Fate's Bite: A Vampire Hetal...

By Aph_Drabbles

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Fate's Bite is a story following a young woman who just returned from years of boarding school abroad. Pressu... More

Main Prologue
Kiku Dark Prologue
Ludwig Dark Prologue
Feliciano Vargas: Dark Prologue
Yao Wang: Dark Prologue
Alfred: Dark Prologue
Arthur: Dark Prologue
Francis Bonnefoy: Dark Prologue
Ivan Braginski: Dark Prologue
Alfred: 01
Kiku: 01
Feliciano: 01
Arthur: 01
Francis: 01
Ivan: 01
Ludwig: 01
Yao: 01
Alfred: 02
Arthur: 02
Feliciano: 02
Francis: 02
Ivan: 02
Kiku: 02
Ludwig: 02
Yao: 02
Alfred: 03
Arthur: 03
Feliciano: 03
Francis: 03
Ivan: 03
Kiku: 03
Ludwig: 03
Yao: 03
Arthur: 04
Feliciano: 04
Francis: 04
Ivan: 04
Kiku: 04
Ludwig: 04
Yao: 04
Part 05: Dreams and Memories
Alfred: 05
Arthur: 05
Feliciano: 05
Francis: 05
Ivan: 05
Kiku: 05
Ludwig: 05
Yao: 05
Demo is Out!!
Alfred: 06
Arthur: 06
Feliciano: 06
Francis: 06
Ivan: 06
Kiku: 06
Ludwig: 06
Yao: 06
Alfred: 07
Arthur: 07
Lover's Dalliance: One-shot Series
Feliciano: 07
Game Release: Chapters 0-5
Francis: 07
Ivan: 07
Kiku: 07
Ludwig: 07
Yao: 07
Note for 08
Alfred: 08
:Full Route:
Ivan: 08
Ivan: 09
Ivan: 10
Game Update
Ivan: 11
Ivan: 12
Ivan: 13
Ivan: 14
Ivan: 15
Ivan: 16
Ivan: 17
Ivan: 18
Ivan: 19
Ivan: 20 (Final)
Game Update: Play Ivan's Route
Yao: 08
Yao: 09
Yao: 10
Yao: 11
Yao: 12
Yao: 13
Yao: 14
Yao: 15
Yao: 16
Yao: 17
Yao: 18
Yao: 19 (END)
Arthur: 08
Arthur: 09
Fate's Bite: One Shots (Suggest/Vote)
One-Shot: Cold-blooded Life
Arthur: 10
Arthur: 11
Arthur: 12 (Trigger Warning!)
Arthur: 13
Arthur: 14

One-Shot: Spring Cleaning

159 6 0
By Aph_Drabbles

Ludwig x Reader

PG-13 for 'heated' situation(s)


The mansion was quiet, save for the methodical sound of the broom coming from the kitchen. It appears it's just Ludwig and I today, the rest of the men leaving for various reasons. I stopped working, tablecloth runner bunched in my hands.

Ludwig was still hard at work in the kitchen, just out of sight.

He really is a hard worker.

The past few weeks he's even been helping me with the chores, though I'm unsure whether that's from kindness or if I'm merely not up to his standards. It's been nice, though, to have someone around to share the load with.

Ludwig: Have you finished?

I jumped, startled by his sudden appearance.

Reader: Yes, the dining room is done.

He eyed me for a moment, gaze unreadable. Why is it always so difficult to know what the man is thinking? After all this time, I still have no clue.

He let out a brisk sigh, leaning the broom against the wall before heading towards me.

Reader: Is-is something the matter?

I don't think I've messed up this time...and I've gotten better at cleaning too. He stopped right in front of me, reminding me of his tall stature. I craned my neck to look at him, confusion on my face.

Ludwig: No matter how many times I instruct you, you never fail to forget the most important part of cleaning.

The most important part?

As I pondered over what I had forgotten, a light sensation crawled over my arm. I jerked back, bumping against the table. He stood before me with a slightly amused expression before revealing the feather duster in his hand.

Reader: Oh...right.

I went to take the duster from his hand but he moved it slightly out of reach, fluidly stepping closer, trapping me against the dinner table.

Reader: Ludwig?

He was so close that his body was almost pressed against mine, something unusual in his hard eyes; they seemed to be softer, more playful than the sternness they usually bore.

I jumped as the feather duster once again met my skin, his hand trailing it down my arm.

Reader: What are you-

He cut me off by delicately trailing it down my neck, tracing the curvature of my collarbone.

Reader: Stop, it tickles.

This is far too strange! What sort of thought does he have running through his head? Is he sick? I gathered the confidence to peek up at him, surprised to see his cheeks dusted a light pink.

Ludwig: With this, will you remember how important it is to dust?

He finally spoke, leaning in closer towards my ear.

Ludwig: How important it is to get in every nook and cranny, not leaving a single speck behind?

He asked, trailing the feathers down my neck slowly yet purposefully.

Reader: I-I promise I won't forget, so can you stop?

I timidly questioned.

Ludwig: Have you forgotten your manners as well?

Reader: Please!

He stopped moving for a few moments before placing the duster onto the table.

My body felt hot and strange, the air awkward between us. Doing something like this when he barely speaks to me is something I had never pictured him doing!

Ludwig: You are by far the most air-headed human I've ever met. I think it's time for a little training.

Reader: Training?

Ludwig: Now,

He announced in an authoritative voice

Ludwig: Let's get started, shall we?


Ludwig rolled his shirt sleeves back to his elbows as he spoke.

Ludwig: For every question you answer incorrectly, you'll be properly punished. Pain seems to be the only thing you respond to.

Reader: That's not true!

He ignored me, crossing his arms.

Ludwig: What do you do first, sweep or mop?

Sweep or mop? Is that what he's really asking me?

Reader: Sweep.

Ludwig: Correct. When organizing the refrigerator, in which order do you stack the food?

Reader: Uh, the meats go on the bottom, with vegetables and fruit above them or in a separate drawer.

Ludwig: Correct. Which two cleaning products, when mixed, create Chloroform?

How would I know that?!

Reader: Umm...bleach and...ammonia?

Ludwig: Is that a question?

Reader: No?

He let out a sigh.

Ludwig: That's incorrect. The mixture of rubbing alcohol and bleach create Chloroform. As our maid, it's useful to know so you don't end up accidentally poisoning yourself or others.

Was he...worried about me?

Ludwig: Would you rather have your punishment now, or after you've finished the questions?

Reader: P-punishment? Don't you think you're taking this a bit too far?

I asked while trying to subtly widen the gap between us.

Ludwig: Not at all.

His voice was firm yet un-harsh, as though he believed his words 100%.

Ludwig: It only takes one mistake to get injured. Or worse.

Or worse? I got the impression he wasn't referring to cleaning anymore, but had no clue as to what.

Ludwig: I've decided, you'll get your punishment now.

Reader: W-what?!

I took several steps back, no longer trapped beside the long table. No...no, he can't do this. I swallowed down unpleasant memories, yet unable to remove the lump in my throat.

Ludwig had taken several steps towards me, slowly yet unwavering.

I couldn't move, legs trembling beneath me.

Why... Why does he have to...

The sound of his footsteps coming to a stop broke through my thoughts.

Ludwig: Are you...are you scared?

My eyes widened, fingers jerking slightly.

I closed my eyes while I spat back,

Reader: Of-of course I'd be! Anyone would in this situation...

Ludwig:.... I'm sorry. It wasn't my intention to scare you, _.

I peered up at him through dewy lashes, met by a solemn yet apologetic face.

Ludwig: I know I easily get caught up in rules, but they're there for your protection.

He was less solemn now, speaking truly from the heart. He let out a sigh before continuing.

Ludwig: This too isn't just an excuse for me to bully you. There are real dangers, whether that's handling sharp utensils or hazardous chemicals.

He really WAS worried for me.

Reader: I'm sorry, too.

He looked over at me, surprised.

Reader: I suppose I've forced you to be hard on me, by not taking things serious enough. I don't have much experience with any of this, so it'd be devastating if I accidentally hurt someone because of my carelessness.

He sighed with a soft chuckle, stepping closer. I closed my eyes, only to open them in surprise at the feeling of him softly patting my head.

