Love in the darkness | A.Ligh...

By alexandra_ab7

460K 10.1K 2.6K

A long time after Clary's arrival, it seems that the things aren't going in the Lightwoods favour. Besides th... More

Author's note
Bonus chapter 1: Happy birthday
Bonus chapter 2: Mundanes are the worst


1.3K 31 17
By alexandra_ab7

Anna was facing one of the monitors while holding a tablet searching for something when Magnus entered the room. Anna sensed his presence and looked at him but then she looked back at the monitor. The atmosphere was tensed and everybody could tell that the two argued over something. Magnus sighed and walked to the blonde.

"Hey, Goldie. Can we talk?" Magnus asked.

"What is it Mr. Bane?" Anna asked not looking at him.

"Look, I know that what I said was wrong. I was just so frustrated over the fact that I don't have my magic back. My magic made me who I am." Magnus said.

"Wrong!" Anna said angry looking at him. "Your magic didn't give me a mother or a father, nor made me feel better when I lost my parents. You did. Just you, being your own self made me feel like I still have a parent left to care for. But with this trade of magic between you and Lorenzo it's game over." Anna said and Magnus just stood silent. Anna sighed and hugged him, surprising the warlock. "I don't want to loose you too. I can't. You represent the last thing of my innocent childhood, please don't do something stupid." Anna said as she sobbed in the crook of his neck.

Magnus hugged her and caressed her hair. "I am not going anywhere Goldie. I am gonna stay here a really long time." Magnus said smiling.

"Promise?" Anna asked as she looked at him with tears in her eyes.

"I promise." Magnus said and they hugged tight. "Now, what are you working on?" Magnus asked.

"Just searching for a better way for you to have magic without it leading to your death." Anna said smirking.

"Goldie, I appreciate what you are doing, but don't you have enough to handle for now? I mean The Lights, The London Institute, the Clave?" Magnus asked a little worried.

"Those are not more important than you and your problems for me." Anna said.

"Annabella Crystal Herondale!" Magnus said serious and Anna stopped smiling. Magnus sighed and gave her a small smiled. "You don't have to worry about me. As I said before, I can handle this." Magnus said.

"How can you be so calm when you know that using somebody else's magic can lead to your death?" Anna asked worried.

"Because I know I am not gonna die. I have been through worse Goldie, trust me." Magnus said and Anna sighed and nodded.

"If you say so." Anna said defeated.

"I do. Now go and be the Shadowhunter and leader you trained to be. Later we are gonna see what we can do about your powers and darkside." Magnus said smiling as he winked.

"Fine. But this discussion is far from over." Anna said pointing at him.

"Bye Anna." Magnus said pushing her gently and Anna rolled her eyes but smiled as she walked away. As she walked around she heard a voice.

"Well well. The golden girl in person." Anna heard a familiar voice and when she turned she saw no other than Aline Penhallow.

"The tricky girl." Anna said smirking and the two laughed and hugged. "What are you doing here?" Anna asked smiling.

"Well, I came to see how my cousins are doing and I heard you are going to take over the position as the Inquisitor soon. Besides, I have to give my opinion about my cousin's girlfriend." Aline said smirking and Anna giggled.

"Right. About me and Alec." Anna said and Aline smiled wide and linked their arms.

"You have to tell me everything. There are rumors that Alec might use you but I know my cousin and I know you. So I want all your love story because from all people from our community, you two look like you were made for each other." Aline said while they started to walk and Anna laughed at the raven girl's enthusiasm.

"Don't tell her that. She already hear that enough from Izzy and Clary." The girls heard Jace's voice and when they looked they saw the blonde smirking with his arms folded.

"Oh shut up. You know it's true. And you love us." Anna said smirking.

"Right. I love to see how my biological older sister and my adoptive older brother kiss all the time." Jace said rolling his eyes but he smirked at the end.

"Right! You two are siblings! I almost forgot. How is it to be an Herondale?" Aline asked Jace.

"You mean feeling more royalty than I thought I was. Pretty good so far." Jace said smirking.

"Right." The girls said together and they looked at each other and smirked.


After some hours Anna saw Clary running out of the Institute. "Clary?" Anna called and saw the redhead with tears in her eyes. "What happened?" Anna asked as she hugged her.

"Aline and me were training and fighting and the....then I....Oh my God." Clary said as she started to sob. Anna knew that the Institute wasn't the place for a breakdown so she pulled Clary out of the building.

"Alright. Look I don't know what happened, but we can figure this out. First try to calm down and we will take a walk and you can tell me what is happening ok?" Anna asked and Clary nodded. She breathed slowly and calmed down. The girls started to walk and Clary told Anna all the situation between her and Aline.

"Is something wrong with me?" Clary asked.

"No. Well, I don't think so. Jace told me about your connection with Jonathan and how sadistic he is. And you told me how Aline was saying bad things about him." Anna said and Clary nodded. "Maybe, your rune is not to just feel what the other is feeling. Maybe the rune is meant to bring you closer to each other." Anna explained and Clary looked confused.

"What do you mean?" Clary asked.

"The rune represent a bond between you nd Jonathan. You two are acting like me and Jace, the think is I am the only one that can feel what he can feel and know when he is hurt or in danger." Anna explained. "The bond, made you act on your sibling instinct. That was to protect your brother and try to hurt the ones who tried to hurt him. Something similar happened to me when I was little." Anna said and Clary nodded.

"What should I do? Jonathan is a villain. Everybody talks bad about him, I can't just attack everyone at the Institute." Clary said worried.

"We need to find a way to separate you and Jonathan as fast as possible." Anna said while they got on a bridge and they looked at the water.

"Beautiful night, isn't it?" Jonathan asked smirking and Anna got her daggers out while she pushed Clary behind her in a protecting way.

"Stay back Jonathan." Anna said sternly and Jonathan smiled.

"I don't want to hurt anyone. Especially you two." Jonathan said with a soft voice.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Clary asked.

"Funny, I was about to ask you the same thing." Jonathan said.

"Was this some kind of trap?" Clary asked getting defensive.

"I don't know. You tell me." Jonathan said looking around. "I find it hard to believe that our meeting is pure coincidence." Jonathan said and Anna looked at him confused.

"What do you mean by that Jonathan?" Anna asked.

"I have no intention on stopping here tonight-I have my own business to take care of. And yet, when I was walking by I felt this sudden urge to stop by. And here you two are. My sister and the one that is meant to be my soulmate." Jonathan said.

Anna scoffed at the name he gave her. "Alright buddy, with the sister thing I agree, but the soulmate part not so much." Anna said.

"Do you think that only Clary is connected to me?" Jonathan asked and Anna looked between the siblings. "You are Hecate, Annabella. I am the next Lucifer Morningstar. Our destinies have been written together. You must have felt the pull too when you stopped here with my sister." Jonathan said and Anna stayed silent looking at him. "I was worried about you lately Anna." Jonathan said as he stepped closer.

"You stay back." Anna said.

"Having to fight your darkside to keep control over yourself and do good." Jonathan said stepping ahead. "But the fear to disappoint is always going to eat you from inside out." Jonathan said stepping ahead as Anna stepped back. Clary got from their way and Jonathan kept walking towards Anna as she backed away only to be stopped by a wall.

"Stay back." Anna said putting her dagger next to his neck.

"Go on. Do it. Kill me." Jonathan said and Anna was ready to do it but something stopped her. "You can't do it." Jonathan said smirking.

"No. I can, but if I cut you Clary will be cut too." Anna said.

"Or maybe, you don't want to hurt me." Jonathan said smirking.

"Step any closer to her and I will call the Institute." Clary warned.

"Shouldn't you have done that already little sister? Or are you enjoying this conversation as much as I do?" Jonathan asked smiling.

"You make me sick, you know that?" Anna asked disgusted.

"And yet, we are destined to be together." Jonathan said getting closer to her. Their faces inches apart.

"This is no destiny Jonathan." Anna said and pushed him away from her. "This is just some stupid rune, and you somehow developed a strange obsession with me and now you call it destiny. This is not healthy." Anna said trying to explain but Jonathan just looked at her.

