·The Problem with Love·

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Thank you theREDflannel for this suggestion! <3. Thank you for reading. Love you all!

"Congratulations Ma'am. Your baby is healthy, and beautiful. Would you like to know the sex?"

I look over to Mark and he nods.

"Yes please."

"You're having a..."

I am jolted awake, and my eyes rip open to find hard wood in front of me. Ow. I'm on the floor. That's right. I'm not pregnant. I never will be. I can't. Its impossible. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Why would you believe that? I stand up and stretch.

Have you ever had something happen to you, and that something literally changed your life? Forever? Or someone? That is Mark. He changed my life as I knew it. I was swept off my feet by a man with messy black hair, glasses and a smile that could give someone a nosebleed. He was my drug. My... Obsession. We met late May, 2013. It was a cloudy day.... I'm getting off topic.

Anyways, it's been about 2 and a half years since we got married. The night of our wedding, he wanted to try for a child. And... Long story short, we're still trying. I feel like the most terrible wife. I can't even do something as simple as provide offspring for the love of my life. The doctor never even warned me about this, and all I want is to have some children. To be a mother. Successful... Stupid.

I yawn and look over to our bed. He's missing. I look to the clock. 7:38 am. He's already left for work. I see his wedding ring next to his side of the bed. I sigh, remembering that he still doesn't wear his ring to work.

I rub my eyes and lie back down. I realize that my stomach feels quite terrible, but I brush it off, because I never feel good nowadays. I grab my phone and check if anything world-changing has happened overnight, and when I find nothing, I check my calendar. As I swipe, I see an event that was supposed to happen 3 days ago.

T.O.M. Time of the Month.

"What?" I ask out loud to myself. "That's impossible." I am suddenly overwhelmed with nausea. I toss my phone down and sit up. I shut my eyes and try to calm my stomach down. It doesn't work, and I run to the bathroom and throw up.

"What on earth?" I say under my breath as I clean myself up. "I miss my period, and now this?" I freeze. Missed Period. Morning Sickness... Is it possible? I drop everything and rummage through our cabinet to find a pregnancy test. What? Don't judge. Just in case.

I... Well, I do what you do with a pregnancy test, and stand up again. I impatiently pace as I wait for the + or -. Then it clicks on. The little symbol. The symbol that would change my life forever.

And this symbol, was a +. Its... It's positive? Positive... For... I'm... "Pregnant?!" I feel my entire face get consumed by a smile. "It's positive! Jesus! I'm pregnant! I have a baby! Inside of me!" I laugh as I stare down at the stick. My eyes glide over to my wedding ring. The one the man who gave me this baby, gave me this ring. The man who married me. The man who- doesn't know I'm pregnant yet!

I run back to my phone with my test still in my hand. I begin to excitedly dial Mark's number, and then I pause. I should tell him this face to face. I want to see the look on his face when I tell him. He is going to be the happiest man on planet earth.

I lock my phone and rush to get dressed, completely ignoring my sickness. I throw on something a bit more suitable for showing up at his buisness, grab my keys, and run out the door. As I drive, I keep glancing from my ring, down to the test, and back again. I get impatient at stoplights and when slow people are in front of me.

Markiplier Imagines (Mark X Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora