Liar (part one)

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I thought it would be a normal day with the love of my life. Oh, how wrong I was.

I was sitting on our couch, texting my friend Amanda, Mark sitting on our recliner on his phone. Amanda was texting me about how she was decorating her house. I then went on Pinterest and just started browsing random pins when she wouldn't respond. Then Mark suddenly got up and went to the bathroom. I got bored of Pinterest and turned on the tv. It was on for maybe 2 minutes and I thought I heard Mark talking from the bathroom. I muted it but no one was saying anything. Hmm... Mark walked out of the bathroom then up to me.
"Hey, babe, bad news. I got called into work. They only said like Maybe an hour worth, so I'll be back okay?"
"Oh, okay. Is that why you were talking in the bathroom?" I asked.
"Oh... Yeah that's who I was talking to. My boss. Yeah." he then bent down and gave me a kiss on the cheek.
"Love you." I called our as he was walking out the door.
"I..." he paused. "Love you too."
and with that he left. That was odd. He's never paused before.
Oh well. Must have a lot on his mind. I looked at my phone and saw that I had two new messages. Weird. I unlocked my phone and saw one from Mark, one from Amanda. I figured that is check Mark's first, in case he needed something from the house.
The text read: "Hey darling. I'm on my way over right now. Get ready cause we are gonna have lots of fun tonight."
By the second word, I felt my heart split in two. I couldn't believe my eyes. I reread the text to make sure I was correct. Mark is... Cheating on me? No. No it can't be. I decided to skip Amanda's text and call Mark.
My fingers were shaky as I dialed his number. As the phone rang three times and begin the fourth, I was thinking about hanging up. But then I heard his voice. "Uhm hey, whatcha need?" he asked awkwardly.
"H-hey Mark. I... I got your text. A-and I don't think that... That it was meant for me..." he stayed silent. "M-Mark... Are you... Are you cheating on me?" He let out a breath, almost a laugh, and he stayed silent.
"Mark!" I yelled, suddenly regaining courage. "Are you or are you not cheating on me?!"
"Okay, first, no, that message was not for you. Second, it's not what you think." he tried to explain. "Mark, I know something is up, so why don't you just come clean now! Why are you calling this mystery woman darling!? You used to call me that! I thought you loved me Mark! Don't bother ever coming home again. Bye Mark."

Markiplier Imagines (Mark X Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora