Why, out of all the teams there is, must I go against that fucking Deku??? He is so annoying, and he has been lying to me all these years about his quirk! This fight will prove that I am stronger than him and not a fool!

Me and four eyes walk into the building and looked at the bomb.

"I will go and deal with those damn nerds." I said as I stormed off

"Get back here Bakugo! We need to devise a plan to defeat them!" That damn four eyes yelled but I ignored him. I will show those extras I am stronger than Deku and win this! As I thought about how to beat Deku, my mind immediately flew to that damn mutt.

How was I supposed to defeat her? I don't know much about her fighting style, her quirk, and her strength. She looks frail, so it should be easy to defeat her and wipe the floor her

I smirked as I went off to find them, "This is going to be an easy win, I can beat all of them!"


Me, Midoriya, and Uraraka cautiously walked into the building, "Be careful, Kacchan will be looking for us." Midoriya whispered to us. "How did you know?" I ask as my ears twitch around trying to sense any sound and my nose inhale the air trying to sniff him out.

"I grew up with him, I know how he thinks and fights." Midoriya said simply as he walked ahead

Damn, poor boy, growing up with Bakugo.

Wait a minute, I thought I heard something...

Nah it might just be my teammates.

Than why do I smell a slightly smoking smell and something... sweet?


Before I could yell out a warning a huge explosion came from around the corner and the one and only Bakugo came flying out.

"SHINEEEEEEEEE" He yelled coming straight for us.

I immediately shot a water blast at him hoping it will bring down his explosion, it worked but I just made him even more pissed.

"You think a measly water blast could stop me you bitch?" He questioned with that disgusting smirk on his face as he started walking towards us, soaking with my earlier water blast.

"No, but this will." I said as I smirked at him. I shot fire out creating a wall around us while Uraraka helped Midoriya up. My earlier water blast was aimed at him to soak him so when I light my fire it won't burn him at all, after all I don't plan to hurt anyone too much.

"Hah? So you have fire too huh?" Bakugo said from the other side of the fire wall glaring at us. "Not bad, I thought you will be a weak mutt with a dumb water quirk." He said raisng his eyebrow slightly.

"Y-Y/N, put out the fire, I want to fight Kacchan." Midoriya said from behind me, "Are you crazy?? That bastard over there won't hesitate to kill us all!" I yelled back. "Y/N is right Deku! We should take this opportunity and run off to find the bomb!" Uraraka said agreeing with me.

"No, I won't be a coward, you and Y/N can go off and find the bomb, I will deal with Kacchan. Because from now on, Deku will be the name of a hero!" Midoriya said proudly standing up to face Bakugo.

"Okay then, good luck! We will find the bomb!" I yelled, I shot another water blast extinguishing the fire. I then grabbed Uraraka hand and we took off looking for the bomb. The last thing we saw before turning the corner was Bakugo coming full speed at Midoriya. 

I hope he will be okay.

We found the room where the bomb was! But we couldn't see the bomb.

"Okay Uraraka, I'm going to shapeshift into my dog form and hopefully distract Iida for a bit, when he is distracted, I want you to go off and find the bomb as quick as you can, okay?" I said as I looked around.

Uraraka showed me a tumbs up, taking a deep breath to calm my nerves, I shapeshifted into my dog form and walked into the room.

I spotted Iida almost immediately, I ran off to him and sat in front of him.

"Huh? Why is there a dog here? Is this part of the challenge?" Iida questioned as he squated down in front of me and petting my head.

"Wait a minute! That's Y/N's hero suit! Does that mean-"

I transformed back to my human form and immediately started hand to hand combat with Iida, unfortunately, he spotted Uraraka behind me and zoomed off with that quirk of his and chased after her. We were forced to retreat behind a pillar without Iida noticing. We found the bomb but we couldn't do anything with that fast quirk of his.

"Y-Y/N, Uraraka, have you found the bomb?" Midoriya's voice rang through the ear piece we have.

"Yes, we found it, but Iida is protecting it and he is really fast! We can't reach the bomb!" Uraraka replied quietly as Iida continued pacing back and forth in front of the bomb.

"Which pillars are you guys hiding by?" Midoriya yelled as we heard an explosion coming form his side.

"Between the third and fourth pillars!" I replied wondering what could he be thinking of.

"I'm going to send up a blast, when I do that, run to the bomb and touch it!" Midoriya yelled.

"Okay!" We said together preparing for the blast.

A few seconds past before a huge, and I mean a HUGE blast came from below scaring Iida. I changed to my dog form again and started bouncing around and fighting Iida again to distract him from the fact that Uraraka was floating above him towards the bomb.

"THE HERO TEAM WINS!" We heard All Might yelled as Uraraka landed on the bomb.

"Huh? But I thought you guys won't be able to make it!?" Iida yelled looking at our happy faces.

"What can I say Iida?" I said smiling like a dork that we won, "Never underestimate your enemies."

WOOOO a long chapter! Hope you enjoyed!!


I'll see you again (Katsuki Bakugo x Fem!Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें