Her Lover: Frankenstein (Nobl...

By writewriteandwrite

89.5K 3.3K 517

The youngest daughter of the Previous Lord and the First Noblesse is considered to be the most powerful being... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 43.5
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 73
(Recycled) Author's Note
Unexpectedly found

Chapter 72

270 15 4
By writewriteandwrite

"I think it would be better for us to go on our separate ways instead of going together." Reina suggested.

"That would certainly be faster but I think Boss would like it better if the two of you are together... Miss Reina." Tao scratches the back of his head when Reina frowns.

"His feelings don't matter. We are against the clock here, the faster we destroy the satellites, the better." She firmly stated before walking out of the room.

"Reina wouldn't do anything that will endanger her family," Raizel stated, lessening Tao's worries.

[[Note: I'll be using () for voice calls instead of "" so you guys can tell that they are using their communication devices.]]

Raizel and Reina look up at the sky before sighing, trying to gather their thoughts and energy for the exhausting job ahead of them.

(I'll provide the coordinates that are the nearest to you for faster completion.) Tao explained before giving them the coordinates.

(Please be safe...) Tao pleaded.

(You are starting to grow like Frankenstein.) Raizel shakes his head.

"Don't worry too much, Tao. Have a little faith in us." Reina chuckles while levitating towards her designated coordinates.

(I just hope I was able to do more than just provide you with the satellites' coordinates. If only I could stop them...)

"You can help me by reporting Frankenstein's status!" Reina exclaims enthusiastically.

(Of course, Miss Reina.) Reina can almost see Tao's smile on his face.

"Then..." Reina's wings spread as she travels faster than before and even faster than Raizel. Her goal is to destroy as many satellites as fast she can, this is to prevent Raizel from using more power. He still needs to live the peaceful life he yearns for so much.

(Crombel discovered the satellites... just like we feared.)

"That must mean Frankenstein is still on his way..." Reina murmurs under her breath.

(The satellites are getting in link with an unidentified point. At this rate, all of them will be activated very soon.)

Reina stops before glaring at the beautiful sky on top of her.

(We have to move quickly.) Raizel stated on the line.

The satellite on her sight creaks loudly under her power before exploding.

"Next coordinate, Tao."

(Huh?--Ah! Yes!) Tao looks at his screen with so much surprise. Reina's coordinates are farther than Raizel's yet she seems to arrive faster. He gives her the coordinates while thinking of the possibilities that can happen if she or the unborn child is harmed. Boss will surely kill me before rampaging... Tao thought to himself, flinching.

"Tao, how about Lazark and the others?" Reina asked while flying towards her nest destination.

(They are yet to meet with Boss, Miss Reina. And Boss reported that he just arrived at the hideout.)


(Ah, yes, Sir Raizel... Your next satellite is at...)

'Frankenstein...' The distance was still too much for a specific thought to be sent through their bond but Reina can feel her husband's worries for her and their child.

"They would probably notice that the satellites are being destroyed..." Reina stated on her communication device before glaring at yet another satellite.

(If that's the case, we'll just have to destroy them all before they can activate even one.) Raizel releases his power as the satellite in his sight creaks before exploding.



The RK arrived just in time when Frankenstein was being ganged up on by Crombel's experiments.

"Frankenstein... Tao says to hurry." M-21 reminded his Boss who noticed that his communicator broke. His worries for his master and his family grew after realizing that he cannot receive and reports regarding them.

'Reina wouldn't let anything happen to our child... Master is with her too.' He thought, trying to swat his worries away.

"I'd love to leave this place to you guys and move on..." He sighs before looking at the man in front of him, the former leader of the Union. He knows to himself that this person will be a hard one to fight for them.

"But allow me to finish off that blond." He stated, gesturing to the First Elder. 

The RK had no choice but to let Frankenstein finish the former Union Leader as he charges towards the enemy.


Reina breathes heavily after destroying yet again another satellite. The exhaustion is finally creeping through her bones as she felt wetness under her nose, she's bleeding yet again but they don't need to know that.

(... we currently have three satellites left. Boss and the others are gathered in Crombel's hideout, they are currently fighting his minions.) Tao reported as soon as Raizel destroyed another satellite.

