I Don't Love You (Part 2)

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Love is a strong word. A word that is often misused, for simple, bland crushes. The word 'love' has been made into a stereotypical device for children who go around using it like its the hottest new drug. But the truth is: love is hard. It's the thing that keeps you up at night, wondering if you're honestly good enough for your spouse. It's being permanently tethered to a person for the rest of your life; something you will always look back on if you end up separating.

Yet, there's another spectrum of love. One that is full of wonder and new experiences. A world filled with hand holding and late-night kisses. It's the wonderful feeling of butterflies when the person you love kisses you, and the happiness you have when they wrap their arms around you, reminding you that they will always love you, no matter what. Or when you wouldn't trade that person for the entire world; they're all that matters to you. Being in love is a beautiful thing.

"Y/N, are you awake?" Marks gentle voice beckons. And being in love with Mark is better than anything our universe could ever offer.

"Yes, I am." I open my eyes and gaze up at Marks lovely eyes. "Good morning." When he smiles, he doesn't just smile with his mouth, he smiles with his existence, his face erupting into his current emotion.

"Good morning." My eyes glaze shut as he leans in sleepily, placing a soft kiss on my forehead.

"How long have you been awake?" I ask, nuzzling into Mark, as his arms draw me closer.

"About ten minutes." He kisses my hair, and I smile at him.

"Mmm. And how long have you been staring at me?" He pauses.

"About ten minutes." I giggle, and Mark laughs. "What, I can't admire my wife?"

"No. I never said that." I raise my eyebrows, my eyes still closed. "Just, thank you for doing it while I'm asleep, so I'm not conscious of it. I don't know how to handle it when I'm aware." I can feel his eyes on me now, as I speak to him.

"I don't know how I've gotten so lucky." He murmurs. "You're so drop dead gorgeous, I'm surprised every guy on planet earth wasn't in line waiting for you to merely look his way." Mark beamed, and I bat my eyes up at him.

"You're full of it," I smirk. "In case you forgot, my parents forced me to marry you. I couldn't even find a guy on my own." He shakes his head.

"Even more so. That means they kept everyone away from you because they all knew just how stunning you are." He reaches up and tucks my hair behind my ear, and catches my eye, staring at each other. "I..." I perk up, thinking he was about to say it. "I'm sorry I woke you up beautiful." I sigh quietly, but I smile up at him again.

"That's okay. We have stuff to do anyway." I release myself slowly from his grasp and sit up, still staying under the covers from the waist down. "You want to take a shower while I make-"

"Don't even bother asking." He sits up as well and kisses my cheek. "You take a shower while I'll make you breakfast. It will be ready when you're out." And with that, he tosses off his blanket and leaves to begin his task. As soon as the door closes, my smile drops.

"Maybe one day." What you may ask? I'm hoping one day, he'll say he loves me. One day, he'll kiss me, besides the forced one on our wedding day. I shake my head at myself, I stand up, and stretch. What if he doesn't love me though? What if he wants a divorce? I sigh loudly, and I try to force away the thoughts as I go to take a shower.

However, while I am in the shower, I can't prevent my good thoughts of Mark. Ever since our wedding night, we have mostly slept in the same bed, with a few times of asking of course. He kept my antidepressants, but he gave me a few just to help with my bodies shitty job of producing serotonin. But overall, I've been a lot happier. Not just because I don't absolutely hate Mark anymore, but because of him. This sounds quite cheesy, but, he makes me want to live. He lives so freely, so happily. I've learned a lot from him in the two months we've been married.

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