The Emperor's Concubine

By JiHoneyLee

90.3K 3.2K 105

The Emperor's Concubine duology. Book one and two are combined. *** The Emperor's Concubine *** The world see... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Chapter Sixty-Eight
Chapter Sixty-Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy-One
Chapter Seventy-Two
Chapter Seventy-Three
Chapter Seventy-Four
Chapter Seventy-Five
Chapter Seventy-Six
Chapter Seventy-Seven
Chapter Seventy-Eight
Chapter Seventy-Nine
Chapter Eighty
Chapter Eighty-One
Chapter Eighty-Two
Chapter Eighty-Three
Chapter Eighty-Four
Chapter Eighty-Five
Chapter Eighty-Six
Chapter Eighty-Seven
Chapter Eighty-Nine
Chapter Ninety
Chapter Ninety-One
Chapter Ninety-Two
Chapter Ninety-Three
Chapter Ninety-Four
(First Book Finale) Chapter Ninety-Five
The Emperor's Concubine 2
B.2 Chapter One
B.2 Chapter Two
B.2 Chapter Three
B.2 Chapter Four
B.2 Chapter Five
B.2 Chapter Six
B.2 Chapter Seven
B.2 Chapter Eight
B.2 Chapter Nine
B.2 Chapter Ten
B.2 Chapter Eleven
B.2 Chapter Twelve
B.2 Chapter Thirteen
B.2 Chapter Fourteen
B.2 Chapter Fifteen
B.2 Chapter Sixteen
B.2 Chapter Seventeen
B.2 Chapter Eighteen
B.2 Chapter Nineteen
B.2 Chapter Twenty
B.2 Chapter Twenty-One
B.2 Chapter Twenty-Two
B.2 Chapter Twenty-Three
B.2 Chapter Twenty-Four
B.2 Chapter Twenty-Five
B.2 Chapter Twenty-Six
B.2 Chapter Twenty-Seven
B.2 Chapter Twenty-Eight
B.2 Chapter Twenty-Nine
B.2 Chapter Thirty
B.2 Chapter Thirty-One
B.2 Chapter Thirty-Two
B.2 Chapter Thirty-Three
B.2 Chapter Thirty-Four
B.2 Chapter Thirty-Five
B.2 Chapter Thirty-Six
B.2 Chapter Thirty-Seven
B.2 Chapter Thirty-Eight
B.2 Chapter Thirty-Nine
B.2 Chapter Forty
B.2 Chapter Forty-One
B.2 Chapter Forty-Two
B.2 Chapter Forty-Three
B.2 Chapter Forty-Four
B.2 Chapter Forty-Five
B.2 Chapter Forty-Six
B.2 Chapter Forty-Seven
B.2 Chapter Forty-Eight
B.2 Chapter Forty-Nine
B.2 Chapter Fifty
B.2 Chapter Fifty-One
B.2 Chapter Fifty-Two
B.2 Chapter Fifty-Three
B.2 Chapter Fifty-Four
B.2 Chapter Fifty-Five
B.2 Chapter Fifty-Six
B.2 Chapter Fifty-Seven
B.2 Chapter Fifty-Eight
B.2 Chapter Fifty-Nine
B.2 Chapter Sixty
B.2 Chapter Sixty-One
B.2 Chapter Sixty-Two
B.2 Chapter Sixty-Three
B.2 Chapter Sixty-Four
B.2 Chapter Sixty-Five
B.2 Chapter Sixty-Six
B.2 Chapter Sixty-Seven
B.2 Chapter Sixty-Eight
B.2 Chapter Sixty-Nine
B.2 Chapter Seventy
B.2 Chapter Seventy-One
B.2 Chapter Seventy-Two
B.2 Chapter Seventy-Three
B.2 Chapter Seventy-Four
B.2 Chapter Seventy-Five
B.2 Chapter Seventy-Six
B.2 Chapter Seventy-Seven
B.2 Chapter Seventy-Eight
B.2 Chapter Seventy-Nine
B.2 Chapter Eighty (Finale)
Author's Note

Chapter Eighty-Eight

372 15 1
By JiHoneyLee

Emperor Cabel sits in his office, sipping a glass of wine.
A lady with light brown hair styled into a high elegant bun, sits on a sofa across Emperor Cabel.
She sips a cup of tea, staring at Emperor Cabel.
"Drinking after lunch?" She scoffs.
"I don't need to ask for permission, do I?" Emperor Cabel rolls his eyes, sipping his drink.
"How cocky." She sips her tea, snickering, "Put the small talk aside, what do you want?"
She places her teacup on the coffee table.
Emperor Cabel scoffs, snapping his fingers.
Lance approaches handing a folder to him.
Emperor Cabel reads it, smirking. He throws it on the table in front of the lady, a chess board on the table rattles.
"Follow everything I tell you to do. Don't trip on your tail." Emperor Cabel uninterestedly speaks.
The lady picks up the folder opening it to read. She raises her eyebrows, staring back up at him.
"Is this a joke?" She spits out.
"Do I look like I'm joking?" Emperor Cabel grins, raising his glass taking another sip.
"What game are you playing?"
"A fun one. I suggest you play along, there's a favourable prize for you, Canella." Emperor Cabel downs his drink, grinning from ear to ear, "This is going to be amusing."
Emperor Cabel snickers, crossing his legs.
Canella reads the folders, and scoffs. She grins slightly, throwing the papers on the table.
"Fine, I'll play along." Canella shrugs, "I'll be your pawn, only if you tell me what the prize is."
"A great one. Trust my words or you can just be a gambit of mine." Emperor Cabel's hand emits a smoke, it picks up a pawn from the chess board, levitating it into the air.
He tightens his fingers into a fist, the pawn smashes into tiny pieces, falling onto the table.
Canella sighs.
"Must you ruin my tea?" Canella picks up the teacup, the insides filled with bits of the piece.
Lance walks up to her, bowing. He takes the cup from her.
"Just reminding you that you're replaceable, but I'd rather have my main piece stay in this game." Emperor Cabel brushes his lap from remnants of the piece.
"Fine. Make this a worthwhile game, your highness." Canella smirks, leaning back.
Maids clean up the dust and remnants as Lance hands Canella a new teacup of tea.

Luna sits in her room, the rain drizzling outside.
She sighs, staring at the pages of her book, unable to focus on reading as her eyes wander outside the window.

"Why you moping around?"
Luna jumps, turning around.
She see's Cethin enter from the door.
"Oh my god, you scared me. Since when do you ever use doors?" Luna stands, scoffing.
"It's raining out and I'm too tired to climb up. Here." Cethin throws a bag on the table.
Luna hesitantly opens it, pulling out a folder and a heavy rolled up leather pouch.
She reads through the folder. Multiple pages with different information for various people.
"Who are they?" She looks up at him.
"I thought just silencing the main leak wouldn't be enough. We silenced everyone else. The only people who know now is you, his royal highness, us, and that butler."
"Silenced? What'd you do to silence them?"
Cethin grins.
He moves closer, taking the rolled up leather fabric, unravelling it.
Knives and weapons stained with blood sit in each pocket.
Luna's eyes widen.
"D-Did you kill them?" She exclaims.
Cethin stares at her, grinning.
"Nah, I'm playing with you, we killed a bear we ran into." Cethin breaks his expression, joking around.
"A bear?" Luna stares, confused.
"Yeah, it was causing us trouble. We had to." Cethin shrugs, "Anyways someone has abilities."
"Yeah, we're keeping it quiet though, but they can erase memories and bend them so we went around kidnapping everyone who knew and did it."
"I see..."
"Oh but not that annoying princess. I assume you've silenced her yourself?"
"Hm... I'm guessing you got back sooner and spied?"
"Well, duh! I had to wait for the right time to meet you. So, is she an issue? I'm sure her carriage isn't across the border yet, I could catch up to her and-" Cethin takes his thumb, quickly dragging it across his throat to mimic slicing her neck.
"Don't do anything unnecessary. But no, she won't be an issue, and even if she is then I'll deal with it." Luna shrugs, smiling.
"Look how far you've come!"
Cethin jumps to hug Luna, smothering her.
"My little girl is all grown up!" He laughs.
"S-Stop!" Luna struggles to get away from his hug.
"But look at how strong you've become! I'm so proud!" Cethin pulls away, messing up her hair.
"You treat me like a child." Luna scoffs, lightly laughing as she fixes her hair.
"You were when we first met. I remember you clinging onto his highness but now look at you! You do things on your own and fight by yourself!" Cethin smiles, proudly staring down at her, "How have you been since coming back here?"
"I'm okay... His highness is busy for a while so I might not see him for a bit..."
"What are you thinking of?"
Luna fiddles her fingers,
"The concubine... Ming's still going to become a concubine. I'm happy being by his side, but it's irritating that I can't know what he's up to..."
"Want me to find out?"
Luna pauses. She smiles and shakes her head.
"No. I told him I'd be patient. I trust him, and this is an unsettling feeling but I need to trust him."
"See? Stronger every time. I'll follow your wishes then. Just don't hide everything that bothers you, you know you can rely on me."
"I know, I'm forever grateful for that." Luna smiles, holding his hand.