Reader: L-ludwig?

I asked nervously, feeling the blush creep up to my cheeks.

Ludwig: I was wrong to think you only learned through bad experiences.

Reader: Huh?

Ludwig: Though now that I think about it...

He trailed off, blue eyes moving toward the long dining table. When they met mine they were full of mischief.

Ludwig: Let's see how serious you were, hm?


Reader: Ah!

I let out a soft gasp, trying to quell my voice. I could only glare at Ludwig who stood beside me, feather duster in hand.

This is the worst! He had ordered me to reclean the dining room, ready to punish me if I messed up. Since dinner is hours from now, he's pretty much free to antagonize me without being interrupted.

Ludwig: Should I consider your malicious stare as insubordination?

My lips formed a thin line, turning my head back towards the ground. I gripped the coarse brush tighter, scrubbing the wooden floorboards with all my might.

If I didn't do it to his liking, Ludwig would punish me with that damned feather duster. Luckily my clothes didn't leave much of me exposed, yet it still brought me no comfort.

Ah, my knees hurt.

Despite what he said earlier, he definitely DOES take please in bullying me.

Reader: Mng?!

I rolled my shoulders as a tickling sensation kissed the back of my neck.

Ludwig: Focus on the task at hand. Letting your mind wander is a recipe for disaster.

I grimaced, glad he couldn't quite see it as I faced the floor. But how much does he expect me to clean, and by hand no less?!

Briefly closing my eyes, I tried to just empty my mind and clean. Long strokes. Scrub out any scuff marks. Circular strokes centered on marks help ease the work compared to vertical ones.

I flinched at the tickling sensation on my back calf. I spun around, Ludwig crouching beside me.

Reader: What was that for?

Ludwig: Closing your eyes during work... Are you taking this seriously?

Reader: Of course I am! It's hard to focus when you keep touching me with that THING...

Ludwig: I wouldn't have to if you did it properly.

Reader: Maybe you'd like to do it then, if you're such a perfectionist.

Ludwig: Then you'll never learn.

I let out a heated sigh.

Reader: Still, you can't expect me to clean this entire room by myself!

Ludwig: Why not? I've done it before.

Reader: You're inhuman,

I muttered under my breath.

Reader: I doubt you even get tired.

He was silent for awhile; the only sound was of the brush bristles against wood.

Before I knew what was happening, his hand was on mine, lightly yet firmly grasping my own as I was turned around, laying on the floor on my back.

Ludwig hovered over me, hand still on mine as I loosely held the brush. I was too shocked to even call out, captivated in silence at the view before me.

Reader: Ludwig?

I asked, finally finding my voice.

A few strands of his hair fell forward, blue eyes unreadable. A slow heat engulfed my body, up to my ears.

I tried to move my hand but he gripped firmer, keeping me in place.

Reader: What-what are you playing at?

Ludwig: You're right, I somehow keep forgetting the fact you're human.

I froze, swallowing.

Does he plan to...?

Ludwig: I won't force you to finish cleaning the rest. However, that means you'll have to take the rest of your training now.

Reader: Training?

The word had barely left my mouth before I felt that sensation once more, body going rigid in response.

Ludwig firmly held my hand in place above my head on the floor, the other brandishing his weapon of choice.

He hovered the duster above my ankles, to the point where it was just touching me. I tried rubbing them together, fidgety at the odd feeling.

He didn't even bother looking, hand knowing exactly where to go as he slowly trailed up my body.

Reader: Ah, stop.

I plead, tickling my shins. Then he circled one of my knees before climbing the other leg.

I tried to think straight but couldn't, head trapped in a fog.

Reader: Ah!

I gasped, him tracing the length of my arm, up to my fingertips.

Reader: Stop, please.

Ludwig: Hm? Why should I? Give me a solid reason.

Reader: F-feels funny.

Ludwig: Funny, you say. You'll have to be more specific.

I leaned my head back as the duster kissed my neck, digging into my collarbone.

Reader: Mnn... Don't like it.

I said, albeit unconvincingly.

I let out a gasp as the feathers dug between my legs.

Reader: Sto-

I couldn't finish the word, voice gone. Ludwig manipulated the duster, tickling my thighs underneath my maid uniform.

