter Sixteen
B.2 Chapter Seventeen
B.2 Chapter Eighteen
B.2 Chapter Nineteen
B.2 Chapter Twenty
B.2 Chapter Twenty-One
B.2 Chapter Twenty-Two
B.2 Chapter Twenty-Three
B.2 Chapter Twenty-Four
B.2 Chapter Twenty-Five
B.2 Chapter Twenty-Six
B.2 Chapter Twenty-Seven
B.2 Chapter Twenty-Eight
B.2 Chapter Twenty-Nine
B.2 Chapter Thirty
B.2 Chapter Thirty-One
B.2 Chapter Thirty-Two
B.2 Chapter Thirty-Three
B.2 Chapter Thirty-Four
B.2 Chapter Thirty-Five
B.2 Chapter Thirty-Six
B.2 Chapter Thirty-Seven
B.2 Chapter Thirty-Eight
B.2 Chapter Thirty-Nine
B.2 Chapter Forty
B.2 Chapter Forty-One
B.2 Chapter Forty-Two
B.2 Chapter Forty-Four
B.2 Chapter Forty-Five
B.2 Chapter Forty-Six
B.2 Chapter Forty-Seven
B.2 Chapter Forty-Eight
B.2 Chapter Forty-Nine
B.2 Chapter Fifty
B.2 Chapter Fifty-One
B.2 Chapter Fifty-Two
B.2 Chapter Fifty-Three
B.2 Chapter Fifty-Four
B.2 Chapter Fifty-Five
B.2 Chapter Fifty-Six
B.2 Chapter Fifty-Seven
B.2 Chapter Fifty-Eight
B.2 Chapter Fifty-Nine
B.2 Chapter Sixty
B.2 Chapter Sixty-One
B.2 Chapter Sixty-Two
B.2 Chapter Sixty-Three
B.2 Chapter Sixty-Four
B.2 Chapter Sixty-Five
B.2 Chapter Sixty-Six
B.2 Chapter Sixty-Seven
B.2 Chapter Sixty-Eight
B.2 Chapter Sixty-Nine
B.2 Chapter Seventy
B.2 Chapter Seventy-One
B.2 Chapter Seventy-Two
B.2 Chapter Seventy-Three
B.2 Chapter Seventy-Four
B.2 Chapter Seventy-Five
B.2 Chapter Seventy-Six
B.2 Chapter Seventy-Seven
B.2 Chapter Seventy-Eight
B.2 Chapter Seventy-Nine
B.2 Chapter Eighty (Finale)
Author's Note

B.2 Chapter Forty-Three

127 5 1
By JiHoneyLee

My stomach drops as I look down at the book, the drawing of the beast in the book.
"Esmerelda... She's dead?" I whisper, shocked.
"Yes... If the witch is pretending to be her, she's been devoured by this beast." Marquess Simone explains.
I stammer, attempting to find the right words.
I look up at the marquess, being cut off.

The office doors knock.
Marquess Simone quickly hides the book and sketch, placing it under his seat.
"Come in." He calls out.
The doors open as Abigail and a knight run in.
"M-My lord, forgive us... His grace and his men are here." Abigail speaks, trembling.
Christopher and I look at each other, confused.
Marquess Simone looks back at me, his eyes growing stern.
"Did he say why he came?" The marquess asks.
"His grace stated, the emperor has called an investigation to find Luna Avri. His highness has sent his knights to the duke's, searching his estate for Lady Luna, and is asking the duke to search your estate." The knight speaks, bowing his head.
I glance over at the marquess who remains calm.
"I understand. Christopher, Deimos, let's go." Marquess Simone stands.
He exits the office as we follow him.
I gulp, growing anxious.