"Your highness, are you insane?" A man exclaims.
Emperor Cabel sits backs, uninterested.
"Mind your manners." Lance calmly speaks.
They sit in Emperor Cabel's office, three men sitting in chairs in front of his desk.
Lance stands beside Emperor Cabel as he plays with a pen.
"Your highness, that is not tradition." A man states.
"Tradition? I don't recall needing to be tied down by 'tradition'. You old geezers might be, but last time I checked I'm still young. Aren't I, Lance?" Emperor Cabel grins, looking at Lance.
"Of course you are, your highness."
"Yes, see?" Emperor Cabel looks back at the men, shining a bright arrogant grin.
"Your highness, you can not just childishly insult us-" A man scoffs, cut off by Emperor Cabel.
"It's the truth. I can say what I want. You are here to give me advice, not to control me, and not to tell me how to act or what to do. I have my ways of making people understand my position, and if they can't bother to respect me or what I've done, then they're just another useless rat in my garden." Emperor Cabel smiles innocently.
The men flinch as they watch Emperor Cabel's eyes glow, gazing back at them.
"You may leave." He speaks.
The door flings open. The men nod, bowing as they quickly leave his office.
Emperor Cabel stands, the office doors slamming shut.
"Have they always been this annoying?" He scoffs, grinning.
"Well, you have been more difficult lately, so it's understandable that they're complaining more because of your actions." Lance chuckles.
Emperor Cabel turns back to Lance, smiling.
"Is it cause I'm aging?" He shrugs.
"Your highness, you're still very young. You're being ridiculous. You're just making more moves than usual now, and they're just unable to comprehend your decisions." Lance smiles.
"What a slow moving world." Emperor Cabel stares out the window.
"Because of what they said?"
"Everything. Seems so limited, yet when someone tries to expand it to a limitless one, people object. I guess I have to be the first to make it limitless, since no one can object." Emperor Cabel grins.
"I suppose so. Although I'm sure you won't be doing it alone."
Emperor Cabel pauses, looking back at Lance.
"You're right. Luna will change everything with me."
"You've chosen the right person to be your partner it seems."
"Of course. Someone like me should have someone great."
"That's a very arrogant phrase, your highness." Lance scoffs, rolling his eyes as he chuckles.
"Don't confuse my words... Someone like me deserves someone great... But Luna surpasses that."
Lance's eyes widen as he stares at the emperor. His expression almost happy and relieved by Emperor Cabel's words.
"What is it?" Emperor Cabel asks.
"I just never thought you would say something so... Sweet."
"Can't I? If it's about Luna how do I hold back from being a cheesy, nauseating fool in love?"
"I'm sure Luna wouldn't want you to hold back. Although I will say it's better if you kept those words just for her to hear."
"Would it tarnish my reputation?" Emperor Cabel chuckles.
"No, but I'm sure Lady Luna would want those special words only for her. You both seem, excuse my words, greedy for each other."
Emperor Cabel thinks to himself, his lips in a small grin.
His cheeks flush slightly as he clears his throat.
"Who would have thought having a woman be possessive over me would make me..."
"... Happy?" Lance speaks up, finishing his sentence.
Emperor Cabel nods.
"Ah, what a shame, I want to see her badly now."
"Your highness, you know you can't. You have meetings still, and we're still waiting for-"
The door knocks, interrupting Lance.
"Damn, just when I was thinking about taking a break."
Emperor Cabel waves at Lance to open the door.
"Let them in." He calmly responds, moving to the couch.


I sigh, fiddling with my teacup.
I lean against the table growing bored.
"What should I do?" I whisper.
I stare outside the window, the skies heavily pouring rain.

