Cursed Island

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"Babe, no. I can't do this right now." My boyfriend Grayson has his arms wrapped tightly around my waist and he begins lightly biting my neck.

"Why baby? Just a little..." He moves a bit closer so he can almost reach my lips. I break away quickly before it can go any farther. He looks stunned. "Wha-?"

"I have to pack. My parents are expecting me to be ready to go to- that island in like ten minutes and I barely have my jeans packed." he raises an eyebrow at me.

"Yeah. Whatever." he fixes his hair and storms out of my room, slamming the door. I roll my eyes and sigh. He just needs to calm the hell down sometimes. He does this a lot. He's hit me before, sure. Several times, but I know he never means it.

Anyways, I gotta finish packing. I pack my normal things, pants, t-shirts, long sleeves, tennis shoes and a pair of sandals. I don't plan in getting in the water, but I pack a bikini just in case. I close my luggage and meet my parents downstairs.

"Hey hun, everything okay? Grayson just kinda left." I hear my mom's voice as I put my luggage at the door.

"Yeah. Just same old things. Just needs time to cool off." she laughs.

"Maybe he needs to 'cool off' forever!" she walks into the family room and sits down next to me. In my mind I agree, but on the outside I just roll my eyes.

"Guys, it's time to go! We're gonna miss plane if you don't hurry!"

*Lame Time Skip*

"I'm going to kill that little-" my dad clears his throat abruptly, silencing my mother. The brat that was kicking the back of her seat skipped off merrily while sticking his tounge out. She turns to my father and takes a deep breath to calm herself.

"Your mom and I will be around the corner renting a car. After that we're going to check into the hotel. We will come and get you and get something to eat. Alright?" That was more of a rhetorical question, because they were already walking away, leaving me on the side of the beach alone.

Well... I guess I'll walk along the beach. Typical.

I walk down to the foam of the water and let the sounds block out the world. The grains of sand crunch softly with every step. I close my eyes since there is hardly anyone around and oh my arms out like I'm balancing on a rope. I always liked wind and a breeze. The evidence that the wind has been there. I've tried to tell this to Grayson, but he called me a retard for thinking like that, so I haven't really been this observant in at least 2 years. It smells of a sort of light perfume mixed with vanilla. Kind of an odd smell for the beach.

I walk a couple more steps and find myself falling. Over a rock. It was one of those terrifying moments where your brain goes into complete apocalypse mode like 'MY WORLD IS GOING TO END. YOU ARE GOING TO DIE. BEEN NICE LIVING.'

I close my eyes and wince, my elbow hitting the sand. But only my elbow. Arms are around my waist from behind as I get picked up from being almost on the ground. Shit. Time to face the awkwardness yet gratitude.

I cringe at myself and turn around to face whoever saved my stupid ass from faceplanting. "I'm so sorry. I should've been looking where I was going. I'm so stupid." I stare at my hands the whole time, not wanting the stranger to see my face as red as an apple.

"Hey, it's no problem." a deep voice says. "Its basically my job to rescue damsels in distress." you can hear his smile. I hide my face in my hands.

"I'm far from a damsel. Well technically I am by definition, but not the typical gorgeous ones like Rapunzel or Ariel or something. Or- Damn it. I'm rambling." I shake my head and let my hair fall in my face. I hear the stranger laugh.

"Trust me." I feel his hand tuck my hair away from my face, and then shift to where his hand is resting on top of mine. "You are more gorgeous than any of the Disney princesses." I forget all about what just happened and peek up from my hands.

He has black fluffy hair that comes no farther than his jawline in the front, but a bit longer in the back, with brown eyes behind glasses and a partial-beard-thing going on. He has a simple black t-shirt on, board shorts and no shoes. I guess I must have been staring longer than I thought because he chuckles softly.

"Glad to know that I'm not the only one checking someone out. I'm Mark." he removes his hand slowly, letting his touch linger.

"Y/N." I awkwardly take my face out of my hands and shove them deep into my pockets. I glance up and see that he is smiling at me, and that he has backed up a small bit. I look back down at the sand.

"So Y/N, do you live on the island, or just visiting?"

"Just visiting. Just got here right now actually. I'll be here a few weeks." And I already made a complete fool of myself.

"Ah. Well I do hope that you find it much to your liking. It is rather quiet here, so it's always fun to have visitors. Especially ones that are as bewitching as you."

That comment apparently makes me regain my confidence. I make eye contact again.

"Oh, so you're saying that there are other girls that you have tried to make fall in love with you?" he smirks.

"Maybe." he bites his lip. "And my love, is it working?" I smile.

"Maybe." he chuckles and runs his fingers through his hair. He really is handsome. His half smile sends shivers down my spine.

Wait, what? What am I doing? Flirting? I can't let this go on any longer! He brushes his hair out of his face and I feel that when he looks at me, he is staring right into my soul, seeing all my imperfections and awkwardness, and yet he sees beauty. I think I've dug myself a hole too deep to climb out of.

"Y/N!" I hear my mom's voice and look up to see her waving me over. I roll my eyes and look back to Mark.

"Well, uhm, I hope to see you soon. Its a small island, so if you ever need anything, you can simply walk down to my place." he nods towards a lone house close to the shore.

"Bye Mark. Thanks for... Well catching me." I glance away.

"It was a pleasure." he gets a weird smile and suddenly leans in and kisses my cheek, making me flustered. "See you around." he whispers into my ear. He then pulls back and literally just walks away without another word. My brain stops working all of a sudden as I get butterflies in my stomach. Cute island boy just kissed me. I shake my head. No. No more.

"Y/N!" my mom calls again. I snap out of it and walk to where my parents were, watching Mark basically the whole time.

Authors Note:
*No this is not the end. Another part is on its way. Thank you for reading!!!*

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