We step downstairs to the foyer, Marchioness Adara and Lady Dulcie in their night robes.
They look over at the marquess, growing relieved.
"Darling, what's happening? The knights said his grace is here to search our property." Marchioness Adara speaks.
"They're here to look for Lady Luna. I believe she might have run away, but I'll ask his grace." Marquess Simone kisses her forehead, keeping calm.
Lady Dulcie holds onto her mother's robe, growing afraid.
Duke Oslo walks inside with a knight of the marquess by his side.
"Marquess." Duke Oslo speaks, "His highness has requested for my knights and I, to go on a search party. We're to search your property, and once we complete it, you were called to send your knights on a search party too. We must investigate every household in the empire and search every building."
"I understand, how long will it take to search my home?" Marquess Simone asks.
"A few hours. We need to search every corner of your estate." Duke Oslo speaks, his expression stern.
Marquess Simone sighs, nodding.
"Okay, will you need my children and guest here for the investigation?" Marquess Simone asks.
"Unfortunately, yes." Duke Oslo glances over at me.
I grow anxious as I meet his eyes.
"I'll personally have to search your bedrooms. We can start with your children's rooms first, I'll search your guest's room." Duke Oslo states.
Marquess Simone nods, looking back at me.
"Deimos, will you show his grace to your guest room?" Marquess Simone asks.
"Yes, my lord." I bow my head.
I watch as Duke Oslo walks towards me.
His knights follow him, but Duke Oslo raises his hand.
"You, follow Lord Christopher and Lady Dulcie to their bedrooms. We'll do this quickly so the children can rest." Duke Oslo speaks.
The knights bow their heads, following Lady Dulcie and Christopher.
I gulp, feeling Duke Oslo's presence behind me as I walk up to my bedroom.
My fear growing more as I remember my duffle bag out in the middle of the room.
I grow anxious, knowing the duke will search through it to find my documents and clothing.

I open my bedroom, allowing him to step in.
I stare at my bag, growing nervous.
Duke Oslo waits for me to enter too.
He meticulously looks around the room, opening the closet and bathroom door. He looks under the bed until looking at my duffle.
I glance at him as he approaches my duffle.
He gestures to it.
"May I?" He asks.
I nod.
I close my eyes, listening to him open the bag, moving my belongings around.
My heartbeat quickens.

"Your grace?"
A knight enters the room, bowing his head.
"What is it?" Duke Oslo asks.
"Lady Dulcie's bedroom has been finished, will you be needing assistance?"
Duke Oslo looks back at me, causing me to quickly avert my eyes.
"No. The marquess' guest room is finished." Duke Oslo speaks.
The knight bows his head.
"Yes, your grace." The knight leaves the room.
I look back at Duke Oslo who picks up my duffle, walking towards me.
He hands me my bag.
"Follow me, we'll have you wait somewhere else." Duke Oslo speaks, exiting the room.
I nod, following him, confused.

We walk downstairs, Christopher and Lady Dulcie waiting with the marchioness.
"Deimos!" Lady Dulcie calls out.
"You three, since it's past the young lady's bed time, bring them back to my estate. The kids can stay there for tonight. Is that alright with you, marchioness?" Duke Oslo asks.
"Yes, of course. Thank you, we'll send a carriage for them tomorrow." Marchioness Adara bows her head.
"Okay. Board them onto a carriage and take them to my estate." Duke Oslo speaks to a knight.
The knight bows his head.
"Yes, your grace. Please, follow me." The knight speaks to us.
Christopher nods, holding Lady Dulcie's hand.
We follow the knight onto a carriage, my hands beginning to tremble.
The carriage moves, the marquess' estate growing farther away.
"Deimos..." Christopher whispers, "Your bag?"
I nod.
"He searched it..." I whisper.
He nods, looking out the window.
We ride in silence to the duke's estate.