Reader: Not there!

Ludwig: No? Then how about here?

He brought it back to my neck, moving in circles. He forced the tip of it to push the collar of my shirt open wider, rubbing it over the top of my chest.

I unknowingly had begun rubbing my legs together, entire body hyperaware to his touch.

Reader: Mm... Ludwig, please. I can't take it anymore.

He raised an eyebrow.

Ludwig: Please what?

My head felt light, losing strength in my body. How did this even start? I can't seem to remember how or why this happened.

Ludwig leaned down closer, breath fanning against my face.

Ludwig: Your skin is so beautiful, so pink...

I could feel my insides grow warm at his words. His hand focused the attention on my neck, rubbing in tight, powerful circles.

I let out a light moan, slowly moving my head side to side. I tried to hide my neck with weak hands but he pushed the duster against me with more force.

He finally stopped, staring down at my skin that was now a bright, agitated pink.

I immediately knew what he wanted but I had no strength to stop him. He lowered his head, burying his nose against my neck. He turned his head slightly, cool lips sending a new sensation rippling throughout my body.

Ludwig closed his eyes, inhaling deep as he rubbed his face along my neck. Ah, I don't know how much more of this I can take! How did it get twisted into this?

Ludwig: I want to suck your blood. Please _, say I can.

He gently kissed my neck, sending a shudder down my spine.

Ludwig: I won't force you this time. If you say no I'll walk away.

What type of game was he playing? I don't know what's going on anymore.

Slowly, I touched his cheek, making him look me in the eyes.

Reader: Just like this.

His eyes widened slightly before he burrowed into my neck again. I bit my lip as the tip of his fangs raked against my skin, offset as he began sucking on my neck in short bursts.

Having left a mark, he moved the brush near my hand to the side, engulfing mine in his. I shut my eyes tight at what was about to come next.

Reader: Agh!

I moaned loudly, a mix of a gasp and groan of pain. I felt my blood begin to dribble down, sting sharp.

Reader: Lud-

Is all I managed to get out, him removing his fangs. I moaned slightly as he lapped up the flowing blood with his tongue, sending shivers throughout my body. I rubbed my knees together as he licked and sucked at the fresh wound, large hand still holding mine.

Ludwig: It's taking every ounce of restraint not to bite into you.

He admitted, voice husky as he spoke against my skin. My entire body trembled, shivering yet on fire.

Our eyes met, a faint trail of red staining the corner of his mouth. He seemed to be in pain. The small wound on my neck had already stopped bleeding.

I looked back up to see Ludwig's face turned to the side. He bit his lip hard enough to draw blood, sucking his own.

I frowned, reaching out to him. I put both hands on either side of his face, turning him to look me in the eyes.

Reader: You've been amazing...so gentle, it hurts me to see you in so much pain.

I ran my thumb along his lip, smearing a droplet of blood.

Reader: Don't ever hurt yourself for my sake.

I lowered my hands, unbuttoning a few of the buttons on my shirt, pulling it wide open with my hands.

Ludwig: _..!

I dropped my hands to the floor, no strength left anywhere to be found. He watched my chest rise and fall with each breath, top of my chest exposed.

Ludwig: Ah, _!

He dove down, offering a quick kiss against my neck before digging in his fangs. I let out a short scream, head instantly light.

My body was hot, shivering, trembling.

Reader: Nng...

I grit my teeth as he sank his fangs in deeper, loudly gulping up my blood. I could feel my blood pour out into his mouth, lips locked against my skin so as to not spill a drop.

Ludwig: _...

He called in between heavy breaths. A stinging sensation pricked my neck as he slowly removed his fangs.

Reader: Mng!

I moaned in surprise as his lips met mine. The flavor of rust filled my mouth before he pulled away, eyes unreadable.

He kissed me again, soft and short. He turned his attention to the bite mark on my neck, wound pulsating.

His wet tongue roved over my skin; like a dog, he cleaned up any traces of the crimson liquid.

I could feel my head grow foggier, body grow heavier. I was now nothing more than a doll.

Feeling myself beginning to fade into unconsciousness, I called out his name one last time before succumbing to darkness.

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