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An early Christmas gift to you all and Happy Holidays :)


Whirling his phone in his hand slightly, he anxiously stares at the number typed in, breathing ragged and palms sweaty. He gulps, contemplating whether this was a good idea or not. Closing his eyes, he forces a breath out.

"Okay, Mark. It's fine. What's there to be nervous about? It's not like you'll actually do anything, " Shaking his head, he hits the call button, lifting it to his ear.

Mark never did things like this. He wasn't even sure why he was doing it in the first place. It was something he had thought on before, never thinking he was brave enough to actually do it. He wasn't sure if it would work, but next thing he knew, he was hanging up his phone, with a guarantee that someone would be there soon.

He gulps, anxiously stoking his fire. Unsure of what to do, he contemplates whether this all was a good idea. Inviting a random person into his home- it couldn't be so bad right? Mark quickly makes it a little neater, fixing the pillows on his sofa and draping a blanket over the back of it, smoothing it out. He takes the hair tie on his wrist off, quickly putting a bit of his hair in a bun, then biting his nail.

Mark jumps, a soft knock on his door. His breathing shudders, swallowing against the lump in his throat. For a moment, he has an idea of leaving them there, not answering, and pretending he wasn't home. But his feet mindlessly move him toward it, reaching out to the knob. Taking a deep breath, he swings it open, blinking at the being in front of him.

"Hi, " Mark greets quietly, gripping his door as his heart flutters a little. This person was so gorgeous, in an almost ethereal way. Marks lips part in surprise, studying their pretty eyes. They put on a half-smile, nodding.

"May I come in?" They ask, Mark nodding mindlessly, forgetting that this person was here for their job. They glance around, laughing dryly. "It's nice in here. Good escape from the cold, " Taking their coat off, Mark springs into action, taking it for them gently.

"Here. I- um-" Mark hangs it up, breath catching in his throat. They were wearing normal clothes, not what Mark expected, an almost cold rigidness to them. "Please. Come in and get warm, " He invites, gesturing to the main room, a fire crackling and casting shadows all about.

"Oh. Thank you, sir, " They dip their head in respect, Mark leading them to the couch, letting them sit as he stays standing, a little uncomfortable.

"Um-" He starts, gulping. "I-"

"There's no need for that. It's a job. Just- do what you want and I'll leave, " They cut him off, lips pressed into a fine line. Mark barely caught it, but there was a waver to their voice, some fear caught in the foreground, Marks heart breaking.

"Oh, please I don't- that's not-" He grunts in annoyance as he sits next to them, and Mark sees their hands shaking. Mark looks up at them in caution, sorrow building in his throat as a tear slides down their cheek.

"I'm so sorry sir I didn't mean to-" They wipe it away quickly, trying to sober up. "Sorry. There will be no more trouble, " Mark shakes his head, even as they scoot in, shaky hands taking him by the collar, even as more tears escape. They lean up to kiss him, but Mark turns his head to avoid it, grabbing their wrists softly.

"No- no no no I'm sorry! That's not- that's not why I called, " Mark rushes out, shaking his head harder as he looks at them in concern, gently slipping their fingers off his shirt. "I'm not going to use you. I don't want sex from you dear, " He explains, their face changing.

Markiplier Imagines (Mark X Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon