Help Me

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Okay, so first of all, thank you guys so much for 1.32k reads! It means so much to me that people actually read me terrible writing. Its amazing that someone as terrible at writing as me can actually get that many views. Anyways I'll stop ranting.


Also, In this story, I made F/N friends name. Plus I refer to the friend as 'they.' That's all! Enjoy.


"Dude, dude no. You have to use this one." I clarify, pointing out the correct utensil for leveling the cake before icing it.

"Oh! I didn't know that. Our cake would be a complete flop if you weren't here." my friend F/N says before grabbing the cake leveler.

"It wouldn't even be our cake if I wasn't here." They laugh as they level the cake.

"Having fun?" an amused voice asks from behind us. We both turn to see my roommate, Mark. He stands there with a handsome smile on his face.

"Yes we are. What are you up to Mark?"

"Nothing really." is all he says, and then walks back to where he came from. I look back to F/N and they just shrug.

"I'll go check on him." They nod as I walk to Mark's room. I try to open his door, but it won't open. I knock. "Mark? Is everything okay?" No response.

"Mark...? Are you in there? Are you okay?" I try the door again. "Mark? Open the door." I say, starting to worry. Just as I was about to grab something to unlock it with, the door opens, and there stands Mark. I furrow my brow in confusion. "Mark what's the matter? Why didn't you answer?" He swallows.

"No reason. Just lost in thought I guess." he rubs the back of his neck. "Sorry." he then squeezes past me, walking to the kitchen. I sigh and glance into his room before shutting the door.

I walk back into the kitchen where I thought Mark was, but I only find F/N, attempting to ice the cake. They look over at me. "Help." I roll my eyes and fix their position and give them the correct color. "Oh." Now a portion of the cake is purple instead of blue.

"Well, now we can make a galaxy cake." I smile. "Did you see Mark? Like just a second ago. He came from his room and I thought he went to the kitchen."

"What? I thought Mark was still in his room. I didn't see him."

"How did he come through here without you noticing?"

"Maybe he didn't come into the kitchen. He's either in the tv room or he's in the garage." They shrug and continue icing.

"I'll be right back." I leave F/N alone and go to the living room. No Mark. "That's odd. Why would he be in the garage?" I go outside and, sure enough, I find Mark in the garage. He is leaning against the counter, head down, eyes closed. I walk closer to him. Something is definitely wrong.

"Mark?" I say softly. He jumps slightly.

"Sorry. I- I'm fine." he swallows and tries to walk away, but I grab him by his wrist. He turns to me and glances down at my hand. I don't let go.

"I know you're not fine. It's okay. Mark, you can tell me anything." he looks to my eyes. "It's okay." He steps back to me, so we're standing face-to-face, and gets closer than he's ever been to me before. What is happening? I look down.

"No." What?


"No. Everything is not okay." When I look back up, I see his beautiful brown eyes with tears threatening to spill over. "Its not okay. It's never okay." he takes a ragged breath. "I- I have to go." he takes my hand gently off of his and walks out to the driveway. He stops and turns around. "I will be back." he musters a smile as I see the first tears finally give way. He turns away, wipes his eyes, gets in his car and simply drives away, not once looking back.

Quick Question:
Do you guys think I should make a Part 2 of this?

That's all! Love you!


Markiplier Imagines (Mark X Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant