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Mark saw. He just saw. He saw the color. He saw wind and the way it sweeps the hair out of someone's face in Autumn. He saw the beauty. He saw the people marching in line, and the leaves chasing each other in the light breeze. And he saw the Different.

The Different are the unfathomable. The indescribable. They are nonexistent, yet the only things that are keeping the world going. There is no gender considered in the community, so they were all just numbers and figures. They, in spirit are zoetic, but in body are void.

As you can probably imagine, if no one ever sees you, and no one even knows you exist, it can be quite troublesome. The Counsul made the rules; the Counsul was the 'government' if you will. The Differents aren't allowed to talk to humans or even their fellow comrades. So here we have our Earth, with humans being blissfully unaware of the fact that the Differents are keeping everyone living in harmony.

In all Different history, since time began, no human has ever been able to see or accidentally see a Different. That is until Mark. It was a mystery why he could see them, even Mark was oblivious to the fact that he could see them, until one day when Different913373 was sitting on a rock, watching the foamy waves crash against the sand.

No Different was allowed in the human world unless they were specifically needed there to keep the peace. And as we all probably figured out by now, Different913373 wasn't called there. They were simply sitting and observing the bubbles and birds and the breeze.

Their hair was not long, no one's hair was longer than past their shoulders. It simply was another way to judge. Their eyes were different than the rest, instead of gray or black, theirs were blue. Not one of the Counsul could figure out why, but they were always odd.

They always broke the rules, and they always rebelled against others, no matter how big the punishment. They didn't care.

This beach was their place. No one else had ever come there, at least when they were around. There were no factories. No smoke. No cars or Differents or humans. Nothing for miles. And it was perfect.

Different913373 had never met a Different or human that they liked, so they thought that their best time was the minutes spent alone. They closed their eyes and listened to the close proximity of the seemingly blue liquid. The Differents weren't supposed to see color either, but Different913373 did. They saw red roses and green grass and pink cheeks on a summers day. The Counsul had not figured that out yet luckily.

Now Mark. Mark was... Lets say special. He saw more than the rest. He had never seen a Different. That is until today, when his father came home drunk and started screaming about how he's a fag and something about his colorful hair choices. Mark decided to leave and take a stroll past his favorite beach, with his father screaming profanities as he went.

Mark loved this place, where no civilization could be seen from that point for miles. He was free to see his own way without a care in the world. No one judging. No one to recognize. Just him and his thoughts. Usually.

It was fairly dark, when the sun hid its blazing face and the moonlight shoots through the skin. Different913373 was enjoying the smells and the sights, but they knew if they didn't get back soon, there would be harsh consequences. They sighed and jumped off from the high rock, not bothering to land properly; it wouldn't hurt.

They fell on their side, rolling down to the shorline as they hit the earth. They wanted to feel pain. Love. Sadness. Joy. They wanted to feel emotion. They wondered how biology could explain the physical pain you can feel in your chest when all you want to do is be with someone. Humans called that sorrow. They wanted to feel it. Anything.

They stood up slowly from the ground and stared out into the depths, now lit by the moon and looking more black than the usual blue. They began walking the edges of the shore, letting the water kiss their ankles.

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