The Emperor's Concubine

By JiHoneyLee

108K 3.7K 161

The Emperor's Concubine duology. Book one and two are combined. *** The Emperor's Concubine *** The world see... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Chapter Sixty-Eight
Chapter Sixty-Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy-One
Chapter Seventy-Two
Chapter Seventy-Three
Chapter Seventy-Four
Chapter Seventy-Five
Chapter Seventy-Six
Chapter Seventy-Seven
Chapter Seventy-Eight
Chapter Seventy-Nine
Chapter Eighty
Chapter Eighty-One
Chapter Eighty-Two
Chapter Eighty-Three
Chapter Eighty-Four
Chapter Eighty-Five
Chapter Eighty-Six
Chapter Eighty-Seven
Chapter Eighty-Eight
Chapter Eighty-Nine
Chapter Ninety
Chapter Ninety-One
Chapter Ninety-Two
Chapter Ninety-Three
Chapter Ninety-Four
(First Book Finale) Chapter Ninety-Five
The Emperor's Concubine 2
B.2 Chapter One
B.2 Chapter Two
B.2 Chapter Three
B.2 Chapter Four
B.2 Chapter Five
B.2 Chapter Six
B.2 Chapter Seven
B.2 Chapter Eight
B.2 Chapter Nine
B.2 Chapter Ten
B.2 Chapter Eleven
B.2 Chapter Twelve
B.2 Chapter Thirteen
B.2 Chapter Fourteen
B.2 Chapter Sixteen
B.2 Chapter Seventeen
B.2 Chapter Eighteen
B.2 Chapter Nineteen
B.2 Chapter Twenty
B.2 Chapter Twenty-One
B.2 Chapter Twenty-Two
B.2 Chapter Twenty-Three
B.2 Chapter Twenty-Four
B.2 Chapter Twenty-Five
B.2 Chapter Twenty-Six
B.2 Chapter Twenty-Seven
B.2 Chapter Twenty-Eight
B.2 Chapter Twenty-Nine
B.2 Chapter Thirty
B.2 Chapter Thirty-One
B.2 Chapter Thirty-Two
B.2 Chapter Thirty-Three
B.2 Chapter Thirty-Four
B.2 Chapter Thirty-Five
B.2 Chapter Thirty-Six
B.2 Chapter Thirty-Seven
B.2 Chapter Thirty-Eight
B.2 Chapter Thirty-Nine
B.2 Chapter Forty
B.2 Chapter Forty-One
B.2 Chapter Forty-Two
B.2 Chapter Forty-Three
B.2 Chapter Forty-Four
B.2 Chapter Forty-Five
B.2 Chapter Forty-Six
B.2 Chapter Forty-Seven
B.2 Chapter Forty-Eight
B.2 Chapter Forty-Nine
B.2 Chapter Fifty
B.2 Chapter Fifty-One
B.2 Chapter Fifty-Two
B.2 Chapter Fifty-Three
B.2 Chapter Fifty-Four
B.2 Chapter Fifty-Five
B.2 Chapter Fifty-Six
B.2 Chapter Fifty-Seven
B.2 Chapter Fifty-Eight
B.2 Chapter Fifty-Nine
B.2 Chapter Sixty
B.2 Chapter Sixty-One
B.2 Chapter Sixty-Two
B.2 Chapter Sixty-Three
B.2 Chapter Sixty-Four
B.2 Chapter Sixty-Five
B.2 Chapter Sixty-Six
B.2 Chapter Sixty-Seven
B.2 Chapter Sixty-Eight
B.2 Chapter Sixty-Nine
B.2 Chapter Seventy
B.2 Chapter Seventy-One
B.2 Chapter Seventy-Two
B.2 Chapter Seventy-Three
B.2 Chapter Seventy-Four
B.2 Chapter Seventy-Five
B.2 Chapter Seventy-Six
B.2 Chapter Seventy-Seven
B.2 Chapter Seventy-Eight
B.2 Chapter Seventy-Nine
B.2 Chapter Eighty (Finale)
Author's Note

B.2 Chapter Fifteen

149 6 0
By JiHoneyLee

(Trigger warning: Read at your own discretion.)