His breathing felt heavier on their communication device, the three of them knows that Raizel is almost at his limit. Reina is at her limit too but she cannot just give up. Even one of those satellites can bring so much destruction to the planet.

She slightly bit her lower lip before caressing her belly.

'Just hang in there... I'll protect you with everything that I can but we have to endure this first.'

"Go home Raizel." Reina firmly stated.

"I'll take care of the rest."

(Sir Raizel, you're too exhausted. I believe you already used powers near your limit.) Tao added.

(Reina is... she's pregnant. You may not hear it but she's exhausted too. Who am I to rest when she's still here sacrificing her life.)

"Raizel, they don't need too much energy yet. I can finish this without your help, just rest, please. They need you... I need you." Reina wasn't able to keep a sob from escaping her lips. Raizel is the only parental figure she has left. She cannot even imagine her life without him.

(Reina...) Of course, Reina is far stronger than Raizel because of her parents. 

"Please Raizel."

(Let's destroy them together.) Raizel insisted, he doesn't really want to back down but he's willing to admit that he wants to stay longer to see the kids, to live a peaceful life.

Reina had no choice but to agree, this way she could see how he's faring. She can just destroy the satellite before he can even get there.

"Tao, next coordinate."

(Yes, Miss Reina)


"Sorry for being a nuisance and crashing your party, but not my bad." Lunark smirks at Yuri who only glares at her in return.

"Your face is telling me... you're quite offended." Her smirk turns into a full grin after noticing how sour Yuri's mood became.

"Come on, don't give me that look, you bastard."

She was immediately rush towards the coordinates that Tao gave to them when Muzaka asked Tao if they needed help. Tao told them that he lost contact with the RK and he suspects that they are in a very serious fight, resulting in them accidentally breaking their communication devices.

Tao needs someone to report their status to him because of Reina's worries even though Lazark is with them.

What they didn't know is that the minions around Crombel's hideout are described and distinguished as monsters. They were able to regenerate instantly even after being blown to bits. They were even getting stronger and stronger after receiving damage. The RK are, even with Lazark, are having the hardest time dealing with them... preventing them from helping Frankenstein.

"Where's your boss?" Lunark asked M-21.

"He's currently fighting with Crombel..."

"Miss Reina is worried." Lunark sighs upon seeing Frankenstein rampaging like a wild beast.

"Understandable... they're having a child." Lazark nods his head.

"She's pregnant?! But she is..." ...destroying the satellites with Sir Raizel. Lunark wants to continue but it seems like they do not know what Reina is doing right now. For now, they have to focus on their fight.

"Miss Reina is... what?" M-21 asked.



"No..." Reina's speed exponentially increased upon realizing the building up of energy towards the coordinates Tao gave to them.

(We've got trouble! A satellite has finished charging its energy! It's about to hit the ground!) Tao reported.

(How much time do we have?) Raizel asked.

(It will fire in 20 seconds. And there's a metropolis right below the space occupied by this satellite, home to millions of people. The satellite will blast that city.)

Tao just confirmed what Reina dreaded. Even with her increased speed, she'll have to throw herself against the blast to protect the city.

Reina curses as she tries to make a barrier around the city, a pathetic attempt to save the city.

The three of them watch horrified, as the blast from the sky targets the city, breaking Reina's barrier since it was too weak because of her distance between the city.

Suddenly, a phantom wolf attack collides with the satellite beam, resulting in a massive explosion in mid-air that spares the city from any destruction. Reina felts goosebumps on her skin upon realizing what happened.

"Muzaka?" Raizel utters under his breath, confused.

Shockwaves have been felt as a result of the satellite explosion. Ordinary people are looking up at the sky, wondering what has happened as the ground shakes.

(What happened? The city stands unharmed!) Tao releases a sigh of relief but is still confused as to what miracle saved the city.

Raizel and Reina land in an alley, where they found Muzaka coughing up blood and missing his lower left arm.

"I basically threw myself in there out of hurry. And now I'm a mess." The werewolf clutches his bleeding forearm while breathing heavily.

"Raizel... Why so surprised?" He asked upon noticing his friend and Reina walking towards him.

