·Kiss Me In the Rain·

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This one's quite a bit shorter than the last one, and pretty cheesy. To me at least.
Thank you for reading!

I met you on the West Coast. Its funny how it happens when you don't have a clue. I fell in love when I first saw you. I guess I'm forced to believe in love at first sight. I always made myself sad, falling in love with people I could never have. I'll never forget what happened the day I met you.

I decided to go for a run that morning. I felt really good, so I put on a sports bra, a light tanktop, and some fitting running pants. I tied up my sneakers, and off I went. I lived right on the coast, so it was chilly that morning. I didn't care though. I love how cold it made me. I ran right next to the sand, so I could hear the waves. I usually prefer music, but that day, I loved the dampness in the air and the sound of the blue water crashing against the pebbles.

There was hardly anyone out then, maybe a few every minute. Somehow, running is like a therapy to me. It helps me forget the petty troubles of everyday life. All the useless anger we all have. Its relentless, but then why do we do it?

These thoughts go through my head as I let my mind wander. I didn't even see you standing there. Next thing I know, I'm on the ground, looking at a handsome man towering over me, looking like he just killed his dog on accident.

"Oh Jesus, I'm so sorry! Are you okay? I wasn't paying attention." You reached your hand out and all I could do was sit there, stunned. I remember I kept scolding myself, because I didn't want to fall in love when I literally just met you 5 seconds ago. As I snapped out of it and took your hand, with my luck, it started raining. Pretty heavily. But we were both already wet from the sea mist.

"Are you okay? Jesus, did I hurt you?" you ask again, and I internally laughed at how worried you were.

"I'm absolutely great. And it's my fault. I ran into you. If anything I should be asking you." Your frown turns into a small smile. Both of us are completely soaked by this time, and you move your wet black hair out of your eyes. Your glasses are made unclear by water droplets, so you attempt to wipe them off, but you fail, so you put them into your pocket.

"I know this is gonna sound really cheesy, but..." You pause and squint, trying to keep the water from entering your eyes. "I fell for you as hard as you fell for me." You say, and immediately I feel my heart flutter, and my cheeks go red with heat, even though it's freezing. "Well over me I guess. I honestly think you're the most gorgeous woman I've ever had the privilege of accidentally tripping." I smile and giggle, because no one had ever been so forward to me. I remember I thought it was weird how, right at that moment, I felt like a little girl again, getting told that a boy likes me. That same feeling. "And I would like to make it up to you." Now everyone is gone from the street. Only me and you with the sound of pouring rain and ocean waves. I brush my hair back slightly out of the way.

"What do you mean?" I remember my heart nearly bursted out of my chest when you took the two steps you needed to get to me, and you slowly brought your hand up to my neck, and pulled me to you.

And you kissed me. Right there. The first day we met. A stranger. In the rain. By the ocean. And to this day, you still take every chance to take me into the rain and kiss me. Just like that day I ran into you in the rain.

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