My eyes flinch as I feel something tighten around my wrists.
My body feeling heavy, I try my best to open my eyes.
I look around to see a dark room, strange equipment everywhere, along with rotting body parts and blood on the ground of the room.

"Oh my, the concubine's awake already?"
A voice speaks up.
I look to see a man in a hood.
"W-Who are you?" I question.
My arms and legs are confined in cuffs as I lay on a table.
My clothes changed into a long white tunic gown.
I look back at him, recognizing the cloak he wears.
My eyes widen as I recognize him, the man who bumped into me on the street a while ago.
"Y-You, I've seen you before..." I whisper, taken aback.
"Master wanted me to find you, and I did." He giggles menacingly.
I pull my hands and legs, trying to slip out of the cuffs.
"Oh my, the concubine's so feisty!" The man cackles.
"W-What do you want from me?" I shout.
His hand flies out at me, gripping my jaw.
His face comes closer. Burn scars on half his face, red stripe tattoos from his eyes down to his jaw.
"Master told me to do this. Master wants to play with you. Master wants a sacrifice. Master wants to see how long it'll take for you to die." He speaks, grinning manically.
Instantly, he reaches for a lever, pulling it down.
The table shoots off sparks, an excruciatingly painful wave flows through my body.
"S-Stop!" I scream.
My head feeling as if it's going to explode, a burnt bloody taste enters my mouth as I scream from the pain.
He flips the lever, turning the electric shock off.
I gasp for air, coughing as my lungs feel like they're burning.
"Hm, how fun. It makes such a funny noise." The man giggles, pulling the lever again.
I scream as the pain returns, my body seizing as the electric wave crashes through my body.
He continuously pulls the lever on and off, taking a break before starting again.
Hours go by, my body in excruciating pain, yet constantly healing only to be shocked again.

'How long have I been here for?'
I stare blankly at the ceiling, catching my breath once again.
My head throbs as I think to myself.
The thundering wave comes again, I clench my teeth trying to endure the pain.
The memories I've moved past from, enter my mind again.
Mother and father sitting on their thrones, with knights of Avris beating me in front of them.
They watched on amused as if I was only something created for entertainment.

My childhood filled with nothing but pain and sorrow, maybe I was just born to deal with this pain.
My mind empties, the electric pain soon fading as my body grows numb.
The haunting traumatic memories return as I listen to the words of my brother, come back to my mind.

'Stay still, it'll only hurt more if you fight.'
Micheal's echoing voice plays in my mind.
The pain growing numb as I get lost in the traumatic memories of the past.

'Stay still. It'll hurt more to fight... Someone will come save me... right?'
I think to myself, reminding myself over and over again to ignore the pain.

Hours or days pass, all the torture rendering me confused and lost with time.
It feels so long since I've even seen and felt the sunlight.
I lie on the table, a cold sharp scalpel pressing against my wrist.
I've numbed out the pain, just as I've done in my childhood.
The vivid memories of laying on the ground, being whipped as my parents watched, play in my mind repeatedly.

The beatings hurt.
I was scared.
Yet through those emotions I felt, the whips became silent.
The physical sensation of them cracking against my back and arms were felt, but just like that time, the pain numbed out.
I focused on a distant scene far away, where one day I could stare out at a beautiful scenery; free.
The scalpel digs deeper into my wrist as he slashes my flesh.
I can feel it all, but the pain no longer existing.
I stare at the ceiling, the only sound in the room is his humming and the noise of my blood gushing against the scalpel.

'How many times has it been now? He cuts me, and stands back to watch my body heal itself.'
His creepy grin, etched into my mind.
The same grin my father wore as he watched as I was beat, come to mind.
'I thought I was over this trauma? I wanted to get stronger, but I'm the same weak scared child I used to be. Nothing's changed. No matter how much I tried to be stronger, nothing's changed.'

