Love in the darkness | A.Ligh...

By alexandra_ab7

460K 10.1K 2.6K

A long time after Clary's arrival, it seems that the things aren't going in the Lightwoods favour. Besides th... More

Author's note
Bonus chapter 1: Happy birthday
Bonus chapter 2: Mundanes are the worst


2K 55 26
By alexandra_ab7

Anna was now standing up and in front of them were staying at least 20 kids.

"Anna how was your trip?"

"How is New York?"

"Did you bring us something?"

"Who are these people?"

"Alright guys, stop!" Anna said stopping the kids. "I am happy to see you all and I missed you all too. This is Clary and Izzy, my friends, Magnus, the person who raised me, Jace my little brother and Alec my boyfriend." Anna explained.

Two girls got next to Magnus and looked up at him. "This is the guy that raised you? The warlock?" They asked.

"Yep. He is." Anna said.

"He is cute." The girls said in unison.

"They are Kayla and Katty, they are twins and they are...." Anna said and then on the girls's foreheads appeared green scaly. "Warlocks." Anna said smiling.

Some girls came next to Jace and looked at him. "Your brother is handsome Anna!" The girls said and Jace smiled and while he was distracted the girls got his weapons and handed them to Anna.

"What the-" Jace asked shocked.

"First rules in a fight, always keep your guard up, and always know to apply a good distraction." A girl that looked like 12 said next to Anna.

"Thank you girls. Guys, these are Ashley, Olivia and Madison. Olivia and Ashley are warlocks too and Madison (the 12 years old girl) is a Shadowhunter that just got her Angelic rune." Anna said smiling proud.

"They caught you." Izzy said smirking to Jace.

"Yeah Izzy, I can see that." Jace said annoyed and got his weapons.

The a little boy like 13 or maybe 14 got in front of Alec with his arms folded. 

"Can I help you?" Alec asked him.

"I should be the one asking this?" The boy asked serious.

"Excuse me?" Alec asked confused.

"What are your intentions with Anna?" The little boy asked.

"Yeah? How come you are her boyfriend? What makes you some special?" Another boy asked.

"Boys, behave. They are guests." Anna said with a smirk.

"But the girls could play with them." The first boy asked.

"Dominic, Jason. I won't repeat myself." Anna said with a stern voice. The boys bowed their heads in shame.

"Yes Anna." They said in unison.

Anna smiled at them and kneeled and hugged them. "I can't be mad at my little boys." Anna said while hugging them tight.

"Crystal has a weakness for the little boys. She always like to spoil them and made the girls stronger." Sophie whispered. "I bet she wish to have a little boy as a kid in the future." Sophie said and winked at Alec and Alec smiled as he looked at Anna talking with the kids.

"Alright, it was nice talking but I need to see how the Institute was while I was gone." Anna said getting up.

"Umm Cristy Crist. It's Saturday." Sophie told Anna and Anna then face palmed.

"Right I forgot." Anna said smiling and then she turned to the kids. "Alright guys, I need to show my friends their rooms and change. Be ready in an hour and then we can go." Anna promised the kids.

"Ok." They all said and some entered in portals while others walked away.

"How many warlocks were they?" Izzy asked Anna.

"Hmmm I think 12/20." Anna said and everybody looked at her shocked. "What?" Anna asked.

"How are they here?" Alec asked.

"As a new leader I decided to imply new rules. One of my first actions as an Head was to make an arrangement with the Downworlders. I am willing to offer shelter for the warlocks if they are willing to help us in missions and with portals." Anna said smiling.

"That way, we were able to get quicker at the location where we found the demon." Sophie said smiling as she rested an elbow on Anna's shoulder. The strange thing was that if Sophie was having a brighter shade of blonde and brighter blue eyes she and Anna could be named almost twins.

"It was hard for the first year but when we saw the progress of the Institute we saw the work with the Downworlders as a pro so I decided that I will offer shelter not only to the kids but adults also." Anna said proud.

"And the best Shadowhunters here are training the warlocks to defend themselves and others in need. Besides, Crystal has told us about a game she and Magnus played so she could train and that game became the base of the training here in London." Sophie informed smiling to her friend.

"You are helping the warlocks? You are raising them?" Magnus asked shocked.

"Of course Magnus. A warlock raised me, it's the least I could do for what you offered me." Anna said smiling and Magnus hugged her.

"You really are like your mother." Magnus whispered.

"Thanks Magnus." Anna said and smiled.

"So, what was Sophie talking about Saturday?" Clary asked curious.

"Oh, Saturday is the day I am going out with the kids. Taking them to the ice ring, ice cream maybe the playground. Sometimes when it's hot I take them to pool." Anna said smiling.

"You take a day off every week and give a day off for everyone when it's your birthday? Don't you think that there can be a demon?" Jace asked.

"As Cristy Crist said before, with the help of the warlocks we got a lot of help with the missions, and the demon attacks are not so many." Sophie explained.

