Meeting Markiplier

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I am so nervous. I am meeting one of my idols Markiplier, otherwise known as Mark Fischbach. My best friend Jack said that I should totally meet him, but I'm not sure.

I don't want to screw up and have my idol hate me. I'm starting to have second thoughts. But it's too late now I guess. I'm walking up the steps to his house with Jack right now.

Jack can tell I'm nervous, but he playfully punches me on the shoulder and says "You will do fine. I know he will absolutely love you."

Before I can fight back, the door opens and reveals Mark. His eyes sweep from Jack to me and then stops. He's looking at me. I glance down, not wanting him to be creeped out by me staring. Jack breaks the silence.

"Mark! How are you doing bro!" he gives Mark a hug and walks in, leaving me standing there all awkwardly.

"U-uhm... Hi... I'm Y/N."

"I'm Mark." he says, snapping out of it. "Nice to meet you Y/N." He then gives me a hug. I freak out. The Markiplier just hugged me! Fangirling 20% more! I hide my happiness and follow Mark into his house, marveling at the size.

"Make yourselves at home!" Mark says, sitting on the couch cross-legged. Jack goes and sits down and I follow suit. I feel Mark's eyes on me. Weird.

"So, Mark!" Jack says, making me jump. "What's up? How are things going? Got a girlfriend yet?" Mark rolls his eyes.

"No not yet. And I don't need one."

"But don't you want one?" Jack pushes.

"Well, if the right girl comes along, I'll know." Mark says, shifting his eyes downwards. Jack seems to understand something that I don't and a smile spreads across his face.

"Well, Imma go get a drink. Want anything Y/N?" Jack asks standing up.

"Nah I'm good."

"Alrighty. Brb!" he says in a high pitched voice and runs to the kitchen, leaving Mark and I alone. After what seems like forever, he clears his throat and crosses his legs.

"So, Y/N. Tell me about yourself." OMG Markiplier is asking about me!

"Like what?"

"Well, like what's your favorite band and-"

"Ninja Sex Party." I interrupt. "Does that count?" he looks at me and laughs.

"Yes, I would assume it does." he says with a smile.

"Okay, sorry. Go ahead."

"What's your favorite color? What's your favorite thing to do on the weekend? Do you have a boyfriend? Do you have any fetishes? Do you like chocolate or vanilla?" he says all in one breath. Wait did he just ask if I had a boyfriend? Nah, he probably just didn't even mean to say that.

"U-uh, well my favorite color is red. My favorite thing to do on weekends is probably reading. I have a fetish of YouTube. And chocolate."

"You forgot to answer one." he says.

"Which one?" Jack then comes back into the room with a beer.

"Well! Took long enough to find this! You only have like 2 cans."

"Yeah, I don't drink. Well I'm not allowed to at least."

"Sucks. You guys wanna play a game or something?"

"Sure." Mark says. "Can we play truth or dare?" Of course. Just like in every book I've ever read.

"Hell ya!" Jack says, sitting on the couch next to me. "Y/N! You can go first!" I hate you.

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