"I know that deep down you feel something for me Anna. I know that you love me." Jonathan said softly stepping closer to her. "That's why you haven't turn me in yet." Jonathan said and Anna grabbed tighter her knives in frustration. She launched at him and put her knife against his throat.

"Don't say a damn thing or I swear I will kill you." Anna said, her eyes shinning silver as her symbol shinned on her forehead.

"Fascinating. You have so much power but you don't let it shine." Jonathan said amazed by her. Anna pulled away from him and put her hands on her head.

"Stop playing mind games with me Jonathan!" Anna said angry as Jonathan stepped closer to her and taking one of her hands in his.

"Come with me. Please." Jonathan said with pleading eyes and a soft voice. "I know a part of you wants to." Jonathan said and Anna almost gave in looking in his beautiful blue eyes until an image of Alec came in her mind and she pulled away from him.

"No part of me or Clary wants to be any closer to you." Anna said angry and Jonathan looked down with a sad expression, until he looked back at the blonde with a serious face.

"For now, but we will see in time. Until then, I still have an appointment to keep." Jonathan said as he passed by Anna and walked away.

"What just happened?" Clary asked stepping closer to Anna.

"I have no idea, but for out safety we better stay away from Jonathan at all costs." Anna said and she and Clary started to run to the Institute.

Back at the Institute Anna walked in Alec's office where she found Alec and Maya talking. "Hey." Maya said.

"Hey. Heard you killed a vampire maniac. Congrats." Anna said smirking and Maya nodded.

"So, that's it?" Maya asked Alec.

"Suit yourself. You didn't break any laws." Alec said.

"Bet you wanna celebrate that. Alec doesn't let anything slide that easy." Anna said smirking while folding her arms.

Maya giggled and nodded to Alec as she made her way to the door. She then turned to Alec and pointed to Anna. "I like her." Maya said and walked out.

"How are you?" Alec said sitting at the desk.

"Good. I was on a walk with Clary and I just got back." Anna said walking behind him and starting to massage his shoulders. Alec relaxed and let his head fall back. Anna smiled and kissed him slowly down his neck. Alec then turned his chair and pulled her in his lap kissing her hungrily. Anna smiled in the kiss, and so did Alec, as his hands were keeping Anna still and Anna's hands were tangling in his hair.

"Alec, babe." Anna said and Alec looked at her.

"I think we should take it to bed." Anna said and Alec smiled and nodded but Anna stopped him. "After I go to see how Magnus is doing." Anna said smiling. Alec groaned and rolled his eyes.

"You really have to?" Alec asked.

"Yes. I just need to check on him and how he is feeling." Anna informed.

"Didn't he told you to not worry so much about him?" Alec asked impatient.

"Alec, he is my father. He made a deal that can bring him death. All I am asking is to just see if he is ok." Anna said frustrated.

"Ok. Ok. I will come with you." Alec said and Anna smiled. They got up and walked out of the office and down the hallway to the warlock's room. When they got in front of it Anna knocked but there was no answer.

"Maybe he went to sleep?" Alec asked.

"Go to sleep? Alec, it's Magnus. He never go to sleep at this hour." Anna said and opened the door. "Magnus? Are you there?" Anna asked and she saw the lights were out. She pull the switch on and what she saw shocked her. Magnus, on the ground, his nose bleeding and his eyes close. "No no no no no no no. This is not happening. Magnus!" Anna said as she run to him and kneeled next to him.

"I will call for help." Alec said and run to the infirmary.

"Come on Mags. Open your eyes dad. You can't leave me too. Not you." Anna said crying. "Please Magnus! Please wake up." Anna said shaking him. "Wake up Magnus! WAKW UP!" Anna said crying. 

People rushed in and they put Magnus on a barrow and took him to the infirmary. Alec came in and kept Anna in his arms. "Magnus please wake up! WAKE UP!" Anna yelled as she cried. Damn it." Anna whispered as she hit the floor.

"He is going to be ok Bella. He is gonna be fine." Alec said as he tried to calm her down but Anna continued to cry in his shirt.

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