•Vinyl Lovers•

864 23 5

Sorry, this is quite short. I still hope you like it!

"Can I choose tonight?" I beg Mark as his fingertips graze over the vinyls we had. "I promise I'll pick a good one." He turns his eyes to me with hint of a smile.

"Who am I to say no to you?" I grin and jump up from his gaming chair and over to our collection.

"What should I go off? Look, or just choose one randomly?" Mark ponders it for a moment.

"Looks." I thumb through them, waiting for one that catches my eye. "Look for... Black and white. That's my suggestion." He stands up from the sofa, stretching his arms over his head. My eyes scan through each one, and stop on a black and more of a creamy white one.

"Fleetwood Mac: Rumors." I read out loud, studying the two people on the cover. I turn it and show it to Mark. "Yes?"

"Let's do it." He replies with a smile. I reminisce as I put the record on, of all the nights we've danced to a new record until we fall asleep together. I always knew I hated all the 'normal' things, like holding hands, or watching movies together. But with Mark, I didn't have to pretend with anything. Neither of us can dance, but we do. We don't like to go out, so we don't. Everything that I wanted to be or thought of myself as, he always seemed to see. I love Mark, all his silliness, the cuteness, the egotistical bastard that he can be. I love him. And spending time like this was my absolute favorite part of dating.

Ever since Marks uncle gave him around ten cases of vinyl records, Mark has played a new one for me every day, and after the first few, he decided that we should dance together. What a way to end each day. Because no matter how shitty of a day either of us had, we could always look forward to each other. We didn't have to fake that we are ok. Upset, annoyed, or just plain joyous, we were here for each other.

I set the vinyl on the player, pulling the needle down as it crackles to life. Mark holds his arms out to me with a smile, and I happily accept, putting my arms around his neck. He gazes down happily at me, pecking me on the cheek as we start to dance.

"I love you, Mark." I smile, stroking his cheek.

"I love you." Mark responds, and I stare up at him quizzically.

"Don't you mean 'I love you too'?" He shakes his head, his black hair falling in his face.

"Not at all. Because if I said 'too,' that means 'in addition to.' I don't love you in addition to you loving me. I love you regardless." I pull him closer, resting my cheek on his shoulder.

"That was really sweet, Mark. I'm really happy you're here with me."

"You know, I really do love you." I smile and shut my eyes, somehow feeling like this moment was a dream instead of my reality.

"I love you too. You know, as much as some of your audience didn't like you being with me, I'm very glad that you never left." I say honestly.

"I could never leave you. I know it has been a little rough, but this relationship takes equal support and care. If you weren't here for me 100%, I don't know what I would do." I sigh as Mark leans his head on mine, making me comfortable in the silence.

I don't know how or when I started seeing him as my own. I just knew I loved him. Sometimes it's inexplicable, how love works. Often enough, you just have to go with the flow, and not force anything. Once I stopped trying to find someone to love, he came to me. For years I would be looking, always searching for someone to care; someone to love me. But when I realized that I didn't love myself, I knew there had to be a change.

I stopped trying to force love to come my way, and I stopped seeing every person as interested in me. I focused on me instead, learning how to love everything that I saw as flaws once. The way my hair doesn't exactly flow perfectly, my not so straightened teeth, my not perfectly 'supermodel' body. I'm me. And once I learned that I'm the only me that there will ever be in the entirety of humankind, others saw it. They saw I didn't need anyone else's approval to be myself. And I suppose that's how I met Mark.

"Y/N?" I open my eyes, humming in response.

"You've been yawning an awful lot." I giggle, gazing back up at him.

"Sorry. I'm really tired today for some reason." I admit with a yawn. "Maybe we can listen to this album again tomorrow night."

"Yeah. Let's just go to bed." Mark agrees as he releases me, his gentle hand touching my arm lightly. "Go ahead. I'll turn the music off." I nod, walking to the bed, shutting off the light and climbing in, bringing the blankets over me. After a few seconds, Mark follows, and when he gets in beside me, he pulls me against him.

It makes me insanely happy to know that how he films is who he is. He doesn't put on some persona for the camera, he is genuinely an amazing person. I just don't know how I could be so lucky to have such a flawless person.

"Goodnight Y/N. I love you."

"I love you too."

Markiplier Imagines (Mark X Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon