•New Year•

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"Oh! I didn't think you guys would make it!" Jacks eyes widen as he smiles at Y/N and Mark stepping into the party.

"Yeah yeah. We're here. I couldn't miss it." Mark smirks, hugging Sean.

"Hey Y/N!" Jack pulls Y/N to him in a hug, making them chuckle.

"It's nice to see you too Jack." They giggle, stepping back closer to Mark.

"Happy almost New Year. I'm very happy to see you both again." He says with a warm smile, before a man neither Mark or Y/N recognized suddenly pulls him away into the crowd. "Have fun guys!" Jack shouts before disappearing into the sea of bodies. Mark chuckles, wrapping his arm around Y/N's waist, pulling them close.

"I love you." He whispers into their ear, barely audible over the music.

"I love you too, Mark." They rest their head on his, only for a moment, before looking back to the party. "Only one hour until 2019." Sighing, they shake their head. "I can't believe we showed up so late." Mark chuckles as Y/N elbows him gently. "Thanks to you." They pull up their sweater over their neck, hiding the evidence.

"I know, I'm sorry. I couldn't resist." He leans into their neck again, but they giggle, pushing his head away.

"Fuck off!" Y/N teases, smiling at Mark. "We should find Bob and Wade. Is Ethan here?" He shrugs, glancing around.

"Well, I can clearly see Bob is here, " Mark gestures to the corner of the room, where Bob is standing taller than literally everyone else in the crowd, making Y/N laugh again. "but I don't know if Ethan and Mika are here." They look around them, not seeing the familiar faces. "Let's just go talk to Bob. Maybe he will know if they're here." Together, Y/N and Mark weave their way to Bob, and he shouts a greeting as he sees them.

"Hey, guys! Happy almost New Years!"

"Hey, Bob! How are you?" Mark asks happily, his arm tightening around Y/N.

"I'm good, and you two? Sure did show up fucken late, Mark." Y/N giggles as Bob makes it a point to single out Mark.

"Hey! I may have been made but-" Both Bob and Y/N look at Mark, before he chuckles. "The bullshit part of my brain isn't working." The other two burst into laughter, and Mark clears his throat. "I tried. But better late than never, am I right?"

"No." Bob replies with complete seriousness, making Y/N suppress a giggle.

"Yeah, yeah. Well anyway, do you know if Ethan and Mika are here?" The taller man glances around.

"I don't actually know. I haven't seen either of them tonight. I know that Jack is here though." Mark nods.

"We know." Y/N and Mark laugh. "Well, we are going to look around, see what's up. Probably get some alcohol in their system." He lightly elbows Y/N. "And uh, we will see you at midnight."

"Alright. Go have fun you crazy kids."


They never did find Ethan and Mika. They figured the pair couldn't make it. Y/N did have some alcohol- some wine to be exact- but they weren't tipsy or drunk. Just enough to relax. They danced and talked and smiled the night away. Now, it was just under three minutes until it was officially 2019. Mark smiles to himself, looking to the corner of the room as Bob gives him a thumbs up, pointing to his watch.

"Come, let me show you something." Mark whispers, grabbing Y/N by the hand and pulling them through the crowd. Y/N bites their lip, watching the window and all the cars driving down below. Beautiful.

"Where are we going?" They ask as he guides them into a hallway, the roar of banter slowly fading away.

"Here." Mark stops, releasing their hand. They face the curtain as Mark pulls it back, showing a gorgeous view of L.A.

"Oh my God." Y/N whispers, eyes taking in the landscape. The lights of the city reflect into their eyes, and Mark smiles, watching his love gaze at the view. "This is so pretty."

"We are going to get a good view of the fireworks as well. Only the best for you, 내 사랑." Y/N blinks up at Mark in surprise, recognizing the two words as my love. "You're so beautiful." He kisses them on the cheek as they look back out the window. "My dear, " Mark begins, watching the clock. "You know how I love you." Y/N bites their lip, turning to look at Mark. "I know I'm literally never serious about anything, but there's one thing that I am absolutely undeniably serious about." He turns to his love. His perfect, beautiful love. "My love for you." Mark takes Y/N's hands, smiling sweetly.

"Mark? Is everything alright?" They hiccup, feeling a nervous bubbly excitement inside.

"Oh, it's more than alright." He reaches one hand up, cupping their face gently. "In fact, it's perfect. Because you're here with me." Y/N grins bashfully, nuzzling into his hand slightly. "You're so amazing," Mark whispers, eyes fluttering all over their face. "My darling, I have been in love with for- for ages. Since we met, I knew you were the one for me." His thumb strokes over their hand, reveling in even such a simple touch. "The one who could make me feel like I was right there next to you, even when I was a million miles away. The one who could put my crazy puzzle pieces back together when I'm all mixed up. The one who- who looks so breathtaking in the moonlight." Y/N chuckles breathily, feeling themselves shake. Mark looks at them, never feeling more in love than he did right then. "You are my soulmate. You are my savior, Y/N. And you're so indescribably flawless."

"Mark, " They squeak out, watching as Mark sinks down onto one knee, gazing up at Y/N.

"There's no one who has ever been, or ever will be, that will love you more than I do. I want to go the rest of our days being able to say that I belong to you. I want to continue falling in love with you every day." Mark takes out a small black felt box, opening it. "If you'll let me." Y/N puts the back of their hand over their mouth. "Y/N, will you-?"

"Yes!" They blurt, making Mark laugh.

"You're supposed to let me finish first." They both laugh, Y/N's eyes watering as Mark takes the ring out, gently slipping it on. Just as Mark planned, the clock strikes midnight just as the silver metal makes contact with Y/N's skin, and he smiles as he stands back up, hands gliding back to hold their face. "Oh God I love you, " He whispers breathlessly, pressing their lips together, Y/N wrapping their arms around his waist to pull him against them. They jump slightly as fireworks shoot off, illuminating the pair. Mark grins against Y/N, never wanting to part from his one true love ever again.

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