"Muzaka, your contribution was out of my expectations." Raizel stated while staring at his friend who is healing.

"You didn't expect me to help humans? Well, it's not that I don't understand why you're surprised... But this is no time to pay heed to my feelings, is it? Anyways, how can you block that attack and destroy that weapon so easily, Reina?" Muzaka brushes off the dust on his pants after standing up, completely healed.

"I'm awesome like that." Reina shrugs playfully.

"My power can't reach high enough to destroy the satellites, like you two. So I'm afraid I can't split your jobs. Instead, I can accompany you and give you a claw or two." Raizel looks at his friend, stunned by Muzaka's words.

"Cadis Etrama di Raizel... from this moment, I shall stand with you." Muzaka smiles at him.

Reina taps his shoulder before flying off towards the satellite that just fired the beam.

"She wants to see Frankenstein that bad?" Muzaka shakes his head but follows Reina nonetheless with Raizel who shrugs innocently behind him.

A phantom wolf attacks a beam from one of the attack satellites. The attack's power is sufficient to deflect the beam back into space, destroying the satellite.

"I said I would just give you a claw or two..." Muzaka glares at Reina who smirks at him.

"We destroyed it either way. Different process, same result." Reina boosted his powers by giving her own, making it possible for him and Raizel to destroy the satellite even though it's still in space. Muzaka shakes his head, still not used to how reckless Reina is.

"That was a bloody workout." He looks at his friend.

"Raizel?" Raizel breathes heavily, bleeding...

"You alright, Raizel?" Reina asked, worried.

"Drag him back. Go home, I'll finish this." Reina orders Muzaka who frowns at her.

"But Reina, I heard you're--"

"I'm fine, go." Muzaka had no choice but to drag Raizel home. The Noblesse had no energy to fight him as the werewolf drags him away from Reina. With Muzaka, there's no way Raizel would be in danger. The werewolf was once under Frankenstein's miraculous care, there's a possibility that he's back to his former powerful self.

"Tao, next coordinates."

(Yes, Miss Reina...)

'I miss my husband.' She thought, sighing, before flying towards the coordinates Tao gave.


"Welcome back, Sir Raizel... Welcome, Sir Muzaka..." Tao bows at them after scanning their appearances. Raizel's breathing was turning back to normal while Muzaka is already healed.

"Miss Reina was able to destroy all of the attack satellites... They wouldn't be a threat anymore." He reported as Raizel and Muzaka sat on the couch.

"Reina..." Raizel clenches his fists on his side.

"...she just cannot stay still when you're in that state... She's stubborn like that." Muzaka shakes his head, realizing what Reina did yet again.

"With her abilities, I think she still has a lot of fight in her. Don't worry too much, she's not a kid anymore." Raizel nods before releasing a tired sigh.

"Miss Reina also decided to stop by at Crombel's hideout to oversee the situation." Tao added.

Raizel already knew that since the attack satellites are gone now, there's no need for her to go back to the house. It's obvious that she'll run to her husband to check on him.

"Huh? The door is open." The three of them look at each other upon hearing the familiar voice that was followed by numerous footsteps.

"That's a first."

"It's Tao."

"Rai, we're glad you're here too."

"We're actually here to see you and Reina."

"Uhm, who are you, mister?" Ikhan asked Muzaka.

"I'm Muzaka, one of Raizel's closest friends." He smiles at them after introducing himself. The kids then introduce themselves to him.

"Now, now. Have a seat everyone. I'll go get something to drink." Tao gestures to the seats in front of them.

They settle down on the soft cushioned seats, nervous and fidgeting.

"Uhmm, where is Reina?" Sui asked.

"She currently has something to do..." Muzaka tries to reason.

"Is that so..."

"Listen... we decided to come to see you because there's something we want to ask." Shinwu started.

"Rai... are you and Reina... non-human by any chance?" Ik-han directly asked.

The sudden question catches Raizel, Tao, and Muzaka off guard, while the kids look at Raizel for an answer.

Author's Note:

Hi! So uhm... the next update will be the last chapter for this book before the epilogue. Again, I cannot express my gratitude enough to all of my readers and those who are supporting my work. Thank you for being with me throughout the entirety of the creation of this book.

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