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Everyone has a heart. No, not that kind of heart. I mean the one on their necklace.

Well, you get half of one. The other half is around your soul mates neck. Don't ask me how it works, I have no clue. We aren't allowed to know.

That's not the point. Anyways, that small piece will start to glow when your soulmate comes within twenty feet. You don't know when it will happen, or where. It's up to luck.

I, as everyone, got my half when I was 8. When we were old enough to be responsible for it. Responsible enough anyways.

Over the years, I've stared at it, hoping that it would glow after I met another guy. I'm 21 now and it still hasn't glowed. I've been through grade, middle and high school, and yet, I'm still single. I have no close friends except my best friend, and he joined me 3 years ago in our journeys to find our soul mates.

And guess what? 2 years ago he found his. We're still good friends, but not as close as we were before. Almost everyone I know has found theirs. The average age of finding your soulmate is 19... C'mon! I'm known for being impatient. That's still not the point.

Today is a beautiful winter day, but living in L.A. it doesn't seem like winter. I'm going shopping with Hayden, which if I haven't said before, is my only friends name.

He is the first guy that I've ever seen that actually likes to shop. One of the many reasons that I am friends with him.

"What about this?" Hayden holds up a deep purple form-fitting dress.

"Damn! Now I know what your taste is." He laughs and hangs it back up. I continue looking for something that catches my eye. After a few minutes, I found a top and a skirt that matched perfectly, and I bought them. Hayden got something for his wife that I wasn't allowed to see. And I'm sure we all know why...
Hint hint nudge nudge wink wink

We came in his car, so we put the bags in the back seat.

"Is that all the shopping that you want to do today?"

"Yeah. I'm really tired. Unless you wanna go somewhere else." He shakes his head.

"Nah. I'll bring you home." he puts it in drive and the car starts moving. "Just to your place? Wanna go through a drive through or something?"

"I'm okay. I'm not really hungry." There are no stoplights along the road we were driving, only stop signs every 2 or 3 blocks.

I lean my head back on the head rest and close my eyes.

"Oh my God." Hayden hits the brakes. Hard.

"Ow! Hayden!" I open my eyes, slightly angry that he just randomly slammed the brakes.
He isn't looking at me. I raise an eyebrow and look down. My necklace is glowing. I look back up. Wait. My necklace is glowing. My eyes go wide at the realization.

His eyes shift to where he is looking out of the window. There is a few houses, and the one that we were stopped at had a man in front of it.

He's about 5'10" with red died hair. He looks to be about my age, maybe a few years older. He's got chocolate brown eyes and glasses. And he's turned in such a way that I cannot see his necklace. Either way, he hasn't noticed me or the necklace.

There's two other guys, but they were walking down the sidewalk. I can clearly see that neither of theirs are glowing.

"Well?" My thoughts were broken as Hayden muttered that word. I turned back to Hayden, then back to the stranger.

"I guess I'll go see..." I take a deep breath and open the car door. As I get closer, I can see that his necklace is under his shirt. He's sitting on his front porch on his phone. He hasn't seen me yet.

"Uhm..." I say quietly. He doesn't hear me. "H-hello." I try to say it louder, and this time he hears me. He looks up from his phone and I can see him swallow and his eyes widen a bit. His eyes rake down my body, then up, and stops at my neck.

I can see a light flicker of color spread across his cheeks and his nose. He sets down his phone and places one hand on the chain of his necklace. He doesn't look at it as he takes it off. He stands up, his half heart in his fist.

He takes a deep breath and slowly walks towards me.

"Hi." Damn. That voice. Please let him be the one. "I'm Mark."

"Hi." I already said hi. "I mean... my name's Y/N."

"You are here for this right?" He looks down and back up. "Like, they're not in the car or anything right?" I smile softly.

"No. It just started glowing..." He gets close enough that I can feel his breath. He smells of mint and cologne.

"Moment of truth right?" he chuckles quietly, as he glances at my lips, then back up to meet my gaze.

We both hold our breath as he opens his hand. The blue of his necklace lights up his palm. I move my eyes back up to his and find him already looking.

I take that time to study his features. Light stubble along his cheekbones, upper lip and chin. His roots are growing back, his naturally black hair making the red look like ash. One of the corners of his soft lips curves into a smile that takes my breath away.

He slips the necklace back on and slowly trails his fingers across my lips and to my cheeks. He lightly cups my face with one hand and the other pulls me closer by my waist. I barely hear Hayden drive away.

Mark simply holds me against him, as if trying to memorize every detail about me. He lets out a shaky breath, closes his eyes and rests his forehead against mine. He laughs, which causes me to giggle. Contagious.

"You are my soulmate. The most beautiful girl in the world is my soul mate. There's no one is rather have than you Y/N."

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