He leaves for hours, at this point he could even be gone for days.
'I wish he'd come back.'
I think to myself, my eyes tearing up.
The torture scares me, but the silence frightens me more.
I turn my head to see figures in the corner.
Their silhouettes perfectly etched in my mind. Mother stands in the corner, watching as she grins. Even father appears.
Their bodies mutilated and cut up.
Their bodies stand there, decaying. Their grins come into view as they glare down at me.
I'm terrified.
How much longer will I be haunted by these memories? I've not even had a moment to peacefully sleep.
They don't do anything but watch. Even when he comes back, they'll come out to watch the torture with the same grin they wore back then.
'Was I born to just be a puppet?...'
I think to myself, staring back at mother and father.
A single tear drops down my face as I numbly stare back at them.

"I'm back!"
I hear the man singingly call out.
I turn my head to stare back at the ceiling.
His head pops out into view, looking down at me with his malicious grin.
I blankly stare back at him, his neon green eyes staring back at me.
"Hm, no fun. Why won't you show any emotions!" He shouts.
He kicks the table, angered.
His hand grips my jaw as he looks down at me, his eyes growing manic.
"Why won't you sing for me? I want to hear your screams! I want to see your filthy tears!" He screams in my face, his grip on my jaw tightening.
My eyes gaze over to the corner, mother and father watching on.
I feel his hand whip across my face.
He repeatedly hits me, all while laughing manically.
An iron taste enters my mouth, it's been so long since I went numb, I've forgotten the taste of my blood.
It never left, I just chose to never react to it.

Maybe I was only born to be hurt by others in this life.
I never expected an apology or to be accepted, I know I'm just meant to be hurt. I know I'm meant to be hurt, but it never gets easier.
'I want to be loved too... Maybe my life would be different if I'm reborn. I hope he just kills me soon.'
The thought enters my mind.
"Dear concubine, you've made me lose interest. I think it's time to send the emperor some gifts. Shall I start with your eyes and fingers? Maybe I'll move on to sending him your legs too, such beautiful legs will surely make him happy! Sadly, Master wants your head. What a shame."

'Emperor?... Cabel...'
His name enters my mind, almost as if his existence was drowned out by my memories.
The memories of him flood back to me.


Emperor Cabel sits on his throne, a line of men and women bowing on their knees in front of him.
His aura runs manic as he glares down at them, his stare cold and murderous.

"Is this it?" His voice growls.
"Yes, your highness. This is the list of those who were not home." Marquess Simone bows, handing the documents to Lance.
Emperor Cabel's sharp glare pierces into the men and women in front of him.
He holds his hand out, waiting for the documents.
Lance bows, placing the documents in his hand, quietly moving to the side.
"Find them and interrogate their whereabouts." Emperor Cabel glances at the list, his eyes move back to analyze the wizards, "You wizards must know why I've called you here, don't you?" Emperor Cabel calls out.

"P-Pardon me, y-your highness."
A man speaks up, trembling as he looks up.
Emperor Cabel's blood red eyes glow, piercing into him.
His jaw clenched with anger as his black silky hair messily frames his face.
"Speak." Emperor Cabel authoritatively calls out.
"I-I was told this had to do with L-Lady Luna..." The man trembles replying.
"I'll need your expert advice. It appears as though some fool created a portal to kidnap my fiancée. Find out more information and assist in finding her, and you all might leave with your eyes and brains safely in your heads. Marquess, take my guards and guide them." Emperor Cabel coldly calls out.
"Yes, your highness. Guards, assist them to the carriages outside." Marquess Simone speaks up, "May glory of Helios rest upon you."
He bows, leaving the throne room, followed by the wizards and guards.

"Your highness..." Lance cautiously calls out.
"What?" Emperor Cabel growls out, standing from his throne.
"This isn't in my place to say... But she'll be found." Lance stares at Emperor Cabel, his eyes unwavering as he reassures him.
"Let's just hope she is. Even if she is found-" Emperor Cabel cuts himself off.
He pauses as the words become difficult to say.
He steps down the stairs of the platform the thrones stand on, leaving the throne room.
"Lady Luna... Please be safe." Lance whispers, following behind Emperor Cabel from a distance.

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