"Quit moping around!"
"Ah!" I scream, dropping the teacup.
I cover my mouth, surprised as Cethin hangs down in front of my window.
"Stop doing that!" I shout, opening the window.
"You asked why I went through the door a few days ago, thought I should come the normal way." Cethin laughs, shaking off the rain water, "Bored?"
"Very much so. I haven't seen Cabel in two weeks..."
"Why not go see him?"
"I don't want to bother him. I also feel like it'll seem like I don't trust him..."
"You can be more selfish you know." Cethin shrugs, chuckling.
"What do you mean?"
"You act too selfless, but you can be more selfish if you want. You're marrying him, and if you said you miss him and want to see him, he wouldn't get mad."
"I guess..."
"No, you know I'm right."
"Yeah... Yeah, you're right. I'll see him later tonight then." I smile, excited.
"Why wait till tonight? You planning a late night rendezvous?" Cethin winks.
"No, stupid, it's so he'll be less busy later on. His meetings usually happen early morning until dinner so he's probably just going to be doing some work by then." I roll my eyes, standing up.
I sit at my vanity retouching my makeup.
"I see, you could go now too, I'm sure he wouldn't care." Cethin plays with my hair, staring at me applying powder.
"I guess... What if he gets mad though?"
"Then you can get mad at him too. His future wife is lonely and misses him, and if he gets mad then you have more of a right to be mad." Cethin shrugs, laughing.

I walk down the hallways, maids and butlers dust and clean the statues and the window frames.
"Good evening, Lady Luna." A maid bows her head.
I smile, startled by all the maids and butlers bowing their heads.
"Yes, hello. Please, continue with your work." I smile, waving slightly.
They nod, turning to clean again.
Their eyes still watching me, wary of my movements.
I sense no hateful emotions as I pass them, more a feeling of curiosity. I sigh at the thought of becoming a spectacle since the ball.
I briskly walk through the hallways, keeping my composure as I feel dozens of eyes on me.

I turn down the west wing towards Cabel's office.

"Good evening."
A voice calls out.
I turn to see Marquess Simone and Lord Christopher.
"Good evening, my lords." I curtsy, lowering my head.
"Have you been well?" Marquess Simone asks.
Lord Christopher keeps quiet, uninterested in our conversation as he walks ahead, speaking with an advisor down the hall.
"Yes, I have been, have you been well?"
"Of course. I miss my dear wife though. What a shame." Marquess Simone sighs.
"A shame?"
"Yes, his highness has been keeping everyone busy, I've barely had time to even sleep at my own estate. The marchioness will probably be enraged once we meet."
"I doubt that she would be."
"You seem sure of yourself." Marquess Simone chuckles.
"Well, I've spoken with the marchioness and she spoke of how much she missed you. It's difficult to meet right now, but I know she'll be happy to see you when you have time." I smile, giggling as Marquess Simone grows joyed.
"That's relieving to hear. I wouldn't know what I'd do without my lovely wife. If she asked for divorce it'd be devastating!" Marquess Simone sighs, "It's only more concerning that she's alone. She could take on a lover if she wanted."
"A lover? Marquess, you're speaking nonsense now. You should have faith. From the looks of it, anyone who tries to seduce the lovely marchioness will find themselves rivalling you, and it's obvious you already rule her heart."
"I have lots of faith in my wife, but with age it seems that this old man has grown more wary of impossible scenarios."
"You speak as if you're a fossil. It's human behaviour to worry about the impossible. I should thank you though."
"Thank me?"
"Yes, you suggested I should become a consultant so I took the exam."
"Oh right, I've heard, you got 289, correct?"
"Yes! It's thanks to you and the marchioness for suggesting it. So I'm grateful."
"I'm glad you took our suggestion. Are you busy at the moment?"
"No, is there anything I could help you with?"
Marquess Simone sighs, looking down the hall towards Lord Christopher.
"Would you mind going on a walk with Christopher? He's learning the duties of a marquess but he's been following me around everywhere. His highness and I have to speak privately and I'd prefer to not speak in front of him."
"Yes, I'd be honoured to walk with him."
"Excellent. Christopher!" Marquess Simone calls out.
Lord Christopher turns around, looking at us.
He bows goodbye to the advisor, walking back to us.
"Yes, father?" He replies.
"Assist Lady Luna on a walk around the palace. Make sure to keep her company, and I'll come find you when it's time for us to leave."
"I understand. Please come with me, Lady Luna." Lord Christopher bows his head, gesturing for me to walk first.
"I hope to meet you soon, have a good evening, my lord." I curtsy before leaving with Lord Christopher.

We walk in silence as we pass down through the outside corridors.
I look out to the rain, drenching the gardens. A shiver runs down my body as a cold breeze flows into the corridor.
I hear Lord Christopher sigh.
I glance over as he unbuttons his jacket, draping it over my shoulders.
"Oh, thank you." I smile.
"Of course." He blankly responds.
I stare awkwardly at the ground as we walk, unable to make conversation.

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