•Who Am I?•

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Yes- I am alive. I apologize for my absence, but I have this for you now. I hope you enjoy it, and I hope you are in good health and happy. <3


My thoughts are private. Right? What I think about each and every person I see is in my head- no one else has access. Right? What if my thoughts aren't my own? What if I'm simply a character in an author's book, and am being given every last thought I have? What if my thoughts are the same as a memoir, and every single word I'm thinking right now is written for everyone to read?

What about the fact that I exist in alternate realities? Do I (the other one) have the same memories and thoughts I do? So then my thoughts aren't private. Or are they? Since the person knowing them is still me? Is it still me? Am I really sure the only me is me?

"Hey, " He jumps, almost knocking the table over, quickly slapping his hand against it to steady it, clearing his throat.

"Hey. Sorry." She hums in response, leaning down and kissing him softly, sitting down across from him.

"Didn't we talk about that Mark?" Mark, his mind repeats, something about it making him uneasy. Is that really my name?

"Yeah. Sorry. I didn't mean to get so lost in thought." He apologizes, tracing shapes on his leg.

"It's okay. I don't mean to be a bitch about it, I'm just worried if you spiral when you really can't. Like when you're driving or something, " She hums, eyes shifting down to his nervous fingers on his knee. "Did you take your medicine today?"

"Yes. I just forgot to ask with no caffeine." Mark replies, looking out the window. I know you're listening.

"Hey, stay on earth babe, " She says as she realizes he was drifting again, making him click his tongue.

"I'm sorry Mercedes. It's just like I have ten different people's thoughts racing through my head at one time." He shakes his head hard to get his own thoughts together, settling his eyes on her. "How are you?" Mark asks, adjusting his glasses habitually.

"I'm okay. Are you almost ready for tomorrow?" Mercedes asks, making him nod.

"Yeah. Yeah, I am." He agrees, a smile playing on his lips as he sighs, reaching over carefully as he becomes less nervous. "You're so pretty, " He cups her face gently, letting her nuzzle into his palm. "Thank you for caring, " Mark says under his breath, making her smile back at him.

"Thank you for being so easy to care for." She replies, kissing his hand. "You know I love you, don't you?" Mark nods happily, running his thumb over her cheek.

"I love you more though, " He teases, chuckling as she rolls her eyes.

"Sure mister." She agrees half-heartedly, reaching up and lacing her fingers with his. "Its been too long since we've been to the beach. Too long since you've taken a break." Mercedes tucks her hair back, gazing across at him.

"Yeah. Maybe that's why I constantly can't control my thoughts recently." Mark lets his eyes drop, staring at the ground.

"I think so. Your medicine-" He loses her there, feeling a little dizzy as he can't stop his thoughts. Not you. Don't trust. You're not you. It's not right. I hear you. We're here. Don't trust- "Mark, " She calls, making him snap out of it, looking up at her. "Hey, let's get you home and see if your medicine can help this, okay?" Mercedes suggests, tenderly touching his arm.

"Yeah, alright. I don't know why it's more active today." He stands up first, helping her up. "I love you, " Mark says softly, smiling handsomely down at her.

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