"Cristy Crist?" Alec asked.

"It's Sophie's name for Crystal." A voice said and Anna turned to see a man.

"Zack!" Anna said smiling and hugged him. "I missed you!" 

"I missed you too Blessed Child. I see you brought guests." Zack said.

"I see that some people are still calling you the Blessed Child." Magnus said smirking.

"What can I say? You can't say that the nickname doesn't suit me." Anna said smirking.

"Zack Meredid. Pleasure to meet you." Zack said while shakicg everybody's hands.

"You too." They said in unison. 

Zack then walked next to Sophie and snaked his arm around her waist. Anna saw it and gasped.

"By the Angel?! You two?" Anna said pointing to the two. "And you didn't tell me. Sophie we have a long talk ahead of us." Anna said with a huge smile on her face.

"I can't have it any other way." Sophie smirked.

"Anyway, I have to get my luggage in my room. So see you later." Anna said and walked away.

When the couple saw Anna gone it got closer to Anna's friends. "Ok. Listen up. This year is special year for Anna and as always we are going to celebrate her birthday with a party." Zack said.

"This year the theme is a huge secret and we need you all for help." Sophie said.

"We will help. Just tell us what to do." Alec said.

"I like this guy." Zack said nodding to Alec.

"Alright, Anna once told me that she loved masquerade balls and the theme of this year's party will be that." Sophie informed.

"We need to keep Anna far away from the Institute as long as possible for us to prepare the party." Zack said.

"That's where you came in pretty boy." Sophie smirked.

"Me?" Alec asked.

"Yep. You and the kids are going to keep Anna from the Institute and you will bring her back at 6 p.m." Sophie instructed.

"So you are saying that we will have to keep Anna busy for 6 hours?" Alec asked.

"Don't you think she will get a little suspicious?" Magnus asked.

"Yeah, I mean it's her birthday and she will probably like to spend it with us." Jace explained.

"That's why we are sending her boyfriend with her." Zack said smirking.

"What about us? Won't she want to be with us too?" Izzy asked.

"Yeah, but we will tell her that Magnus would like to meet the warlocks here, Jace would like to try the weapons here, Izzy and Clary would like to hear stories about Anna from the past." Sophie said smirking.

"My sister is not that stupid. She will suspect something." Jace said rolling his eyes.

"Believe it or not Blondie, but Crystal would trust me with everything. You might be her little brother but no one know her like me. Not even that pretentious Shadowhunter Erik who says that he knows her and that he is her childhood friend knows her better than me." Sophie said with a devilish smirk.

"Alright. I believe you." Jace said and then Anna got down with the kids giggling and laughing.

"Well guys, we are going. We should be back around 4." Anna said smiling as she was holding hands with two little boys.

"How about I come too?" Alec asked smiling.

"You want to come?" Anna asked confused.

"Of course. I can't refuse the sight of you and little kids together. To cute to resist." Alec said as he picked a little girl up.

"Well thanks. It will be easier to handle the kids then. How about you?" Anna asked the others.

"Zack was going to show me the weapons you have here." Jace said smirking.

"I want to meet the others warlocks here." Magnus said smiling.

"Me and Clary are going to spend time with your other best friend." Izzy said while putting her arms around Sophie's and Clary's shoulders.

"Ok then. I guess it's just us." Anna said smiling and Alec smiled at her while nodding.

The kids started to walk behind leaving Anna and Alec walking behind them. Ana holding hands with a little boy and Alec holding a little girl in his arms. When they were out Sophie smiled.

"You might call me crazy, but I already see the little Crystal and Alec running in a house of their own." Sophie said and Jace smirked.

"I agree." Jace said smirking.

"Ok guys, we have 5 hours to prepare everything so let's do this!" Zack yelled and everybody started to run around.


After walking some time Anna, Alec and the kids arrived at an ice ring. The kids put their ice skates and Anna got her own. She and the kids got on the ice and they started to laugh when Anna looked at Alec that wasn't on the ice yet.

"What are you doing?" Anna asked getting closer to him.

"I am uh....warming up yeah." Alec said and he started bend to left and to right.

Anna chuckled and reach out an hand for him. "You know I don't like liars. Besides I can teach you to skate. All you need to do is ask." Anna said smirking. Alec nodded and took her hand finally stepping on the ice. He started to make baby steps and Anna smiled. "That's right. You are doing great." Anna said while giggling.

"You think so?" Alec asked unsure.

"Of course I do. Now right left right left." Anna instructed while she stood beside him and he obeyed her. "That's it." Anna said laughing.

"Hey I am doing it! I am really doing-" Alec said happily but then he made a wrong move and fell on his back and because he hold Anna's hand he pulled her down with him. "it." Alec finished.

Anna laughed and got off him and stood on her back in the ice laughing. "It's hard, but not impossible." Anna said.