Christopher, Lady Dulcie, and I arrive at the duke's.
His butlers bringing us to our guest bedrooms.
I sit on the bed, the guest room the same from when I stayed here.
I grow anxious, my stomach uneasy.
The door knocks.
I open the door to see Duke Oslo.
"Your grace." I bow my head.
"May I come in to talk, Deimos?" He asks.
I nod, allowing him in.
I close the door, suddenly jumping as Duke Oslo grips my shoulders, turning me to face him roughly.
"Luna... What happened to you?" He asks.
I feel my body grow cold as fear takes over.
"Y-Your grace... Are you going to bring me back to the palace?" I ask.
He grits his teeth, growing conflicted.
"I need to..." He whispers.
I look down at the ground, nodding.
His grip on my shoulders tighten painfully.
Duke Oslo sighs, suddenly releasing me. He walks around the bedroom, ruffling his hair.
"You're to be killed. It's my duty to listen to his highness' orders..." Duke Oslo speaks, conflicted.
"It's okay... You can bring me back to the palace... But I have one favour... Please lie and say the marquess did not protect me."
"P-Please lie and say you found me in the district during your search. Please! I can't have the marquess' family punished because of me-"
"Enough!" He shouts, holding his head.
I jump, looking back at him.
"You... Why are you okay with this? Why are you okay with being brought back to be put down like an animal?"
"Your grace... It's because others will be punished because of me... If you bring me back you'll be rewarded well I'm sure, but please keep quiet about his marquess. I beg of you." I give a small smile, pleading to him.
"Damn it!" He punches the table, furrowing his brows as he thinks, "I... I will help you."
"But your grace-" I look up at him, shocked.
"The marquess helped you, and I'm sure it's because of that soft heart of his... For all I know, you could've taken advantage of his kindness... Yet I can't let you be killed. I'll help you and the marquess." Duke Oslo sighs.
"But... You could be killed if the truth comes out..." I mutter, holding back my tears.
"Lady Luna... I can never stop loving you..." Duke Oslo whispers.
I look up at him, taken aback.
"I will never be able to ignore these feelings for you. I wish everyday that you would be able to love me back, and that you would be mine. I tried everything to forget about the feelings I have for you, but when I heard that you were to be executed... I thought I could finally escape these feelings... If you were executed then I won't be in pain every damned day... Yet it's become my nightmare. When I saw you at dinner, I knew it was you and I knew I had to bring you to his highness. It made me crazy each minute, thinking about how I'll have to detain you, and drag you back to be put down. But... I... I can't handle the thought of that happening, I can't bring myself to do that to you... I don't care if it's my feelings corrupting my influence, but I can't let you be harmed. I don't care if I'm executed, because I can't stand by and let you be killed. So let me help you."
I stare back at Duke Oslo, surprised.
I take a deep breath, my legs stumbling as they give in. I fall to the ground, feeling burdened yet relieved.
"Luna?" Duke Oslo exclaims, surprised.
"I-I'm okay... I just... I keep having help from everyone and as relieving as it is, it scares me..." I speak, holding my head.
"It's better than being alone, isn't it?" Duke Oslo asks, kneeling down to me.
"It is... But it's frightening to accept this kindness. What if those who helped me, were punished because of me?..."
"That is not your risk. Everyone who's willing to help you, knows what they're risking. Would you do the same, if anyone from the marquess' family needed help?"
I nod.
"Of course..." I whisper in realization.
"Would you do the same, if I needed help?" He asks, pained.
"Yes... I wouldn't hesitate..."
He nods, his brows furrowing in pain and relief.
"You'd help anyone who needed it, so please understand the marquess and I. This is a risk I'm willing to take for you. So, please stand." Duke Oslo holds his hand out to me.
I place my hand on his as he pulls me up.
"Lady Luna... The marquess and I will speak and think of a plan to get you out of the empire. It's not safe for you anymore." Duke Oslo whispers, "Your disguise is perfect, but I recognized you by your eyes... Someone who's come close to you will eventually see your eyes, and see through your disguise. We need to get you to a safer place, out of his highness' jurisdiction."
I nod, taking deep breaths.
"I understand." I whisper.
"Lady Luna... Tomorrow morning you'll be sent back to the marquess', and we'll make a plan to help you leave instantly. This may be the last time we speak, so all I ask is that you stay alive... Please, stay alive." Duke Oslo shakily speaks, his eyes filled with worry.
I nod, giving a small smile.
"I will... Stay alive too, your grace..." I hug him, feeling his body tremble, "Thank you..."
I whisper, my tears dripping down my cheeks.
His arms wrap to hug me back. He nods, taking a deep breath.
"Goodbye, my lady..." He whispers.

The next morning we're sent back to the marquess' estate.
Duke Oslo accompanying us back. We sit in silence, arriving.
We walk through the hallways, entering the marquess' office with Duke Oslo, Marchioness Adara, Christopher, and Lady Dulcie.
"Your grace." Marquess Simone bows his head.
"Marquess...." Duke Oslo looks at me, and back at the marquess.
The marquess nods.
"We will be evacuating Lady Luna." Duke Oslo quietly speaks.
Marquess Simone looks back at me, nodding.
"I've finalized the plans for her." He speaks, picking up a folder.
He hands the duke the folder, Duke Oslo flipping through it.
Duke Oslo looks back at me.
"We'll send you with Theas Jones."
"Theas?" I repeat.
"Theas Jones has been hired for shipping his beans to Xiao. An incident occurred and he wanted to ensure his product was safe. His shipment leaves tonight, so you'll go with him to Xiao." Marquess Simone speaks.
I look back at the marquess' family and back at Duke Oslo.
I nod, smiling.
"I understand..." I speak, holding back my tears.
"I spoke with Theas late last night, and he agreed right away. Word has slowly spread of your disappearance and Theas worried about you. You will need to remain in your disguise until you reach Xiao. There you'll go to the palace and say you're a messenger from Cypheler, and ask to privately meet the rulers. Make sure only Ruler Canella and Queen Ming can hear the message. We can't help you further, but once you reach Xiao, you'll be out of his highness' jurisdiction. His knights lose authority, and won't be able to harm you unless the rulers agree with his highness." Duke Oslo speaks, handing me a letter.
"I understand."
"Lady Luna... Xiao is still his his highness', but the rulers have all authority over their kingdom... However if they decide to support his highness, you'll have to flee." Marquess Simone speaks.
"How can Lady Luna go alone? What if his highness has sent word to the rulers already?" Marchioness Adara speaks up, holding my hand.
"... That's a risk I'm willing to take." I speak up, tightening my grip on her hand to reassure her.
"I just need to get there before any of Cypheler's knights or messengers." I give a small carefree smile, "Even if I can't, I'm strong enough to get away..."
"But... Where will you go then?"
"Wherever I can... Please, trust that I'll survive."
"I'll pray every night for you..." Marchioness Adara tears up, pulling me in for a warm hug.
"Thank you..." I whisper, hugging her back tightly.
My chest tightens from her tight loving hug.
She pulls away, her hand cupping my cheek as she stares back at me with motherly eyes.
"Lady Luna, I'm sorry we can't help you further." Marquess Simone speaks up, hugging Lady Dulcie as she cries.
I shake my head.
"No... You've all done so much to help me, I'll always be grateful for your help." I bow, smiling largely, "I hope you'll all stay in good health... Thank you..."

I sit on the bed in the guest room, taking a deep breath.
The door knocks.
"Come in." I call out.
Marquess Simone enters the room.
"Deimos..." Marquess Simone speaks.
He closes the door, walking up to me.
"It's time, isn't it?" I ask.
He nods, taking a deep breath.
"Yes..." He responds.
"Okay... My lord, I can't even begin to express my gratitude."
"It's okay... With this, my debt to you is paid off." He smiles, picking up my bag.
I stand, fiddling my fingers.
"Marquess..." I whisper, "What about the witch?"
Marquess Simone looks down at the ground.
"As it is, if the witch is as powerful as they were known to be back then... The empire is in danger..." He whispers.
I nod, looking down at the ground.
"But Cabel..."
"Lady Luna, this is a very irregular situation we're dealing with... I'll have to do more research, but will speak to the duke of saving his highness... For now, if his highness is under the witch's control, we have to be careful." Marquess Simone pats my head, smiling, "Please just stay safe..."
I nod, feeling my heart ache as I think about Cabel.

I'm escorted outside, the marquess' family there to say goodbye.
I bow.
"Marquess Simone, Marchioness Adara, thank you for allowing me to stay." I speak calmly.
"Of course Deimos! Please, come back to visit again when you have time!" Marchioness Adara smiles, pretending to be cheerful.
"Have a safe trip back." Christopher speaks up, holding his hand out.
I nod, shaking his hand.
"Next time we'll have a duel." I grin.
He gives a small amused smile, stepping back as he nods.
I kneel, looking at Lady Dulcie.
"Lady Dulcie, I hope to see you soon." I smile, holding my hand out to her.
Her eyes tear up as she nods.
She places her hand on mine.
"D-Deimos... I'll miss you." She speaks, holding back her tears.
"I'll miss you too, my lady." I bow my head, kissing the back of her hand.
Marquess Simone holds his hand out to me.
"Deimos, we'll be happy to have you again." Marquess Simone calmly speaks.
I shake his hand, bowing.
"I'd be honoured. Goodbye, my lord." I smile, turning to the carriage.
I step on, looking back at the marquess' family one last time, before the door closes.

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