"You are right. " Alec said and got up. He then hold his hand out for her and Anna hold it and Alec pushed her up. While standing a guy skated around Anna and somehow pushed her. Anna loosed her balance and fell in Alec's arms. She looked up and saw that their faces lips were inches away. "Hey.." Anna whispered while smiling.

"Hey." Alec said smiling and then he kissed her softly.

"Ewww." they heard voices said and they pulled away smiling while hearing the kids. 

"I think I need to drink some water, do you want some?" Anna asked.

"Sure. I will come with you." Alec said and they skated to the dressing room. Anna pulled him close and kissed him hungrily and then pulled away smirking. 

"I needed that." Anna whispered and Alec smiled and nodded. They got water and returned to the kids.

"Finally." Katty said.

"Oh shut up." Anna said smirking.

Alec looked at the phone and saw it was 3:45 p.m. He sighed and then looked at the kids. 

"How about we go eat ice cream after this?" Alec asked smiling.

"Yeah!" The kids yelled and Anna laughed.

"Alright. Just to not be too late to get back. I still have work to do." Anna sighed.

"You give the day off to everybody and you still work." Kayla said while pouting.

"Because the Institute is my castle Kayla and you are all are my people. I am the leader, and a good leader knows that everyone is safe before he rest." Anna explained while smiling.

"I think you are right. But you did so much Anna and you still get no rest." Kayla said.

"I don't need rest when I sad everybody smiling." Anna said rubbing her cheek. "Now let's go and get that ice cream." Anna said smiling.

The kids and Alec followed Anna and soon they were in front of and idea cream stand. The kids ordered the flavors they wanted and then started to eat the ice creams.

"You two should order the 'Couple Cream' " Jason said.

"Couple Cream?" Alec asked confused.

"Yeah, it's a mix of flavors, and the colors are representing the couple." Anna said smiling.

"Sounds good. Let's try." Alec said and they walked to the stand. "One Couple Cream please." Alec ordered.

"Alright then. A globe of dark chocolate for Mr.'s hair, lemon for Miss's hair. Mint for Mr.'s eyes and bubblegum for Miss's eyes. Now peach for Mr.'s lips and Starwberries for Miss's lips. And done. It would be 12 £." The girl said.

"Here." Anna said and give her the money as she took the big bowl of icecream.

"This is a lot of ice cream." Alec said.

"Well then, you should start eating." Anna said smiling and Alec chuckled and started to say the ice cream.

When they were ready Alec could see the clock reading just 4:25 and they were at a 20 minutes walk from the Institute.

"Well guys, we should go now." Anna decided as she stood up.

"Umm...Anna? How about going to the beach?" Madison asked.

"I don't know Mady. Maybe another day. It's getting late." Anna said.

"Please...."The kids said while giving her the puppy eyes.

"Ummm..." Anna said and looked at Alec for help but Alec shook his head. "Fine. But we are not staying much." Anna said and they started to walk.

Some of the kids were still eating their ice creams. Soon Olivia came at Anna.

"Anna! I saw a puppy! It was so cute!" Olivia said smiling bright with her face full of ice cream.

Anna giggled and bended down on her knees at Olivia's level and got out an handkerchief.

"Really? And how was it?" Anna asked with a smile on her face. Olivia started to tell her about the dog while Anna was leaning her face. "Alright Olivia. You are good to go now." Anna said to the little girl and everybody started to walk. The kids ahead and Anna and Alec behind.

"You know what? You are gonna be a wonderful mother." Alec said smiling to her.

"I don't know what to say about that. Seeing my history about my parents and how my relationship with my grandma is, I kind of think I am a little mess up." Anna said.

"Well, I can't say I have the perfect family or parents either." Alec cinfessed and Anna nodded. "The thing is, when you will start your own family you know you won't be on your own." Alec said smiling and hold Anna's hand.

Anna looked at him and then at her hands. She then looked back at him, she smiled and then she nodded.

They arrived at the beach and the kids got in the water and started to play. One of the little warlocks thought it would be fun to try and control the water. But in the end Anna and Alec were soaked wet.

"You gotta be kidding me!" Anna said angry. "Who did this?" Anna pointed to her art clothes.

Soon two kids come in front and Anna looked at them dissapointed.

"What did I told you about using powers when we are out of the Institute?" Anna asked her hands folded to her chest.

"That we need to be careful with them. Because we can hurt somebody and then we can make someone sad." One mod answered.

"That's right. Now we will get back to the Institute and you two won't get dessert at dinner." Anna scoffed and made a portal.

Alec then looked at the the watch and he saw it read 6:05 p.m. And sighed in relief. Everybody entered the portal and ended up in front of the Institute. When Anna walked in everybody jumped.

"SURPRISE!" Everyone shouted and Anna was in pure shock.

Everyone looked then confused at her war figure and Sophie decided to break the silence.

"Damn it Alec! I told you to distract her, not to get her sick." Sophie said annoyed.

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